Offering Designations
Current offering designations:
- General Fund
- BfA (Bibles for America)
- College Campus Work
- DCP (Defense & Confirmation Project)
- English Radio Broadcast
- GTCA (Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America)
- LA-Europe Fund (to support LA-related saints’ migration to Europe)
- Lord’s Move to Europe
- Malaga Meeting Hall
- Munich Meeting Hall
- Needy Saints Fund
- Oak Glen
- Paris Olympics
- Programa del Radio (Spanish Radio Broadcast)
- Stuttgart Meeting Hall
- UK Building Project
- Ukraine
- YP Work
- Other – please specify
Registration designations:
- Semiannual Trainings
- Summer School of Truth
- YP Conferences (specify 6th Grade, JH Brothers, JH Sisters, HS Brothers or HS Sisters)