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The Intrinsic Building Up of the Organic Body of Christ

“Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him.” (John 14:23)

The Body of Christ is a divine constitution of the Triune God with the believers in Christ. The building up of the Body is the constitution of the Triune God and the tripartite man in the Spirit of God and the spirit of man. Such a constitution is a matter of divinity constituted into humanity to be man’s dwelling place and of humanity built into divinity to be God’s dwelling place. (Thanksgiving Conference, msg 1, II.)

Lord, we love You! Constitute Yourself into us and build us into Yourself!

Fellowship unto the Furtherance of the Gospel

If we are faithful to Him, He will bless us. If we spend every ounce of our gold for His purpose, He will return to us not only by ounces but by pounds. This is to carry out the fellowship unto the gospel, the fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel. The key point of this way is that every believer is a full-timer. Some drop their job to teach and preach, while some remain on their job to make money. We must encourage some to drop their jobs. We must also encourage some to make money and separate five percent monthly, purposely for the account unto the gospel. (from Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today, Wk 4, Day 4).

“I have received in full all things and abound; I have been filled, receiving from Epaphroditus the things from you, a sweet-smelling savor, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God. And my God will fill your every need according to His riches, in glory, in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:18-19)

Please pray that the Lord would free us from the deceitfulness and the bondage that the love of money brings – so that there will be food in the Lord’s house (Mal 3:10), and so that there would be fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel.


Construction for the new meeting hall in Rome is scheduled to be completed in early December. The saints are trusting in the resurrected One to meet all their needs for this property, which is for His move in Rome, in Italy, and in Europe. Those who are burdened to donate for this project can give through Lord’s Move to Europe (http://www.lordsmove.org/offerings.html) or to the church here. Please designate all gifts “Rome Meeting Hall.”


The government interviews for our new refugee believers have increased recently. Please ask the Lord to be their peace as they face the interviews, to rule over the judges, and to keep these believers hungry for the Word so they can better present their genuine faith before the judges, and to gain many remaining fruits through them.

We still need more Farsi translators who can facilitate our fellowship with the unsaved migrants and with new believers.

Ask the Lord to thrust out workers into the harvest of both refugees and native Germans, and to keep the door open for these saints to obtain visas to labor in Germany long term.


  1. Morning revival: Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today, week 4.
    Keep your copy of Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today; we will use it again next year.
    After week 5 we will begin Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church (October 2016 ITERO).
  2. The 2016 Winter Training will be December 26–31 in Anaheim (live) and Los Angeles (simulcasts).
    Registration for video ($105) and late registration for Anaheim ($255) are open until December 1.
  3. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.
    Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/ukbuildingfund or you may give to the church in LA, designated for UK Building Fund.