Prayer, Week of June 16, 2013
"Out of the mouth of infants and sucklings You have perfected praise" Matt. 21:16
Lord's Day, June 23rd, there will be an important time of fellowship for all Spanish-speaking saints and for anyone burdened for the Lord's move among the Spanish-speaking community. This fellowship will be regarding the importance and preciousness of the children and young people. The meeting will be held at Hall 1 at 10:00 am, June 23rd, at 1743 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018. Spanish speaking saints from Hall 1, Hall 2, Inglewood, Santa Monica, and Culver City are invited. The meeting will last until 1:00 pm.
Please pray that the Lord would care for all the children and young people and would raise up many as the praising "babes and sucklings" (Psa. 8:2) to silence the enemy and strengthen the Lord's testimony of oneness in the Los Angeles area. Also pray that there would be a good continuation for the care of the children and young people after this fellowship.
For the saints awareness, it is helpful to know that 48% of the population in Los Angeles and approximately 72% of the Los Angeles Unified School district students (elementary and high schools) are from a Spanish-speaking background. This year was also the first year that students from a Spanish-speaking background comprised the largest number of applicants to the University of California education system. There will be Spanish translation for both the speaking and the outlines.
Ushers will be helping to give directions of where to park since about 170 people are expected to come. This time will be comprised of the Lord's table, fellowship by brother Tom Goetz with some other brothers, a time for mutual sharing, and a love feast afterwards.
Middle-Age Training
This is the last week of the spring term. Please ask the Lord to supply and lead:
- the graduating trainees concerning where they will live and serve;
- the first term trainees to continue pursuing through the summer and concerning returning in the fall;
- many middle-age couples and single saints to give themselves to participate in the fall term.
South Africa
Brother James Fite from Orange County is at FTT Pretoria this week and next. These two weeks focus on young people and campus work. His prayer request to us:
- that the content, burden, and spirit of these lessons be faithfully and clearly released in the sharing and received by the trainees.
- for the health and energy level of serving ones and trainees during this time.
United Kingdom
Regarding the follow-up from the NT Recovery Version distribution, please pray:
- For the Lord's continuing supply to local saints and FTTL trainees for shepherding the seeking ones.
- That the Lord will continue to set up appointments and home meetings with the seeking ones and will bring many into the church life.
- For the Bibles for Europe training this Friday through Lord's Day in London concerning Bible distribution and follow-up of those open for further contact.
Greece and Bulgaria
A brief report is at Please pray:
- That Lord will strengthen His testimony in Athens and keep the saints in the fellowship of the Body.
- That the Lord will continue to work in the seeking ones in Thessaloniki and cause them to be related in life and to meet together regularly so that a lampstand can be raised up in that city.
- For the Lord's continued gathering of the seeking ones in Sofia, Bulgaria, with the possibility of a conference there in October.
- Morning revival: week 12 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah. After week 12 we will repeat a few weeks before beginning The Completing Ministry of Paul, the Memorial Day Conference.
- Remember the web site, with an overview of the recovery, some history, ministry portions, and testimonies from Christian leaders.
Prayer, Week of June 9, 2013
More Perfecting, More Ministering, More Building
"He Himself gave some...for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive..." (Eph. 4:11-13) The more we arrive at God's goal, the more God is expressed and represented on earth, and the more Satan loses ground on earth.
Bibles for America
BfA began offering the free set of The Normal Christian Life by WN and The Economy of God by WL in early May. By the end of May, nearly 7,000 sets had been ordered. Last week BfA sent e-mail offers for the new set to approximately 145,000 users of top Christian websites. Please pray that many people would order these life-changing books, benefit from the rich ministry in them, and share the free offer with others.
Fargo, North Dakota
There will be a distribution of Bibles and literature at North Dakota State University midday Friday, June 14 and a conference in Fargo June 14 to 16. Information is at The saints in Fargo are having intensified prayer and fasting, from June 1st until the conference, for the gospel and for the building of His church in Fargo.
Ask the Lord to continue to stir up seeking in the hearts of residents and students in Boston, and to richly supply the saints as they go out to contact people.
This week Tuesday Dick and James go to Perth for a conference with the church and time with the campus team. Saturday they fly to Brisbane for a conference, campus team fellowship, and leading brothers fellowship. Dick returns home next week Tuesday and James Lee goes to southeast Asia.
This week Tuesday Craig Birchler goes to Tasmania, then to Melbourne on Friday. After fellowship with these churches, he returns home next week Monday.
South Africa
The full time training continues. Lord, raise up more constituted people to serve You in Africa.
The web site for the Lord's move in South Africa, including the training, is
A Report from France
The Lord's blessing was obvious at the April conference in Paris. At least 240 attended, 140 of whom were from 12 different cities in France. This is a 20 percent increase from last year.
Many new ones being shepherded by the campus team and by the saints in several localities came, including a good number of young, college-aged saints. The atmosphere was marvelous—full of the exercise of the spirit and the responses from the saints were overwhelming. We had to limit each one to 30 seconds so that many could have a chance to speak. The six FTTL trainees from France were a real strengthening factor to this time, and some of them became translators during the sharing time.
Please pray that:
- the Lord continue to sow the seed of the ministry publications and the Recovery Version so that the Francophone world can be "filled with the knowledge of Jehovah / As water covers the sea" (Isa. 11:9);
- the saints in the smaller localities in France will continue to stand for the Lord and gain the increase;
- the Lord of the harvest thrust out more workers to reap the fields among the native French people.
- Morning revival: week 11 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Remember the web site, with an overview of the recovery, some history, ministry portions, and testimonies from Christian leaders.
Prayer, Week of June 3, 2013
An Open Letter
This internet site introduces the Christian public to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and the beliefs and practices of the local churches. The site's dual aims are to dispel the various misrepresentations and to be a resource for those seeking to know the Lord's recovery. This site has:
- A main page with an introduction, an affirmation of the common faith, a brief presentation of the Lord's recovery, and a brief history of the Lord's move beginning in China.
- Statements of respected Christians from a wide range of backgrounds to demonstrate a significant, positive view of the local churches.
- Extensive links to helpful material arranged according to the subjects in the letter.
- A comments page to foster constructive conversation, linking, and recommending.
We ask the churches and the saints to pray:
- For the impact and effectiveness of this site in turning back the negative and inaccurate impression of the Lord's recovery spread on the Internet;
- That this site would help seekers of Christ—on campuses, at work, and in the communities—to disregard opposition and rumors to pursue Christ in an unhindered way;
- That additional respected Christians would add their testimonies to those included on this site; and
- That the site would reach the signers of the 2007 "open letter" [a negative view of the recovery] and cause more of them to reconsider their endorsement of it and agree to engage in dialogue.
Raising Up the Next Generation
Lord, use the time June 8 to grant us more refreshing and renewing in our care for the next generation. Enlarge our hearts to care for the children and young people according to You.
Antelope Valley
Thank you for your payers concerning the Lord's advance in Antelope Valley (Palmdale, Lancaster, and nearby towns). The Lord has blessed these prayers with strengthening in the meetings and the opening of homes. We have weekly prayer and group meetings. In fellowship with Los Angeles, we decided to have the Lord's Table here once per month. Please pray that the Lord move here in a solid and expanding manner to raise up a full church life.
The first two Lord's Tables will be June 9 and July 14. If you want to attend these or other meetings, please contact Henry Coronado, or Mark Andersen, 818-294-0178.
Cal State University Channel Islands
Through much prayer, we started a campus Bible study in January 2012 with one student. In fall 2012, two transfer students came; an exploratory club was formed in September. Four to six students regularly met during the fall semester. In spring 2013, we received sponsorship from a faculty member and officially registered as CSUCI Christian Students club. The Bible study attendance grew to 10 to 14. During the past academic year, we also had various activities, such as hiking, horseback riding, kayaking, and a Big Bear retreat. We had two blending meetings with CSUN students. Four students attended the L.A. college students' blending meeting and two attended the college conference in Anaheim. Many local saints opened their homes for Saturday night college students/young adults meetings. At the end of the spring 2013 semester, we have about 10 remaining fruits.
Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler are in Australia. They will be with the leading brothers in Sydney until Thursday afternoon, then go to Adelaide for the national serving saints' training. This training, using the material from the ITERO in April, is from this Friday to next week Monday.
South Africa
June is the last month of the first term of FTT in Africa. Ask the Lord to fully supply all who are involved with the training. Brother Simpson Chen from Taipei is with them this week and next.
- The Lord really supplies us with His riches of His Body. We have sister Lisa with us. She is a final year student in the Turkish department in Taipei National Chengchi University. She is having her exchange program in Istanbul University until August. She serves with us in proof-reading our Turkish literature. We hope that work on the Rhema booklets can be done in one or two months and then go ahead to printing. Please pray for the publication of the Rhema materials in Turkish.
- We got the military clearance of our property purchase (necessary because we are foreigners) in April and completed this purchase. The total cost is US$299,917. Up to May 31 we received US$295,581 offering for this facility.
- Morning revival: week 10 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is until June 9; donation is $80.
- Raising Up the Next Generation We invite all the parents and those who serve with the children in the church in Los Angeles to join us for a special fellowship. This is an important and strategic time to help us advance in our care for the children. The details are as follows:
- Saturday, June 8, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm at Hall 4 (854 West Adams, L.A. 90007)
- Registration: Register by June 1 at
- Food: Bring your lunch or sign up for a sandwich ($5/person).
- Childcare: We are attempting to organize childcare for children ages 4 and up
- There will be international young people's conferences in Brazil (July 18 to 22) and Poland (July 28 to August 3). To find out more information for prayer or possible attendance, go to or You can also visit to watch a short video from recent conferences in Brazil and Poland.
Prayer, Week of May 26, 2013
Increase in L.A.
Ask the Lord to release much prayer and to strengthen the gospel atmosphere so that it is full of life, love, and fruit-bearing (John 15:17 & note). Lord, through us reach relatives, students, friends, neighborhoods, and work places, and recover dormant and backslidden saints so that there are at least 1000 meeting with the church before the end of 2013.
United States
"I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of our Savior God, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth."
Let us pray for "all who are in high position" so that God's economy may advance further.
Raising Up the Next Generation
Please pray that all the parents, all who serve with children, and many others enter into this vision and burden. This "entering" is through ongoing prayer and fellowship. Details about the June 8 time are in the announcements below.
Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles
Please also pray for our SSoT in the Church in L.A. from July 19 to 28. We will be covering the topic of The Bible and look very much to the Lord for His blessing. More details will be forthcoming but pray for a healthy increase in participation from the young people and parents.
- Continue to support in prayer the first term of training in Pretoria, South Africa. Pray for the trainees apprehension of the deeper truths, their growth in the divine life, and their contacts at the University of Pretoria, which is walking distance from our training center. Colley Joseph from Oklahoma remains at the training this week; next week Simpson Chen from Taipei will be there.
- The Lord is moving strongly in Ethiopia yet only one person is serving full time there. There are many churches in multiple nations in West Africa yet only two people are serving full time there. Lord, raise up and develop local full timers.
German-Language Conference
The annual spring conference for saints in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria will be May 31 to June 2. The subject will be Prayer and the Lord's Move, from the Thanksgiving conference.
A group of 50 to 60 new ones who have been enjoying the German New Testament Recovery Version will come for the second time. Among them are pastors and free group leaders who are hungry for the truth. Please pray for:
- Much unveiling concerning God's economy and His move on the earth and concerning the significance of prayer and the prayer ministry of the church;
- The blending of all the saints into one Body;
- The raising up of the Lord's testimony in Frankfurt, Germany;
• The adding of these seekers to the church life for the Lord's testimony in many other cities.
- Morning revival: week 9 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is still open; donation is $80.
- Raising Up the Next Generation We invite all the parents and those who serve with the children in the church in Los Angeles to join us for a special fellowship. This is an important and strategic time to help us advance in our care for the children. The details are as follows:
- Saturday, June 8, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm at Hall 4 (854 West Adams, L.A. 90007)
- Registration: Register by June 1 at
- Food: Bring your lunch or sign up for a sandwich ($5/person).
- Childcare: We are attempting to organize childcare for children ages 4 and up
- There will be international young people's conferences in Brazil(July 18 to 22) and Poland (July 28 to August 3). To find out more information for prayer or possible attendance, go to or You can also visit to watch a short video from recent conferences in Brazil and Poland.
Prayer, Week of May 20, 2013
Memorial Day Conference
Lord, may we all see much more of Your preciousness and Your centrality.
Flee and Pursue
"Flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart." (2 Tim. 2:22)
We rejoice that 20 young people (almost all sixth graders) were baptized last Saturday. Ask the Lord to lead them to flee the world by pursuing Him with companions.
During this time they were encouraged to "flee" and "pursue." To flee is to escape the corruption in the world by lust. And to pursue is to pursue Christ as righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Pray that all these newly baptized young people enter into this living.
At the sixth grade conference the young people were encouraged to testify to friends, "I am a Christian." Pray also that they learn to testify for the Lord early in their Christian lives.
Raising Up the Next Generation
Please pray that all the parents, all who serve with children, and many others enter into this vision and burden. Details about the June 8 time are in the announcements below.
Ask the Lord to release more prayer in Boston, to stir up the hunger in more students, and to increase the vitality of the daily church life in Boston, Cambridge, and Newton.
BfA in Boston
Please pray that the people of Boston would remain open, that the white horse would run, and that the word of God would grow and multiply in New England. Pray that many people would order a copy of the New Testament Recovery Version and through it receive the One who can save them and bring them to the full knowledge of the truth.
Do also stand with the churches and saints in the Greater Boston area that they will be strengthened and sustained in the follow-up labor among the Bible recipients in the coming days. May the word of the Lord grow mightily and prevail in the New England states!
Here is one of the BfA ads in the subways. The word in orange varies from ad to ad; it is one of strength, hope, comfort, love.
College Training
The goal of this training is to supply college students with a vision, equip them with truth, help them in their experience of life, perfect them in the preaching of the gospel, and develop their character so that they can become useful vessels for the building up of the Body of Christ. Moreover, this training affords them the opportunity to blend with their peers who love God, pursue Christ, and seek His kingdom.
The west coast training is July 8 to 14. Normal registration ends June 2; registration with late fee ends June 16. As the Lord to draw many to give themselves for this time.
Bibles for America
BfA is offering a free two-book set of The Normal Christian Life by W. Nee and The Economy of God by W. Lee. Many saints first touched the ministry of the age through The Normal Christian Life, which revolutionized their understanding of the Christian life. The Economy of God is known by few outside the churches in the recovery, yet it is important and powerful in guiding believers into the deeper aspects of the Christian life.
Christians today desperately need the truths and practical applications in these two books and should not be deprived of the help and revelation in these life-changing books. Please pray
- for the spreading of these books throughout the country.
- that people would find out about this free offer and order the set.
- that readers be enlightened and profoundly affected, and share what they've received with others.
- that many would be led to the riches of this all-inheriting ministry through these books.
South Africa
Continue to support in prayer the first term of training in Africa. Pray for the trainees’ apprehension of the truths, their growth in life, and their contacts at the University of Pretoria, which is walking distance from our training center.
Colley Joseph from Oklahoma is at the training this week and next.
- This is the fourth week of four one-week trainings in London on The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Many attending these trainings are new to the recovery. May the Lord grant each one a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:17).
- Since last summer, six graduates of the FTTA extension in Boston have migrated to Europe. Brief testimonies from each are in a two page report at There is a second report here about Recovery Version distribution and other activities in Europe.
- Morning revival: week 8 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is still open; donation is $80.
- Raising Up the Next Generation We invite all the parents and those who serve with the children in the church in Los Angeles to join us for a special fellowship. This is an important and strategic time to help us advance in our care for the children.
- Saturday, June 8, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm at Hall 4 (854 West Adams, L.A. 90007)
- Registration: Register by June 1 at
- Food: Bring your lunch or sign up for a sandwich ($5/person).
- Childcare: We are attempting to organize childcare for children ages 4 and up
Prayer, Week of May 12, 2013
Memorial Day Conference
The conference will be Friday night, May 24 through Monday noon, May 27. Pray for the Lord's wisdom to all who are preparing. Pray also for the word of the Lord to run (the divine riches in the word to be released) and to be glorified (the divine riches expressed in the believers’ living) (2 Thes. 3:1 and note).
Please pray that the Lord dynamically baptize into Himself the twenty-two 6th graders in the Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Inglewood, and Culver City area. Pray that these 6th graders would be baptized in one Spirit into one Body and would be given to drink one Spirit. And pray that they would have a strong beginning in the day by day, house to house church life and be vitally related with companions. The baptisms will be at 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 18, at Hall 2. All 6th graders should come to Hall 2 by 5:30 pm; since we will have a love feast after the baptisms, we ask those attending to bring food.
Raising Up the Next Generation
Psalm 127:3-5a says, "Behold, children are the heritage of Jehovah, The fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man, So are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man Who fills his quiver with them."
We invite all the parents and those who serve with the children in the church in Los Angeles to join us for a special fellowship. This is an important and strategic time to help us advance in our care for the children. The details are as follows:
Topic: Raising up the Next Generation for the Lord's Move
Time: Saturday, June 8, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Location: Hall 4 (854 West Adams, L.A. 90007)
Registration: Register by June 1 at
Food: Bring your lunch or sign up for a sandwich ($5/person).
Childcare: We are attempting to organize childcare for children ages 4 and up
Please pray for the next generation to be raised up in and for the Lord and His purpose!
College Training
The west coast college training will be July 8 to 14. The midwest and east coast trainings will be July 15 to 21. The subject of each will be "The Lord's Coming," focusing on the truth concerning the second coming of Christ and what our attitude should be in light of His soon return. Over the past fifteen years, hundreds who participated in the training received extensive and lasting spiritual benefits. Our experience has been that the most benefit was reaped by the high school seniors. Please ask the Lord to clearly lead many to attend this summer.
BfA in Boston
BfA is burdened to provide a greater opportunity for people in the Boston area to order the Recovery Version. In coordination with Boston-area churches, BfA will conduct an eight-week ad campaign. A variety of simple ads will appear on heavily-trafficked subway platforms and subway cars in the Boston area beginning on Monday, May 13, potentially reaching over 400,000 people per day.
Please pray that:
- the Lord would continue to work in the hearts of the people of Boston at this time.
- many would see the ads and order the New Testament Recovery Version.
- the people of Boston would find Christ as their strength, hope, comfort, and love through the Word.
- local saints rise up to speak in coordination with these ads.
Fargo, North Dakota
A family is migrating from Anaheim to Fargo. They have an apartment 5 blocks from North Dakota State University. Their report along with an invitation to a June 14 to 16 gospel time and conference is at
- This is the third week of four one-week trainings in London on The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Many attending these trainings are new to the recovery. May the Lord grant each one a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:17).
- Since last summer, six graduates of the FTTA extension in Boston have migrated to Europe. Brief testimonies from each are in a two page report at There is a second report here about Recovery Version distribution and other activities in Europe.
- A 4 minute video about construction of the meeting hall in Kiev, Ukraine is at
The annual conference in Milan will be May 18 to 19.
The Lord has been moving here, especially in recent months, to gather His seekers. The free literature from Rhema and the availability of a good number of titles by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee have brought believers from various places to visit the meetings in Budapest. Ten saints attend meetings regularly and another 14 have come to at least one meeting and expressed an interest in coming again or are attending meetings with some degree of regularity. Of these, 7 regular attendees and 8 newer saints reside in the immediate Budapest area. The others travel as much as one hour to reach Budapest.
Please pray for strengthening in these areas:
- translation and interpretation for the written ministry and the speaking in the meetings,
- couples, households consecrated to Christ and the church, to help facilitate the everyday church life,
- brothers who have the capability, capacity, energy, and burden to take the lead to establish the Lord's testimony.
Georgia and Armenia
Bill Lawson and Rob Dewey are in Georgia midweek to fellowship with the churches there. They go to Armenia for the national conference May 17 to 19.
- Morning revival: week 7 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is still open; donation is $80.
- We received an invitation to a conference in St. George's, Grenada. The conference is June 14 to 16; registration deadline is May 31. Details are at
Prayer, Week of May 5, 2013
Increase in L.A.
Lord, enlarge Your testimony. Cause more of us to testify in our personal universes and release more of Your riches to more people for their salvation.
Sixth Grade Conference Report
We had a wonderful time with the sixth graders at the conference. The burden of the conference was for their salvation. There were about 150 present—sixth graders and a few seventh graders. They are from Southern California along with a few from Phoenix. All received the Lord on Saturday! All attending from Los Angeles did well and all desire to be baptized.
Summer School of Truth Training
We are very burdened to equip and perfect our next generation in the basic truths. For this, we will conduct a one-day Teacher's Training for the practice of the summer school of the truth with three sessions. It will be a time for us to be refreshed in our vision and burden, review our current practice, and learn from one another.
We would urge several categories of saints to participate: 1) the serving ones, college students, and working ones who are caring for young people in the localities, 2) the parents of any 6th grade, junior high, or high school young person, and 3) any of the saints in the churches who have a burden for our young people to become living members of the Body of Christ. All these categories of saints are needed to bring the young people into the rich experience of the Summer School of the Truth. We encourage all who have been serving for a long time, as well as those who have just begun to serve, to come.
This training will be held on Saturday, May 11, 9 AM to 3 PM in the church in Fullerton meeting hall.
Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles
Please also pray for our SSOT in the Church in LA from July 19 to 28. We will be covering the topic of The Bible and look very much to the Lord for His blessing. More details will be forthcoming but pray for a healthy increase in participation from the young people and parents.
The saints and trainees in Boston continue to go out to sing and to speak with people. Lord's Day afternoon about 25 went to Copley Square (where the bombs exploded). The bombs were a statement by Satan that he is unhappy with what is happening in Boston, but the earth is the Lord’s! The people were receptive and the saints had good interactions with them and distributed some BfA New Testaments.
This week Tuesday a group will go to Boston University (one BU student was killed by the bombs) to sing and contact people.
Continue to pray:
- that people in Boston remain hungry and receptive
- that more local saints rise up for the gospel both in daily life and in the on-going weekend outings
- for the BfA ad campaign starting soon on the subway trains (details next week)
South Africa
Continue to support in prayer the first term of training in Africa. Pray for the trainees apprehension of the deeper truths, their growth in the divine life, and their contacts at the University of Pretoria, which is walking distance from our training center.
Roger Good from Anaheim arrived at the training in Pretoria last week. He is there all of this week and next.
Central Asia
Last week Bill Lawson went from South Africa to Ukraine for a conference this past weekend. He is now at the training center in Moscow, then will go to Kyrgyzstan for a weekend conference May 10-12.
Rob Dewey from Fullerton will meet Bill in Azerbaijan for May 12 to 14 to seek time with believers who have had a little contact with the recovery. Ask the Lord to prepare the soil for future church life there.
Bill and Rob go to Georgia for fellowship with the churches there May 15 to 16, then go to Armenia for a national conference May 17 to 19. Bill returns home May 20; Rob and another brother return from Armenia May 23. Pray for much grace to them and through them in every place, and pray also that the indwelling Spirit "give life to their mortal bodies" every day (Rom. 8:11).
This is the second week of four one-week trainings in London. Attendance the first week filled the capacity of the training.
The subject of each week is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Many attending these trainings are new to the recovery, including seeking ones from the campuses, radio, and literature distributions. May the Lord grant each one a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:17).
We [in Athens] have weekly times of fellowship with a brother in Thessaloniki. This brother is very soft and has a very high regard for the ministry. We plan on visiting Thessaloniki on 13 May. At this time we would again like to gather some key seeking ones there, including this brother, for fellowship in the ministry. May the Lord raise up a vital group of seeking ones meeting regularly in this city.
A brief report about Greece and about visiting seeking saints in Sofia, Bulgaria, is at
A testimony from David and Elda Chang is at They will start a pre-school in September (see and are looking for one sister with pre-school experience and a burden for Europe.
- Morning revival: week 6 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is still open; donation is $80.
- We received an invitation to a conference in St. George's, Grenada. The conference is June 14 to 16; registration deadline is May 31. Details are at
Prayer, Week of April 28, 2013
"The opening of God's work on earth depends on our prayer. God’s work matches our prayer, and His work is as extensive as our prayer. God wants to do many things, but He cannot do anything if we do not pray...Our prayers are our coordination with God’s work." (WL, The Meaning and Purpose of Prayer, pp. 34-35; published by LSM)
Abiding, Fruit, Joy
"Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing….These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full." (John 15:4-5, 11)
Beseech the Lord for more abiding, much fruit, and full joy everywhere in Los Angeles.
Sixth Grade
Please pray that the Lord would bless the twenty 6th graders in the Los Angeles area. There are three 6th graders in Hall 1, seven combined in Hall 3 and 5, six in Hall 2, and four in Santa Monica/Inglewood area. This coming weekend (May 3-5), there will be a 6th grade conference; eighteen 6th graders and one 7th grader will attend. Please pray for all twenty 6th graders in the L.A. area that they would receive, enjoy, and begin to walk in the pathway of God's full and perfect salvation. Pray also that they would have a strong baptism and continue to walk in newness of life throughout their entire journey on this earth and would be seeds of the gospel spread through all the schools for the producing of life in the practical situations in which they live.
Any parents who have questions regarding rides to the 6th grade conference located in Irvine California, can call Donny Wise (310-486-3169).
California Korean-Speaking Saints Conference
This conference will be Saturday night and Lord's Day morning in Anaheim.
Cheney, Washington
Eastern Washington University, with 12,000 students, is located in Cheney, which is less than 20 miles from Spokane. Three couples from Spokane moved to Cheney to open homes for students.
South Africa
Bill Lawson is at the training in Pretoria teaching the class: The Full Ministry of Christ. He will finish the class this Wednesday. The 13 full term trainees are 9 brothers and 4 sisters. They are almost all college grads and all with excellent, preserved humanity. A good number are new to the church life and the Lord's recovery but very open and receiving. Pray for their apprehension of the deeper truths, their growth in the divine life, and their contacts Tuesday- to Friday at the University of Pretoria. The campus is walking distance around the corner of our training center and has about 40,000 students.
When Bill Lawson leaves Pretoria, Roger Good from Anaheim arrives at the training.
(After the class in Pretoria, brother Bill travels to Kiev, Ukraine for a weekend conference May 3 to 5, then to FTT-Moscow May 7 to 10, then to Kyrgyzstan for a weekend conference May 10-12.)
There will be one-week trainings in London this week and each of the next three weeks. The subject of each week is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Many attending these trainings are new to the recovery, including seeking ones from the campuses, radio, and literature distributions. May the Lord grant each one a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:17).
The annual spring conference in Warsaw, Poland is May 3 to 5. The subject of the conference is The Experience, Growth, and Ministry of Life for the Body.
Lagos, Nigeria
About 200 people participate in the church life in Lagos. Half of them came through past radio broadcasts of Life-Study of the Bible. After a period of no broadcasts, the broadcasts recently resumed in Lagos. Ask the Lord to draw many more to Himself through the radio.
- Morning revival: week 5 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training).
- Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is still open; donation is $80.
Prayer, Week of April 21, 2013
Los Angeles
Pray for the Lord's move in the personal universe of each of our households. Especially pray for His move through our children. "Behold, children are the heritage of Jehovah, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the children of one's youth." (Psalm 127:3-4) May the Lord use our children as seeds of the gospel to reach the families of their friends. May every home be a warm, attractive place for these friends and their families.
Idaho, Utah, Wyoming
The churches in Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming are having a blending conference April 26 to 28. They will use the time to continue their fellowship in Raising Up the Next Generation For the Church Life.
South Africa
- Bill Lawson, a co-worker from Connecticut, is at FTTP this week and next. Bill came to the recovery as a UCLA student, so he is another link between L.A. and Africa. Lord, bless the training in Pretoria!
- Forty from Ethiopia are ready to join FTTP next term, but the training might not have the capacity for them. Pray for the Lord's practical guidance for development of the training in Pretoria.
- LSM sent 24,000 lbs of books to Ethiopia. These are "used books" but many are in good condition. May the Lord bless the distribution of these books and attract many people to Himself.
- Lord, send some from L.A. to Ethiopia for the conference July 26 to 28. See
The Republic of Malta is a small island country south of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea. There is no lampstand here, where the apostle Paul stayed for three months on his journey to Rome (Acts 28:1-10). A brother has visited Malta twice and has made some contacts among students. Please pray for the spread of the Lord's testimony to that country.
There will be a conference in Paris April 27 to 28.
Praise the Lord for a time of prayer and fellowship for the building up of the Body of Christ in the Lord's move to Asia. This will be April 23-25 in Yangon, Myanmar. It is hoped that through this time of blending, all the churches in Asia will be brought into one accord in the fellowship of the Body of Christ for the spread of the kingdom gospel in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia and adjacent Arab countries, and some other countries in Asia. We are burdened that the Lord's propagation and testimony will reach throughout the whole inhabited earth and that church trees will be planted for the establishment of the kingdom of God.
- Morning revival: REPEAT week 4 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training).
- Summer Training registration deadline is Tuesday, April 23. The training in Anaheim is July 1 to 6; donation is $155;. Video training schedules will be announced in each hall; donation is $80.
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord's Day, April 28.
Prayer, Week of April 14, 2013
Church in Los Angeles
The whole church will meet together Lord's Day, April 21, at Mission College (same location as two meetings last year). Lord, use this time to advance Your move in Los Angeles.
Ask the Lord to flow out His riches to bring people to Himself and to fellowship in the church life. May He flow out of us to family, neighbors, classmates, work associates, and friends. Our goal is 1000 people participating in the church life in L.A. this year.
Bibles for America
The new Bibles for America website,, was launched last week. It includes gospel tracts, videos, and Bible studies that we can use.
May the Lord use this site to reach many more people with free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and ministry books by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee!
Ask the Lord to bestow His grace richly in all the churches in North America that all the saints may be full of joy to give (2 Cor. 8:1-2) for the work on the training center. Pray also for rich grace to the brothers working on the building.
European ITERO
Responsible brothers from all over Europe will gather in London April 19 to 21 to review the messages given at the spring 2013 ITERO in Anaheim. The subject is, The Experience, Growth, and Ministry of Life for the Body. Please pray that the Lord's speaking will be received by all the brothers and that all the churches in Europe will be built up as a result.
South Africa
Willem van der Zwan, a co-worker from Holland, is at FTT Pretoria until April 24. May the Lord enrich him and the local trainers to minister Himself day by day in classes and in personal shepherding. May the Lord cause every trainee to be an open vessel.
Blending in Ethiopia has an invitation to and details about the international blending conference July 26-28 in Ethiopia. There are optional tours before and after. A goal is that 800 from Ethiopia attend, along with some from each of the other 16 nations in Africa where the recovery is active, plus 200 from outside of Africa. Pray that this time of blending strengthen the Lord's move in Africa.
North Korea has announced threats to South Korea and to other nations. Our focus is not the threats, but the world situation should remind us to pray for the Lord's move. May the sense of insecurity caused by North Korea turn many to the gospel. And may the Lord open a door to North Korea for the gospel.
Frankfurt, Germany
Geoffrey Choy was in L.A. hall 5 in the 1990s. He is now in Frankfurt, Germany. He says, We've been here in Frankfurt since last July. There are about 7 adults, 2 young people and 4 children meeting together on Lord's day. We are endeavoring to follow the Lord and practice the church life.
- Morning revival: week 4 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training).
- Summer Training. The training in Anaheim is July 1 to 6; donation is $155; registration deadline is Tuesday, April 23. Video training schedules will be announced in each hall; donation is $80.
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord's Day, April 28.