Prayer, Week of April 7, 2013
"The extent to which we pray is the extent to which God works. Those whom we touch in prayer are those on whom God works, what we pray for is what God does, and how we pray is how God fulfills. This is a great principle of prayer." (The Meaning and Purpose of Prayer, Witness Lee, p. 30; published by LSM)
Church in Los Angeles
The whole church will meet together Lord's Day, April 21, at Mission College (same location as two meetings last year). Lord, use this time to advance Your move in Los Angeles.
Ask the Lord to flow out His riches to bring people to Himself and to fellowship in the church life. May He flow out of us to family, neighbors, classmates, work associates, and friends. Our goal is 1000 people participating in the church life in L.A. this year.
The international training for responsible brothers is Friday morning through Lord's Day noon. Ask the Lord to grant every brother more perfecting so that each one is a shining star. Ask the Lord also to blend the brothers further into one Body and into one accord.
May many saints rise up to give a little time each week to "war the good warfare" (1 Tim. 1:18) on the internet by presenting truths of this ministry, supporting others' presentations, or by testifying their experiences of Christ, so that there will be a flow of life and truth on the internet.
Fargo, North Dakota
There is no church yet in North Dakota. Fargo is the largest city and site of North Dakota State University. The churches in Brooklyn Park and Minneapolis, MN and the church in Winnipeg, Canada (each 4 hours drive from Fargo) have all been supportive in gospel outreach. One mid-age sister and a few college students in Fargo are ready for the church life. A mid-age couple from Orange County will soon migrate to Fargo. Lord, raise up the church life here!
South Africa
FTTP is the full-time training in Pretoria, South Africa, but saints in Africa say that FTTP means FTT Praise the Lord. The training is now in its second month. Willem van der Zwan, a co-worker from Holland, is there until April 24. May the Lord enrich him and the local trainers to minister Himself day by day in classes and in personal shepherding. May the Lord cause every trainee to be an open vessel.
"God's intention was to create a vessel to contain Him and to express Him, so God only wants an opening of the vessel. If the vessel is open, God can fulfill His purpose, but if the vessel is closed, God's purpose is frustrated." (WL, Perfecting Training, ch. 22)
Invitation to Ethiopia (
The church in Addis Ababa in fellowship with the co-workers invites you to attend an international blending conference July 26-28 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with optional tours before and after. We expect a rich feast and the Lord's blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints attending. We believe that this time of blending of all the churches and the saints in the Lord's recovery will strengthen the Lord's move in Africa.
Our goal is that 800 from Ethiopia attend, along with some from each of the other 16 nations in Africa where the recovery is active, plus 200 from outside of Africa.
- Morning revival: week 3 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training).
- Summer Training registration has begun. The training in Anaheim is July 1 to 6; donation is $155; registration deadline is Tuesday, April 23. Video training schedules will be announced; donation is $80.
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord's Day, April 28.
Prayer, Week of March 31, 2013
When we truly stand on the ground of the church and take up the responsibility of such a ministry of prayer before God, we will see God's will carried out in the church where we are….God’s power cannot exceed the prayer of the church. The power of God today can at most be as great as the prayer of the church. This does not mean that God’s power is limited in heaven. In heaven, God’s power is unlimited. But on earth, God’s power is manifested to the degree that the church prays. The amount that the church prays will be the measure of the amount that God’s power is manifested. (WN, The Prayer Ministry of the Church, ch. 1, online sec. 7; also Prayer and the Lord’s Move, p. 17)
Church in Los Angeles
The whole church will meet together Lord's Day, April 21, at Mission College (same location as two meetings last year). Lord, use this time to advance Your move in Los Angeles.
Ask the Lord to flow out His riches to bring people to Himself and to fellowship in the church life. May He flow out of us to family, neighbors, classmates, work associates, and friends. Our goal is 1000 people participating in the church life in L.A. this year.
Young People
Junior high school conferences are April 5 to 7. May the Lord use these conferences to infuse our young people with Himself as the strength to stand for Him and not be carried away by the current of this age.
Sixth Grade
The 6th Grade Conference (May 3-5) is a wonderful opportunity for the sixth graders who may not be saved to have a solid beginning in their Christian life, and for those who have already received the Lord to touch Him again in a rich way. Therefore, it is crucial for parents and those serving at the conference to come to a special preparation meeting. Others who are burdened for the sixth graders are also encouraged to come. This time of preparation is Saturday, April 27, at 1916 W. Ball Rd., Anaheim, 9:30 am to noon.
Culver City
Many saints in Hall 3 have received the burden to reach out to Culver City and started to pray weekly for God's move in this city since 2011. Since July 2012 we have practiced going out to our neighbors by distributing BfA door hangers, street by street and family by family, every Sunday afternoon. So far we have distributed to 2,500 homes (17,000 homes in Culver City altogether). At least 6 families have requested the Recovery Version NT through BfA.
Please pray for the saints to continue to go out steadfastly to reach neighbors through BfA. Pray for the proper follow-up and fellowship with those who are open to the Word. May the Lord bring them to the ministry of the age.
Amherst, Massachusetts
There are five universities in or near Amherst (in western Massachusetts). A family has a home next to the U Mass campus, where college meetings and Lord's Day meetings have been held since September.
Due to a job opportunity, a couple from San Bernardino will migrate there by June to strengthen the church life and open another home for care of students. Pray that everything pertaining to this move be from the Lord, in Him, and for His glory. Also, pray for the Lord's advance in Amherst.
Dick Taylor and James Lee are in Africa until Tuesday evening. They report a wonderful conference in Ethiopia March 22 to 24. They had parallel conferences in Ghana and Nigeria last weekend, and a brothers' training this week Monday and Tuesday. Please pray for the Lord’s continuing care to all the churches after the brothers depart. Also pray for his continued supply to every part of their being.
South Africa
FTT Pretoria continues. Please beseech the Lord for a rich supply to the local and visiting brothers in their spiritual and practical care for this new training.
Polish Recovery Version NT
Two brothers in Poland are taking an intensive course to learn New Testament Greek in preparation for the translation of the New Testament Recovery Version into Polish. The translation work is expected to begin in the first part of June. This will be a long project (at least five years), and it has already become and is expected to be a spiritual battle. Please pray, asking the Lord to:
- bless this work and bountifully supply all the resources, including the finances, necessary to complete the project
- cover the entire translation team and lead them throughout the project in their work, fellowship, and coordination to produce a translation of the highest quality
- prepare the Polish-speaking people everywhere to receive His interpreted Word. May the Lord accomplish His good pleasure in His way, in His time, and for His glory.
Russian-Speaking Conference
The Spring 2013 Russian-speaking conference will be April 5 to 7 in Sacramento.
- Morning revival: week 2 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training).
Hold on to your copy of Prayer and the Lord's Move. We might use it again at a later date. - May 2 to 12 there will be a Spanish-speaking tour of Israel with participation in the annual spring conference. Details are at
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord's Day, April 28.
Prayer, Week of March 24, 2013
"If man does not pray, God will not work; if no one prays, God has no work to do. At any given time God must find some people or a person to co-work with Him to pray for what He intends to do. If no one prays, God does not have a co-worker, and He cannot work." (Witness Lee, The Meaning and Purpose of Prayer, p. 30)
Boston Training Facility
The Boston extension of FTTA is currently using the church in Cambridge meeting hall. Renovation of the property in Boston is in progress. The goal is to finish the work and get all city approvals by July so that the fall term of training can begin there in August.
The financial need for completion of the training facility is being presented to the churches in North America. Please ask the Lord to draw everyone to give themselves first to Him (2 Cor. 8:5), to partake of grace (v. 1, 6, 7), and to realize the joy of the Lord in giving (v. 2).
UCLA (Hall 5)
There are two spring break trips this week for the UCLA students. One group of 28 is in Texas and another group of 27 is in Puerto Rico. May the Lord gain the fresh consecration in all the students through the blending with the saints in those localities. Also pray that the eyes of the heart of all the students, especially the new ones, be enlightened to see the goal of His salvation which is to build up the Body of Christ. Ask the Lord for every student to freshly enjoy and experience the Lord and be filled with the Spirit. May the Lord be the protection, provision, and pleasure to all the saints in these trips.
Dick's report last week Wednesday from Ethiopia: Greet all the brothers and thank them for their prayers. The Lord’s move here is awesome. Much grace to you all. Jesus is Lord! The earth is the Lord’s.
Dick Taylor and James Lee are in Ethiopia until Wednesday. Then they fly to Ghana. This weekend, March 29 to 31, Dick and Tim Knoppe (from Michigan) are in Nigeria for a conference while James Lee and Paul Nii-Aryee (who migrated from USA to Ghana last year) are in Ghana for a conference.
Dick and Tim return to Ghana Lord's Day evening. Monday and Tuesday, April 1-2, there is a time of fellowship with responsible brothers in Ghana. After that Dick returns home.
South Africa
FTT Pretoria continues. Please beseech the Lord for a rich supply to the local and visiting brothers in their spiritual and practical care for this new training.
Summer Training Registration
Registration has begun. The training in Anaheim is July 1 to 6; donation is $155; registration deadline is Tuesday, April 23. Video training schedules will be announced in each hall; donation is $80.
The annual spring International Blending Conference will be in London March 29 to 31.
There will be a week of gospelizing in Bangladesh March 30 through April 5.
United Arab Emirates
There will be a gospel weekend blending in Abu Dhabi this Friday and Saturday.
- Morning revival: week 1 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training).
Hold on to your copy of Prayer and the Lord's Move. We might use it again at a later date. - May 2 to 12 there will be a Spanish-speaking tour of Israel with participation in the annual spring conference. Details are at
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord's Day, April 28.
Prayer, Week of March 17, 2013
"If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you." (John 15:7)
The real significance of prayer is to contact God in our spirit and to absorb God Himself. Prayers in which we contact God, inhale God, absorb God, and are filled with God are genuine prayers. If we would have genuine prayers, we must pray in the Holy Spirit; praying in the Holy Spirit means that we and the Holy Spirit pray together in the fellowship of the two spirits. (Week 1 outline, I, I.C, D)
Young People
High school conferences are March 22 to 24. Junior high school conferences are April 5 to 7; registration deadline is March 24. May the Lord use these conferences to infuse our young people with Himself as the strength to stand for Him and not be carried away by the current of this age.
Bibles for America
The gospel trips to eleven target cities in North America concluded mid February. Over 6,000 copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and the ministry books were given out, as well as over 17,000 gospel tracts and BfA brochures. About 1,500 people were open for further contact and nearly 250 came to either a home meeting or seminar. Though the trips are over, the saints in these cities continue to shepherd and care for the many seeking people they met during this time.
Please pray that the saints in these areas would be strengthened and supplied for their long-term labor. Pray also that the Lord burden some to migrate for the sake of His testimony in these cities.
This Monday Dick Taylor and James Lee arrive in Ethiopia for nine days of fellowship with the churches there, a conference the weekend of March 22 to 24, and preparation for the international blending conference in Ethiopia at the end of July (we are invited to this conference).
Dennis Higashi is in Pretoria, South Africa to care for FTT Pretoria.
The Spring University Students Conference is March 22 to 25 in Wales. The subject is The Full Ministry of Christ – The Stage of His Intensification.
Sweden and Spain
Please pray for the English-language Life-study of the Bible radio broadcast in Sweden and the Spanish-language broadcasts in Spain:
- That the needed finances will be available to continue the broadcasts.
- That the broadcasts will attract the genuine seekers to the New Testament ministry and to the church life in the Lord's recovery.
- Morning revival: REPEAT week 1 of Prayer and the Lord's Move. Internet sharing from this morning revival is at
- Hold on to your copy of Prayer and the Lord's Move. We might use it again at a later date.
- After Prayer and the Lord's Move we will use Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training) which we will complete before the summer training.
- May 2 to 12 there will be a Spanish-speaking tour of Israel with participation in the annual spring conference. Details are at
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord's Day, April 28.
Prayer, Week of March 10, 2013
"I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men." (1 Tim. 2:1)
A prerequisite for having a proper church life in the Lord's recovery today is to have a prayer life; a proper church is a praying church. (Week 6 outline, I.B)
Southern California College Conference Report
Just over 1,000 saints gathered in Anaheim for a wonderful college conference this past weekend on the church as God's house. The heavens were truly opened to us and many newer ones as well as many who grew up in the church saw a real vision of the Father's desire to have a house. Since the Father has opened this desire to us, we must give ourselves absolutely for this desire. Some critical words were released and need to be further solidified in the students through further prayer and fellowship. Please pray for this. Hallelujah!
Hall 4 (USC)
Please pray for the USC English-speaking spring break trip to Long Beach, San Bernardino, and Arizona, March 16 to 22. May we experience the real blending and building up of the Body of Christ as we visit the saints. Pray that the Lord will also cover our travel and may the Lord strengthen His move on those places as well!
Dick Taylor reported that the national conference in South Africa (March 1-3) was awesome, with the largest attendance ever.
Last week was the first week of the first term of the first FTT in Africa (FTT Pretoria, FTTP). Dick reported that the time was tremendous with good functioning. The training has 13 trainees full time for the whole term, 12 trainees full time for durations of one to a few weeks, and last week about 20 local saints came as visitors. Seven local brothers have joined in the speaking. Now is the second week of FTTP. James Lee is in Pretoria, South Africa to care for the training this week. Dennis Higashi will be there next week.
Dick Taylor will be in Uganda Tuesday through Friday and in Kenya Friday through next Monday. He is there for conferences with the churches in those nations.
Dick thanks us for all our prayers and said that they are being richly supplied. Let's continue to pray for the traveling brothers and for the Lord’s spreading in Africa.
(from a report by Yuki Goto, formerly in LA hall 5, now in FTT Tokyo; his full report is at
The spring term of training beings with the college conference March 22 to 24 followed by pre-training week starting March 25. In Japan, trainees can only begin the training in a spring term. This time 10 have declared their decision to join, although Satan has raised circumstances a futile effort to weaken their consecration. Ten more could or should become trainees but are held back by family opposition, financial support, and other concerns. Saints, please pray that the Lord will release all the incoming trainees, who are written in His heart, and the ten who declared will be kept and even made more firm in the Lord. (In addition, there will be 5 second-year trainees including brother Yuki.)
Please pray that the Lord:
- will gain the right and useful vessels for His recovery in Greece, particularly young brothers who have a good command of English so that they can be constituted with the wealth of the ministry that is available in English.
- will gain an open home in Thessaloniki where the ministry readers and seekers can meet regularly, with the proper brothers who can take the lead to help them.
- will release the residence visas for the co-workers in a timely way.
A brief report from Greece is at
Please continue to pray that the Lord will have mercy on the readers of the free literature distributed by Rhema and will shepherd many of them through the local saints and full-timers into the church life. (Rhema distributes literature in 19 European languages; see
- Morning revival: week 6 of Prayer and the Lord's Move. After Prayer and the Lord's Move we will use Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training) which we will complete before the summer training.
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord's Day, April 28.
- The Spring 2013 Russian-speaking conference will be April 5 to 7 in Sacramento. Registration deadline is March 24. Invitation letters (English and русский) are at
Prayer, Week of March 3, 2013
"He who is Joined to the Lord is One Spirit" (1 Cor. 6:17)
The Lord wants to recover the earth and establish His kingdom on earth, but in order to do this, He needs us to be one with Him according to the principle of incarnation. We need to be one with the Lord in the desire of His heart and in the carrying out of His purpose on earth. We need to be one with God in His move—one with Him in life, in living, and in our entire doing today on earth. (Week 5 outline, I.A, 1, 2)
Increase in L.A.
Lord, flow Your riches out to bring people to Yourself and to fellowship in the church life. Flow out of us to family, neighbors, work associates, and friends. (Our goal is 1000 people participating in the church life in L.A. this year.)
College Conference
Please pray for the college conference this weekend in Anaheim. We need the prevailing prayer to unveil to each and every student the critical vision of God's desire to have a house on earth for His expression. Many of those who have grown up in the church still need to be solidified by seeing this vision. And many newer ones who meet with us regularly need to be fully gained for His purpose by seeing this vision. Let us fight the battle in prayer so that all the students may give their lives and their futures wholly to the Lord for His building.
Bibles for America
With the distribution of free BfA Bibles and books during the recent FTTA gospel trips to eleven cities in North America, many people were exposed to the ministry for the first time. In total, saints gave away over 6,000 Bibles and ministry books during the trips, and there were many positive responses. In all of the cities, saints encountered seeking ones who were hungry for the truth. May the Lord cause all of the recipients to enjoy what they received and to come to know Him in a deeper way.
Dick Taylor and Michael Stewart (from Long Beach) are in Pretoria, South Africa. This week is the beginning of FTT Pretoria. They have 14 trainees, which is a good number for a beginning.
Please continue to pray for the contacting and shepherding of the students on the university campuses in Europe.
Sri Lanka
The whole month of March there is intensified gospel preaching in Kalutara, Sri Lanka. The goal is to gain five families for the church life.
- Morning revival: week 5 of Prayer and the Lord's Move. Internet sharing from this week's morning revival is at After Prayer and the Lord's Move we will use Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah (winter training) which we will complete before the summer training.
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord's Day, April 28.
Prayer, Week of February 24, 2013
"Persevere in Prayer, Watching in it with Thanksgiving" (Col. 4:2)
To persevere is to continue persistently, steadfastly, and earnestly. We need to persevere in prayer because prayer involves a battle, a fight; two parties, God and Satan, are hostile to each other; the third party consists of God's chosen and redeemed people. In order to fight on God’s side against Satan, we need to persevere in prayer; this perseverance is needed because the course of the whole world is away from God. (Week 4 outline, I.A, B, C)
Church in L.A. Family Night
The Church in Los Angeles will have a family night with a love feast, a short time of singing, followed by fun and games for all. All languages are invited, especially parents with young children, and also college students, young people, older and younger, married and single. Time: Saturday night, March 2, 6 to 9 pm at Haskell Hall. Please bring food for yourself and a few others. Pray all will come and join in the fun and fellowship.
Young People
High school conferences are March 22 to 24; registration deadline is March 10. Junior high school conferences are April 5 to 7; registration deadline is March 24. May the Lord use these conferences to infuse our young people with Himself as the strength to stand for Him and not be carried away by the current of this age.
Bibles for America
In March BfA plans to offer a free two-book set of The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee and The Economy of God by Witness Lee. By giving these books away, we hope that more of God's children would discover the riches in this ministry and advance in their Christian experience. We want to put both books before people so they can discover that these two brothers are one, and that their ministries are one in their revelation of Christ as life and the church as God’s purpose.
Please pray for this and inform your Christian friends. They can sign up now at
Dick Taylor and Michael Stewart (from Long Beach) went to South Africa. This week they, with the saints in Pretoria, are preparing for the national conference this weekend (March 1-3) and for the beginning of FTT Pretoria Monday, March 4. The conference will have six meetings on Prayer and the Lord's Move for His Unique Work.
Two co-workers visited Spain January 31 to February 11. Their visit included seminars for radio listeners and Rhema literature recipients in three cities, live presentations on radio and TV in two cities, and blending with saints in four churches. A two page report is at
Please pray that:
- the Lord of the harvest will thrust out more workers into His harvest in Spain. The harvest is great, but the workers are few (Matt. 9:37-38).
- the seeking believers in Palma de Mallorca (a city on a Mediterranean island; the location with the highest attendance at seminars) will see a vision of the Lord's recovery, come out of their respective sheepfolds, and gather together on the ground of oneness as the church.
- the Lord will continue to provide the funds necessary to sustain the nationwide daily broadcasts of the Life-studies.
Thousands of people in Europe have received New Testament Recovery Versions. Please pray:
- For the Lord's continuing supply to the local saints and the FTTL trainees for the shepherding of the seeking ones.
- That the Lord will continue to set up appointments and home meetings with the seeking ones and will bring many into the church life.
Please pray for:
- Translating, proofreading, and printing of lessons in the local language for the new believers;
- The perfecting of new believers for their growth in the divine truth and life;
- Raising up the church in Lahore at the end February 2013; this will be the first lampstand in Pakistan.
- Morning revival: week 4 of Prayer and the Lord's Move (Thanksgiving conference). Internet sharing from this week’s morning revival is at The six links under "Week 4" correspond to our six days of morning revival.
- The Memorial Day conference will be May 24 to 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be child care for K through 6th grade. Details are at Please register in your district the children and the number of adults and young people attending by Lord's Day, April 28.
Prayer, Week of February 17, 2013
"Your Will Be Done, As In Heaven, So Also On Earth"
Today the power of God is limited to our capacity, and it is subject to our will, submission, obedience, and faith. (Week 3 outline, I.A.2)
The Lord is looking for members of His Body who will be fully responsive to Him and in whom the limitations to His will are removed. (Week 3 outline, I.C.2)
Blending in Los Angeles
Saturday, February 23, will be an all L.A. college students' time at Roxbury Park, hosted by UCLA. Recreation begins at 4 pm, dinner at 6 pm, followed by a meeting.
Lord's Day morning, February 24 all the L.A. districts will blend by languages for the Table and prophesying. English-speaking and Spanish-speaking at Haskell, Korean-speaking at Hall 1, and Chinese-speaking at Hall 3.
Church in L.A. Family Night
The Church in Los Angeles will have a family night with a love feast, a short time of singing, followed by fun and games for all. All languages are invited, especially parents with young children, and also college students, young people, older and younger, married and single. Time: Saturday night, March 2, 6 to 9 pm at Haskell Hall. Please bring food for yourself and a few others. Pray all will come and join in the fun and fellowship.
Increase in L.A.
"I will be inquired of by the house of Israel [by the church in L.A.] to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock." (Ezek. 36:37) Inquire of the Lord to supply, attract, and shepherd more people so that 1000 are meeting in L.A. by the end of this year.
The spring term of FTTA begins this week. Ask the Lord to be the new beginning to every trainee and to all who are serving there.
FTTP: Full-time Training in Pretoria, South Africa
The newest FTT will begin in Pretoria the first week of March. Pray for a rich supply to the saints there who are preparing spiritually and practically for this training. Pray also for the trainees who are preparing to attend.
Chandigarh, India
Lord's Day, February 10, the church in Chandigarh enjoyed its first Lord's Table. We started with sharing concerning the significance of the Table. Following a very full Lord's Table meeting, the church in Chandigarh also had its first prophesying meeting with mostly local saints sharing their testimonies and specific experiences from the last two weeks. There was a clear sentiment expressed by many concerning the need to take a strong stand for the oneness of the Body in the face of opposition. Afterwards, we sang 1226 "Oh, the church of Christ is glorious" followed spontaneously by all the local saints repeatedly declaring, “We are One” in Hindi.
Thank you for your prayer! About 120 saints were present, 50-60 of whom were local Chandigaris contacted within the two weeks prior to February 10. The brothers agreeing to take the lead to care for the church had a meeting that night. In the following weeks, brothers from nearby localities will be taking turns to visit, shepherd, and perfect the saints there.
Please continue to pray for knitting together, shepherding, and perfecting of the church in Chandigarh. Pray also for the Lord to show them where to meet on Lord's Days, and for the locals to continue to visit the other positive ones contacted in the past two weeks.
- Morning revival: week 3 of Prayer and the Lord's Move (Thanksgiving conference). Internet sharing from this week’s morning revival is at The five links under "Week 3" correspond to days 1 to 5 of morning revival.
- There will be a perfecting training for parents and those burdened for young people. It will be Saturday, March 2, 9 am to 3 pm in Irvine. Please register before Lord's Day, February 24 at and click on "Event Registration."
- The spring college conference will be March 8 to 10 in Anaheim. The initial deadline to register is February 24.
Prayer, Week of February 10, 2013
Prayer and the Lord's Move
"How much more will the Father who is from heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!" (Luke 11:13) We know from our experience with the Lord that often we have prayed properly and have prayed ourselves into God. As we remain in Him, we receive His riches, the riches that are embodied in His Spirit. When we receive the Holy Spirit as our life supply...we can feed ourselves, and we can also feed all those under our care. (Morning Revival, last paragraph of W2, D2)
International Chinese-Speaking Conference
This conference is the first of our seven feasts each year. The conference will be in Anaheim Friday evening, February 15 through Lord's Day morning, February 17. The messages will be in Chinese but we all need to hear what the Spirit says to the churches. There will be translation by radio into English, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
Blending in Los Angeles
Saturday, February 23, will be an all L.A. college students' dinner and meeting at UCLA.
Lord's Day morning, February 24 all the L.A. districts will blend by language for the Table and prophesying.
FTTA Gospel Trip Reports
The European gospel trips ended late last week. All the trips will be complete by this Wednesday. The spring term at FTTL began this Monday and at FTTA next Monday. Here is a main focus of prayer for various places touched by the FTT teams. Links to daily reports are at
All areas: may the college students and young people become vital companions and learn to function on their campuses.
North America: for people met by the team members to be connected with local saints for continued shepherding.
Europe, South America: may the young people and college students respond to the trainees' testimonies and open to the Lord about attending an FTT.
UK: may all the saints, including students and new ones, rise up and be supplied to shepherd the multitude of Bible recipients.
India: that the Lord bountifully supply the saints standing for His testimony in Chandigarh (first Lord's Table was February 10). Most have begun to face opposition, some very severe. As all the visiting saints leave, may they go in in the way of the small groups they have begun to practice, with much mutuality.
All areas: pray for fruit from every gospel tract that went out.
Bibles for America, New Book Offer
In March BfA will offer a free two-book set of The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee and The Economy of God by Witness Lee. Our desire is that more of God's children would discover the riches in this ministry and advance in their Christian experience. Our desire is also that people will discover that the ministries of these two brothers are one in their revelation of Christ as life and the church as God’s purpose.
We pray that many people will enter into the revelation and practical experiences presented in these books. We can also encourage friends to sign up now at
(The free offer is for people not meeting in the recovery. Those who are meeting can purchase the books or download The Economy of God for free at
Through the past months many saints have given for the purchase of the properties in Yerevan (capital of Armenia). We acquired the first, then the second, then the third of these adjacent properties. Remodeling of the first has begun; when completed it will be a meeting place for the church in Yerevan. The second property has a few apartments. The third has parking spaces and a building that could be remodeled for a larger meeting place.
We are very grateful to the Lord that he has faithfully met the entire need in His Body. And we are also very thankful to all the saints who have contributed to this need, in the Lord. Praise and thank Him for doing above what we could ask or think!
- Morning revival: week 2 of Prayer and the Lord's Move (Thanksgiving conference). Internet sharing from this week’s morning revival is at The five links under "Week 2" correspond to days 1 to 5 of morning revival.
- The spring college conference will be March 8 to 10 in Anaheim. The initial deadline to register is February 24.
- High school conferences are March 22 to 24; registration deadline is March 10. Junior high school conferences are April 5 to 7; registration deadline is March 24.
- The Spring 2013 Russian-speaking conference will be April 5 to 7 in Sacramento. Registration deadline is March 24. Invitation letters (English and русский) are at
Prayer, Week of February 3, 2013
In Prayer God and Man Are Mingled Together
(morning revival outline I.B.3)
"Elijah was a man of like feeling with us, and he 1earnestly prayed that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months." (James 5:17)
note 1: Lit., prayed in prayer. This indicates that a prayer from the Lord was given to Elijah, in which he prayed. He did not pray in his feeling, thought, intention, or mood, or in any kind of motivation, arising from circumstances or situations, to fulfill his own purpose. He prayed in the prayer given to him by the Lord for the accomplishing of His will.
FTTA Gospel Trip Reports
A typical day for a team is morning enjoyment and coordination with whatever local saints are available, mid day and afternoon contacting people, and evenings in homes.
North America: much of the time is on college campuses contacting the students, distributing NTs, and inviting students to Bible studies on campus and in homes.
Prayer: ask the Lord to establish many students in a house-to-house church life with enjoyment in the Bible. Also ask Him to open more homes in the cities where there are not enough homes.
Europe: in the UK team members make many calls to prior NT recipients to set up and have appointments with them; there is also some distribution of NTs. In other nations the focus is distribution of NTs and repeated contact with recipients. In all places there is also a burden for blending with local saints.
Prayer: Lord, bring so many NT recipients into appreciation of Your Word and the footnotes. Lord, supply the local saints richly and through them shepherd the recipients gradually into the church life.
South Africa: the team has been contacting students on campus and also meeting with community saints, many of whom have been meeting less that two years.
Prayer: ask the Lord to continue contact with the students, to grant the community saints much mutual encouragement, and to bring students into community homes for enjoyment of Himself together.
India: more than 250 people have prayed with us to receive the Lord, yet follow-up and visitation has not been easy. We (FTTA and FTT New Delhi trainees with local saints) are refocusing to homes and families that can stand as the church here in Chandigarh.
Prayer: that the Lord would get into the homes and get connected to the families we are currently caring for, and that He would release at least 10 families to stand as the church in Chandigarh with 5 brothers burdened to bear responsibility.
South America: time is used for literature distribution and gospel preaching. We are also burdened for the young people and young adults meeting here and spend time with them so that they can become vital companions and go on in a solid way.
Prayer: for the Lord to strengthen all the young saints here, and to encourage all the saints to participate in the follow-up contacting of newly saved people and literature recipients.
All: links to daily detailed reports are at
International Chinese-Speaking Conference
This conference is the first of our seven feasts each year. The messages will be in Chinese but we all need to hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The conference will be in Anaheim Friday evening, February 15 through Lord's Day morning, February 17. There will be translation by radio into English, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
- Morning revival: week 1 of Prayer and the Lord's Move (Thanksgiving conference). Internet sharing from this week’s morning revival is at The five links under "Week 1" are days 1 to 5 of morning revival.
- The spring college conference is March 8 to 10 in Anaheim. The initial deadline to register is February 24.
- The Spring 2013 Russian-speaking conference will be April 5 to 7 in Sacramento. Registration deadline is March 24. Invitation letters (English and русский) are at