Prayer, Week of January 27, 2013
God's Plan and Our Prayer
"Therefore 1beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest." (Matt. 9:38)
note 1: First, in His economy God has a plan to accomplish; then there is the need for His people to beseech Him, to pray to Him, concerning it. In answering their prayer, He will accomplish what they have prayed concerning His plan.
Life-Study of the Bible Seminar at Haskell
Almost 100 Spanish-speaking radio listeners of Estudio-Vida de la Biblia attended the seminar last Saturday. The seminar included dinner, singing, a message on The Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ for Expressing Him, and testimonies from about ten listeners. Twenty-five of the listeners want further contact. Lord, we beseech You to thrust out workers into this harvest of Yours.
UCSB Report
January 16 to 18 was Recovery Version NT distribution and gospel time on the UCSB campus. Nine from L.A. joined the local students and community saints. Sixty NTs were distributed. Twenty-three students (twice the number who attend Wednesday night meetings) attended the Friday afternoon picnic. We also had positive times with a UCSB professor and time in the home of a community couple.
Pneumamedia (Life-Study Radio Broadcast)
Last week we sent a survey card to over 2,000 radio listeners in Southern California who called for a free Recovery Version NT in the past 3½ years in response to the radio program. We also sent another envelope, "For Your Family & Friends" filled with numerous BfA gospel tracts, as well as English and Spanish radio cards for the recipients to give away.
Please pray for the ones receiving this mailing that the Lord will work in their environment and in their heart to enlighten them and cause them to pursue Him. Ultimately we pray that the Lord will use the radio program to find those He is seeking after in Southern California, connect them with the churches in their area, and build up the Body of Christ.
FTTA Gospel Trip to Europe
About 100 trainees from FTTA and the Boston extension are in Europe January 24 to February 7. They are joined by trainees from FTTL. One purpose of their visit is to help with the follow-up of the recent NT Recovery Version distribution in the UK and other European countries. The majority are in London and the nearby churches; small teams are in France, Germany, and Spain. They conducted NT distributions in London in recent days. In each distribution 65 to 98 NTs were given out in about two with over 60% of the recipients wanting further contact.
Please pray that the Lord:
- will bless the labor by setting up many appointments and Bible studies with the NT recipients.
- will reap a bountiful harvest wherever the seed of His word is sown.
FTTA Gospel Trips
Besides Europe, FTTA teams are in North America, South America, South Africa, and India. A list of all the trips and number of participants is posted at Reports will be posted there during the trips.
- Morning revival: week 8 of Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones. After week 8, we will begin Prayer and the Lord's Move (Thanksgiving conference).
- The International Chinese-speaking Conference will be Friday evening, February 15 through Lord's Day morning, February 17. Details are at
- The report about Europe distributed at the winter training is available at
- The spring college conference will be March 8 to 10 in Anaheim. The initial deadline to register will be February 24.
Prayer, Week of January 20, 2013
Continue Steadfastly in Prayer
"And they continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread and the prayers." (Acts 2:42)
The first group of believers continued steadfastly in four things: teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers....Prayer is cooperation with the Lord in heaven for the carrying out of God's New Testament economy on earth. (excerpt from Acts 2:42, note 1)
FTTA Gospel Trips
Teams of saints will go to cities in North America, South America, Europe, South Africa, and India. The trips will be 14 to 17 days long starting this week. Please pray that:
- The teams and local saints would be blended and coordinated together in spirit.
- The Lord would arrange many divine appointments between the saints and His seeking ones and would prepare many to receive His rich ministry.
- The Lord would use this time to add to the churches in each city, both through producing remaining fruit from the trips and by burdening saints to migrate.
Life-Study of the Bible Seminar at Haskell
Spanish-speaking radio listeners of Estudio-Vida de la Biblia have been invited to monthly seminars in various locations in Southern California. The January 26 seminar will be at Haskell with dinner followed by sharing from BfA and testimonies. There are radio announcements about this and letters were mailed to 350 listeners in San Fernando Valley. Please ask the Lord to supply in the practical preparations, to bring many hungry people, to nourish them, and to knit us with them.
Cal State University Channel Islands
The CSUCI spring semester starts on January 22nd. We will have a BfA table on January 25th. This semester we are planning to blend with several other campuses. Please pray for:
- Many seeking students to visit the BfA table and attend the Bible study
- Growth in the number of students in the Thursday night Bible study as well as in the Saturday night college/young adult home meeting
- Faculty sponsorship so that the club can be permanently registered as a CSUCI student organization
- Blending with other college campuses to strengthen and encourage the CSUCI students
Full-time Training in Pretoria, South Africa
The first term of the Full-time Training in Pretoria (FTTP) will begin March 4. FTTP will be the first training center in Africa and is intended to serve the young seekers of the Lord in the churches in Africa who are willing to offer themselves to be trained to be useful vessels for the Lord's interest and move on this continent and on the whole earth.
We are expecting between 12 and 15 trainees to begin in 2013, primarily from within South Africa. We are expecting to receive trainees from the rest of Africa in future terms. Please stand with us in prayer: that the Lord would:
- bring additional suitable applicants;
- strengthen and supply those already accepted, as some are encountering opposition because of their decision to attend;
- be the wisdom and supply for carrying out the practical administration and affairs of the FTTP;
- meet the financial needs of the training, including the monthly expenses for each trainee, travel costs of the visiting trainers, and other ongoing expenses of the training.
Blending Center in Istanbul, Turkey
Last week we completed the purchase. However, when we went to the deed office we learned that, since we are foreigners, there will be a 3-4 week delay. The owner agreed to accept a large partial payment now and to let us use the property right away, with the remaining payment when the government approves the purchase. Remodeling begins this week and a family will move in at the end of the month. Donations to help with this project can be made to the church designated for Blending Center in Istanbul.
Please pray for the Lord's move here.
Noida is a city in northern India. From January 26 to February 17 saints from overseas will join local saints to propagate in this city. We hope that the Lord would establish His lampstand on February 17.
Chandigarh another city in northern India. A group of overseas and local saints will propagate here the same time as in Noida. Through such a corporate living and moving of the God-man, we hope that the Lord can establish His testimony in Chandigarh before the end of February.
- Morning revival: week 7 of Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones. After week 8, we will begin Prayer and the Lord's Move (Thanksgiving conference).
- The International Chinese-speaking Conference will be Friday, February 15 through Lord's Day, February 17. Child care is available for kindergarten through sixth grade; children must be registered in your district in L.A. by January 29. Details are at
- The report about Europe distributed at the winter training, and other fellowship about Europe, is available at
- The spring college conference will be March 8 to 10 in Anaheim. The initial deadline to register will be February 24.
Prayer, Week of January 13, 2013
A Year of Normal Growth
"You yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house" (1 Peter 2:5). A living stone not only possesses life but also grows in life. This is Christ to whom we come (v. 4). We experience Him as the stone living in us; this transforms us with His stone nature so that we may be living and be built together as the spiritual house. Lord, give us a year of normal growth. (training message 8, II.B)
USC (English speaking)
USC begins school January 14. Please pray for the Lord to reach many seeking ones among USC's spring admits, especially freshmen, and for our reconnecting with many of the newer ones from last semester. We will be holding various welcome events and will be at the first week club fair as well. Pray for our students to be burning in spirit and in one accord as they spread the gospel to their new classmates and gospel contacts!
Santa Barbara
There will be three days of gospel time in Santa Barbara on January 16 to 18. Nine saints from L.A. will join us to participate in this time. We will pass out free Bibles at UCSB. Please pray for:
- adequate personal and corporate prayers be released to pave the way for God to move in this time;
- the saints in S.B. to be supplied and strengthened, and for the L.A. saints to be blended with us;
- God to bind the strong man, show mercy on His chosen vessels, and bring them in contact with us;
- students to be released to come to the BfA table on campus, the Wednesday night college meeting, the Thursday dinner in the homes, and the picnic on Friday afternoon;
- the existing students to be burdened, strengthened, and supplied to bring friends to these times.
FTTA Gospel Trips
Teams of saints will go to cities in North America, South America, Europe, South Africa, and India. The trips will be 14 to 17 days long starting the last week in January. Please pray for completion of the remaining visa, transportation, and initial arrival coordination needs for each of the gospel trips.
Monday of this week Dick Taylor travels from Perth to Sydney for a few days there, then he will go to Cairns after which he will return to L.A. next week. Among the nine or ten saints meeting in Cairns a few are locals but most have migrated from other churches. They will have their first Lord's Table January 20. Continue to ask the Lord for His kingdom to come and His will to be done, as in heaven, so also in Australia.
Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference
The conference will be January 18 to 20 in Anaheim. The messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People's Conference and meetings for the children. The invitation (English & español) is at
Life-Study of the Bible Seminar at Haskell
Spanish-speaking radio listeners of Estudio-Vida de la Biblia have been invited to monthly seminars in various locations in Southern California. The January 26 seminar will be at Haskell with a light dinner at 6 pm followed by sharing from BfA and testimonies. There are radio announcements about this and letters are being mailed to 300 listeners in San Fernando Valley. Please ask the Lord to supply in the practical preparations, to bring many hungry people, to nourish them, and to knit us with them.
From Boston to Europe
The Full-time Training in Anaheim–Extension Boston (FTTA-XB) was established to prepare young saints to emigrate to Europe. It provides a one-year extension of the training for the graduates of the FTTA. Twenty-seven trainees finished the first year of the FTTA-XB in June 2012. Three are currently serving in Europe, and one is attending graduate school in Italy. More would have gone to Europe if adequate finances had been available. Five additional trainees completed the Extension training in December 2012. Two are available to go to Europe immediately. Fifteen more will complete the training in June 2013, and almost half have expressed an interest in serving in Europe. Moreover, 3 couples who were married after completing the FTTA-XB will be ready to go to Europe in 2013-2014. The number of graduates who are burdened to serve in Europe has exceeded the financial resources that are currently available to support them. This means that many who are prepared and burdened for Europe may not be able to go. The cost to support an unmarried serving one in Western Europe is 1800 US$ per month.Please pray that:
- The Lord will continue to bless the FTTA-XB and prepare more young ones for His move in Europe.
- The necessary finances will be made available for the graduates to serve in Europe.
If you want to help financially, go to or put a gift marked for Europe in the church offering box.
- Morning revival: week 6 of Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones
- The International Chinese-speaking Conference will be Friday evening, February 15 through Lord's Day morning, February 17. Child care is available for kindergarten through sixth grade; children must be registered in your district in L.A. by January 29. Details are at
Prayer, Week of January 6, 2013
Joined to God's Desire through the Word
Daniel read God's Word regularly. As soon as he touched God’s desire through the Word, he immediately joined himself to that desire. Whenever we find out God’s desire from His Word, we must immediately join ourselves to that desire, by opening to the Lord, seeking the Lord, dealing with separations from the Lord, humbling ourselves, and exercising our spirit to pray over and with the Word. (training message 2, III.A-B.)
Video Trainings
Video trainings continue and, due to need for translating, some in other nations have not yet started. Lord, may every video training turn us again to Your desire and Your purpose. Make us overcomers for Your building.
Dick Taylor and James Lee are visiting churches throughout Australia. Monday to Wednesday they are in Melbourne. Wednesday to Friday Dick is in Tasmania; Friday to next week Monday he is in Perth. Lord, bless the churches in Australia with more revelation and more experiences of Yourself for the turning of the age.
Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference
The conference will be January 18 to 20 in Anaheim. These days are for the seeking of the Lord's blessing through fellowship on His up-to date speaking and present burden. The messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. On the Lord’s Day, we will conclude the conference with an overflow and blending time in the nearby churches. At the same time, we will have a Young People’s Conference and meetings for the children. The invitation (English & español) is at
FTTA Gospel Trips
Teams of saints will go to cities in North America, South America, Europe, South Africa, and India. The trips will be 14 to 17 days long starting the last week in January. Ask the Lord to prepare team members through prayer, His word, and their consecration.
International Chinese Speaking Conference
The International Chinese-speaking Conference will be Friday evening, February 15 through Lord's Day morning, February 17. Child care is available for kindergarten through sixth grade; children must be registered in your district in L.A. by January 29. Details are at
New Testament Distribution and Follow-up in Europe
Since May 2012 70,000 New Testaments have been distributed in the UK and over 2500 French New Testaments in Belgium, France, and Switzerland. In addition, there have been distributions of German New Testaments in Germany and Switzerland, and English New Testaments in Ireland, Italy, and the Netherlands. There is a great openness for further contact everywhere. Distribution in Spanish began December 2012, and distribution in Portuguese will be conducted in early spring. We expect further distribution in English in many European countries since so many Europeans can also read English very well. May the Lord bless the follow-up of so many who are waiting for contact.
- Morning revival: week 4 of Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones
January 14 to 20: week 6
January 21 to 27: week 7 - The 2013 International Conference of the Churches in Puerto Rico will be February 23 & 24. Registration deadline is February 1. Details are at
Prayer, Week of December 30, 2012
O Lord, We Want to be Fully Occupied with You!
Thank You, Lord, for being the Word that defines, expresses, and reveals all that God is. Open our eyes that we may no longer be blinded by so many other things that only drain our heart of love toward You. Oh Lord! We want to set our entire being, our spirit, soul, and body with our heart, mind, and strength absolutely on You! Lord, in this day, gain our heart! Lord, may our entire being be lost and occupied alone with You. Oh Lord Jesus! Dear Lord Jesus, for this we cry out to You right now! Have mercy on us Lord, to make us a people with a full and absolute consecration, that no disappointment, no human achievement, no person, no matter, not any kind of situation or circumstance would cause us to lose Your smile. Lord, make us a people living in the light of Your shekinah glory. (from the burden expressed in the training)
Video Trainings
Video trainings continue and, due to need for translating, some in other nations have not yet started. Lord, may every video training be full of Your new mercies to turn us again to Your desire and Your purpose.
Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference
The conference will be January 18 to 20 in Anaheim. These days are for the seeking of the Lord's blessing through fellowship on His up-to date speaking and present burden. The messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. On the Lord’s Day, we will conclude the conference with an overflow and blending time in the nearby churches. At the same time, we will have a Young People’s Conference and meetings for the children. The invitation (English & español) is at
The national conference on Prayer and the Lord's Move for His Unique Work ends the middle of this week. Afterwards Dick Taylor and James Lee will be visiting churches throughout Australia. Lord, bless the churches in Australia that they may "persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving" (Col. 4:2) so that You may move forward there.
Palakkad is a large town in southern India. The saints received a burden from the Lord to preach the gospel to the gentiles and to bring them into His kingdom. At present they are doing this. There is some restriction from a Hindu communal group. The saints plan to establish the Lord's testimony on January 20, 2013. May the Lord establish the church in Palakkad.
- Morning revival: Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (spring 2012 ITERO):
December 31 to January 6: winter training verses or repeat week 1 (prophesying will include both)
January 7 to 13: week 4
January 14 to 20: week 6
January 21 to 27: week 7
Prayer, Week of December 23, 2012
Prayer and the Lord's Move
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God." (Rev. 2:7)
Eating the tree of life, that is, enjoying Christ as our life supply, should be the primary matter in the church life. The content of the church life depends on the enjoyment of Christ. The more we enjoy Him, the richer the content will be. But to enjoy Christ requires us to love Him with the first love. If we leave our first love toward the Lord, we will miss the enjoyment of Christ and lose the testimony of Jesus; consequently, the lampstand will be removed from us. These three things — loving the Lord, enjoying the Lord, and being the testimony of the Lord — go together. (Rev. 2:7, note 6)
Pray for the vitalization of the saints and the churches in the Lord's recovery through the exercise and practice of all the aspects of the God-ordained way to become the living testimony of Jesus in all the localities for an anti-testimony to the degradation around us. (Suggested Directions for Prayer, 6)
More resources for prayer are at and
Winter Training
The training in Anaheim is this week. Some video trainings are simultaneous, some delayed. Ask the Lord to release a rich and operative word and to cause all the trainees to absorb and digest the word.
College "Fan the Flame"
Next Lord's Day, December 30, 6 to 9 pm will be a "Fan the Flame" time for dinner, fellowship, and prayer for Southern California college students. The Lord desires to end this age and return, and for this He needs many young “Daniels,” who cooperate with Him through prayer.
Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler (from Irvine) will be in Australia for their four day national conference starting Saturday evening. The subject is Prayer and the Lord's Move for His Unique Work. About 550 are expected to attend. There will be a simultaneous summer school of the truth for young people with Ricky Acosta (from NY). Prior to the conference Dick and Craig will have time with the leading brothers there. Dick will remain in Australia for three weeks after the conference.
Pray that through the Lord's speaking His name be sanctified more, His kingdom come more, and His will be done more so that the Triune God will be as prevailing in Australia as in the heavens.
A two-page report with a photo from South India is at They request prayer 1) for their migration to a new city; 2) for a continued revival among all the churches there through entering into vital living practices, prayer, pursuing the truth, and preaching the gospel; and 3) for more consecration to follow the Lord for His spread.
We signed a preliminary agreement for purchase of the building. The owner applied for an occupancy permit. The process takes two weeks to a month (but sometimes a few months). We will complete the purchase when the permit is issued, with a target date of January 18. The total cost including remodeling is around US$300,000. We received US$136,513 offering for this Blending Center from the saints. Please pray for this need and for the Lord's move in Turkey and the surrounding nations.
- Morning revival: Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (spring 2012 ITERO):
December 24 to 30: winter training verses or repeat week 5 (prophesying will include both)
December 31 to January 6: winter training verses or repeat week 1 (prophesying will include both)
January 7 to 13: week 4
Prayer, Week of December 16, 2012
Prayer and the Lord's Move
"Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands, command Me." Isaiah 45:11b
From December 1 through 21, 2012, a special three-week prayer time of the local churches in the Lord's recovery is taking place. We urge as many saints as possible to deliberately separate themselves unto the ministry of prayer during this period of time.
We also pray for the long-term continuation of the ministry of prayer in all the churches for the intercession concerning the world situation and the Lord's move in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Australasia, and Israel, for the consummation of this age.
Many resources for prayer are at and
Winter Training
The training in Anaheim is next week. Some video trainings will be simultaneous, some delayed. Ask the Lord to release a rich and operative word and to prepare all the trainees to absorb the word.
College Students
Ask the Lord to keep all the students during their winter breaks. May the break form school not be a break from the Lord!
European Young People's Winter School of Truth
For ten years this school has been held in London. This winter it expands to continental Europe. The two locations are London, December 27 to January 1 and Biezenmortel, Netherlands, December 26 to 31. In both the subjects will be The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ (ages 11-14) and Knowing and Experiencing Life (ages 15-18).
Life-study Radio in Sweden
Beginning on 10 December Premier Radio, the station that broadcasts Life-study of the Bible in the UK, will begin broadcasting from Uppsala in Sweden (in English) and on prime broadcast times. Please pray for this program to reach and nourish the seeking ones in Sweden.
Saints have been meeting in Istanbul for five years. They also have blending meetings with saints from surrounding nations. Their current facility is not sufficient for next year's meetings. Recently they located at 3900 square foot building with a small garden and some parking. They are close to a purchase contract and have one quarter of the total purchase and remodeling cost. Pray for the completion of the contract, the permit for remodeling, and the supply of funds.
- Morning revival: Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (spring 2012 ITERO):
December 17 to 23: week FIVE (SKIP week 4); week 5 is "Be a Man of Prayer"
December 24 to 30: winter training verses or repeat week 5 (prophesying will include both)
Dec 31 to Jan 6: winter training verses or repeat week 1 (prophesying will include both)
January 7 to 13: week 4
January 14 to 20: week 6
Prayer, Week of December 9, 2012
Prayer and the Lord's Move
At and are
- The Call to Prayer (co-workers' letter)
- Fellowship after message 6 of the Thanksgiving Conference (video)
- Eight Suggested Directions for Prayer
- Twelve Points for Prayer Related to the Lord's Move in North America
- A List of Ministry Publications on the Prayer of the Age (with links to some)
- Links to video and audio messages of the Thanksgiving Conference
The eight points are offered as suggested directions for the prayer of the saints and the churches. These are not meant to be received as a formality or a legality that would limit our prayer in any way. No list of prayer burdens can replace our living contact with the resurrected and ascended Christ, who intercedes on the throne and in our spirit and who alone can supply us with the genuine burden and utterance for our prayer (Rom. 8:26, 34; Heb. 7:25).
"The Spirit also joins in to help us in our weakness, for we do not know for what we should pray as is fitting, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." Romans 8:26
"Who is he who condemns? It is Christ Jesus who died and, rather, who was raised, who is also at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us." Romans 8:34
"Hence also He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them." Hebrews 7:25
Winter Training
The training in Anaheim is two weeks away. Ask the Lord to prepare all the trainees and to oversee the practical preparations.
Training Graduations
FTTA, FTTA Middle-age, FTT Mexico City, FTT London and perhaps other FTTs will end their terms and have graduations December 15 or 22. Pray for the shepherding of the continuing trainees through the break time and for the Lord's guidance to those who are graduating.
The annual conference in Málaga is December 14 to 16.
- Morning revival: week 3 of Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (the spring 2012 ITERO).
- The Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference will be January 18 to 20 in Anaheim. The messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish. The meetings are open to all the saints. On the Lord's Day, we will conclude the conference with an overflow and blending time in the nearby churches. At the same time, we will have a Young People’s Conference and meetings for children. The invitation (English y español) is at
Prayer, Week of December 2, 2012
"Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands, command Me." Isaiah 45:11b
"The Spirit also joins in to help us in our weakness, for we do not know for what we should pray as is fitting, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. But He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to God." Rom. 8:26-27
"And receive...the sword of the Spirit, which Spirit is the word of God, by means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints, and for me, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known in boldness the mystery of the gospel." Eph. 6:17-19
"Persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving." Col. 4:2
"I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of our Savior God, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth." 1 Tim. 2:1-4
"But you, beloved, building up yourselves upon your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit." Jude 20
A Call to Prayer
From December 1 through 21, 2012, a special three-week prayer time of the local churches in the Lord's recovery will take place. We urge as many saints as possible to deliberately separate themselves unto the ministry of prayer during that period of time.
The unprecedented hunger of sinners and Christians..., the rapidly declining situation of the world and of religion, the condition of lawlessness and apostasy on the earth, the fierce attack of the evil forces of Satan..., the desperate have the reality of the Body of Christ, and the undeniable signs of the consummation of the age and of the Lord's imminent return...all require particular prayer that is Satan-defeating, divine-will-fulfilling, and age-turning in power and impact.
We are issuing a call to all the churches and the saints in the Lord's recovery, both individually and corporately, to awake and arise, to watch and pray, and to fulfill the greatest ministry of the church of God during the first twenty-one days of December, making them days of prevailing petition and intercession.
(This is an excerpt from the co-workers letter, A Call to Prayer in the Lord's Recovery. The full letter and related material is at and
a report from David and Elda Chang who migrated from L.A. to Albania
We [5 adults, 2 HS students] met Lord's Day, November 25 for an hour. We sang songs that were were translated into Albanian. Everyone's mouth was open, proclaiming, speaking, and praying. The saints described the time as sweet, organic and what they needed. They look forward to our next meeting.
A report from Tokyo trainee Yuki Goto, formerly in L.A. Hall 5, is at One aspect of this report is gospelizing Japan. In 10 weeks of going out, more than 200 people got baptized and about 50 saints got recovered.
The current burdens among the churches in Japan are mainly to have morning revival with vital companions and to strengthen the small group meetings. Lord, give each saint in Japan a solid church life according to the God-ordained way.
The Tokyo trainees invited college students and working saints to blend with them in December. Trainees will give testimonies of the enjoyment of the training. The number of trainees has been decreasing over the years and many saints are holding back their consecration. Many young people love the Lord, but they are afraid of paying the price to come to the training. Saints, please pray that the Lord will use this time to warm up and encourage the college-age saints in Japan.
Two brothers serving with Rhema visited us in November. They told us the Rhema books in Turkish are now available online ( They also met with the local Christian publisher and discussed the publishing and printing of the Rhema sets. We hope that the books could be ready by the end of this year or in the beginning of next year. Please keep praying for this.
Saints keep visiting us. In October and November we had visitors from the U.S., Canada, Taiwan, Singapore, and India.
We began to use acupuncture to open the way for gospel preaching, as Lord Jesus told us to heal the sick, to open the heart of the sick people even if they are Muslims. An experienced acupuncture brother visited Istanbul and helped us with this. During his visit five people got baptized.
The Congo
Goma is an important commercial city in eastern Congo. Recently, in this area there has been a resumption of rebel activity. Ask the Lord to preserve all who are meeting in this area and to advance further in the spread of the gospel and raising up a full church life.
- Morning revival: week 2 of Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (the spring 2012 ITERO).
Prayer, Week of November 25, 2012
Our Father who is in the heavens, Your name be sanctified; Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.
Matthew 6:9-10
The significance of prayer is to contact God in our spirit and to inhale God, absorb God, be mingled with God, and be filled with God. God moves on earth when our will agrees with His will and we pray in union with Him (John 15:7), requesting that He accomplish His will on earth. When we empty our hearts of our desires and echo His heart's desire, He will accomplish His work. (Thanksgiving conf., msg 1)
Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference
The conference will be January 18 to 20 in Anaheim. These days are for the seeking of the Lord's blessing through fellowship on His up-to date speaking and present burden. The messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. On the Lord’s Day, we will conclude the conference with an overflow and blending time in the nearby churches. At the same time, we will have a Young People’s Conference and meetings for the children. The invitation (in English y en español) is at
From Los Angeles to Albania
David and Elda Chang and their two small children left Los Angeles in the summer. Here is their first report from Albania.
We arrived in Albania November 12. We are currently staying with Elda's parents in the center of Tirana (the capital). In early December we are planning to move to a house 2 blocks from Elda's parents place which will provide for the needs of the family and a place to meet. We are full of peace and joy, looking forward to see what the Lord would do next.
We contacted the Balla family who touched the church life in the 1990's. They have 2 high school age children. We enjoyed a simple meal together and each other's spirit; see a photo at
For your prayer:
- Blending and building with the Balla family, especially a time where we can meet regularly to pray and enjoy the Lord.
- More household salvation for Elda's family (native Albanians). Elda has at least 10 cousins in their 20's and 30's that live in the area.
- The gospel would go out full of power through the ministry of the age. Continue to pray for the Albanian translation work and the Albanian language Rhema website.
Praise the Lord. We thank the Lord for His immense grace for the training for Elders and Responsible Ones held in Nigeria, November 2 to 4. Sixty-three saints from 11 localities within Nigeria and 3 saints from Cameroon attended this training. We enjoyed the re-speaking of "The Unique Work in The Lord's Recovery". We enjoyed the spirit of all the saints who attended. We thank the Lord for His unique work. Please pray that:
- The Lord would strengthen the practical oneness of all the saints in Nigeria.
- The Lord would provide a definite, practical way for Bibles, hymnals, and ministry material to be brought into Nigeria in regular intervals for the feeding of the saints and contacting of people.
We had a gospel time in Chennai, India November 3 to 11. The first two days was gospel training, followed by propagation in six places. 55 saints participated in the propagation. During these 9 days 45 were saved and baptized. We got more than 100 contacts, mostly Hindus.
On the final day we had a blending with the new ones; nearly 25 new ones participated. Six shared their testimony. Through this gospel move most of the saints were revived and vitalized and built together. Now we are continuously preaching the gospel and shepherding the new ones.
- Morning revival: week 1 of Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (the spring 2012 ITERO). Taking the Lead applies to all of us by focusing on Loving the Lord; Experiencing and Ministering Life; Prophesying for Building Up; Prayer; and Knowing, Living, and Working in the Body.
- Training registrations:
- the due date for Winter Training video registration is Lord's Day, December 2nd. Seats for both simulcast (halls 1, 4, 5) and delayed (hall 2) are available for $80. Register in your hall.
- if someone wants to register for the live training in Anaheim, it is $205 (including LSM's late fee). Contact Mike Kruidhof directly to register: cell phone 714-240-4251 or email