Prayer, Week of November 18, 2012
Praying One with the Ascended Lord and Christ
The crucified Jesus was raised by God and exalted by God. (Acts 2:32-33) "For David...says, 'The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand until I set Your enemies as a footstool for Your feet.' Therefore let all the house of Israel [and all the city of Los Angeles] know assuredly that God has made Him both Lord and Christ." (Acts 2:34-36)
Thanksgiving Conference: Prayer and the Lord's Move
The conference will be in Oklahoma City from Thursday through Lord's Day. The general subject is Prayer and the Lord’s Move. Lord, bless all the churches with the word spoken at this conference and increase our praying so that You can increase Your moving.
Middle-Age Training
Ask the Lord to bring a larger number of trainees in the spring term than attend this fall term.
Please pray for:
- qualified translators and a good coordination for the publication work in Italy.
- a family who moved from the USA to Napoli this summer, that the Lord will strengthen and use them to be gospel seeds and channels of life for His testimony in Napoli.
Europe (1)
Please continue to pray for New Testament Recovery Version distribution (in English, French, and German) and follow-up in European countries with the reaping of a bountiful harvest wherever the seed of the Lord's word is sown.
Europe (2)
Amana Trust is having four one-week trainings in London; the third is this week and the fourth is next week. The overall theme is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel.
- Morning revival: week 12 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training). After week 12 we will use Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (the spring 2012 ITERO). Taking the Lead applies to all of us by focusing on Loving the Lord; Experiencing and Ministering Life; Prophesying for Building Up; Prayer; and Knowing, Living, and Working in the Body.
- Helps for prayer:
- The weekly prayer, news, and announcements can now be delivered directly to your email inbox. To sign up, enter your email address on the right column of, then reply to the confirmation email you will receive.
- At the same web page is the original 8.5 by 11 inch page Celebrating 50 Years of the Church Life in Los Angeles distributed at our October 14 meeting at Mission College, plus new .jpg and .pdf versions optimized for iPhones and Android phones.
- A 2 minute video presentation of the Recovery Version NT by BfA is at La misma presentación en español está en
- An invitation to a conference in Hawaii is at The dates are January 25 to 27. Hotel reservations should be made by December 24.
Prayer, Week of November 11, 2012
Lord, Bring Many More to Continuing, Strong Faith in Los Angeles
Acts 14:27b "God...had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles."
Acts 14:22a "Establishing the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith."
Acts 16:5 "The churches were strengthened in the faith and increased in number daily."
and around Los Angeles
Lord, open the door to faith and to continuing and strong faith in Santa Clarita, Thousand Oaks, Glendale, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Culver City, and Palmdale.
Thanksgiving Conference
This year's International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City from Thursday, November 22 through Lord’s Day, November 25. The subject will be prayer. Lord, bless all the churches with the word spoken at this conference and increase our praying so that You can increase Your moving.
From Los Angeles to Albania
Paul told us, "from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ" (Rom. 15:19). Albania is a nation of 3 million people, overlapping ancient Illyricum. David and Elda Chang and their two children are moving from hall 4 to Albania and will arrive there mid November. Their plans are 1) family times (including her parents) of singing, prayer, and the Word; 2) times with the Balla family (the couple touched the church life in the 1990s, they have 2 teenage children); 3) blending with saints in Europe; and 4) living a normal Christian life. Please ask the Lord to:
- keep this family in the center of His recovery,
- keep their hearts guarded,
- grant the daily supply to meet their needs,
- give a good beginning in building up with saints in Albania.
European University Conference
The conference will be November 16 to 18 at Bower House in London with the subject, The Full Ministry of Christ: The Stage of Inclusion (2) — Organic Salvation."
The annual conference in Belgium is November 17 to 18.
The annual fall international conference in Israel is November 15 to 17.
- Morning revival: week 11 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training). After week 12 we will use Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (the spring 2012 ITERO). Taking the Lead applies to all of us by focusing on Loving the Lord; Experiencing and Ministering Life; Prophesying for Building Up; Prayer; and Knowing, Living, and Working in the Body.
- Helps for prayer:
- The weekly prayer, news, and announcements can now be delivered directly to your email inbox. To sign up, enter your email address on the right column of
- At the same web page is the original 8½ by 11 inch page Celebrating 50 Years of the Church Life in Los Angeles distributed at our October 14 meeting at Mission College, plus new .jpg and .pdf versions optimized for iPhones and Android phones.
- A 2 minute video presentation of the Recovery Version NT by BfA is at La misma presentación en español está en
Prayer, Week of November 4, 2012
Lord, Be Our Steadfastness in Prayer
Acts 2:42 "And they continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread and the prayers."
Romans 1:9 "For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit in the gospel of His Son, how unceasingly I make mention of you always in my prayers."
United States
Lord, head up the elections and the storm recovery for Your economy (Eph. 1:9-10).
Helps for Prayer
The weekly prayer, news, and announcements can now be delivered directly to your email inbox. To sign up, enter your email address on the right column of
At the same web site is the original 8.5 by 11 inch page Celebrating 50 Years of the Church Life in Los Angeles distributed at our October 14 meeting, plus new .jpg and .pdf versions optimized for iPhones and Android phones. You can save the .jpg to your "Photos" library and access it from there or you can open the .pdf using a pdf reader.
There will be a Chinese-speaking gospel meeting at USC this coming Friday evening. The saints have been contacting many gospel friends since the beginning of the semester, and many of them meet with us regularly. Please pray specifically that at least 5 will be baptized and be transferred into the kingdom of God.
Europe (1)
Please continue to pray for New Testament Recovery Version distribution (in English, French, and German) and follow-up in European countries with the reaping of a bountiful harvest wherever the seed of the Lord's word is sown.
Europe (2)
Please continue to pray for the contacting and shepherding of the students, especially the first-year students, on the university campuses in Europe.
Europe (3)
Amana Trust is having four one-week trainings in London; the second is this week. The overall theme is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel.
Europe (4)
All who serve the young people throughout Europe are invited to come together November 9 to 11 in the Netherlands for the Teachers' Training for the Winter School of the Truth. The Winter School will be the last week of December in both London and the Netherlands.
- Morning revival: week 10 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training). After week 12 we will use Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (the spring 2012 ITERO). Taking the Lead applies to all of us by focusing on Loving the Lord; Experiencing and Ministering Life; Prophesying for Building Up; Prayer; and Knowing, Living, and Working in the Body.
- A 2 minute video presentation of the Recovery Version New Testament by Bibles for America is at La misma presentación en español está en
- An invitation to a conference in Hawaii is at The dates are January 25 to 27. Hotel reservations should be made by December 24.
- Three couples in Storrs, Connecticut testify of the struggles and joys of their migration in a 4 minute video at
Prayer, Week of October 28, 2012
Lord, Rule Over the U. S. Elections
"Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of the kings of the earth." (Revelation 1:5)
God raised Christ and seated Him at His own right hand "Far above all rule and authority and power and lordship and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come." (Ephesians 1:20-21)
Lord, rule over every office and every name and every proposition in the elections next week for the furtherance of Your economy!
Southern California College Conferences
The conferences are November 2 to 4 and 16 to 18. Half of the churches in Southern California and Arizona will attend each. Los Angeles will attend the second conference. The subject of both is "The Divine Stream."
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible unveils to us a stream flowing as a picture of the Spirit flowing to impart God into us, to fill us, and to bring us into a deeper relationship with Him. We must give our undivided attention to the flow of the divine stream so that this stream would not only flow into us, but through us to water others. Come to the college conference and jump into the divine stream!
Los Angeles Korean Bible Distribution
After the Bible distribution at the L.A. Korean Festival, we Korean-speaking saints are contacting people who said they want to contact for more free booklets or studying the Bible by phone and face to face. Many saints are participating and enjoying this contacting because many recipients' responses are good and positive. Some read the Bible together with footnotes on telephone calls and some want to meet with us. Some want more Bibles for relatives and gospel friends, so our distribution is not finished yet. Pray that:
- the Lord may perfect us to feed and shepherd Bible recipients by phone and face to face.
- the Lord give the recipients spiritual hunger so that they will pursue the truth in the Bible with us.
- all the saints may enter into the prayer and God's ordained way by twos and threes.
- the Lord may bind the enemy and put Satan into shame to protect our continual Bible distribution and spreading this high gospel.
Florida College Conference
Dick Taylor will be in Tampa this weekend for the Florida College Conference. The subject is "The Divine Stream." Afterwards Dick will visit the church in Gainesville, Florida.
Full Time Training in Africa
Brother John and brother Gary from the church in Pretoria, South Africa are at FTTA for 5 to 7 weeks. Pray that they may receive maximum benefit from this time to lay a foundation for the beginning of FTT Pretoria (FTTP) in the first week of March, 2013. In addition, the couple Deon and Deanna from South Africa are trainees at FTTA-Middle Age for the entire fall term. Pray that they may receive maximum benefit from their training for their usefulness in the practical services at FTTP.
FTTP already has ten applications. Thank the Lord for this and ask for the Lord to open the door for more young saints in Africa to be trained.
Trainings in Europe
Amana Trust will have four one-week trainings in London, beginning Mondays October 29, November 5, November 19, and November 26. The overall theme is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel.
Attendees will also spend some time with the Full-time Training in London and its activities with the church in London. There will be fellowship regarding daily life before the Lord, practicing the vital groups, entering into the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, fulfilling the Lord's desire to be fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and developing each one’s function for building up the church.
- Morning revival: week 9 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training). After week 12 we will use Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (the spring 2012 ITERO). Taking the Lead applies to all of us by focusing on Loving the Lord; Experiencing and Ministering Life; Prophesying for Building Up; Prayer; and Knowing, Living, and Working in the Body.
- Three couples in Storrs, Connecticut testify of the struggles and joys of their migration in a 4 minute video at
Prayer Requests, October 21, 2012
Lord, Fill Los Angeles with an Abundance of Joyful Prayer
It is written, "My house shall be called a house of prayer." (Matt. 21:13)
Rejoice in hope; endure in tribulation; persevere in prayer. (Rom. 12:12)
Persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving. (Col. 4:2)
Unceasingly pray. (1 Thes. 5:17)
Junior High Conferences
The junior high conferences were very much blessed by the Lord. The junior high boys conference at hall 2 was very much borne by prayer. A group of serving ones gathered to pray before every meeting and we all felt we got a very good start on Friday. There was close to 130 present and many enjoyed the conference and the blending in the homes.
The conference was entitled Enjoying the Humanity of Jesus for the Fulfillment of God's Purpose. There was much speaking on eating the Lord and not imitating Him. Pray for the junior high schoolers to continue eating the Lord by calling, pray reading, getting companionized, and enjoying the person in their spirit.
Senior High Conferences
The senior high conferences are this weekend in Anaheim and Irvine. These are also on Enjoying the Humanity of Jesus for the Fulfillment of God's Purpose. Pray for the Lord's working in these conferences.
Los Angeles Joint College Meeting
This meeting is for all college students in L.A. It will be at CSUN Saturday, October 27, and begin with dinner at 6 p.m.
October 24 to 25 the leading brothers from churches throughout Europe will gather in the Netherlands to review the messages spoken in the 2012 fall ITERO in Japan. This will be followed by a conference October 26 to 28 attended by more than 600 saints from the churches in Europe. Please pray:
- That all the leading brothers in Europe will receive a clear vision of the unique work in the Lord's recovery and will labor with the Lord to carry out this work in all the churches.
- That the saints in all the churches will receive the burden in the Lord's up-to-date speaking and be blended together in oneness and one accord for the building up of the Body in Europe.
Continue to pray for shepherding of the literature and New Testament recipients throughout Europe.
- Morning revival: Week 8 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- A simple, 2 minute video presentation of the Recovery Version New Testament by Bibles for America is at
- This year's International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord’s Day, November 25. The announcement is at There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord’s Day, October 28.
Prayer Requests, October 14, 2012
Jubilee in Los Angeles
We come to the Lord to enjoy Him so that we can be filled with Him and rest in Him. Then we work for Him, with Him, and in oneness with Him. Our desire in celebrating 50 years of church life in Los Angeles is more coming to Him through more prayer.
"These all continued steadfastly with one accord in prayer." (Acts 1:14)
"Persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving." (Col. 4:2)
Prayer topics for celebration of our jubilee are posted at Our desire is that everyone would set aside some time weekly to pray, with a companion or in larger numbers, for these topics from now through the end of the year.
Junior High Conferences
This weekend, October 19-21, there will be a junior high brothers' conference at L.A. hall 2 for all of Southern California. The same weekend a junior high sisters’ conference will be hosted by the church in Riverside. Please pray
- that every junior high brother and sister would touch the Lord in a personal way,
- that the speaking of the truth would be clear and would constitute the young people with Christ as their supply to live in this age,
- that all the serving ones from all the localities would serve in oneness and under the anointing Spirit for the building of the church,
- that the time in the homes, at the meal times, and in the activities would be under the Lord's blessing and would be full of divine supply and mutuality.
Winter Training
The winter training in Anaheim will be Monday, December 24 to Saturday, December 29. The deadline to register for Anaheim is October 23. After October 23 there will be a late charge (in addition to the donation) of $50 for Anaheim. Video registrations are also desirable by October 23 but the door will remain open until early December. For both Anaheim and video we may register full time (12 meetings) or part time (at least six meetings) or shared seat (occupied full time).
Lord, release many to participate and to hear what the Spirit is speaking to the churches!
Bible Distribution at L.A. Korean Festival
We only had 760 Recovery Version New Testaments to distribute and gave all of them to people. We were surprised that the Korean people were so open. Among the recipients, 347 want to be contacted again. Please pray that all the recipients read the Bible, have their eyes opened, and get connected to the ministry. Please pray also for many saints to be active in calling the 347 recipients. And we may learn the Body and move in the Body and work in the way of Body.
Spanish-Speaking Perfecting
This Saturday, October 20, 4 to 9:30 pm in Anaheim will be a time of fellowship and perfecting for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. This perfecting conference is open to all the saints. There will not be child care. Each attendant is responsible for their own meal between the two meetings.
Lord, bless this time with Your presence and with Your speaking.
Bibles for America on Campuses
Many BfA distributions were carried out on college campuses as classes resumed in August and September. On numerous campuses, students, full-time serving ones, and community saints are laboring to follow up with those who indicated they would like further contact. Please pray that:
- The students who showed interest in further contact would remain open and willing to meet.
- The Lord strengthen the saints to care for these students and nourish them with the Word and the ministry.
- The threefold cord of students, families, and full-timers would be strengthened with much coordination and blending to gain a harvest from the sowing on these campuses.
Bible Recipients in Europe
Please pray:
- That the Lord will supply the saints to carry out the large task of following-up the Recovery Version recipients in the United Kingdom, France, and Switzerland through phone calls, seminars, and personal visits.
- That a good number of local people will be brought into the church life.
- Morning revival: REPEAT week 7 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- A simple, 2 minute video presentation of the Recovery Version New Testament by Bibles for America is at
- This year's International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord’s Day, November 25. The announcement is at There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord’s Day, October 28.
Prayer Requests, October 7, 2012
Binding and Loosing
"I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you bind on the earth shall have been bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose on the earth shall have been loosed in the heavens." (Matthew 16:18b-19)
Our function in prayer is to exercise our spirit to sense what has already been bound or loosed in the heavens, and then to bind or loose the same on earth.
Meeting of the Church in Los Angeles
The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together at Mission College Lord's Day, October 14. A map is posted at Lord, release much enjoyment, many praises, and more blending during this time. Bring us forward into a new experience of praying for Your move in and around Los Angeles.
Lord's Day there was a dinner for UCSB students who met regularly last school year. The time was used to fellowship and pray about contacting and shepherding new students. Tuesday night is a dinner and meeting for students contacted at BfA tables 2 weeks ago and this week.
Please ask the Lord to gain more students this quarter and to give each of the students meeting since last year a shepherding heart to care for new students.
Perfecting Time for Spanish-Speaking
Every year, during the fall, we have a time of fellowship and perfecting for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. This year will be Saturday, October 20 from 4:00 PM to 9:30 PM at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim. This time we will consider the service and function of the sisters in the church life. This perfecting conference is open to all the saints in the churches. There will not be child care.
4:00-6:00 PM First Meeting
6:00-7:15 PM Recess (meal is personal responsibility)
7:30-9:30 PM Second Meeting
The church in Anaheim will have an English-language gospel meeting Saturday, October 13 and a gospel picnic Saturday, October 20.
French Recovery Version
Over 1,300 New Testaments were given out in Paris September 12 to 18, with over 900 people indicating they wanted further contact. Of these 900, the saints felt that 115 were especially eager for more contact. Bibles were distributed also in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland, and again last week in Paris. Please pray for the follow-up of those who have requested contact.
We still have some obstacles in opening our publishing company. We contacted a local Christian publisher and this publisher is willing to help us to publish and distribute our books. We are seeking further fellowship related to the publication work. Please pray for the publication of the Ministry materials in Turkish.
We met a few native Turkish families open to the gospel. Lord, move more in this direction!
Teams of local saints, FTTMx trainees, and middle-age trainees are visiting 14 target cities in Mexico October 2 to 14. They are preaching the gospel of the kingdom, doing follow-up with literature readers, and shepherding saints who already meet in those cities. Please pray
- That all the teams may be strengthened to go as one priesthood of the gospel God.
- For the first Lord's table in Tuxtla Gutierrez, capital city of Chiapas. May the Lord gain a shinning lampstand there!
- For the team going to Merida, capital city of Yucatan to prepare for the migration in the coming months. May the Lord guide them to find the most strategic place to live.
- That the Lord may gain one key family per city during this trip.
- For the safety of each saint.
- Morning revival: week 7 of Crystallization-Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- We are pleased to announce a perfecting conference for parents and for those who serve with the children in the churches. It will be a further development of the conference one year ago. It will be Saturday, October 13, 9 am to 3:30 pm at the Diamond Bar meeting hall. The registration deadline is October 9; donation (including lunch) is $20. Please click here to register by October 9 or go to the link at
- A simple, 2 minute video presentation of the Recovery Version New Testament by Bibles for America is at
- The fall international conference in Israel will be November 15 to 17. An optional pre-conference tour to visit sites of biblical and historical significance will be November 8-15. Registration deadline is October 15. The announcement is at
- This year's International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord’s Day, November 25. The announcement is at There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord’s Day, October 28.
Prayer Requests, September 30, 2012
Christ Revealed and Announced
"It pleased God, who set me apart from my mother's womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me that I might announce Him as the gospel among the Gentiles" Galatians 1:15-16
Lord, reveal Yourself more in us and motivate us to announce You as the gospel to others!
The international training for elders and responsible brothers is Thursday through Saturday in Yokohama, Japan. The general subject is The Unique Work in the Lord's Recovery. This unique work is not outward activity but is Christ working in us, on us, among us, and through us.
Church in L.A.
The whole church will meet together Lord's Day, October 14 at Mission College (same facility we used in May). Lord, blend us more and advance in Los Angeles through this time.
Winter Training
The winter training will be Monday, December 24 to Saturday, December 29 (meetings at 4 pm and 7:30 pm). The donation is $155 for Anaheim and $80 for video. The deadline to register for both Anaheim and video is October 23. After October 23 there will be a late charge (in addition to the donation) of $50 for Anaheim and $25 for video. You may register full time or part time (at least six meetings) or shared seat (occupied full time).
Lord, release many to participate and to hear what the Spirit is speaking to the churches!
Children's Meeting Perfecting
Lord, cause many to participate. (details in announcement 2)
Los Angeles Korean Festival
Wednesday to Lord's Day, October 3 to 7, there is a Korean Festival on Olympic Blvd. near hall 1. News media estimate an attendance of 450,000 people. Korean-speaking saints from L.A. and Orange Counties will distribute Recovery Version New Testaments and announce good news every day of this event. Please pray for:
- the preaching of the high gospel;
- a larger supply of Korean-language New Testaments;
- New Testaments to reach hungry and seeking people;
- the distributing saints to be built more into the body of Christ;
- to bind the enemy and any religious hindrances to the distribution.
From September 13 to 23, saints in Oklahoma distributed copies of the New Testament Recovery Version, Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 1, and gospel tracts to some of the one million fairgoers at the Oklahoma State Fair. The saints are very burdened for the follow-up and shepherding of the many open ones they met during this distribution and have scheduled several seminars to take place in October. They also hope to establish many solid personal connections with recipients.
Please pray that:
- The Lord would supply the saints for the follow-up after this distribution, and that many personal connections would be established between saints and recipients to facilitate further shepherding.
- The Lord would lead the saints to clusters of seeking ones, especially in the outlying communities.
Bible Distribution in French-Speaking Countries
There is a free distribution of the French New Testament Recovery Version in Paris 29 September - 7 October in Paris. Please pray for the one accord among all the saints, the serving ones, and the FTTL trainees, which will bring in the Lord's commanded blessing.
Bible Recipients in the United Kingdom
Continue to pray for a bountiful supply to saints contacting recipients of New Testaments or other literature in the United Kingdom.
Gospel in Japan
Yuki Goto was in L.A. hall 5, then went to Minneapolis. He is now in the full time training in Tokyo. This summer he was with others proclaiming the gospel in the tsunami-devastated part of Japan. A report from him is at Please continue to pray for the gospel, shepherding of new believers, and raising up of churches in this area of Japan.
- Morning revival: week 6 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- We are pleased to announce a perfecting conference for parents and for those who serve with the children in the churches. It will be a further development of the conference one year ago. It will be Saturday, October 13, 9 am to 3:30 pm at the Diamond Bar meeting hall. The registration deadline is October 9; donation (including lunch) is $20. Please click here to register by October 9. or go to the link at
- Videos from Christian Research Institute are posted at We encourage you to view the entire list and to "like" the ones that strike you. Continue to pray for the effectiveness of these clips, especially the positive effect on young people on the college campuses.
- The fall international conference in Israel will be November 15 to 17. An optional pre-conference tour to visit sites of biblical and historical significance will be November 8-15. Registration deadline is October 15. The announcement is at
- This year's International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord's Day, November 25. The announcement is at There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord's Day, October 28.
Prayer Requests, September 23, 2012
United States
"The operation of the might of His strength, which He caused to operate in Christ in raising Him from the dead and seating Him at His right hand in the heavenlies, far above all rule and authority and power and lordship and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come; and He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church, which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all." Eph. 1:19b-23
Let us apply these verses both to pray for the coming election and to pray for the gospel.
Southern California Spanish-Speaking Perfecting Training
This training continues those of prior years. The last of the three Saturdays this year is September 29. The emphasis is perfecting for the follow up to the Bibles for America recipients and Life-Study of the Bible radio program contacts.
CSU Channel Islands
We have Bible studies Thursday nights. Recent attendance has been 11-13 students and 5-6 community saints. This is from the Lord and we rejoice (last spring one student attended regularly). We also have 82 names on our contact list. Last Saturday we had a hike/BBQ/meeting with CSUCI and CSUN students; more than 40 students, young adults and serving ones attended this event.
We have been able to form an exploratory student club (CSUCI Christian Students); this has no faculty sponsor still enjoys the privileges of reserving rooms and passing out flyers.
Please pray for:
- follow-up with new student contacts;
- remaining fruits (core members) who would regularly attend the Thursday Bible study and/or the Saturday night college/young adult group;
- a faculty member willing to sponsor our club so that it can be granted official status.
Young People's Conferences
The junior high conferences are October 19 to 21; registration deadline is September 30.
The high school conferences are October 26 to 28. Registration deadline is October 7.
European Campuses
Please pray for the contact with the students, especially the first-year students, at the universities in Europe in September, before classes begin in October.
European Lampstands
Pray for the raising up of the Lord's testimony these key European cities:
- Lisbon, Portugal
- Krakow, Poland
- Budapest, Hungary
- Vienna, Austria
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Thessaloniki, Greece
- Zagreb, Croatia
- Belgrade, Serbia
- Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich, Germany
- Morning revival: week 5 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- We are pleased to announce a perfecting conference for parents and for those who serve with the children in the churches. It will be a further development of the conference one year ago. It will be Saturday, October 13, 9 am to 3:30 pm at the Diamond Bar meeting hall. The registration donation (including lunch) is $20. Please click here to register by October 9. or go to the link at
- There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles, Lord's Day, October 14, 10 am at Mission College (same location as May of this year).
- BfA has developed videos on Basic Elements of the Christian Life. Each video features discussion in one chapter and invites the viewer to read more. Videos are being released every Monday for the next eight weeks. You may watch them at
- This year's International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord’s Day, November 25. The announcement is at There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord’s Day, October 28.
- Videos from Christian Research Institute are posted at We encourage you to view the entire list and to "like" the ones that strike you. Continue to pray for the effectiveness of these clips, especially the positive effect on young people on the college campuses.
Prayer Requests, September 16, 2012
United States
"Indeed days are coming, declares the Lord Jehovah, When I will send a hunger into the land, not a hunger for bread nor a thirst for water, but for hearing the words of Jehovah." Amos 8:11
Lord, fill the homes, neighborhoods, schools, universities, workplaces, and shopping centers of the United States with a hunger for Your words.
Bibles for America
BfA has developed a series of videos to encourage recipients to get into the Basic Elements of the Christian Life series. Each video features discussion on a particular section of one chapter and invites the viewer to read more. Videos are currently available and more will be released every Monday for the next nine weeks. You may watch the Basic Elements of the Christian Life videos at
Please pray that:
- Many Bible and book recipients would watch the videos and receive help from the brothers' speaking.
- News about the videos would spread through social media, e-mail, and word-of-mouth.
UC Santa Barbara
There will be a gospel meeting for UCSB students Saturday, September 22. There will be a BfA table on campus Monday, September 24, the day of the new student convocation.
Bibles for America – Korean Section
After much prayer and fellowship with the Korean language co-workers, we feel the Lord is leading us to reach out to the Korean-speaking people in the United States. 1.7 to 2.1 million Korean-Americans live here; up to 80 percent of these identify themselves as Christians. About 4,000 Korean Christian groups exist in the U.S. These statistics testify to the Lord's saving grace towards the Korean people.
Among these Christians, we believe a good number of pure-hearted seekers are not satisfied with what they have. As stewards, we are indebted to the Lord to dispense the spiritual food at the appointed time. The rich ministry of this age is meant for all of God's children, who are our dear brothers and sisters in Christ. We invite you to participate in this great endeavor by your prayers, your financial contribution, and your active involvement in giving away our materials and caring for those who want further contact.
Contacting Bible Recipients in the United Kingdom
Sixty thousand recipients of New Testaments or other literature in the United Kingdom want contact. Pray for a rich supply to all in the church in London to shepherd these people.
Bible Distribution in French-speaking Countries
Free distribution of the French New Testament Recovery Version is in progress in Europe. The planned schedule is: 12-19 September in Paris; 20-23 September in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland; 29 September—7 October in Paris; and sometime in November in Brussels. Nine thousand free French Recovery Versions are in stock. Please pray for the one accord among all the saints, the serving ones, and the FTTL trainees, which will bring in the Lord's commanded blessing.
The annual fall international conference in Switzerland is September 22nd and 23rd.
- Morning revival: week 4 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- A perfecting conference for parents and for those who serve with the children will be Saturday, October 13, 9 am to 3:30 pm at the Diamond Bar meeting hall. It will be a further development of the conference one year ago. The registration donation (including lunch) is $20. Please click here to register by October 9. or go to the link at
- There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles, Lord's Day, October 14, 10 am at Mission College (same location as May of this year).
- Videos from Christian Research Institute are posted at We encourage you to view the entire list and to "like" the ones that strike you. Continue to pray for the effectiveness of these clips, especially the positive effect on young people on the college campuses.
- The fall international conference in Israel will be November 15 to 17. An optional pre-conference tour to visit sites of biblical and historical significance will be November 8-15. Registration deadline is October 15. The announcement is at