Prayer Requests, September 9, 2012
United States
"His good pleasure, which He purposed in Himself, unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him" (Eph. 1:9b-10).
The U.S. elections are November 6, eight weeks from now. Lord, use this time and our prayer to head up this nation in Christ.
The North American co-workers will be together Wednesday and Thursday to pray for and consider the furtherance of the Lord's move among us.
Perfecting for Parents and Those Serving with Children
We are pleased to announce a perfecting conference for parents and for those who serve with the children in the churches. This conference will be a further development of the conference one year ago. It will be Saturday, October 13, 9 am to 3:30 pm at the church in Diamond Bar meeting hall. The registration donation (including lunch) is $20. Please click here to register by October 9. or go to the link at
Santa Barbara
Pray for further experiences of one accord in our:
- Shepherding of families who generally meet once per week but have not come into daily church life.
- Shepherding of children in church families and coordination of the serving saints.
- Shepherding of students at UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara City College, and Brooks Institute.
- Incorporation of the church in Santa Barbara with the State of California.
UC Merced
The church in Merced had a BfA table on the UC Merced campus last Wednesday. We got 21 appointments with students to have Bible studies with them on campus. Please pray that they all will show up at the appointed time and enjoy the Lord with us in His word.
Bibles for America
Since 2000, BfA has given away more than 2 million Bibles and ministry books. Each month over 4,500 Bibles and 10,000 books are sent to people all over the country. Forty-four percent of recipients are interested in further contact. Many have been gained for the Lord's recovery and are enjoying the church life today.
Through the years, Bibles for America has endeavored to carry out its mission with a learning spirit and in coordination with the churches in the Lord's recovery. What we have learned related to distributing the Recovery Version and ministry books and also following up with recipients, is for the spread of the Lord’s work in His recovery, and ultimately for the building up of His Body. From giving away Bibles in person to providing online tools and resources, BfA is striving to use every proper means to feed the spiritually hungry, both saved and unsaved.
Please pray for the contact with the students, especially the first-year students, at the universities in Europe in September, before classes begin in October.
The fall 2012 semester of the full-time training in London (FTTL) includes 40 trainees, of whom 17 are first-term trainees. There are trainees from the UK (11), France (6), Netherlands (4), Poland (4), Germany (3), Spain (3), Lithuania (2), Estonia (2), and one each from Romania, Slovakia, Italy, Portugal, and Taiwan. Please pray that all the trainees be constituted with the divine truths, live the life of a God-man, and be equipped to serve the Lord for the increase and building up of Christ's Body.
O Lord, Gospelize Thailand
The population of Thailand is less than one percent Christian. Recently some young saints have given themselves for gospelizing. O Lord, Gospelize Thailand!
- Morning revival: week 3 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles, Lord's Day, October 14, 10 am at Mission College (same location as May of this year).
- This year's International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord’s Day, November 25. The announcement is at There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord’s Day, October 28.
Prayer Requests, September 2, 2012
The Word of Reality
"The word of the truth of the gospel, which has come to you, even as it is also in all the world, bearing fruit and growing, as also in you, since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth" (Col. 1:5b-6). Although our words may be poor, the listeners should sense Christ as the reality (truth) of the gospel being spoken into them. Such a word of reality will bear fruit and grow.
Bible Distribution in London
There are tens of thousands of Bible recipients in England. Please continue to pray that the Lord will
- draw each recipient to read, and enlighten each one through the reading,
- stir in and richly supply everyone in the church in London to participate in contacting recipients,
- shepherd many recipients into the church life.
UC Merced
The church in Merced will have a BfA table on the UC Merced campus on Wednesday, September 5. Please pray for us that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified here in Merced. Thank you.
Cal State Channel Islands
On August 26, the church in Thousand Oaks hosted a BfA table at CSUCI "open house day." Sixty one students and two faculty members received NT Recovery Versions and gave us their names and contact information. On August 31, we again hosted a BfA table at CSUCI. We gave away ten more NTs and received ten more student names.
We praise the Lord for the open hearts on this campus. Please pray for the students who received the Bibles to continue to seek the truth in His Word and be open to further fellowship. Pray also for the saints to rise up that the Lord can shepherd all the new students through His Body.
We have three students on campus from the church life. Two joined the church for our Labor Day weekend at Engedi. We need at least five students and one faculty member to form a club. Please pray that we may have a club on campus soon.
BfA on College Campuses
Since late July, over 5,000 Bibles and nearly 80,000 tracts and brochures have been ordered from BfA. The majority will be distributed on college campuses by saints passing out Bibles to new and returning students and sharing their enjoyment of Christ. Please pray that:
- There would be a sweet fragrance of Christ on every campus that many would be attracted to the Lord in His Word and in His people.
- The Lord would use these distributions to connect the saints with seeking ones who are open to further contact on each campus.
- The Lord would cover the saints in their distributing of the Word and speaking to people on the campuses.
New Zealand
Ken Walker remains in New Zealand for a blending conference in Auckland Friday (September 7) through Lord's Day (September 9). This will concentrate on "a man of God" and “shepherding in love,” both from 1 and 2 Timothy. Ask the Lord to raise up more saints as His teachers, soldiers, athletes, farmers, and workmen (2 Tim. 2:1-15). Also pray for grace to brother Ken and for a rich word to be released through Him.
There will be a conference in Romania September 7 to 9. Please pray for the gathering of the saints, the rich release of the Lord's up-to-date speaking, and the blending of the saints into the oneness and one accord of the Body.
- Morning revival: week 2 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- This year's International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord’s Day, November 25. The announcement is at There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord’s Day, October 28.
- The fall international conference in Israel will be November 15 to 17. An optional pre-conference tour to visit sites of biblical and historical significance will be November 8-15. Registration deadline is October 15. The announcement is at
- Christian Research Institute produced videos (1 to 5 minutes each) about the recovery, local churches, and Brother Lee. They are on YouTube at Please watch as many as possible (there is a "play all" button at the top). The more they are watched, the more prominent they will become to counter negative information on the internet.
Prayer Requests, August 26, 2012
Although the resurrected Lord found the disciples in unbelief and hardness of heart (Mark 16:14), "He said to them, Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all the creation" (v. 15). "And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the accompanying signs" (v. 20).
Bible Distribution in London
Several tens of thousands of New Testament recipients need contact. Because many from other place who came to London have returned home, the contacting burden falls primarily on the church in London. Please continue to pray that the Lord will
- draw each recipient to read and enlighten each one through the reading,
- stir in many to participate in the contacting and richly supply them,
- shepherd many recipients into the church life.
United States
"I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position" (1 Tim 2:1-2). Let us petition the Lord about those running for president and other high positions in the United States. Lord, give us a government good for Your move today!
Please pray for the construction work at the training center in Boston. Only a few brothers are serving full time. They work six days a week and infrequently get home to be with their families. Pray for:
- a daily strengthening and joy to these brothers and to their families,
- completion of the exterior shell of the building before winter so that interior work can continue shielded from harsh winter weather,
- timely release of all the building permits for this project.
High School Seniors
This Saturday high school seniors from the churches in Southern California are invited to a fellowship time at UCLA. This time is open to all high school seniors, not just those interested in UCLA. The purpose is to impress the students with the value of their college years both humanly and for the Lord, and to provide some practical college fellowship. College students and full timers will share experiences of the Lord during their college years and how important that time was in their lives. May the Lord speak to each senior during this time that all would be supplied to go on this coming year.
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
We will have a BfA table at Middle Tennessee State University on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. We don't have a full time team or a regular presence on campus and this is one of the few but crucial times during the year when we go on campus in a corporate way. Please pray for us.
New Zealand
Ken Walker will be in New Zealand for two weekend conferences:
- a college conference in Wellington Friday (August 31) through Lord's Day (September 2).
- a blending conference in Auckland Friday (September 7) through Lord's Day (September 9).
The conferences will concentrate on "a man of God" and "shepherding in love," both from 1 and 2 Timothy. Ask the Lord to raise up more saints as His teachers, soldiers, athletes, farmers, and workmen (2 Tim. 2:1-15). Also pray for grace to brother Ken and for a rich word to be released through Him.
Christian Research Institute (CRI)
CRI has produced many short videos about the recovery, local churches, and Brother Lee. They are on YouTube at Their lengths vary from 1 to 5½ minutes. Please watch as many as possible (there is a "play all" button at the top). The more they are watched, the more prominent they will become to counter negative information on the internet.
Pray for the effectiveness of these clips, especially for positive effect on young people on the college campuses.
Since August 2010 the peoples of what was formerly Yugoslavia (today's Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia) have received the ministry through the Rhema free distribution. Approximately 10,000 orders have been received from these countries. A report about contact with these Christians is at
Please pray:
- For the positive ones who have read the ministry books and are being contacted by the saints.
- For the ongoing translation, printing, and distribution of the ministry books in these countries.
- For the raising up of many local churches in the former Yugoslav countries.
- Morning revival: week 1 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- This year's International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord's Day, November 25. The announcement is at There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord's Day, October 28.
- The church in Lausanne-Bussigny would like to invite you to the international conference in Switzerland to be held on September 22nd and 23rd. Information is at
Prayer Requests, August 29, 2012
May the Word of the Lord Run and Be Glorified
"Finally, brothers, pray concerning us, that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified, even as it is also with you." (2 Thes. 3:1). Note 1: To "be glorified" is to have the divine riches contained in the word of the Lord released and expressed in the believers' living.
Lord, grant us more release and expression of Your word where we live, work, go to school, and shop!
Bible Distribution in London
By middle of last week more than 60,000 New Testaments had been distributed and over 60 percent of the recipients requested further contact. Please continue to pray that the Lord will
- draw each recipient to read and enlighten each one through the reading,
- richly supply the saints laboring in the follow-up in all nations where these recipients live,
- shepherd many recipients into the church life.
The FTTA extension in Boston is beginning its second year. The goal is to raise up some who will serve their whole life, especially in the Lord's move from North America through Europe to Israel. Pray for the Lord's leading and supply to these saints:
- those who bear responsibility for the training and campus work in Boston,
- those who were trainees in Boston and went to Europe this summer,
- those who were trainees in Boston and are now serving full time on campuses there,
- those who are beginning their training year in Boston,
- those in FTTA who are considering Boston in their future.
Southern California Spanish-Speaking Perfecting Training
This training continues those of prior years. It is all day three Saturdays; one was in July and the remaining two are August 25 and September 29. The emphasis is perfecting for the follow up to the Bibles for America recipients and Life-Study of the Bible radio program contacts.
Korean-Speaking Campus Work
The Korean-speaking saints are preaching the gospel and distributing Korean and English New Testaments on local campuses. Pray that they gain many students for the Bible studies. Here is their near-term schedule.
August 14, Tuesday: USC international graduate student orientation
August 20, Monday: USC international freshman orientation
August 24, Friday: SMC freshman orientation
August 27, Monday: LA City College first day of semester.
New Zealand
Ken Walker will be at a college conference in Wellington Friday (August 31) through Lord's Day (September 2). Trainees from Hamilton will also attend with their college contacts. The conference will concentrate on "a man of God" and "shepherding in love," both from 1 and 2 Timothy. Ask the Lord to raise up more as His teachers, soldiers, athletes, farmers, and workmen (2 Tim. 2:1-15). Also pray for grace to brother Ken and a rich word to be released through Him.
Since April of this year, saints from Sendai and surrounding localities have been holding monthly gospel meetings and weekly children's meetings in the tsunami-devastated town of Ishinomaki. Because of the great response from the people living in the temporary housing units, the saints are fellowshipping about the purchase of a meeting hall in Ishinomaki. The saints are burdened that a meeting hall in Ishinomaki would serve as a base to reach other tsunami-devastated areas. There is also a need for some couples to migrate to this city.
Please pray for:
- The blending and coordination of the saints in this move and for the Lord to supply them.
- The acquisition of a meeting hall in Ishinomaki.
- The Lord to raise up some couples to migrate to Ishinomaki.
- Those gained in Ishinomaki to be remaining fruit.
The Baltic churches' family blending conference will be this Friday through Lord's Day. The topic is The Focus of the Lord's Recovery.
The international conference in Ireland will be this Saturday and Lord's Day.
- Morning revival: week 6 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body... (Memorial Day conference). After the Memorial Day conference, we will use Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- This year's International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord's Day, November 25. The announcement is at There will be child care for kindergarden through 6th grade; please register your children with your district by Lord's Day, October 28.
- The church in Lausanne-Bussigny would like to invite you to the international conference in Switzerland to be held on September 22nd and 23rd. Information is at
- The fall international conference in Israel will be November 15 to 17. An optional pre-conference tour to visit sites of biblical and historical significance will be November 8-15. Registration deadline is October 15. The announcement is at
Prayer Requests, August 12, 2012
The Opening of Our Mouth
Ephesians 6:18b-19, "praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints, and for me, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known in boldness the mystery of the gospel." Lord, grant us all the utterance to make Your gospel known where we are.
Human History, Divine History
In human history the United States, more than any other nation, is a melting pot. Within this melting pot God desires to bring forth the reality of the new man with people out of every race, culture, and language. The new man is the divine history in the melting pot of human history.
Europe and Beyond
Bibles for Europe reports the number of New Testaments distributed up to middle of last week was 41,689, with 13,844 distributed in the first week of the Olympic Games. (This is more divine history in human history.) Over 60% of the recipients requested further contact. Four seminars for recipients were held the past weekend and more are scheduled and planned for the coming weeks.
Please continue to pray that the Lord will
- draw each recipient to read and enlighten each through the reading,
- richly supply the saints laboring in the follow-up in all the nations where these recipients live,
- shepherd many recipients into the church life.
Photos from the distribution in London are at
Young People
After a wonderful summer school of truth on the topic of the church, we ask that the Lord would continue His care for all of our young people during this next school year. Los Angeles Unified School district begins Tuesday, August 14 and other schools in the area, whether private or public, will also be beginning in a few weeks. Please pray that:
- our young people would enter increasingly into the practical church life where they live,
- our young people would enjoy continued organic connections with one another and with college saints and community saints,
- the Lord would provide the young people with opportunities to announce the gospel of peace to their fellow students.
The church in Inglewood will host a Life Study seminar Friday, August 17 for Spanish-speaking radio listeners and New Testament recipients.
Nordic Conference & First Lord's Table in Uppsala, Sweden
There will be a weekend conference and the first Lord's Table in Uppsala, Sweden on August 17-19. We thank the Lord for the prayers of so many saints on the earth, and now we welcome you to blend with us and participate in the taking of the ground in the city of Uppsala. This city is home to Uppsala University, with a student population of about 40,000.
European Young People's Conference in Poland
Please continue to pray for the European young people who attended the conference in Poland July 29 to August 4. Pray that the Lord will cause the word that they heard to operate in them to supply them, save them from the world, and equip them to bear a strong testimony in their schools and in the churches.
The fall terms begin August 13. Please pray for the Lord's continued blessing on these full-time trainings and for the raising up of a generation of overcomers for the Lord's ultimate move in North America through Europe and to Jerusalem to end this age.
- Morning revival: week 5 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body... (Memorial Day conference). After the Memorial Day conference, we will use Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- The church in Lausanne-Bussigny would like to invite you to the international conference in Switzerland to be held on September 22nd and 23rd. Information is at
Prayer Requests, August 5, 2012
O Jehovah, Revive Your Work
Hab. 3:2m, "O Jehovah, revive Your work in the midst of the years." Revival is a matter of life, not excitement. We have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly revivals, but we still need more reviving. Lord, grant us stronger and more consistent life revivals and bring a greater number into these revivals.
Go to the Highways
Luke 14:23: "The master said to the slave, Go out into the roads and hedges and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled." The Lord's desire, and even His command, is that we go to bring people in so that His house may be filled. In this verse many versions have "highways" instead of "roads." In this century the biggest "highway" on the earth is the internet. Let us ask the Lord to send some of us specifically, two by two, to the internet to gain people for His house.
Santa Barbara
Please pray for 1) the strengthening of the saints in Santa Barbara, 2) the nourishing of the students wherever they are for the summer, and 3) gaining of local families with homes open to church life.
Monterey Bay, California
Santa Cruz, at the north side of Monterey bay, is home to a University of California campus with 16,000 students. It is the only one of ten UC campuses in a city without a local church.
Seaside, at the south side of the bay (about 10 miles from the church in Salinas), is home to Cal State Monterey Bay with 5,000 students, over half of whom live on campus.
Lord, raise up churches in these cities and reach the campuses to gain students for Yourself.
Olympic Games
Saints from around the world have come together to distribute the New Testament Recovery Version and Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 1, in London. We are stationed at locations where many teams and officials and workers from all over the world enter and come out all day long. We will be here through the 12th when the Olympics end. We need prayers for:
- our teams (including new comers) to be blent and coordinated;
- all the local saints who are serving here 12 to16 hours a day;
- all the religious groups to be neutralized;
- all the authorities to be blessed, saved, and to be our and the Lord's servants under the ruling and reigning of our heavenly King;
- the rainy weather in London to stop or else not to be a hindrance;
- all the saints participating to be strengthened and preserved spirit, soul, and body, complete;
Lord may You have Your way in, through, and out of every brother and sister for Your building, unto Your glory. To You be glory in the church, Amen.
(photos are in a separate .pdf page)
Europe and Beyond
Please continue pray that the Lord will 1) have mercy on the readers of the free literature distributed by Rhema and Bibles for Europe, 2) richly supply the local saints and full-timers laboring in the follow-up contacts through Europe and beyond, and 3) will shepherd many recipients into the church life.
- Morning revival: week 4 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body... (Memorial Day conference).
Prayer Requests, July 29, 2012
Lord, Open the Doors and Close the Gates
"And to the messenger of the church in Philadelphia write: These things says the Holy One, the true One, the One who has the key of David, the One who opens and no one will shut, and shuts and no one opens" (Rev. 3:7). Christ is the real David, the One who has the key of God's dominion. We were created by God both to express Him with His life and to represent Him with His authority. We are able to do both by being one in life with Christ to touch the heavens and thereby to loose and bind here what has been loosed and bound there.
- Lord, open the door of the gospel more in our hearts—release us to speak Your gospel frequently.
- Lord, we ask You to eliminate any spiritual or psychological death from Your recovery. Lord, grant us mercy to cooperate in every way with Your cleansing and purifying.
Young People
Ask the Lord to give a profitable continuation of the Summer School of Truth in a) on-going contact between young people and college students, b) the words spoken to operate in each young person (1 Thes. 2:13), c) a definite consecration by each young person, and d) their daily revival by contacting the Lord.
Thousand Oaks and Cal State University Channel Islands
We have an English-speaking group gathering every Saturday evening. The burden of this group is three-fold: 1) for the building up of local saints, 2) for college campus work (especially CSUCI), and 3) for the building up of local young working adults. Please pray for
- the Lord's bountiful supply to this group, so that we will continually have the enjoyment of Christ;
- attraction of college students and young adults for Lord's recovery.
New Testament Distribution in London
The Olympic Games are July 27 to August 12. There will be distributions at two locations in London Tuesday through Saturday of this week. Continue to pray for a rich blessing on the distributions and for much grace to the saints in follow-up contacts with the recipients.
Middle-Age FTTA
Please ask the Lord to thrust more saints into the training, especially couples with elementary school age children. Ask Him for 36 English-speaking trainees (new plus returning) to attend for the full term.
European Young People's Conference
The conference is July 29 to August 4 in Poland. The goal is to provide an atmosphere that imparts light and life, and builds up and inspires the young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord and take positive directions in their Christian walk. Young people from all over Europe will attend, with some from outside Europe to extend the scope of blending.
Full Time Training in Caacupe, Paraguay
Please pray for the new semester in FTTC starting on August 6th. We are expecting eleven new candidates from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Honduras, and Peru plus 14 returning trainees. Pray that:
- the Lord may open all the necessary doors so that all will make it to the training;
- His gracious presence and perfecting speaking may saturate the atmosphere of pre-training week;
- more will be able to come to the training for a short-term;
- the Lord may provide the teachers to cover the classes this coming semester.
Frankfurt, Germany
In July two families moved to Frankfurt, Germany. Please pray that the Lord release jobs and suitable houses for each family. We feel that the Lord is answering our prayer to establish His testimony in this important city. May He also release all these practical needs for the saints to live there.
- Morning revival: week 3 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body... (Memorial Day conference).
- An invitation to the Northern California Labor Day conference, at a hotel near San Francisco is at It will be a review of the Memorial Day conference with a mix of messages and prophesying meetings. If you are in the church in L.A. and plan to attend, please send an email to by mid-day, Saturday, August 4, with your name and the number of adults and young people in your car or group.
- Two special meetings will be held on August 4 (7 pm) and 5 (9:30 am) at the LSM Ministry Conference Center. These meetings will be the final sessions of the New Jersey Chinese-student extension training, which is being held in five locations around the US, including Southern California. The burden for the meetings on August 4 and 5 is "Gaining Typical Americans by Practicing the God-ordained Way to Meet the Lord's Present Need." As a result of fellowship among the North American co-workers during their three days of prayer this week, a decision was made to enlarge these final two sessions to include the saints of other languages as well. All who are burdened may attend. Translation will be provided in English, Korean, and Spanish; those who require translation need to bring FM radios. There will be no child care; please do not bring children.
Prayer Requests, July 22, 2012
Lord, Open the Doors and Close the Gates
"I am the First and the Last and the living One; and I became dead, and behold, I am living forever and ever; and I have the keys of death and of Hades." (Rev. 1:17b-18) Christ is the real David, the One who has the key of God's dominion. We need to know and experience Him as the One who has the key. We can do this by our binding and loosing.
- Lord, open the door of faith to more Gentiles (Acts 14:27), especially to the millions gathering in London the weeks of the Olympic Games.
- Lord, we ask You to remove the stumbling blocks (that weaken our faith) the recovery. Especially Lord, shut the door (Rev. 3:7) on gossip and corrupt words so that all our speaking with one another will be words of grace for building up (Eph. 4:29).
An Open Door for the Gospel in Los Angeles
"For a door is opened to me, great and efficacious, and there are many opposers." 1 Cor. 16:9
Since February of this year, the re-launched church website ( has opened many doors for the spread of the gospel in Los Angeles. The website has proven to be efficacious in presenting our testimony to many seeking ones in Los Angeles. On average, each week there is at least one interested person contacting us through the church website. Many of these have visited meetings or have begun appointments. Let us pray for the following:
- the website would be an increasingly effective open door with many more people contacting us each week;
- that saints throughout Los Angeles would promptly rise up to care for and shepherd the ones who contact us through the website; and
- that some saints would be moved by the Lord to definitely commit themselves to practical service in support of the website.
Summer School of Truth
The summer school continues through July 29. Please pray for 1) the Lord's blessing of life on the coordination of the serving saints, 2) all the young people to receive a fresh and up-to-date vision of the church, 3) lasting connections between young people and college students, and 4) gaining of whole families through this summer school.
Perfecting Training for So. California Spanish-speaking Saints
This training continues those of prior years. It will be all day three Saturdays—July 28, August 25, and September 29. The emphasis is perfecting for the follow up to the Bibles for America recipients and Life-Study of the Bible radio program contacts.
BfA Korean Section at Haskell
Lord's Day, July 29, there will be a Korean-language presentation at Haskell to introduce BfA to the Korean-speaking saints in the church in L.A. The goal is to prepare them to pray specifically, to present the NT Recovery Version, and then to shepherd those who receive it.
European Young People's Conference
The purpose of this conference, July 29 to August 4 in Poland, is to provide an atmosphere of truth, love, blending, and enjoyment that imparts light and life, and builds up and inspires the young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord and take positive directions in their Christian walk. Young people from all over Europe will attend, with some from outside Europe to extend the scope of blending. Our hope is that we all would develop a sense of mutuality, and receive the spiritual energy, strength, and motivation to live for the Lord and His recovery.
Bibles for Europe
Thank you very much for your support in prayers, giving, and even coming to London! Do pray for our follow-up effort and ongoing distributions. The Olympic Torch has come to London this week and the Games begin this Friday. We have begun to distribute the rest of the 100,000 New Testaments to 12 million people from 200 nations who will attend the Olympics in London. May the Lord gain many British for His testimony in UK and gain thousands of seeking ones from all over the world for the building up of the universal Body of Christ through the distribution of the Recovery Version New Testaments! Some events:
- Five days this week and five next week, distributions are scheduled in various parts of London.
- July 21 there were seminars for NT recipients in three cities near London.
- July 15 in Southampton 453 NTs were given out and 277 people requested further contact.
- July 12 in Luton, despite some rain, 300 NTs were distributed with 169 open to further contact.
Perfecting Training in Ghana
There is a perfecting training in Accra, Ghana (west Africa) July 23-29. It is anticipated that saints from Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone will be in attendance. Please pray that:
- The exercise of the spirit would be strong and the atmosphere would be full of light.
- Every trainee would be fully open to the Lord's perfecting through the speaking brothers.
- The Lord would use this training to equip and perfect the saints for the building up of the churches.
- The Lord would cover all the travel of all those involved with the training to and from the training.
Tanzania (east Africa)
There has been recent contact with saints in the town of Kibaha, Tanzania, a short distance from Dar es Salaam, the capital. These believers have received ministry literature and Bibles from Amana Trust.
- Pray for these saints to grow in life and become clear concerning the truth of God's economy.
- Pray that through these the Lord will gain a lampstand in Kibaha and other towns in Tanzania.
BfA Military Distributions
Since August of 2010, Bibles for America has shipped over 12,000 military packets and nearly 3,000 copies of the New Testament Recovery Version to chaplains and other contacts at over 100 U.S. military installations. Many locations have put in orders for more. Some installations and chaplains, however, have remained closed to the Recovery Version.
Recently there has been prayer for the Lord to open the way for the Recovery Version to get onto specific closed bases and for the chaplains to enjoy and distribute the materials. In a very short time a base which has been closed for years, has opened!
Nearly 1000 packets were ordered by various installations one week in July, more than in any week previously. Finally, BfA received this encouraging e-mail: "I am writing today to thank you for the shipment of Bibles. Our airmen are enjoying them, and we are in need of more as they are flying off the shelves and we cannot keep them in stock. I am sharing with our chaplain's office, too. The chaplains are especially enjoying the black-covered Bible, the New Testament Recovery Version, to be specific. Another shipment of that specific Bible would be terrific and very much appreciated."
Praise the Lord for His move in the U.S. military! Please continue to pray that many more previously closed bases would be opened to the Recovery Version and that many servicemen and women would be nourished and supplied through the Word and the ministry.
- Morning revival: week 2 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body... (Memorial Day conference).
Prayer Requests, July 15, 2012
Lord, Open the Doors and Close the Gates
Christ is the real David, the One who has the key of God's dominion. There is no greater way to exercise oneness with Him than by prayer. One kind of prayer is to fight by binding and loosing. (summer training, msg 8)
- Lord, open the door of the kingdom wider to spread this gospel to more places on the earth (Matt. 24:14), to bring in more people locally, and to bring us more under Your headship.
- Lord, we ask You to close the subjective gates of Hades (Matt. 16:18-27) in us—liberate each one of us from our self with our concepts, preferences, and opinions.
Co-workers' Prayer
July 23 to 25 the co-workers in North America will gather to pray for the Lord's move.
West Coast College Training
We are happy to report the Lord's glorious blessing on the West Coast College Training! We had a total of 409 saints (including 323 students) compared to 346 total last year (18% higher). The atmosphere was higher than the previous year, with more focus on the Lord despite the higher numbers. Many students were again renewed in the desire to practice morning fellowship with the Lord, to exercise their spirit in daily life, and to begin to rise up on campuses to bear fruit and function. Many were also touched concerning the preciousness of the church with the aspiration to be in the reality of Philadelphia. At the end, Minoru exhorted all of the students to pray "Lord, here am I" and consecrate themselves wholly to the Lord. We felt the covering from all the prayer and the enemy suffering much loss! May the Lord work out, in their daily living and practice, all of what these students heard in during this past week! Thank you for all your prayers!
Midwest and East Coast College Trainings
These trainings are this week on "The Course of the Church." Please pray that the Lord would fully capture each student with:
- A vision of the church and a desire to be an overcomer
- A solid learning concerning how to spend personal time with the Lord
- An aspiration to exercise their spirit in daily life
- A resolution to rise up and take the lead to bear fruit on their campuses
Summer School of Truth
The summer school is July 16-29. Please pray for 1) the Lord's blessing of life on the coordination of the serving saints, 2) all the young people to receive a fresh and up-to-date vision of the church, and 3) for lasting connections between young people and college students.
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Murfreesboro is the home of Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), the largest college in Tennessee. The Peruzzi family recently migrated from Hall 5 to Murfreesboro. They own a house close to campus that they would like to be used for a brothers' house. Their request: we need five brothers or sisters who attend MTSU to be able to establish a Christian Students club allowing us to have a table at campus club days, etc. Right now we have one brother who is a new graduate and teaching at MTSU, and maybe one student, but we need a solid five.
Testimonies about contact with seeking saints are at Lord, gain more people for Yourself and raise up churches throughout Spain.
Bibles for Europe
From mid May to the end of June, over 2000 New Testaments and thousands of other pieces of literature were distributed in the United Kingdom. The rate of distribution has increased in July. Half of the recipients want further contact. Due to the limited number of saints in the recovery in the UK, recipients are being invited to Bible seminars. Those scheduled in July are:
- Ipswich and Norwich, England, July 14
- Edinburgh, Scotland, July 15
- Chelmsford, Cambridge, and one part of London, July 21
- other parts of London, July 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
- Morning revival: week 1 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body... (Memorial Day conference).
Prayer Requests, July 8, 2012
God's Move to Fulfill His Economy
God is moving, working, and managing the world affairs to fulfill His eternal economy, to make Christ everything to mankind for the bringing in of the kingdom, the age of restoration. (Minor Prophets, msg 1, I.C) Amen. Move in, through, and around us this week, this month, and this year!
Video Trainings
Please pray 1) for the release of the Lord's word to the churches; 2) for the receiving of this word; and 3) for translations needed to reach churches in all parts of the earth.
West Coast College Training
Approximately 415 saints are in Northern California for the West Coast College training, July 9-15. This includes at least 65 saints from Los Angeles (11 serving ones and 54 students). The subject is "The Course of the Church." Last year Satan fought strongly against the training, and we need much prayer to cover this year's training. Please pray that the Lord would fully capture each of these students with:
- A vision of the church and a desire to be an overcomer
- A solid learning concerning how to spend personal time with the Lord
- An aspiration to exercise their spirit in daily life
- A resolution to rise up and take the lead to bear fruit on their campuses
Midwest and East Coast College Trainings
These trainings are July 16-22. Their subject and burden is the same as the west coast training.
Summer School of Truth
The summer school is July 16-29. Please pray for 1) the Lord's blessing of life on the coordination of the serving saints, 2) all the young people to receive a fresh and up-to-date vision of the church, and 3) for lasting connections between young people and college students.
In order to publish and print our literature in Turkey we are planning to establish a publishing company in August. Please pray for all the procedures and needs in establishing this company. We hope the Rhema materials can be printed and distributed within this year.
Please pray for the translation of the free books and for the preparation of the seeking ones.
Recovery Version Distribution in United Kingdom
Continue to pray for the distribution during the Olympic torch relay, in many cities in the UK, until July 27. More information is at
Please continue to pray for the Lord's mercy on the readers of the free literature distributed by Rhema throughout Europe and for His shepherding them through local saints and full-timers into the church life.
- Morning revival: training verses or repeat week 4 of The Focus
Beginning July 16: week 1 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body (Memorial Day conference) - The annual international blending conference in Dublin, Ireland will be August 25-26. Register by August 13. Information and registration is at