Prayer Requests, July 1, 2012
Summer Training
For the summer training in Anaheim and all the video trainings, please pray
- for the release of the Lord's word to the churches;
- for the saints' receiving of this word;
- for the Lord's covering of the speaking brothers and His anointing in them and upon them that they would be given utterance to fully release the Lord’s burden;
- that this time would be a feast unto the Lord filled with much fellowship and blending among the saints in the study times and in the homes that the Body would be strengthened and built up through this time.
Summer School of Truth
The summer school is July 16-29. Please pray for 1) the Lord's blessing of life on the coordination of the serving saints, 2) all the young people to receive a fresh and up-to-date vision of the church, and 3) for lasting connections between young people and college students.
Last Saturday was the FTTA graduation. Pray for the graduating trainees that the Head of the Body would have His full way in placing them in the Body where it pleases Him and that they would all be useful to the Lord for the spread and building up of His Body.
Ken Walker is at the Australian national college conference. It ends Tuesday, July 3; he returns to L.A. July 4.
Budapest, Hungary
Lord's Day, June 24th, we assembled for the first time. Our expectation was for eight saints to be in attendance; actually, ten saints were present and functioning in life. A report is at Please pray for the following matters:
- That in His time the Lord will make the saints gathering in Budapest a bright golden lampstand.
- That the Lord will provide language translation for the written ministry and for the meetings.
- That there will be a breakthrough in contacting young Hungarians.
- That the Lord will raise up some young Hungarian-speakers to serve Him in Hungary.
Please pray that the 13 gospel friends who attended the recent conference and all 15 of the remaining fruit in this past year, along with their families and friends, would be fully brought into the church life to become normal, living, and functioning members of the Body of Christ.
Please pray that the 179 Italians who have downloaded at least one set of Rhema books in the Italian language will be nourished, enlivened, and enlightened through the ministry and come to the full knowledge of the truth and into the enjoyment of the church life in their respective localities.
Recovery Version Distribution in United Kingdom
Continue to pray for the distribution during the Olympic torch relay, in many cities in the UK, until July 27. More information is at
- Morning revival: training verses or repeat week 6 of The Focus
Beginning July 9: training verses or repeat week 4 of The Focus
Beginning July 16: week 1 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body... (Memorial Day conference)
Prayer Requests, June 24, 2012
Nourished with Words of the Faith for a Good Deposit
First Timothy 4:6 speaks of "a good minister of Christ Jesus, being nourished with the words of the faith and of the good teaching which you have closely followed." Ask the Lord to draw us to more close following this summer so that He can nourish us richly in the summer training, college training, summer school of truth, and every other way.
Summer Training
Pray for the spiritual and practical preparations for the training. Pray also that those not registered would be supplied by attending open meetings.
Migrations from Los Angeles
Please petition the Lord for a bountiful supply to these three families who are migrating from Los Angeles this summer.
- David and Grace Bernier from hall 5 to Santa Barbara
- John and Janet Peruzzi from hall 5 to Murfreesboro, Tennessee (a college town near Nashville)
- David and Elda Chang from hall 4 to Albania
Summer School of Truth
The summer school is July 16-29. Many saints have signed up to help serve the young people and so far 30-40 young people have registered. Please pray for the Lord's blessing of life on the coordination of the serving saints and also pray for all the young people to receive a fresh and up-to-date vision of the church.
Middle-Age FTTA
Last Saturday 32 saints graduated from the middle-age FTTA. Ask the Lord to bring each one into more ministry of life wherever and however He desires. Ask the Lord to replace them in the fall with 40 new trainees, including some couples with pre-teen children.
Ken Walker arrives in Australia this Wednesday. Thursday he will be in Sydney for a one-day campus teams' reunion and will present the outlines and play recorded testimonies from last week's Southern California campus teams’ reunion. Friday through Tuesday of next week he will be at a camp for Australia’s national college conference on "A Man of God" from 1 and 2 Timothy. He returns to Los Angeles on July 4.
New Zealand and Australia
Dick Taylor has been in New Zealand since last Wednesday. He will return to Sydney this week and then come home. Pray for the Lord to strengthen His move there with the riches of His word that all the saints may be more sanctified into oneness in the Triune God. Pray also for a continued supply to Dick in his travels.
Lord's Table in Rome
The first Lord's Table in Rome was June 17. The entire meeting is available for viewing on two 30 minute videos at (part 1) and (part 2).
Lord, gain many native Italians for the building up in Rome!
Sendai, Japan
[a report by brother Yuki Goto, formerly in L.A. hall 5, now in FTT Tokyo]
Saints in Japan started door-knocking in a temporary housing area. The weekend of June 16-17, more than 40 new ones came to the gospel meeting. There were 30 saints, so there were more gospel friends than the saints! ALL of them called upon the name of the Lord and learned to pray simple prayers. From the new ones, two women wanted to get baptized. They are very solid and thirsty for the truth.
One of the women is the manager of the meeting place. Her testimony was that after the tsunami, she never smiled. But since the saints came and started coordinating for using the meeting place, she loved to be with them and found herself smiling. Now it is her desire to be Christian and be filled with joy for the rest of her life.
After the gospel meeting, there was a small children's meeting held in the temporary housing area. Five kids came with the parents. Please pray that this meeting will capture the children's hearts and also their parents'!
Recovery Version Distribution in United Kingdom
Continue to pray for the distribution during the Olympic torch relay (until July 27) and at the Olympic Games (July 27 to August 12). These events are part of human history; the distribution is part of the divine history hidden in human history. Please ask the Lord to:
- open hearts and minds of many people to receive and enjoy the free materials.
- supply the workers, funds, and materials for this distribution.
- give the laborers a wonderful time of blending and building up.
More information is at
- Morning revival: week 6 of The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
Beginning July 2: training verses or repeat week 6 of The Focus
Beginning July 9: training verses or repeat week 4 of The Focus
Beginning July 16: week 1 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body... (Memorial Day conference) - The annual international blending conference in Dublin, Ireland will be August 25-26. Register by August 13. Information and registration is available at
Prayer Requests, June 17, 2012
Lord, Add!
Acts 2:46-47: "And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart, praising God and having grace with all the people. And the Lord added together day by day those who were being saved." Lord, draw us more into a steadfast, day by day, house to house church life full of one accord, eating together, exultation, simplicity, and praising, so that You may add those who are being saved!
Virgil Middle School Report
Thank you saints for your prayers for the gospel meeting at Virgil Middle School Thursday, May 7. This year the club has averaged 8 members weekly. On gospel Thursday there were 17 present, 6 of whom were new ones invited by the students. One faculty member also attended. After snacks, introductions, and singing the young students shared the mystery of human life to their friends using the white board to draw the body, soul and spirit and a wire diagram showing Christ's redemption for God's dispensing. At the end one student led the whole group to receive the Lord by repeating her prayer. Please pray that the seed of life will begin to grow in many of these young people and that they will be added in a solid way to the Virgil Middle School Bible Club.
Santa Monica
Continue to pray for an English-speaking nucleus to be established in Santa Monica.
Australia and New Zealand
James Lee is with the church in Canberra Monday and returns to the U.S. Tuesday. Dick remains in Australia. The first part of this week he is in Melbourne. On Wednesday he travels to New Zealand to be with the Full Time Training and for a weekend conference. He will return to Sydney next week and then come home.
Pray that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified (2 Thes. 3:1) throughout Australia, that all the saints there may experience more perfecting into oneness in the Triune God, and that the traveling brothers be fully supplied in all three parts of their being.
Pray for a good continuation of the church life and for increase among native Italians.
Acts 10:9, "Peter went up on the housetop to pray." A photo is below shows last Friday evening's prayer meeting in Rome, held on the roof of the hotel that hosted the weekend conference..
Thessaloniki, Greece
We are full of thanksgiving for your prayers concerning our recent visit to Thessaloniki. The Lord cherished all the contacts whom we were able to meet during our time there. They were eager to have fellowship and desire us to visit again. We are beginning to develop personal, regular times of prayer and fellowship over the phone with some of them. We ask you to continue in prayer for them and for the release of a residence permit for the co-workers who are serving in Athens.
Greece and Egypt
Out of last weekend's elections, pray for governments to be established that are best for the Lord’s move in these nations.
Recovery Version Distribution in United Kingdom
The Olympic torch relay continues until July 27. From July 27 to August 12, saints will distribute free materials to people attending the Olympic Games from some 200 participating countries. More information is at Please ask the Lord to:
- open hearts and minds of many people to receive and enjoy the free materials.
- supply the workers, funds, and materials through His Body so that the Word of God could be spread throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, and the world.
- give the laborers a wonderful time of blending and building up.
- Morning revival: week 5 of The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- We are invited to pray for, and if the Lord leads, to participate in two Bibles for Canada gospel sowing trips in late July and early August. Those who have conversational ability in French are greatly needed but those who only speak English are welcome too. Details are at
- The fall conference in Israel will be November 15-17. Pre- and post-conference tours are available. Registration deadline is October 15. Information is at
Prayer Requests, June 10, 2011
A Balanced Christian Life
We need to be balanced. We must include gospel preaching as an item to balance our Christian life. If we have not preached the gospel in several days, we are not balanced. If we are going to practice a proper church life, our church life and the Christian life of every brother and sister must be balanced by gospel preaching. In the four Gospels, whoever came to the Lord, the Lord sent him to others to preach. Matthew 28:19 tells us to go to the nations, but Mark 16:15 says that we must go even to all creation. This verse says, "And He said to them, Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all the creation." Christians have much to do to preach the gospel not only to the nations but also to every creature. We must do it! (WL, Basic Principles for the Service in the Church Life, ch. 5)
An Electronic Camel
Rebekah traveled on a camel (Gen. 24:61-65) to meet Isaac to be married to him. Now we are traveling to meet the Lord to be married to Him. Many of today's conveniences, like the internet, are unclean like camels in the eyes of God (Lev. 11:4). Nevertheless, they enable us to travel through the "desert." When we meet the Lord, we shall leave all the "camels" and be fully with Him for His satisfaction. (adapted from W.L., Life-Study of Genesis, msg 61)
While we are still in the "desert," let us beseech the Lord to use the internet to bring many people to Himself as part of His bride. Also ask the Lord to raise up more saints in L.A. to use the internet for shepherding people and for proclamation of the truth.
Santa Barbara (1)
An end of the school year celebration for UCSB students was held last Wednesday. At least 25 from Santa Barbara were present including 14 UCSB students. There was a good atmosphere of singing intermixed with testimonies of experiences this year. Many students were appreciative of the Christ they gained. At the celebration, there was also a kickoff for the summer pursuit program; 14 signed up. Some video from the celebration is at
Santa Barbara (2)
Lord, strengthen the church in Santa Barbara and increase Your testimony there by thrusting out workers through migration this summer.
Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler are in Australia. Monday and Tuesday of this week they are with the churches in Brisbane and Gold Coast. Wednesday morning Dick goes to Adelaide and James and Craig go to Tasmania. Friday afternoon Dick and James go to Perth until Monday; Craig will go to Newcastle, then return to California on Lord's Day.
Pray that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified (2 Thes. 3:1) throughout Australia, that all the saints there may experience more perfecting into oneness in the Triune God, and that the traveling brothers be fully supplied in all three parts of their being.
The evening of June 15 there will be a prayer meeting in Rome. June 16-17 there will be a conference and the first Lord’s Table of the church in Rome. Over 500 people worldwide have registered to participate, including four from L.A. Eighty native Italians have been invited.
The Greek election in early May had such fragmented results that no government could be formed. As a result, there will a new election June 17. Greece is currently financially and politically unstable and their financial instability, if not handled well by a new government, could upset much of Europe. Pray for an election result in Greece that will be best for the Lord’s move throughout Europe.
Egypt had the same president for 30 years until the turmoil last year. A presidential election was held in May and the runoff election is June 16-17. Pray for this election to bring in a government and an atmosphere that opens more doors for Him in Egypt and throughout the Arab world.
Germany and Austria
On May 26-28 almost 300 saints, including children, gathered together for a conference in Frankfurt, Germany. Among them were around 60 new ones who had never been to a meeting before. Most of them meet as a free church in Salzburg, Austria. Their pastor came last year to the conference. He met us through the New Testament Recovery Version in German. In the last two years he has distributed over a 100 New Testaments to the believers who meet with him or are connected to him. A one-page report is at
Ask the Lord to raise up churches in Austria and in Frankfurt, Germany.
Recovery Version Distribution in United Kingdom
The Olympic torch relay, which lasts from May 19 to July 27, is an excellent opportunity for saints volunteering in 27 UK cities to reach the local people out to observe the torch. From July 27 to August 12, local saints and saints visiting from abroad will have the opportunity to distribute free materials to people attending the Olympic Games from some 200 participating countries. More information is at
Please pray that:
- The hearts and minds of many local and visiting people be open to receive and enjoy the free materials.
- The Lord would supply the workers, funds, and materials through His Body so that the Word of God could be spread throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, and the world.
- The saints would enjoy a wonderful time of blending and building up in the UK and throughout Europe.
- Morning revival: week 4 of The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- We are invited to pray for, and if the Lord leads, to participate in two Bibles for Canada gospel sowing trips in late July and early August. Those who have conversational ability in French are greatly needed but those who only speak English are welcome too. Details are at If you are interested, read the information and register as soon as possible.
- The annual international blending conference in Dublin, Ireland will be August 25-26. Register by August 13. Information and registration is available at
Prayer Requests, June 3, 2012
Our Direction
Our direction is to enter more into the reality of the Body of Christ for the full expression of the Triune God. Lord, for this goal, work Yourself into us to make us the same as You in life and nature (but not in the Godhead) that we may have a corporate, Christ-magnifying, God-man living to hasten Your return. (from Memorial Day conference, message 6)
A Balanced Christian Life
The Lord calls us to come to Him, but after we come, He tells us to go to the nations. However, some Christians learn how to come to the Lord all the time, but they forget to go. Of course, other Christians today are going Christians, but I am afraid that they do not come enough to the Lord. Therefore, we must be balanced. The coming and going Christians are sound, normal Christians. On the one hand, we need to learn how to come to the Lord all the time, day by day; then on the other hand, we need to learn how to go. We come into the Holy of Holies, and we go outside the camp, to others, to the nations. If we have the intention and sincere desire to practice the church life, we must be brothers and sisters who come to the Lord day by day and go to others all the time. (WL, Basic Principles for the Service in the Church Life, ch. 5)
Summer Training Registration
The final date for our summer training registration is Lord’s Day, June 10th. For the video simulcast or delayed DVD video trainings, the donation is $80 per seat. For the live training in Anaheim, there is a $50 late fee, so the donation is now $205 per seat. To register, please contact responsible brothers in your district or call Mike Kruidhof at 310-824-4442.
Summer School of Truth
From July 16 through July 29 the church in L.A. will have the Summer School of the Truth. As always, we are burdened to help all the saints into an experiential realization of the truth, not merely a doctrinal understanding. It is not a small thing to learn to pay the price in this age to gain the oil in our vessels for the next age (Matt. 25). Please pray for this time. Please pray that many young people, college age, parents, serving ones, and anyone burdened to know the truth concerning the church would sign up by June 17. Please send an email to Walter Baumwoll, if you do not yet have the link to online registration.
Virgil Middle School Bible Club
The Virgil Middle School Bible Club (in central L.A.) has been covering the Mystery of Human Life key by key for the past few months. This Thursday the members of the club will share the Mystery of Human Life to their friends. Please pray:
- for the Bible club members as they prepare to present the Mystery of Human Life;
- that many of their friends would come to this time;
- that the Lord would open the hearts of their friends, including the hearts of those remaining at Virgil in the fall for a good continuation of the club next school year.
Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler left Lord’s Day evening for Australia. They will be at conferences; a training for serving saints; visit many churches; and fellowship with leading brothers, campus teams, couples, and individuals. Dick will also go to New Zealand for time at the FTT there. Please pray for the Lord to strengthen these brothers in their travels and to flow richly through them for the Lord’s further advance in Australia and New Zealand.
Antelope Valley
Over 40 who live in Antelope Valley (Palmdale, Lancaster, plus smaller places) meet with or have contact with churches in L.A., Santa Clarita, or Victorville. Some have met with us over 20 years, others were saved in the past year. Lord, strengthen those who are visiting and shepherding them, knit them together, and raise up the church in Palmdale.
Recovery Version Distribution in United Kingdom
The 2012 Olympic Games in London commence 27 July. The Olympic Torch Relay is in its 70-day journey through the UK. Saints throughout the United Kingdom are going out to distribute the NT Recovery Version and literature. Please pray for the distribution to reach many people who have been prepared for this time.
A distribution map and schedule are at; links to reports about the distribution are at the right side of this web page. Distribution information and a map (but not reports) are also at
In recent weeks three native French young adults have been baptized. A report is at Rejoice! and pray for the continued spread of the gospel in France.
A letter at describes the need of a meeting place in Armenia, the property they have located, and their current financial situation. Please pray for release of the needed finances and the acquisition of the property. You may give for this need to Lord's Move to Europe or to the church in L.A.; in either case designate the gift for Armenia.
- Morning revival: week 3, days 4 to 6 of The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- We are invited to pray for, and if the Lord leads, to participate in two Bibles for Canada gospel sowing trips in late July and early August. Those who have conversational ability in French are greatly needed but those who only speak English are welcome too. Details are at If you are interested, read the information and register as soon as possible.
- The annual international blending conference in Dublin, Ireland will be August 25-26. Register by August 13. Information and registration is available at
Prayer Requests, May 27, 2012
Memorial Day Conference
Lord, perfect us in Your glory to bring forth a full expression of the Father's life and nature (John 17:22-24). Lord, also grant us to be in one accord that we may with one mouth glorify our God and Father (Romans 15:5-6).
List, Pray, Visit
For Christ's increase, we should write a list of people we want to meet the Lord. Then we pray for them, preferably with a companion. We should continue to pray; some will respond quickly, some will take a long time. Then we go to visit them, to present a little of Christ to them.
We have many opportunities to speak. Therefore, it is best to have in our pockets a small Bible, some gospel tracts, or some simple spiritual booklets, so that whenever there is a need, they can be used. We should not simply say that the Lord Jesus is wonderful, and that believing in the Lord Jesus will give people peace. Rather, we must show people the truth. The truths in the Bible are the highest. We have to learn to dig out these treasures from the Bible. Then in our daily living when there are suitable opportunities we can speak to a person, and we can also open our Bible and read a portion to him. If he is receptive, we can give him a small booklet to read at home. We should not ask him about it the very next day; rather, we should wait for three or five days and then give him a Bible verse, again in a relaxed manner. If we work in this way persistently, people will believe in the Lord.
CSUN Blending Trip
The CSUN students' blending trip ends Thursday. They attended the Memorial Day Conference and now are blending with churches in Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Please pray that the students be established in the truth and see a vision of the Body of Christ. Also pray for the Lord to cover the travels and that the saints would experience Christ in being blended with the churches and one another.
College Training
Ask the Lord for many college students and high school seniors to attend this summer's college training, July 9-15 in northern California. We are covering "The Course of the Church" commemorating the Lord's recovery being in the United States for 50 years. The deadline to register is June 3. Sign-ups and all of the details are at: Thank you for your prayers!
New Zealand
The annual Korean-speaking conferences in two cities in New Zealand will be this weekend and next. The messages will come from the Memorial Day conference and the Southern California Korean-speaking conference on May 12-13. Brother Bang from Los Angeles will participate in the speaking. Please pray for the traveling, for the speaking, and for the Lord's present move to be realized more in New Zealand.
Recovery Version Distribution and Olympic Games in London
The 2012 Olympic Games in London commence 27 July. The Olympic Torch Relay is now in its 70-day journey through the UK. The saints throughout the United Kingdom, including 29 cities on the torch relay route, are going out to distribute the NT Recovery Version and literature during this time.
Please pray that:
- the high gospel and the ministry of the age will prevail throughout the United Kingdom;
- the Lord will prepare and gain many local British people;
- the Lord will burden and release many saints to participate in this distribution;
- tens of thousands of NT Recovery Versions will be distributed.
Recovery Version Distribution in Canada
We are invited to pray for, and if the Lord leads, to participate in two Bibles for Canada gospel sowing trips in late July and early August. Those who have conversational ability in French are greatly needed but those who only speak English are welcome too. Details are at If you are interested, read the information and register as soon as possible.
Democratic Republic of Congo
In April the Lord opened a gate of fellowship with the saints in the Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. By the Lord's sovereignty, the ministry reached this region in the early 1990's through the books, the Normal Christian Church Life and the Normal Christian Life. Over a decade ago, these saints began meeting according to the heavenly pattern set forth in these books. Since then, they have sought fellowship with believers in other localities that have seen the same vision. From 2010, they began to attend conferences in Kampala, Uganda.
April was the first time they were visited by the saints from churches outside the region. They are grateful to the Lord for opening up gates of fellowship with the rest of the Body. Saints are meeting in 18 localities in Kivu; the number in each varies from 1 household to 120 saints. Saints also meet in a city in Rwanda about 1 mile from the Congo-Rwanda border. Praise the Lord for His economy, His move, and His desire to gain the whole earth. Please pray for the Lord's move in Africa.
May you all be encouraged to continue to pray for the Lord's move in Lebanon and the Middle East. The response to the May 14 gospel presentation in the two philosophy classes was more than expected. All 60 students were very attentive the entire time. After the half hour presentation on the three parts of man and the meaning of the universe, the students asked seeking questions like: How can I talk to God? How do I know I am using my spirit? How can God live in me? It was obvious to us that the prayer prepared the hearts of these young people. Both classes requested another time together. Two other philosophy professors heard of the students' response and requested that the same presentation be given in their classes in a few weeks.
Please continue to pray:
- That the Lord will keep the door wide open for the gospel of the kingdom to be preached at this university and that no man will shut this door.
- That the Lord will arrange the appointed time to share the gospel with the classes of the other two professors.
- That the hearts of the students will be softened by the Lord to receive His word and be brought to Him in salvation.
- That the newly saved couple 1 hour north of Beirut will make progress through their pray-reading and reading His Word, and that the matter of baptism will become to them a wonderful revelation.
- That the saints in Beirut will realize and grow into the experience of shepherding others in life.
We thank and praise the Lord that through the prayer of the Body of Christ, the Lord delivered the Rhema book shipment to our distribution center in Beirut in spite of the many logistical frustrations. Praise the exalted and victorious Christ on the throne!
Your fellow enjoyers, The church in Beirut
- Morning revival: week 3, days 1 to 3 of The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference). We will cover days 4 to 6 starting Monday, June 4.
- We rejoice to announce to you the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord's table on June 3. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office
- The annual international blending conference in Dublin Ireland will be August 25-26. Register by August 13. Information and registration is at
Prayer Requests, May 20, 2012
Memorial Day Conference
The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Lord, speak a new, living word to all the churches in this conference.
List, Pray, Visit
For Christ's increase, we should write a list of people we want to meet the Lord. Then we pray for them, preferably with a companion. We should continue to pray; some will respond quickly, some will take a long time. Then we go to visit them, to present a little of Christ to them. (from church in L.A. meeting, May 6)
We have to learn the truth so that we can speak God's word outside of meetings. This depends on whether or not we have the burden and the heart to do it. If we have the heart, then the more we do it, the more we will have the burden. The more burden we have, the more results we will have, and the more results we have, the more we will be encouraged. To preach the gospel and bring people to salvation is not too difficult a matter. This requires us to learn the truth and to learn to speak outside of the meetings to the unbelievers. (from WL, Speaking for God, ch. 7)
United States
Lord, we beseech You to turn the United States to righteousness and away from unrighteousness.
CSUN Blending Trip
The CSUN students will go on a one week blending trip May 24 to 31, driving up to Bellevue to attend the Memorial Day Conference and to blend with churches in Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Please pray that the students would be established in the truth and see a vision of the Body of Christ. Also pray for the Lord to cover all the travels and that the saints would experience Christ in being blended with the churches and one another.
Summer School of Truth
The summer school will be July 16th to July 29th. Pray that all who should be involved will keep these dates free.
Santa Monica and Santa Barbara
Acts 13:2, "as they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Set apart for Me now Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." Lord, through our prayers, set some apart to Yourself for Santa Monica and Santa Barbara.
We rejoice to announce to you the establishment of the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord's table on June 3. Praise the Lord, a new golden lampstand will be raised up. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office
Germany and Austria
The annual German language conference will be 26-28 May. The conference messages will be spoken entirely by German-speaking brothers. The general subject will be "The Focus of the Lord's Recovery." Please pray:
- That the speaking will fully release the burden and bring the German-speaking saints into the focus;
- For the testimony of Jesus to be established in Frankfurt;
- That a large group of new ones from Austria, who will come to the conference for the first time, will "taste and see that the Lord is good" and will see a vision of God's economy.
Recovery Version Distribution and London Olympic Games
The 2012 Olympic Games in London commence 27 July. The Olympic Torch Relay began its 70-day journey through the UK last Saturday. The saints throughout the United Kingdom are going out to distribute the NT Recovery Version and literature during this time.
The Olympic torch will pass through 30 cities where there are saints; this is a good opportunity to reach the local people. Please pray that:
- the high gospel and the ministry of the age will prevail throughout the United Kingdom;
- the Lord will prepare the hearts of many local British, and gain, for His testimony, many sons of peace and seeking ones in the cities covered by the distribution;
- the ministry will reach His seekers and be brought back to countries all over the earth;
- the Lord will burden and release many saints to participate in this distribution;
- tens of thousands of NT Recovery Versions will be distributed.
- Morning revival: week 2 of The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference). Prophesying on May 27 will be a combination of week 2 and what we received from Memorial Day conference videos.
- We rejoice to announce to you the establishment of the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord's table on June 3. Praise the Lord, a new golden lampstand will be raised up. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office
Prayer Requests, May 13, 2012
Memorial Day Conference
The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Lord, prepare the way for Your speaking in this conference.
List, Pray, Visit
For Christ's increase, we should write a list of people for whom we are burdened, people we want to meet the Lord. Then we should pray for them, preferably with a companion. We should continue to pray; some will respond quickly, some will take a long time. Then we should go to visit them, to present a little of Christ to them. Lord, gain 300 more infants in Los Angeles with praise in their mouths!
All who have been saved have a responsibility to speak the truths in the Bible to their relatives and friends. This is not merely to persuade them to believe in God, but to clearly present to them the treasures in the Bible. We all have to learn to speak God's word but not to argue, because the more we argue, the more people will be annoyed and will not listen to us. All we need to do is to present the truth to people. Moreover, do not expect to do a quick job, thinking that once you preach the gospel, your parents will be saved right away just like those who were saved on the day of Pentecost. Even if there is this kind of situation, it will not happen too frequently. We need to speak to them continually, little by little, just like water flowing out in a trickle. This week you speak a little, and then next week you again speak a little. In this way, little by little over an extended period of time, your people will be impressed and eventually will be saved. (from WL, Speaking for God, ch. 7)
List, Pray, Visit: Antelope Valley
Antelope Valley includes the cities of Palmdale and Lancaster plus several smaller places. Some who live in Antelope Valley meet with L.A. hall 2 Spanish-speaking; some CSUN students come from families who live there, and saints in Santa Clarita and Victorville have contact with others there. Santa Clarita has a list of 40 people in Antelope Valley, college students, single adults, families, young people; some have met with us over 20 years, others were saved in the past year. This year a few brothers have been praying for Antelope Valley and going to visit people there. Now we can join in this prayer. Lord, shepherd them into the church in Palmdale.
Los Angeles: Migrate Out and Stay Strong
The Lord needs a strong testimony in Los Angeles and also needs migrations out of Los Angeles to establish or strengthen the church life in other places such as Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, many states in the center of the U.S., and Europe. Only the Lord can keep the church strong while sending out experienced saints. What He needs is our cooperation in prayer.
Sixth Grade Baptism
Saturday May 19, at 4:00 pm (Hall 2) we will rejoice together as we baptize our newly saved sixth grade brothers and sisters from families all over Los Angeles. All are invited to memorialize and witness the transfer of these precious new ones into the Kingdom of God. We will have a love feast at 6:00 pm followed by a young people's meeting.
Summer School of Truth
The summer school will be July 16th to July 29th. Pray that all who should be involved will keep these dates free.
Christians in the United States
In the past decades mega-churches (more than 2000 members) have risen in the U.S. They offer firm structure, strong leadership, eloquent preaching, and professional music. However, in recent years several million Christians have moved wholly or partially from large and mega churches to house churches for mutuality and informality. These house churches, also called organic churches, try to some extent to copy the church practice recorded in the New Testament. However, many are short of detailed truths concerning Christ and short of experiences of Christ. Beseech the Lord to release more truth in ways that will reach, enlighten, nourish, and lead these believers.
On Saturday, May 19, we are holding an annual seminar with literature contacts who have been reading the ministry books in French but have never attended a meeting in the Lord's recovery. We are expecting 47 literature contacts whom we have never met. In addition, we are expecting other unregistered new ones to attend through personal invitations. Thus, based on our past experience, nearly 60 new contacts will attend this year's seminar.
Please pray for the Lord's blessing upon this seminar, so that through a strong release of the truth and the sweet flow of life in each meeting, the Lord will capture a good number of these new ones by stirring up their hunger to seek more fellowship with the saints in the churches.
Please pray that the Lord will raise up a new lampstand in a city in north Poland near Gdansk. A group of about 25 saints has come out of the Pentecostal church and is seeking the Lord's way for them. Several of their members have attended one or more of our conferences in Poland. They are becoming clear regarding the Lord's recovery, but they need much prayer and fellowship.
Greece is in considerable financial trouble and national elections in early May ended with no clear national leadership. Due to large European loans made to Greece, the turmoil there affects all of Europe. Pray for formation of a government that will be good for the Lord's move in Greece and in all of Europe.
Please pray for the Lord's continuing move Rome and the preparation for the conference and first Lord's table there June 16 - 17.
- Morning revival: week 1 of The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- Here are some saints practicing to speak the gospel; you are encouraged to read their few paragraphs and watch their two short videos. Then follow their example and practice with your companions.
- We rejoice to announce to you the establishment of the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord's table on June 3. Praise the Lord, a new golden lampstand will be raised up. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office
Prayer Requests, May 6, 2012
List, Pray, Visit
John 3:30 says "He must increase." The increase in this verse is the bride in verse 29, and the bride is a living composition of all the regenerated people. This means, in this chapter on regeneration, that regeneration not only brings the divine life into the believers and annuls the satanic nature in their flesh, but it also makes them the corporate bride for Christ's increase. (see note on John 3:30)
For Christ's increase, we should write a list of people for whom we are burdened, people we want to meet the Lord. Then we should pray for them, preferably with a companion. We should continue to pray; some will respond quickly, some will take a long time. Then we should go to visit them, to present a little of Christ to them. Do not overwhelm them; repeated visits with a little dispensing will bring forth results. To go to their home is very good, but we could also meet them at work or at a coffee shop, or contact them by phone, email, text, internet, Twitter, or Facebook. Lord, burden us for people.
The Grace of God
"We make known to you, brothers, the grace of God" (2 Cor. 8:1). The grace of the believers is the issue of God's motivating grace (see note 5 in 2 Cor. 8:7). As reported in the Lord's Day meeting, the financial situation of the church has strengthened considerably in the past six months. We believe that this is a manifestation of God's motivating grace in us. How we thank God for this grace experienced here! May we also beseech Him to keep us in this grace and even to increase it.
Sixth Grade Salvation
Praise the Lord! We now have about a dozen new brothers and sisters in Christ from Los Angeles! Your prayers and the prayers of all the saints in coordination bore fruit this weekend in the mountains. There were probably a hundred or more sixth graders who received the Lord this weekend in a prevailing Spirit-filled time of conviction and enjoyment. Many if not all desire to be baptized into the church as soon as possible. We hope to have a baptism meeting for all to enjoy our new family members Saturday May 19.
Pray these sixth graders can find a home connection and companions in their young Christian lives.
Training for Summer School of Truth
This Saturday, May 12th, we will have the training for the Summer School of Truth at Los Angeles Hall 2 from 9 am to 3 pm. This training, for churches in L.A. and Ventura counties, is open to all parents, those who serve with young people, those who will or might serve in Summer School, and those who have contact with young people. Saints can register by going to the SCYP website which is: and clicking on Event Registration or contact those who serve with young people in your hall.
Please pray the that Lord would use this time to blend the saints who are gathering from various surrounding churches and would release a timely word for the training of the saints, in preparation for the Summer School of Truth.
Santa Monica
Please pray for the city of Santa Monica and for the Lord to strengthen His testimony there by raising up some saints for that city. Seventy percent of the city is English speaking and composed of typical Americans. Also Santa Monica College has a Bible study the meets weekly on the campus. Please pray for the Lord to have a shining expression in that city with His name being excellent in Santa Monica.
Santa Barbara
Please pray for 1) migration of young couples or families who have experience with college students and 2) gaining of local families with homes open to church life.
Southern California Korean-Speaking Conference
The Southern California Korean-Speaking conference will be Saturday night 7 to 9 pm and Lord's Day 9:30 am to 12:30 pm at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim.
Video Training Registration
Video registration is still open for all video trainings in Los Angeles. Beseech the Lord for more to participate, especially those who have never been in a video training.
Distribution of Rhema Literature in Brazil
Distribution of Rhema's free literature to the churches and to the seeking saints in Brazil includes Basic Elements of the Christian Life volumes 1 and 2, The Economy of God, and The All-inclusive Christ.Please pray for the saints to enter into the ministry and to receive much supply and light from these books.
The annual spring conference in Israel is May 10-12 at the Sea of Galilee. We gather together for a time set aside for blending with the Body, and seeking the Lord and the enjoyment of His word.
Another series of four one-week trainings at Bower House, London is happening 30 April to 26 May. The general subject for each week is "The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel." Please pray for the perfecting of many saints from all over Europe through these trainings.
- Morning revival: REPEAT Psalms, week 24. Monday, May 14 we will begin week 1 of The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- A delightful video gospel tract (less than 3 minutes) by BfA is at
- We rejoice to announce to you the establishment of the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord's table on June 3. Praise the Lord, a new golden lampstand will be raised up. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office
Prayer Requests, April 29, 2012
Los Angeles
The joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles with the annual business meeting will be Lord's Day, May 6, at 10 a.m. at L.A. Mission College. Pray for the Lord to release all to attend and to exercise their spirit to enter into the reality of blending.
Speaking Outside the Church Meetings
Outside the church meetings, we can speak to new believers related to us, to unsaved relatives and friends, and to Christians not meeting with us. For this speaking we should learn the truths in the Bible, especially the truths about Christ. As we are learning, we should be speaking. We should not wait. Our practice will cause us to improve. If we are willing to speak, let us give ourselves to the Lord for a fresh beginning. Then each time we speak we will learn and be encouraged. Lord, take us on in this way!
We should also make a list of people and pray over the list with companions. Although the list may be long, in prayer the Lord will anoint us to speak first to certain people on the list. We can continue praying and speaking repeatedly, not seeking a quick response. Our responsibility is to release the truth and to minister life; only the Lord can give the growth.
Sixth Grade Conference
The Southern California Sixth Grade Conference is May 4–6. We will have 17 sixth graders and 13 serving ones going from Los Angeles and Thousand Oaks. There will be 124 sixth graders at the conference.
- Please pray that the Lord would be so real, so fresh to all these dear sixth graders.
- Pray that He would appear to each one of them so that they will fall in love with Him.
- Pray that they would confess their sins and touch the Lord with their spirit.
- Pray that they all would experience a dynamic salvation that they would never forget.
Korean-Speaking Gospel Report
We invited 80, who we were contacting in our prayer and preaching and shepherding this year, to our gospel feast on April 28th. Praise the Lord, 162 attended including 65 new ones; this is really the Lord's blessing for His Body. We all enjoyed the fattened calf that was prepared by our Father for lost lambs. And we felt the sweeping Spirit in our contacts when we met them in this feast. At the end of this meeting we had these new ones pray for their salvation and they followed us and gained the Lord's blessing. Now the Lord's intent is gaining them as remaining fruits. Our goal is at least 60 new remaining fruits in this year. Please pray for our next step, which is feeding our babies in each small group. We never forget this step "go and feed Lord's lambs."
Santa Monica
Lord, thrust out some couples or families to Santa Monica soon to begin an English-speaking group there (while also having fellowship with the Spanish-speaking groups).
Santa Barbara
Please pray for 1) migration of young couples or families who have experience with college students and 2) gaining of local families with homes open to church life.
Omaha, Nebraska
Omaha is one of the 2012 GTCA cities. On May 5 and 6, Nebraska saints plan to have a BfA table at the Cinco de Mayo celebration in Omaha to distribute free English and Spanish Recovery Versions and Basic Elements of the Christian Life. Over 55,000 people are expected to attend. Please pray that the Lord would bless the sowing of His Word during this event and that He would reach many with the printed materials. Also, please pray that the saints would enjoy a harmonious coordination and one accord in their going out to distribute the free materials and in the follow-up labor thereafter.
Another series of four one-week trainings at Bower House, London is being conducted 30 April to 26 May. The general subject will be "The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel." Please pray for the perfecting of many saints from all over Europe through these trainings.
Full Time Training in Caacupe, Paraguay
A group of full-timers from São Paulo, Brazil recently visited FTT Caacupe ( During this time of fellowship with the 16 trainees, the burden came out for the need of more saints in every South American country to give themselves to be trained. Please pray for the Lord to open the way for many young people to be released with the support of the local churches. Also, please pray for the current trainees to be supplied throughout the term and to be adequately trained.
Paris Conference Report
Over 200 saints and new ones filled the conference hall. The topic was "The Heart of the Divine Revelation" from the International Chinese-speaking Conference in Taipei. Many new ones being shepherded by the campus team and by the saints, and especially many college-age. Over 20 saints—most of them younger—testified at the end of the conference that they had seen a vision of Christ as the replacement of all our human culture so that He could gain the one new man.
The atmosphere was marvelous--full of exercise of the spirit. We also had a young people's meeting on Saturday night with over 20 young saints from the French-speaking world who are seeking the Lord. Currently two native French brothers are planning to attend the fall 2012 term of the full-time training, and more have expressed an interest in attending the FTTL in the coming year or two.
More is in a report at
Budapest, Hungary
The saints in Budapest and Tata [55 miles form the center of Budapest] will begin to regularly meet on Lord's Day morning with the intention of eventually becoming a golden lampstand in Budapest. Please pray that the Lord will strengthen the saints to be His testimony and will give them a clear vision of the church life on the ground of oneness for the building up of the one Body of Christ in the universe.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 24. The following week (May 7–13) we will repeat Psalms, week 24. May 14 we will start The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- We rejoice to announce to you the establishment of the church in Fontana, in San Bernardino County. The church will have its first Lord's table on June 3. Praise the Lord, a new golden lampstand will be raised up. Please come to support us for His testimony. Information about location is posted at If you plan to attend, send your name and the number going with you to Los Angeles Service Office
- A report about the Lord's move in Rome is posted at
- A report about the Lord's move in Slovakia is posted at