Prayer, Week of January 19, 2014
One Flock, One Shepherd
"I have come that they may have zoe life and may have it abundantly. I am the good Shepherd; the good Shepherd lays down His psuche life for the sheep. And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must lead them also, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one flock, one Shepherd." John 10:10b-11, 16
"He laid down His psuche life on our behalf, and we ought to lay down our psuche lives on behalf of the brothers." 1 John 3:16
The spring semester at CSUN begins this week. Please pray that:
- The Lord would strengthen and build up the student core and add many of the new ones to the church life in a solid way;
- The Lord would draw more students and families into the day-by-day and house-to-house church life around the campus;
- So that all could enter into a corporate fruit-bearing life under the Lord's blessing.
International Gospel Trips
About 120 trainees plus 10 serving saints are now on international FTTA gospel trips. Nineteen teams (4 to 11 people each) are in Europe, visiting 14 nations and one team is in South Africa, all until January 30. Three other teams are in Brazil until February 3. Please continue to pray for:
- rich experiences of Christ in the living and serving of everyone who participates;
- testimonies which will encourage other saints to join full time trainings;
- much blending and good coordination of the visitors and local saints;
- the Lord's blessing on the gospel and announcing of the truth.
The target cities for 2014 GTCA (Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America) are:
Columbia, South Carolina; | Edinburg, Texas; | Fargo, North Dakota; |
Fayetteville, Arkansas; | Fort Myers, Florida; | Greeley, Colorado; |
Lafayette, Indiana; | Lexington, Kentucky; | Lincoln, Nebraska; |
Lubbock, Texas; | Merced, California; | Murfreesboro, Tennessee; |
Novato, California; | Olympia, Washington; | Omaha, Nebraska; |
Salem, Oregon; | Stillwater, Oklahoma; | Temecula, California; |
Virginia Beach/Newport News, Virginia. |
North American Gospel Trips
Friday, January 24, teams of saints will begin two-week visits to the GTCA cities to spread the gospel, teach the truth, distribute free BfA material, and help raise up churches. About 110 FTTA and middle-age trainees plus a a few serving saints will coordinate with local saints and those from nearby supporting churches for this time. Please pray that:
- The Lord would bless the coordination and blending between the teams and the local saints.
- The outward conditions, such as the weather, would be favorable for the labor in these cities.
- The Lord would prepare many seeking ones and would lead them to the saints and the enjoyment of the ministry.
Summer School of Truth in South America
The Summer School of Truth for churches in South America will be held in Brazil January 21 to 26. About 670 young people and serving saints are registered. This number includes over 220 from the churches in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay and about 450 from Brazil. The general subject will be The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. Please pray for:
- The release of the Lord's burden in every session, and the effectiveness of every small group session.
- The serving saints, that they will be able to convert doctrine into experience in their sharing in order to create an experiential impression of the truth in the young people.
- All the young people to be constituted with the truth so that they can become seeds of the gospel in their schools.
- The safe travel and health of all the participants.
- The accommodations at the camp site and the coordination of all the practical services.
- Pray for the Gospel move by FTT Taipei in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and Kampong Cham until January 23.
- Pray for the International Blending Conference in Phnom Penh January 24 to 26.
Pray for the raising up of golden lampstands in Jaipur and Lucknow through the coordination of FTT Taipei and FTT New Delhi.
- Morning revival: week 3 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference).
- Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
- There will be a Chinese-speaking tour of Israel and Jordan March 24 to April 3. Saints must have a US or Canadian passport to apply. Details are at
Prayer, Week of January 12, 2014
The Mending Ministry of Life
Lord, flow richly in every part of Los Angeles to fix, restore, perfect, complete, adjust, equip, and attune us so that we might shepherd many others in life and be built up together to be Your organic Body.
USC begins spring semester classes this week. Please pray strongly that:
- The Lord would build the student core together as a strong net to catch many fish, especially freshmen newly admitted for this semester.
- Many of the newer and younger students would rise up and participate in catching fish at USC.
- The Lord would continue to gather brand new ones to our campus ministry meeting and bless us with the fresh speaking of His words of life.
- College students could also function in shepherding the young people and those in the high school and junior high Bible clubs in the downtown area.
So. Calif. Spanish-Speaking and Young People's Conferences
A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 18 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. Lord's Day, January 19 will be overflow meetings in multiple churches near Anaheim. Details are at
January 17 to 18 there will be a Young People's Conference in Anaheim at the same time as the Spanish-speaking meetings. To register, go to and click on "Event Registration."
FTTA Gospel Trips
The international FTTA gospel trips will be January 16 to 30; twelve teams will go to Europe, visiting 18 nations; one team will go to South Africa. At the end of January, 14 teams will go on trips within the U.S., visiting 18 cities. About 225 FTTA trainees, about 20 middle-age trainees, and some serving saints will participate in these trips.
Please pray for:
- rich experiences of Christ in the living and serving of everyone who participates;
- testimonies which will encourage other saints to join full time trainings;
- much blending and good coordination of the visitors and local saints;
- the Lord's blessing on the gospel and announcing of the truth.
Ministry Distributions and Shepherding in Europe
Please pray for:
- radio broadcasts in the UK and Spain;
- distribution of the NT Recovery Version and other free publications in the European languages;
- shepherding of the seeking ones and their entering into the church life.
Please pray for:
- the one week propagation in the city of Karachi, January 14-21;
- the serving one's training in the city of Islamabad, January 23-25;
- the search for a meeting hall in the city of Lahore;
- early completion of translation and proofreading of the Crystallization-study of Genesis
- Pray for the Bible-study groups and gospel preaching in the University of Zambia;
- Pray for the gaining of local families.
- Morning revival: week 2 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference).
- Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
Prayer, Week of January 5, 2014
A Practical Living in Oneness with the Lord
As a result of responding to the Lord's appearing, calling, and speaking, Abraham grew into a practical living in oneness with the Lord. In this living Abraham walked in the Lord’s presence and whatever he did was according to God’s will for the fulfilling of God’s purpose. Lord, grant us one day’s growth every day of this year, and draw us to be people living in Your presence.
Los Angeles, 2014
Beseech the Lord to bring us into a gospel atmosphere full of life, love, and fruit-bearing (John 15:17 & note) and to send us out to visit and nourish relatives, students, friends, neighborhoods, and work places and to recover dormant and backslidden saints so that His testimony here may increase significantly this year.
United States
"I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of our Savior God, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:1-4)
Lord, reign over the United States and its leaders so that many more people may be saved, many more may come to the full knowledge of the truth, and many more lampstands may be established.
In the first half of January a small team of FTTA trainees is visiting the devastated area of the Philippines to encourage the saints there and to coordinate with them in preaching the gospel. A second team will visit the same area in the first half of February.
FTTA Gospel Trips
International gospel trips (other than the trip to the Philippines) will begin next week and domestic trips will begin the week after that. Ask the Lord to supply wisdom to the travelers in their preparations and to richly grace them all so that they may overflow with Him wherever they go.
Last week was the national conference in Australia, on the mending ministry. Now James Lee and Craig Birchler are visiting the churches in Australia. Ask the Lord to use this time for more mending, tuning, equipping, and perfecting of all the saints.
- Morning revival: week 1 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference).
- Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
- A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 19 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People's Conference and meetings for the children. Details are at
- The Young People's Blending Conference 2014 will be concurrently with the Spanish-speaking Conference. The conference will be Friday, January 17, 7:30 pm and Saturday, January 18, 4 and 7:30 pm (bring your own dinner for the break between the meetings). To register, go to and click on "Event Registration."
Prayer, Week of December 29, 2013
The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and The God of Jacob
We need to know and experience the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob to become the transformed Israel of God to fulfill God's purpose. May we advance in the experiences of this wonderful Triune God by leaving everything behind and coming forward in spirit to the Holy of Holies. May 2014 be a year of more constituting with Christ, more growing up into Him in everything, and more advancing to maturity.
James Lee and Craig Birchler are in Australia. The national conference, on the Mending Ministry of Life, is the last few days of 2013. At the same time there is a summer school of truth for the young people. The attendance is 565 adults and young people. After the conference there is a fellowship for leading brothers from all of Australia. Afterwards James and Craig will visit various churches all over Australia.
In the first half of January a small team of FTTA trainees will visit the devastated area of the Philippines to encourage the saints there and to coordinate with them in preaching the gospel. A second team will visit the same area in the first half of February.
European Young People's Winter School of Truth
The school is December 26 to 31 in Netherlands and December 27 to January 1 in London. Ask the Lord to keep active in the young people what was imparted to them during the school and to fully gain the young people for His move in all of Europe.
Barcelona is Spain's second largest city. It is a leading tourist, financial, cultural, educational, and sports centers. The local language is Catalan, but Spanish is widely spoken. There is a small lampstand in Barcelona, but the saints there do not speak either language, making the propagation difficult.
The Lord is moving in a marvelous way in Girona, a city about 50 miles north of Barcelona. There is a small lampstand there, but for several years there was no increase because the saints are not locals. Through a Catalan brother who received Rhema books last year, the Lord raised up an entire Catalan family. The saints in Girona have been shepherding them faithfully, but they are very short-handed. The new ones are all enjoying the ministry, and several of them attended recent conferences.
A few months ago the Lord brought to Barcelona a couple from the U.S., who are very burdened for the situation there and are co-laboring with the brothers in Girona to take care of the whole of northeast of Spain. However, although the harvest is ripe, the laborers are few. How we need to pray that the Lord will thrust out workers into His harvest!
- Morning revival: winter training verses or week 6 of Prayer and the Lord's Move. Next week we will begin the Thanksgiving conference, The Mending Ministry of John.
- Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
- A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 19 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People's Conference and meetings for the children. Details are at
- The Young People's Blending Conference 2014 will be concurrently with the Spanish-speaking Conference. The conference will be Friday, January 17, 7:30 pm and Saturday, January 18, 4 and 7:30 pm (bring your own dinner for the break between the meetings). The register, go to and click on "Event Registration."
Prayer, Weeks of December 15 and 22, 2013
Winter Training
The training begins Monday, December 23. Video trainings in Los Angeles are various times from December 23 through early January. Please pray for the Lord's rich supply to the speaking brothers and a spirit of wisdom and revelation to all who attend in Anaheim or by video.
FTTA Graduation
Saturday, December 21, 46 will graduate from FTTA. Ask the Lord to draw each one to serve as He wills and to keep them living in His presence as they leave the training environment
Boston Training Center
Thank the Lord for answering the prayer regarding the Boston training center. The final walk through by the fire department was November 26. The only item that they required was adding one fire extinguisher. The occupancy and use permit was issued December 2. The training moved in immediately after, and was able to use the building for about 10 days before the semester ended. The church in Boston had its first Lord's table in the building on December 8. Praise the Lord for overcoming all the obstacles. He is truly the Alpha and the Omega.
Please pray that the Lord will continue to grant the training and the church favor with the city and its residents and will gain and perfect many young ones for His move in Europe and on the whole earth.
Please pray for the propagation of the ministry of WN and WL through the internet to contact and gain seeking people, to perfect the believers, to produce the one new man, and to prepare the bride of Christ.
December 4 to 7 a Bible distribution was carried out in Lisbon to support the conference that took place there December 6 to 8 and to cooperate with the Lord to raise up a lampstand in Lisbon. During the four days of distribution, 765 Bibles were given out. 415 recipients indicated they were open to be contacted; 32 were very open. In addition, 52 persons prayed to receive the Lord. Eight new ones attended the conference. The experience of the saints who carried out the distribution was overwhelmingly positive. Please pray:
- For the shepherding of the Bible recipients who are open for further contact.
- That a good number of these recipients will be gained for the church life in Lisbon and become building members of the Body of Christ.
- That the word released in the conference will operate in all the saints for their building up.
Sweden and Norway
December 4-9 the New Testament Recovery Version (in English) and Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Volume 1 (in the local languages) were distributed in Sweden and Norway. This initial distribution resulted in more than 60 Bibles given out and a total of 19 who want further contact. Please pray:
- For the follow-up of those who want further contact.
- For a continuation of the distribution in both countries in the coming days and weeks.
- For all the saints to be brought into a normal life of fruit-bearing as branches of Christ, the true vine.
Announcements for weeks of December 15 and 22
- Morning revival: December 16 to 22: week 4 of Prayer and the Lord's Move.
December 23 to 29: winter training verses or week 5 of Prayer and the Lord's Move.
The next prayer email will be Lord's Day, December 29. - Gifts marked for Philippines Relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
- A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 19 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People's Conference and meetings for the children. Details are at
Prayer, Week of December 8, 2013
Winter Training
The training begins Monday, December 23. Please pray for the Lord's wisdom to the speaking brothers and in all the practical preparations.
Pray also for all who have been in the recovery many years. May we be saved from "I have heard that before" and brought onward to intensified experiences of what we have heard.
The Spread of the Children's Work
In the children's work we don’t have the flavor of a school, but we are helping them to be vessels unto honor, useful to the Master, prepared unto every good work (2 Tim. 2:21), with a view that in the future they would become men of God (2 Tim. 3:17).
For this work to be prevailing, we must realize this work should not just be on Sunday, in the hall, not just with those among our own families, but it should be daily, in homes, with children who are not currently meeting with us. Lord, give us solid contact with more children and more families.
Middle Age Training
This Saturday (December 14) 26 will graduate from the middle-age training. Please ask the Lord to:
- clearly lead each one to where they should live and what they should do;
- bring at least 40 new trainees to the spring term to replace them and to increase the training.
Church in Eastvale, California
Eastvale is a small city adjacent to interstate 15 in Riverside County. The first Lord's Table of the church in Eastvale will be December 15.
Report from Portugal
The conference for Portugal and Spain was last weekend. Before the conference there were New Testament distributions in Lisbon and at the University of Lisbon. The students on this campus were open and ready beyond anything the saints had ever seen. Over 250 NTs went out; 47% of the recipients want further contact. Nineteen prayed to receive the Lord.
At present there is only one family in the recovery in Lisbon. Ask the Lord to supply them in shepherding and to gather seekers to them for raising up a lampstand in Lisbon.
Continue to pray for 1) the affected saints to be encouraged and supplied, 2) the restoration of communication and transportation, and 3) the gospel to be released and received.
It is likely that some trainees will visit the affected area in January to encourage the saints there and to join them in the gospel. Pray for the Lord's wisdom to those who are planning the trip and for His clear leading to those who might participate.
- Morning revival: week 3 of Prayer and the Lord's Move.
- Gifts marked for Philippines Relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
- A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 19 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People's Conference and meetings for the children. Details are at
Prayer, Week of December 1, 2013
Lord, Mend Us, Tune Us, Perfect Us, Complete Us
A very short summary of conference messages 1–3: John's mending (Matt. 4:21) is a ministry to tune us (1 Cor. 1:10), perfect us (Eph. 4:12), and complete us (1 Thes. 3:10); the same Greek word is used in all these verses. This is a ministry of life (1 John 1:1-2) and this life is the living Person (John 14:6). Through incarnation, death, and resurrection, the Triune God comes to us as the consummated Spirit (John 7:39, 20:22) to shepherd us in life (John 10:10b-11) for the one flock (John 10:15-17) and to be incorporated with us (John 14:20) for the Father’s house (John 14:2-3, 23).
Lord, bring us into more experience of Yourself as life for Your one flock and the Father's house!
Children's Work
A summary of message three from the November 9 children's meeting perfecting time for Southern California churches:
We are doing a "BC" (Before Christ) labor. This is an Old Testament work for children up to about age 12. Don't tell them during this time that they can't fulfill the law. They need to receive the word that they should honor their parents. But in due time, they will start to have a sense that they can't do it. This is the law functioning to expose their inability and bring them to Christ. During this “BC” labor, we learn from Romans that the way to restrict wickedness is to know God by his creation; to glorify, thank, worship and serve God; to act according to the God-created good nature within us; to listen to our conscience; and to have proper reasonings. There is a moral degradation of this age that our children are growing up in and we have to get to them first, and we have to get to them strongly.
Perfecting for Spanish-Speaking Saints
This fall there is a Perfecting Training Series for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. The last topic is Truth Equipping (December 7). Lord, perfect the saints "unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ" (Eph. 4:12).
Cal State Channel Islands
We baptized two Channel Islands (CI) students on November 23. Eleven CI and one Moorpark student attended this baptism. During the 2013 fall semester, between 10 and 20 students attend our weekly Bible study. The Lord has been adding new students to our club weekly. Please pray for
- establishing core members through home meetings;
- raising up young adults to serve on CI campus;
- much mercy and grace to the existing serving ones, so that they have the enjoyment and full protection from the Lord while laboring on campus.
Iberian Conference
This year's International Conference for Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, and Andorra will be in Lisbon, Portugal, December 6 to 8. Our burden is that the Lord would raise up a lampstand in this city. We warmly invite all the churches and saints to join us in this burden.
Prayer for the Philippines
- Pray for the affected saints to be preserved and strengthened by the Lord.
- Pray for the Philippine government to operate efficiently so that relief goods can be delivered to the affected areas in a timely manner.
- Pray for the recovery of the electricity and communication systems.
- Pray for the brothers to quickly find out about each of the affected saints so that proper assistance can be granted.
- Pray for the co-workers, elders and saints in Central Philippines that they would grasp the opportunity to preach the gospel in the mingled spirit.
Madrid, Spain
Please pray for the Lord to have a breakthrough in Madrid, with an increase in life and number to gain the vessels that He needs for a strong expression in the capital city of Spain.
European University Conference Report
The conference was November 22 to 24 on The Producing of the Overcomers. To bring in His kingdom, the Lord needs to gain overcomers, who would stand above the degradation of this age and within the church to be the Body that God desires. Around 260 brothers and sisters from the UK, Ireland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Germany were present.
First, we realize that it is impossible for us to be overcomers in ourselves. Second, we give up trying to do it. Third, we praise God that we are not able but He is able! Finally, we believe that He is able: "you have overcome them because greater is He who is in you" (1 John 4:4).
Eight were baptized at this conference! May the Lord continue to gain the European overcomers so that the Lord would be able to return quickly. Please pray:
- for a real desire in the students to be produced as the overcomers.
- for the students to be built up with one another and with the saints in their localities.
- that the students would see the need for the training and perfecting so that they could be so useful to the Lord in Europe.
- Morning revival: week 2 of Prayer and the Lord's Move.
- Gifts marked for Philippines Relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
- A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 19 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People's Conference and meetings for the children. Details are at
Prayer, Week of November 24, 2013
"You Then Pray in This Way:
Our Father who is in the heavens, Your name be sanctified; Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth." (Matt. 6:9-10) Prayer is the believers' act of working together with God to accomplish His will. (Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 1, II.B)
Thanksgiving Conference
The conference is Thursday, November 28 through Lord's Day, December 1. Please ask the Lord to bless the conference with His speaking and with a full response from all who attend or watch videos. Also ask the Lord to release many to attend this conference.
Children's Work
The following is a summary of message two from the November 9 children's meeting perfecting time for Southern California churches. The subject was, "Compiling Children's Lessons that Build up a Proper Humanity and Lead the Children into a Proper Enjoyment."
Every class, every student is different and we need fresh leading each time. We seek the Lord's leading; we cannot depend solely on a printed page. We pick examples from the children’s daily living, such as cleaning their room or their relation to their teachers. End with a verse. Realize you don't have to use the whole verse. Follow up with them the next week to see if they practiced what they heard. As they grow up, we slowly go from teaching them about God, God's creation, and what proper humanity is to the fall of man, and to bringing them to Christ as life. On this last point, we speak about Christ not as a mere story but in a practical way based on their failures and desires.
Bibles for America
BfA's three-week distribution tour from Philadelphia to South Carolina concluded last week. They distributed New Testaments and Basic Elements of the Christian Life. About 2000 NTs were given out on college campuses and in communities. The saints met many seeking people in each state, including some interested in further contact. Some recipients already called BfA to request other free books. Please pray that the Lord would continue to operate in each recipient through the Bible and books they received.
Paris, France
In September and October a Bible distribution was carried out in front of the Sorbonne and Nanterre Universities. The distribution was under the Lord's blessing. The Lord brought some seeking ones, and some of these are now being contacted. Also, a number of new ones are being added to the church in Paris. Please pray that:
- the Lord will gain more French students from the Sorbonne and Nanterre;
- all the new ones will grow normally and be added to the church for the building up of the Body;
- the FTT London trainees from France will be perfected by the Lord to serve in France.
One-Week Trainings in Europe
This is the last week of this year's four one-week trainings at Bower House in London. The overall theme is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Please pray that the saints will be perfected in the divine truths, in their daily life before the Lord, in practicing the vital groups, in participating in the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, in becoming fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and in developing their organic functions for the building of the churches.
- Morning revival: week 1 of Prayer and the Lord's Move.
- Gifts marked for Philippines Relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
Prayer, Week of November 17, 2013
Vessels unto Honor, Sanctified, Useful to the Master, Prepared
"If therefore anyone cleanses himself from these [vessels unto dishonor, in prior verses], he will be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, useful to the master, prepared unto every good work." (2 Tim. 2:21 with footnote 2)
The children's work is an important work for the raising up of our next generation. For this to be a prevailing work, we need a proper realization and a proper preparation. Saturday, November 9, there was a children's work perfecting time for the Southern California churches. The subject was, "Compiling Children's Lessons that Build up a Proper Humanity and Lead the Children into a Proper Enjoyment." The following is a summary of message one; the other two messages will be summarized in coming weeks.
Our realization of the children's work is that we don’t have the flavor of a school, but we are helping them to be vessels unto honor, useful to the Master, prepared unto every good work (2 Tim. 2:21), with a view that in the future they would become men of God (2 Tim 3:17). If we regard the children's work as a school and teach from books, it will be of more harm than benefit because it gives the children premature knowledge and makes them dull of hearing.
For this work we need a proper preparation. This preparation comes from having proper lessons which help serving ones cultivate the children in their humanity so that they would be proper human beings. These lessons are entirely from a children's perspective and help them (with demonstrations and illustrations from their human living) to know how to honor their parents, love others, and know the proper elements of human morality, humility, patience, and kindness. May the Lord continue to bless our labor among the children in Los Angeles to raise up many Timothy's among us who are fostered under the loving care of parents and serving ones who labor with a long term view that one day these ones would be useful to the Master.
College Conference
This coming weekend, November 22-24 about 145 saints including just over 100 students from Los Angeles and Santa Barbara (UCLA, CSUN, USC, UCSB, SMC, and others) will attend the college conference at Big Bear. The topic of the conference is "The Life and Work of an Age Turner," based on the story of Noah. Please pray that:
- All who have signed up would come, prepared, wide open to the Lord to receive His speaking.
- All who come would have the veils removed to see a vision of God's need to have man's cooperation to change the age.
- All would give themselves not just to see or touch the ark but to enter into the ark, the church life, and to remain there, not just in body but in their hearts.
- The enemy with all of his frustrations would be bound because he knows the strategic importance of this topic.
The Philippines
The typhoon in the Philippines caused much destruction and much loss of life. About 250 families (plus more in areas where there is no communication) in the recovery have lost food and lost some or all of their housing. Brothers in other parts of the Philippines are delivering food to churches they can reach.
Let us pray for:
- effective work by the government and relief agencies;
- the coworkers, elders, and saints in all the affected areas to gain discernment to act wisely and decisively under the leading of the mingled spirit;
- a rich supply to the saints laboring to deliver food and help in other ways;
- the Lord's care for all the suffering ones, both within and outside the churches, and His turning of this disaster into an opportunity for spreading of the gospel of the kingdom.
Monetary donations may be given to the church in Los Angeles or to Lord's Move to Europe (see In either case, mark the donation for "Philippines Relief."
Thanksgiving Conference
The conference is Thursday, November 28 through Lord's Day, December 1. Please pray for the Lord’s wisdom and supply to all who are preparing for this conference.
Bibles for America
This is the last week of BfA's three-week distribution tour from Philadelphia through Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, to North and South Carolina. Please continue to pray that:
- The Lord would brood over this part of the country and prepare many hungry ones to receive the Word and the ministry.
- The traveling saints would remain safe and be strengthened into their inner man throughout this trip.
European University Students Conference
The Autumn University Students Conference is this weekend, November 22 to 24, in London. This conference is for students across Europe. The subject is The Full Ministry of Christ in the Third Stage of Intensification -- The Producing of the Overcomers.
- Pray for the National Blending Conference at Lahore November 23 to 24.
- Pray for the translation and proofreading of the Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
Pray for the gospel move in the southeastern region from November 17 to 23.
- Morning revival: week 12 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis. After Genesis, we will repeat Prayer and the Lord's Move, which we used in February and March. Please find your book or order a new one.
- Gifts marked for Philippines Relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
- The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Illinois from Thursday, November 28 through Lord's Day, December 1. We invite all the churches and individuals to participate. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
- There will be a conference in Hawaii January 24 to 26. Details are at
Prayer, Week of November 10, 2013
Love, Feed, Shepherd
"Jesus said, do you love Me? Feed My lambs. Do you love Me? Shepherd My sheep. Do you love Me? Feed My sheep." (part of John 21:15-17) Lord, cause our love for You to increase our shepherding and feeding of others, and to cause our shepherding and feeding to increase our love.
Prayer and the Lord's Move
We need to persevere in prayer, pray at every time in spirit, and be on the alert for the maintaining of a prayer life. (2012 Thanksgiving Conference, banner 2)
After week 12 of Genesis, we will repeat Prayer and the Lord's Move, which we used in February and March. Please find your book or order a new one.
Perfecting for Spanish-Speaking Saints
This fall there is a Perfecting Training Series for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. The remaining topics are Gospel Service (November 16) and Truth Equipping (December 7). Lord, perfect the saints "unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ" (Eph. 4:12).
Bibles for America
This is the second week of BfA's three-week distribution tour from Philadelphia through Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, to North and South Carolina. Please continue to pray that:
- The Lord would brood over this part of the country and prepare many hungry ones to receive the Word and the ministry.
- The traveling saints would remain safe and be strengthened into their inner man throughout this trip.
Over 400 people attended a seminar Saturday, November 2. Of the 165 first time attendees, 72 want a Bible study in their home. Some have already received an initial visit. Please pray for many saints to be available to visit these and many, many other new contacts whose homes are open and waiting for visitation.
One-Week Trainings in Europe
This is the third week of this fall's four one-week trainings at Bower House in London. The overall theme is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Please pray that the saints will be perfected in the divine truths, in their daily life before the Lord, in practicing the vital groups, in participating in the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, in becoming fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and in developing their organic functions for the building of the churches.
The annual conference in Belgium is November 16 to 17. Please pray for the release of the Lord's fresh and up-to-date speaking, and the effect of this speaking on the practical living of the saints.
- Morning revival: week 11 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis. After Genesis, we will repeat Prayer and the Lord's Move, which we used in February and March. Please find your book or order a new one.
- The winter training in Anaheim will be December 23 to 28. There will also be video trainings in L.A. Registration is $205 for Anaheim (includes late fee) and $80 for video. Registration deadline for video is Lord's Day, November 17.
- The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Illinois from Thursday, November 28 through Lord's Day, December 1. We invite all the churches and individuals to participate. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at