Week of January 5

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Sowing with Blessings and Abounding with Thanksgiving

“But take note of this: He who sows sparingly shall also sparingly reap; and he who sows with blessings shall also with blessings reap.” (2 Cor. 9:6)

“Now He who bountifully supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed and cause the fruits of your righteousness to increase. You in everything are being enriched unto all liberality, which works out through us thanksgiving to God.” (2 Cor. 9:10-11)

According to [2 Cor. 9:6], he who sows sparingly shall also sparingly reap, and he who sows with blessings shall also with blessings reap. In verse 6 we have the thought of sowing for the benefit of others. But what farmer, when he sows seed in his field, has the thought of sowing for others? Surely, most farmers have the concept of sowing for themselves. This kind of sowing, however, is not with blessings. To sow with blessings is to give to others. This is to sow with blessings to others. When we give of our money, we are sowing, and this sowing is not for ourselves but is for others. If we sow with blessings to others, we will reap with blessings from God.

When we sow with blessings to others, we will reap with blessings from God. Furthermore, the harvest will always far surpass the amount of seed sown. It may be multiplied thirty or even one hundred times. This does not happen miraculously; it takes place according to natural law…Regarding this, there is no need for God to do anything miraculous. We all need to sow, to give. The more we give, the more we will reap.

We should sow more and in turn reap more. The goal is not to make ourselves rich. The result is the abounding of thanksgivings to God. I hope that in the time to come, many of the saints will become a factor of thanksgiving to God. This means that your giving will abound in much thanksgiving to God. (Life-study of Second Corinthians, 2nd ed, ch. 48)

Learning to Praise the Lord with New Utterances

“My heart overflows with a good matter; I speak what I have composed concerning the King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” (Psa. 45:1)

Praise is the “cream” of our Christian experience. In order to produce cream, a certain quantity of milk is required; moreover, many milk cows are needed to produce this milk. In order to sustain the cows, farms are needed with pastures full of green, tender grass. Without farms, pastures, cows, and milk, it is not possible to produce cream. This illustrates the fact that without experiencing Christ, we cannot release the proper praises as the cream of our experience. In our Christian daily walk, if we are short of “farms,” “pastures,” “cows,” and milk, we will have no “cream” to bring to the meetings as praise to the Lord…

We all need to experience Christ, and we need utterances to compose our praise to the Lord. After we experience Christ, we need to look to Him, saying, “Lord, give me some utterance so that I can have something as an expression of my experiences of You to offer as praise in the meetings and also as an edification to all the saints.” (CWWL, 1969, vol. 2, “Praising God with Christ as the Content by Our Experiencing and Enjoying Him,” ch. 5, pp. 79, 85)

In this new year, may we all learn, inwardly and personally, to praise the Lord with new utterances based on our new experiences and fresh enjoyment of Him.

A New Term for Our Students

LAUSD, UCLA, USC, and most schools and campuses throughout LA begin their new terms this week or next week. Please pray that:

  • All our students would have a new beginning in the Lord, with the Lord, and unto the Lord!
  • The Lord would protect and keep our next generation from the evil one and cause them to grow humanly and spiritually in a healthy way.
  • The Lord would flow out through our students to water those around them and flow these ones into the church life!
  • That we can immediately reconnect with many contacts from previous terms for face-to-face fellowship and continued shepherding.

SoCal Young People's Blending Conference

The 2025 Winter Young People's Blending Conference, the first conference of this new year, will be held in person at the Ministry Conference Center (MCC) in Anaheim this Saturday and Lord's Day, January 11 and 12. The topic of the conference is “And Peter.” To foster more blending, activity times will be held in four nearby locations. More information can be found at scyp.com/blending.

Please pray for a healthy time of blending, and for the young people to both see themselves in the testimony of Peter and have a vision of God's building (Matt. 16:18).

Czech and Slovak Translation Work

There is a burden to translate the NT Recovery Version into the Czech and Slovak languages. Since the two languages are closely related, one team of Czech and Slovak translators will work together to produce the two versions simultaneously. The team is currently focusing on learning the Greek language. This crucial period of several months requires the best time management and focus from all involved. At the end of this period the translators should be equipped to work on the translation of the original text under the guidance of the saints at Living Stream Ministry. Please pray with us:

  • For the Lord to be the real consecration and wisdom for these student/translators.
  • For the translators to be kept from all unnecessary distractions to be focused on their preparation.
  • For the present situations in the personal and professional lives of all the saints involved to be settled in the best way for the future work and coordination of the whole team.

Athens, Greece

As the capital and largest city of Greece, the city of Athens has scriptural and prophetic significance. In Acts, it says: “And while Paul was waiting for them in Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he beheld that the city was full of idols” (Acts 17:16). Also, Brother Lee felt strongly that the coming Antichrist will be of Greek descent. The saints have been meeting as the church there since 2006 with about 25 on Lord's Day. Please pray for saints to migrate under the Head and in the Body to strengthen the Lord's testimony in Athens!

Madrid House Purchase

We thank the Lord for providing the funds necessary to meet the January 6, 2025 installment deadline for the purchase of the house next to the meeting hall in Madrid, Spain. Pray that the Lord will release the remaining funds (570,000 Euros) needed to close the purchase on March 6. The acquisition of this house will greatly expand the usefulness of the overall property to the church in Madrid and the Lord's move in the Iberian Peninsula. A detailed letter can be downloaded at lme.org/reports.html.

As the Lord leads, saints in LA may participate in giving through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Madrid House.”


  1. Morning Revival: Week 5 of Material Offerings and the Lord's Move Today. Next week, we will get into Galatians with recommended resources.
  2. SoCal Spanish-speaking Conference: January 17 to 19 at the Ministry Conference Center, Anaheim. Pray for the Lord's abundant blessing during this time. English-speaking and Spanish-speaking saints are invited to attend in person. All relevant information is posted at conf.socalspanish.org.
  3. LSM Feasts: The 2025 International Chinese-speaking Conference (ICSC) will be February 14 to 16 at the Ministry Conference Center, Anaheim. All the saints are invited. Information on other upcoming Living Stream Ministry conferences and trainings can be found at lsm.org/events.
  4. FTTA: A video of the graduation meeting on December 21 is available for a limited time at ftta.org.
  5. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of December 22

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2024 December Semiannual Training

The December Semiannual Training is being held this week in Anaheim from December 23 to 28. The general subject is “Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (2).” In addition to the saints attending in person in Anaheim, many saints all over the earth will participate by video.

Please pray for the release of the Lord's up-to-date speaking to His whole Body and for the advance of the Lord's move on the whole earth through the operation of His word for the building up of His Body and the preparation of His bride.


Last weekend, trainees graduated from the FTTA. Please continue to pray for all these ones to follow the Lamb wherever He may go. Pray also for many college graduates and young working saints to answer God's call to go to the FTTA next term. A video of the graduation meeting is available at ftta.org.

Santa Barbara

Please pray for the Lord encourage and lead younger couples and families to move to Santa Barbara/Goleta to strengthen the church and shepherd the students.

Bibles for America

The past year has been full of challenges and upheaval. The world situation continues to be volatile, and people everywhere are full of anxiety. Bibles for America has also faced difficulties, including shipping delays, increasing costs, and changes to marketing platforms. Despite everything, we praise God that we have His Word as a sure foundation on which to stand.

In 2024, we began exploring different ways of reaching people with God's Word, such as social media and audio streaming advertising. We're also happy to share that the video studio has been completed, enabling us to produce more videos on the truth and the Christian experience. Please continue to stand with us in prayer as we seek the Lord's blessing on this labor.

French-speaking Europe

Beseech the Lord to supply all the saints who live in French-speaking Europe, and all who are there on “shepherding trips” for weeks or months, to labor diligent in ministering Christ to the seeking contacts so that these ones may grow in truth and life and be added to the church. Also beseech the Lord to thrust out more workers into this harvest and to release the long-term visas.

For archived reports of the gospel and shepherding trips, click here.

Madrid House Purchase

Pray that the Lord will release the funds to complete the purchase of the house next to the meeting hall in Madrid, Spain to greatly expand the usefulness of the church's property to the church there and the Lord's move in the Iberian Peninsula. Specifically, pray that the remaining 16,900 Euros would be provided by January 6, 2025. The final installment will be due in March.

A detailed letter can be downloaded at lme.org/reports.html. As the Lord leads, saints in LA may participate in giving through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Madrid House.”

The Lord's Move in Europe

Please pray for the migration of burdened saints to strengthen the Lord's testimony in nine critical European cities in 2025—Paris, Geneva, Brussels, Belfast, Dublin, Vienna, Prague, Rome, and Athens.


  1. Morning Revival: Repeat Week 12 of Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1) or enjoy verses and content from the Semiannual Training. Starting Monday, December 30, we will pursue Week 3 of Material Offerings and the Lord's Move Today.
  2. Thanksgiving Conference: Recordings are on lsmwebcast.com at no charge until December 31.
  3. SAVE THE DATE: The 2024 Winter SCYP Blending Conference will be January 11 to 12 in Anaheim. Please contact serving ones for event and registration details.
  4. LSM Conferences & Trainings: Information on upcoming Living Stream Ministry “feasts” can be found at lsm.org/announcements/events.html.
  5. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of December 8

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Experiencing and Enjoying God as Our Father

“Paul and Silvanus and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Thes. 1:1)

“Yet to us there is one God, the Father, out from whom are all things, and we are unto Him.” (1 Cor. 8:6a)

The Father's house, the church, is in God the Father. For the church to be in God the Father, God must become the Father to us, and we need to have a life relationship with Him. We can call God our Father because we have been born of Him, and now, as His children, we have a life relationship with Him (Rom. 8:15-16).

For the church to be in God the Father means that the church is in the One who is the unique source, the Originator and Initiator. To know God as the Father is to know that everything originates from Him and that everything proceeds from Him. In the church life the Father should be the unique source, and we all should be in His unique purpose and plan. (Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1), msg. 11, III, A, 4, B, 1-2)

May we all advance in our experience and enjoyment of God as our Father to be built up as His house for His dwelling and expression.

Living the Kingdom Life by Living a Hidden Life

“When you pray, enter into your private room, and shut your door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” (Matt. 6:6)

“And after He sent the crowds away, He went up to the mountain privately to pray. And when night fell, He was there alone.” (Matt. 14:23)

We have to learn to leave the crowds, our family, our friends, and the saints in the church to go to a higher level on a “high mountain”; we have to get to a higher level, separated from the crowd and the earthly things, to be with the Father privately and secretly to have intimate fellowship with Him. Our Father is in secret, and He sees in secret; the kingdom people, as children of the heavenly Father, must live in and care for the Father's secret and hidden presence. The kingdom people must have some experience of prayer in their private room, contacting their heavenly Father in secret, experiencing some secret enjoyment of the Father, and receiving some secret answer from Him. (October 2024 ITERO, Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God, msg. 2, I.B.3, II.A, F)

May all of us follow the secret pattern of our Lord!

Germany – University Conference Follow-up

The Lord brought together 191 students and serving ones, primarily from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, to be under His speaking this past weekend at Gut Elim. The subject of the conference was “Eat and Live,” and the messages traced the journey of the children of Israel from being slaves in Egypt to entering the good land, with a major underlying burden being the three stages of eating in our Christian life—eating Christ as the Passover lamb, eating Christ as the heavenly manna, and eating Christ as the produce of the good land. Please pray:

  • That the Lord's hand will follow His word.
  • That those who joined the conference will mix the word they heard with faith so that it will profit them.
  • That the Lord will continue to work in this generation of young people to prepare for Himself a people who will match Him in His ultimate move at the end of this age.

Iberian Peninsula Conference

This year's Iberian Peninsula Conference will take place December 13 to 15 in Torremolinos (Málaga), Spain. Please pray for the blending of the saints and Lord's timely speaking for the advance of the Lord's move on the Iberian Peninsula.


Luxembourg is a small country bordered by France, Belgium, and Germany. From late July to early September, there were five gospel trips to Luxembourg as part of the Lord's move in Francophone Europe. Since then there have been short-term visiting saints for shepherding the contacts made during the summer and meeting with the family already solidly in the recovery.

In late November a couple from Brazil arrived for longer term shepherding, since a number of contacts are from Portugal. They have already had multiple good appointments. Ask the Lord to supply the couple with the apartment they need and to open more appointments with contacts there. May the Lord gain a solid testimony in Luxembourg!


Tajikistan is a secular Muslim country in Central Asia with a population of 9 million. The main language is Tajik, but most people are also fluent in Russian. The largest city is the capital, Dushanbe. Please pray that the Lord would bless the promotion of Rhema books and give the saints wisdom to be sowers of the divine word. Also pray for the door of the gospel to be opened on campus and for the gaining of high-quality students, that the saints can bear at least four remaining fruit in the new year.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 11 of Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1).
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting continues this Wednesday 7:25 pm.
  3. Thanksgiving Conference: Recordings are on lsmwebcast.com at no charge until December 31.
  4. FTTA: The graduation meeting of the Fall 2024 class will be Saturday, December 21 at 9:30 am.
  5. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  6. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry's many digital resources, including newsletters and free booklets, may be enjoyed at lsm.org/daily.
  7. GTCA: To learn more about the burden for migration within North America, visit gtca.us.
  8. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of December 1

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Oneness in Glorification with the Divine Glory

“He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of Him who sent Him, this One is true, and unrighteousness is not in Him.” (John 7:18)

“And the glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, even as We are one; I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected into one, that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.” (John 17:22-23)

If we would be one in the divine glory, we must forsake and forget ourselves. It must be no longer I but Christ who lives in me (Gal. 2:20). The “I” has been crucified, and the self must be denied that Christ may live in us. We must not only renounce the world but also ourselves. On the one hand, we have been sanctified from so many worldly places and worldly things and have come home to the Father's house. On the other hand, each of us has his opinions, thoughts, or ideas. If this is the situation, how can we be one? Once we were separated into various worldly places, but now, having come home, we may still have trouble with the self. For this reason we must not live by our own life but by the life of glory, the divine life.

In this aspect of oneness, the believers, their self having been fully denied, enjoy the glory of the Father as the factor of their perfected oneness and thus express God in a corporate, built-up way. (Life-study of John, 2nd ed., pp. 469, 471)

Loving the Lord for Growth in Life

“Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him.” (John 14:23)

In order to grow in life for God's building, we must love the Lord (Thanksgiving Conference, msg 3, III.A). During this message we were encouraged to read Practical Lessons on the Experience of Life, chapter 16 (CWWL, 1964, vol. 4). The Lord Jesus asks us to believe in Him and to love Him. We must have faith in Him, and we must have love toward Him. It may be good that we pray for a few weeks, even when we come together for the prayer meeting, “Lord, show us this love, and grant us such a love.” We must learn to love the Lord…When we start to love the Lord, we start to grow.

We need to pray that the Lord would touch the hearts of many saints. Among us we need this love…The source, the origin, of the fall of the church is the loss of the first love (Rev. 2:4). (Practical Lessons…)

Lord, daily grant us a love for You!

Thanksgiving Conference Recordings

The 2024 Thanksgiving Blending Conference was held last weekend in Atlanta. The general subject was “Living the Christian Life and Church Life Under the Government of God for the Economy of God.”

Let us pray for the divine riches and burden from the conference to enter into and operate in all the saints for their advancement in the enjoyment of Christ and the growth in life unto maturity. Pray for as many saints as possible to review the messages at www.lsmwebcast.com so that the Lord's burden could be received and absorbed throughout His recovery.

Church in Los Angeles

The whole church in Los Angeles—all halls, districts, and languages—will meet together starting at 10:00 am on Lord's Day, December 8 at Hall 2 (8655 Haskell Ave). There will be translation to Chinese, Korean, and Spanish via FM radio as well as on Zoom. Lunch will be provided afterwards for more blending among the saints.

Please pray for a healthy attendance and blending, and for the timely speaking of the Lord to shepherd all the saints in the church. Lord, release Your speaking and Your burden into us for Your moving onward in each of us and in the whole of Los Angeles!

Semiannual Video Training Registrations

The general subject of the upcoming Semiannual Training, December 23 to 28, is “Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (2).” For saints in LA, the firm registration deadline to participate in this training by webcast is this Lord's Day, December 8 ($130). Registration is at tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.

Please pray for the release and receiving of the Lord's speaking in this training. May the Lord grant us to treasure these trainings and seize every opportunity to attend them not only to see the intrinsic essence of the divine revelation but also to serve as a proper audience for the unhindered release of the crystals in the Word of God. (For more fellowship on the history and significance of the semiannual trainings, see the April 2022 issue of "Having This Ministry…")

FTTL Graduation

The Full-time Training in London will hold its graduation for the 2024 fall semester on December 7. Pray that the graduating trainees will continue to love the Lord and to pursue the growth in life and the constitution with the truth to become useful vessels for the building up of the Lord's testimony in Europe.

Brussels, Belgium

Please pray for the gathering of the saints and the new ones and for the Lord's speaking this weekend, December 7 to 8, in Brussels, Belgium. The conference will be on “Body-consciousness.” May the Lord's up-to-date speaking meet the particular need at this time and the saints be more blended for the reality of the Body of Christ.

Madrid House Purchase

In September 2018 a meeting hall was purchased for the church in Madrid, Spain. In March 2021, one of the houses next to the meeting hall was purchased. Having these properties allowed the church in Madrid to take better care of visiting saints, gather all the responsible brothers of the Iberian Peninsula, and serve as one of the European hubs for FTTA gospel trips.

On August 17 of this year, the owner of the other house next to the meeting hall notified us that she wanted to sell and gave us the first right of refusal. The two-story, three-bedroom house is in very good move-in condition and the asking price of €1.36 million (around US$1.5 million) is reasonable. With this additional property, the entire city block will be owned by the church.

In order to fulfill the purchase contract for this house, 28,760 Euros are needed by January 6, 2025; 610,000 Euros more are needed by March 6, 2025. Please pray for the advancement of the Lord's move on the Iberian Peninsula through the purchase of this property.

A letter in English, Spanish, and Chinese can be downloaded at lme.org/reports.html. As the Lord leads, saints in LA may participate in giving through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Madrid House.”


  1. Morning Revival: Week 10 of Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1). Next week, after our LA Joint Meeting, proceed to Week 11.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting continues this Wednesday 7:25 pm.
  3. Semiannual Video Training: This Lord's Day, December 8 is the firm deadline for LA saints to register for the video training (December 23 to 28) at tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.
  4. Thanksgiving Conference: Recordings are on lsmwebcast.com at no charge until December 31.
  5. FTTA: The graduation meeting of the Fall 2024 class will be Saturday, December 21 at 9:30 am.
  6. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of November 24

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God Is Able and We Are Not

“And on the next day Moses went into the Tent of the Testimony, and there was the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi: it had budded; it even put forth buds and produced blossoms and bore ripe almonds.” (Num. 17:8)

“And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the appointed time of which God had spoken to him.” (Gen. 21:2)

“…Jesus said to them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matt. 19:26)

After the children of Israel rebelled, as recorded in Numbers 16, God commanded the twelve leaders to take twelve rods according to the twelve tribes of Israel and put them in the Tent of the Testimony before the Ark. Then He said, “The rod of the man whom I choose shall bud” (17:5). All twelve rods were leafless, rootless, dry, and dead. Whichever one budded was the one chosen by God. Here we see that resurrection is the basis of God's selection and that the basis of service is something apart from our natural life. Thus, the budding rod signifies our experience of Christ in His resurrection as our acceptance by God for authority in the God-given ministry.

Resurrection means that everything is of God and not of us. It means that God alone is able and that we are not able. All of those who know resurrection have given up hope in themselves. They know that they cannot make it. As long as the natural strength remains, the power of resurrection has no ground for manifestation. As long as Sarah could conceive a child, Isaac would not come. To be a Christian is not merely difficult—it is impossible. Only the processed and consummated Triune God living in us as the all-inclusive Spirit can be a Christian. Only the Spirit can be a Christian, and only the Spirit can be an overcomer. (Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1), msg. 9, I.D.1, 2, 5, 6, 9)

Thanksgiving Conference

The 2024 International Thanksgiving Blending Conference takes place this weekend, November 28 to December 1, in Atlanta. The general subject is “Living a Christian Life and Church Life Under the Government of God for the Economy of God.” The live schedule is below. Please note that listed start times are EST (3 hours ahead of PST):

Meeting 1: Thursday, November 28………. 7:30 PM
Meeting 2: Friday, November 29………….. 10:00 AM
Meeting 3: Friday, November 29………….... 7:30 PM
Meeting 4: Saturday, November 30……….10:00 AM
Meeting 5: Saturday, November 30……….. 7:30 PM
Meeting 6: Lord's Day, December 1………. 9:30 AM

The six conference messages will be broadcast live at www.lsmwebcast.com. They will also be accessible for viewing anytime until December 31 in the “Archives” section without a subscription. Outlines are already available for download on the site.

Let us prepare ourselves for this upcoming time of ministry and sanctify these days for the hearing of faith among us. Please pray for the release of the Lord's timely word to the whole Body. Pray also that the saints not attending in-person would make use of the online provision to get into the messages, that as many saints as possible may receive this word.

Church in Los Angeles

The whole church in Los Angeles—all halls, districts, and languages—will meet together starting at 10:00 am on Lord's Day, December 8 at Hall 2. Lunch will be provided afterwards for the saints to enjoy more blending. Please pray for all the preparation and coordination and for the saints to attend.

Lord, release Your speaking and Your burden into us for Your moving onward in each of us and in the whole of Los Angeles!


The application deadline for the Spring 2025 term of the Full-time Training in Anaheim is this Saturday, November 30. Please pray for many college graduates and young working saints to answer God's call to go to the training in next term.

United States

“I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity.” (1 Tim. 2:1-2)

A quiet and tranquil life is one that is peaceable, still, and without disturbance, not only outwardly in circumstances but also inwardly in our heart and spirit. Such a life enables us to have an enjoyable church life in godliness and gravity. (1 Tim. 2:2, note 1)

After last month's elections, the nominees for high positions in the government have brought forth strong reactions, some positive, some negative. Let us petition the Lord that those who take office in January will be for a quiet and tranquil life both outwardly and also inwardly in our hearts.

France – Shepherding Trips

Beseech the Lord to supply all the saints who live in French-speaking Europe, and all who are there on “shepherding trips” for weeks or months, to labor diligent in ministering Christ to the seeking contacts so that these ones may grow in truth and life and be added to the church. Also beseech the Lord to thrust out more workers into this harvest and to release the long-term visas.

Urk, The Netherlands

For a number of years a group of faithful saints have been meeting regularly in Urk, a town in the central Netherlands. This Lord's Day, December 1 they will hold the first Lord's table meeting as the church in that city. Please pray for the leading brothers in their being a pattern and in their shepherding of the saints according to God, and for all the saints in their experiencing, enjoying, and expressing Christ for His testimony in Urk.

The Lord's Move in Europe

Please pray for the migration of burdened saints to strengthen the Lord's testimony in nine critical European cities in 2025—Paris, Geneva, Brussels, Belfast, Dublin, Vienna, Prague, Rome, and Athens.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 9 of Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1).
  2. No Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: There is no ministry meeting this week due to preparations for Thanksgiving Conference. The meeting will resume next week, December 4.
  3. Semiannual Training: December 23 to 28 in Anaheim. Lord's Day, December 8 is the firm deadline to register for the video training in LA at tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.
  4. Europe Blending Fellowship: A message given by Ron Kangas on “Doing the Will of God in the Two Systems of God in the Universe” after the October ITERO can be viewed at lsm.org/blending.
  5. Bibles for America's blog post “Knowing the Truth concerning God's Forgiveness” is at blog.bfa.org.
  6. Free e-Booklets: Living Stream Ministry offers free e-booklets to read and share. For example, sixty nuggets and gems have been extracted from the Life-study of Philippians with timely topics such as “The Rich Word for Living Christ” and “The Way to Be Freed from Anxiety.” These e-booklets may be accessed for free at www.lsm.org/life-study-philippians.
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of November 17

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Experiencing Christ as the Life-giving Spirit

“But this He said concerning the Spirit, whom those who believed into Him were about to receive; for the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.” (John 7:39)

“And when He had said this, He breathed into them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:22)

As the last Adam in the flesh, through the process of death and resurrection, He “became a life-giving Spirit” (1 Cor. 15:45). As He is the embodiment of the Father, so the Spirit is the realization, the reality, of Him. It is as the Spirit that He was breathed into the disciples. It is as the Spirit that He is received into His believers and flows out of them as rivers of living water (John 7:38-39). It is as the Spirit that through His death and resurrection He came back to the disciples, entered into them as their Comforter, and began to abide in them (14:16-17). It is as the Spirit that He can live in the disciples and enable them to live by and with Him (v. 19). It is as the Spirit that He can abide in the disciples and enable them to abide in Him (v. 20; 15:4-5). (Life-study of John, 2nd ed. pp. 535)

The normal Christian life depends upon our knowing and experiencing the Spirit; without Christ being the life-giving Spirit, we cannot experience anything of God in His economy. (Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1), msg. 8, II.D)

2024 International Thanksgiving Blending Conference

The International Thanksgiving Blending Conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia from November 28 to December 1. Please pray for all the saints traveling, for the speaking brothers and their families, and for all the practical preparations and services. Pray also that as many saints as possible will participate through webcast, whether by watching individually or with others. May the Lord take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering!

Both live and archived messages will be available for free (without subscription) until December 31 via the “Thanksgiving Conf.” button at lsmwebcast.com. Conference outlines will be available to download beginning Thursday, November 21.

SoCal College Conference Follow-up

Thank you, saints, for your prayers for this past weekend's college conference at Oak Glen. Nearly 200 college students from around Southern California attended, which is an excellent turnout! A total of 75 saints from LA attended, including 47 students (18 of whom did not grow up in the church life). From the first meeting we could sense the Lord's blessing, as the atmosphere was full of joy and some of our students were aggressive to share right away. Throughout the weekend we could sense the Lord's particular speaking and shepherding of each student. The fellowship during mealtimes, in cabins, and in groups was also quite sweet, and the students made an effort to blend with others.

Please continue to pray for the Lord to bring our students on in their experience and enjoyment of Christ according to what they have seen this past weekend!


The application deadline for the Spring 2025 term of the Full-time Training in Anaheim is Saturday, November 30. Please pray for many college graduates and young working saints to answer God's call to go to the training in next term.

French-speaking Europe

Beseech the Lord to supply all the saints who live in French-speaking Europe, and all who are there on “shepherding trips” for weeks or months, to labor diligent in ministering Christ to the seeking contacts so that these ones may grow in truth and life and be added to the church. Also beseech the Lord to thrust out more workers into this harvest and to release the long-term visas.

Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans

The Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans (CEEB) geographical region encompasses the northern part of Central Europe, including Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. It also touches Romania in the east before turning south to the Balkan countries, including Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, and Turkey.

Today there are approximately 700 adult saints meeting in 34 local churches in the eleven countries mentioned above. Please pray for them to continue faithfully in giving the Lord the cooperation He needs and desires for the carrying out of His move in this region before the end of this age.

The next CEEB Blending Conference will be May 16 to 18, 2025 in Budapest, Hungary.

Things Which Must Quickly Take Place (Rev. 22:6)

“The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.” (1 Cor. 10:26)

“The king's heart is like streams of water in the hand of Jehovah; He turns it wherever He wishes.” (Prov. 21:1)

For the Lord's visible manifestation (Matt. 24:30) and the seven preceding years (Rev. 11:2, note 4; Dan. 9:27, note 1), Europe and Israel are the crucial geographic regions. Leaders in both regions are considering how to get ready for and respond to potential U.S. policies when the President-elect takes office. Petition the Lord that His will be fully accomplished to prepare the relationships between the United States, Europe, and Israel for those seven years.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 8 of Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1).
  2. SAVE THE DATE: Lord's Day, December 8 we will have our fall LA Joint Meeting—all halls, all languages—beginning 10:00 am at Hall 2. Lunch will be provided.
  3. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting continues this week starting 7:25 pm.
  4. Semiannual Training: December 23 to 28 in Anaheim. The firm deadline to register for video training in LA is December 8 at tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.
  5. Bibles for America's latest blog post “Knowing the Truth concerning God's Forgiveness” is at blog.bfa.org.
  6. Free e-Booklets: Living Stream Ministry offers free e-booklets to read and share. For example, sixty nuggets and gems have been extracted from the Life-study of Philippians with timely topics such as “The Rich Word for Living Christ” and “The Way to Be Freed from Anxiety.” These e-booklets may be accessed for free at www.lsm.org/life-study-philippians.
  7. Europe Blending Fellowship: A recording of the fellowship during the post-ITERO blending conference in Warsaw can be viewed at lsm.org/blending. The video begins with a 78‑minute speaking by Brother Ron Kangas and concludes with reports on the Lord's present move in Europe. Translation is available by following instructions for selecting a language track.
  8. The LA Years: This oral history project at www.layears.org documents the early years of the church life in Los Angeles from 1958–1974, including written history, photos, and first-hand testimonies.
  9. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of November 3

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The Word of God as the Anointing Spirit

“And John testified, saying, I beheld the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven, and He abode upon Him.” (John 1:32)

“And He said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, You shall see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” (John 1:51)

Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His becoming the anointing Spirit for the transformation of God's redeemed people into stones (John 1:32-42) for the building of God's house (Bethel—v. 51)…In His becoming the anointing, life-giving, and transforming Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45), Christ speaks to us further how God carries out His economy organically by His divine life for His divine purpose according to His heart's desire.

We need to be watchful to not allow anything in our daily living to replace Christ as the anointing Spirit in our spirit. Christ is the anointed One becoming the anointing One and also the anointing; to live in the principle of antichrist is to be anti the anointing (anti means “against” and “in place of, instead of”).

To be anti Christ is both to be against Christ and to replace Christ with something else. If we replace Christ with something of our own behavior and character, we are practicing the principle of antichrist in the sense of allowing certain things to replace Christ Himself.

We need to repent for having a daily living in the principle of antichrist, allowing culture, religion, ethics, and natural concepts to replace Christ as the inner anointing; this is to be against the anointing, anti the moving, working, and saturating of the Triune God within us.

We should pray, “Lord, we want to live and walk in, with, through, and by the anointing—the moving, working, and saturating of the Triune God within us.” (Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1), msg. 6, V, A-B.5)

United States

“Our Father who is in the heavens…Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.” (Matt. 6:9-10)

Pray for our heavenly Authority to have His way in all the elections. Petition Him to use the outcome of these elections for His will to be accomplished increasingly and His kingdom to be developed further in the United States and on the whole earth.

Ask the Lord to keep all His people at peace in Him, looking to Him, regardless of the results of the elections. Also, if there are contentions after the elections, or if people have disappointments, pray that these would expose the vanity of politics and open more people to the gospel. May these elections and the resulting governments bring us onward to our Lord's return!

Bibles for America

In early October, BfA began to offer free physical copies of The Knowledge of Life to residents of the US and US territories. We first announced the offer to the subscribers of the BfA Blog, and recently started advertising it on social media. So far, we have received over 2,500 orders.

Please pray for all those who have ordered this book, that they would be brought into a deeper experience of God as life in order to fulfill His eternal purpose. Please also pray that the Lord would bless and supply the laboring saints as they prepare and ship all the orders!

SCYP Children's Work Conference

This year's Southern California Children's Work Conference will be conducted in person only in Anaheim this Saturday, November 9 from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. The conference is for parents with children under 12 years of age and for the saints who are serving with the children's service. Matters related to the burden and vision for the children will be covered along with practical fellowship related to raising up the next generation for the church life. More information is at scyp.com/children.

French-speaking Europe

The wonderful response this year is the result of specific prayer which began in 2021. The saints prayed many days each week with no discussions and no plans for activities, only looking to the Lord for a breakthrough in the gospel and in raising up of churches. This consistent prayer led to coordination in the Body with churches in many nations cooperating in prayer and in the work to let the Lord accomplish far beyond what the churches in France could do alone. Praise the Lord for His move!

“The harvest is great, but the workers few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest.” (Matt. 9:37-38)

Beseech the Lord to supply all the saints who live in French-speaking Europe, and all who are there for weeks or months, to shepherd many contacts to growth in truth and life and into the church life. Also beseech the Lord to thrust out more workers into this harvest and to release the visas for them to live in France and in the surrounding nations.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 6 of Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1).
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting continues this week starting at 7:25 pm.
  3. Semiannual Training: December 23 to 28 in Anaheim. Registration for the live training in Anaheim is closed, but for video training in LA remains open until December 8 at tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.
  4. Thanksgiving Conference: November 28 to December 1 in Atlanta, GA. Interested LA saints can get more information on hotel rates and RSVP at tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla.
  5. Post-ITERO Blending Fellowship: A recording of the blending fellowship in Warsaw after the ITERO can be viewed at lsm.org/blending. The fellowship opens with a 78‑minute speaking by Brother Ron Kangas and concludes with several reports on the Lord's present move in Europe. Translation is available by following instructions for selecting a language track.
  6. Bibles for America's recent blog post “What Is the Church according to the Bible?” is at blog.bfa.org.
  7. Free e-Booklets: Living Stream Ministry offers free e-booklets to read and share. For example, sixty nuggets and gems have been extracted from the Life-study of Philippians with timely topics such as “Pursue toward the Goal for the Prize of the High Calling” and “The Way to Be Freed from Anxiety.” These e-booklets may be accessed for free at www.lsm.org/life-study-philippians.
  8. The LA Years: Chapter 6: Visiting Seekers Throughout America is published at www.layears.org, an oral history project documenting the early years of the church life in Los Angeles from 1958–1974, including written history, photos, and first-hand accounts.
  9. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of October 20

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Cooperating with the Lord to Set Up His Kingdom

“Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.” (Col. 1:13)

“Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.” (Matt. 6:10)

The Lord Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God for the fulfillment of God's eternal purpose. As God incarnated, the Lord Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God—to establish a realm in which God can carry out His purpose through the exercise of His authority. To establish the kingdom of God, the Lord Jesus stood as a victorious man, defeating Satan and withstanding all hardship, opposition, and attack. The Lord Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom so that rebellious sinners might repent and be saved, qualified, and equipped to enter into the kingdom of God. The Lord bound Satan, the strong man, and entered into his house to plunder his goods so that sinners might be brought into the house of God through regeneration for the kingdom of God. As the Lord cast out demons by the Spirit of God, He was destroying Satan's kingdom and bringing in the kingdom of God. (Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1), msg. 4, I.B, 2, a-d)

Whatever the Lord did on earth was entirely based on submission. He did nothing that opposed God's authority. Everything was in submission, in perfect cooperation with the authority of God. In this realm the Lord set up the kingdom of God and executed His authority. The church today must also allow God's authority to have a free way and manifest His kingdom through submission. (CWWN, vol. 47, “Authority and Submission,” p. 148)

Let us pray that the Lord would subdue all rebellion, including any rebellion in us, that He might set up His kingdom on earth in order to have a realm in which He can carry out His purpose!

United States

“For neither from the east nor from the west, and neither from the south, does exaltation come; for God is the Judge: He puts this one down and exalts that one.” (Psa. 75:6-7)

“And it is [God] who changes the times and seasons; He deposes kings and causes kings to ascend.” (Dan. 2:21a)

Let us cooperate with our heavenly authority to pray that His will in heaven be fully accomplished on earth in all the elections in the next few weeks. We are not praying for any specific candidates, nor do we take any position on whether or how saints might vote. But we are praying for God's operation…so that He may have the time and the opportunity to preach the gospel, to save sinners, and to build the church for the spread of His kingdom. (Cf. Rom. 13:1, note 4)

LA College Students

This Friday evening, students from around Los Angeles will gather together on the UCLA campus for dinner and a large group fellowship. Please pray:

  • For the Lord to strongly call both newer students and existing students to pay the price and come with an open heart and spirit.
  • For the full release of the spirit, especially during the singing.
  • For an anointed word concerning experiencing Christ as the shepherd and overseer of our souls!

In addition, this Lord's Day, UCLA students will return to meeting at Hall 5 after over a month of welcome meetings on campus. Please pray for the approximately 60 students, including around 25 new contacts, to enjoy the blending and fellowship with all the saints!

Southern California High School Conferences

The Fall 2024 High School Conferences will be held October 25 to 27 with sisters in Cerritos and brothers in Huntington Beach. The topic is “The Good Land—Part Two.”

Please pray for the young people to come to know Christ as a good and spacious land for us to experience and enjoy in every situation (Exo. 3:8; Col. 2:6). Pray also that they would be encouraged by and blended with other young people across Southern California.

LA Chinese-speaking Blending Retreat

This weekend, October 25 to 27, about 70 Chinese-speaking saints from Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Irvine and LA will be at Oak Glen for a twice-yearly blending retreat. Please pray:

  • For the Lord to cover all the practical services, the saints' health and safety, and everyone's inward condition so the Lord can have His full way this weekend.
  • For the removal of our veil so that every saint can get the heavenly vision of God's economy and be infused with the divine life.
  • For the blending of saints from different localities.

May the bountiful supply of the Body of Christ shepherd and encourage all the saints!

International Blending Conference, Baarlo

The annual blending conference in Baarlo, The Netherlands for the saints in Europe and beyond will be held this weekend, October 25 to 27. Please pray for the Lord's rich speaking to the saints for the spread of His kingdom in Europe. Around 800 saints are registered. Please pray:

  • For the ministering brother to be strengthened body, soul and spirit for the release of the Lord's word.
  • For the blending of the churches and the saints.
  • For the advance of the Lord's recovery in Europe through the word of the ministry and the fellowship released in this time.

France – Shepherding Trips

Please continue to pray for many who participated in the gospel trips to return for one to three months to meet the urgent need to participate in follow-up shepherding trips to care for all the new contacts. Also pray that those burdened to serve full-time in French-speaking Europe will receive the needed visas.

A letter is available at lme.org/reports.html concerning this need. As the Lord leads, saints in LA burdened to give may do so through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Paris Olympics.”


Pray for the Lord's table meeting to be strengthened and that the saints will not be lost due to the outward sociopolitical circumstances, but be strengthened in the Lord and not abandon their gathering together to praise and worship the Lord.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 4 of Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1).
  2. Post-ITERO Blending Fellowship: A recording of the blending fellowship in Warsaw after the ITERO can be viewed at lsm.org/blending. The fellowship opens with a 78‑minute speaking by Brother Ron Kangas and concludes with several reports on the Lord's present move in Europe. An outline in English for the message portion can be downloaded. The total video length is 2 hours and 15 minutes. Translation is available by following instructions for selecting a language track.
  3. Bibles for America's recent blog post “What Is the Church according to the Bible?” is available to read and share at blog.bfa.org.
  4. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting continues this week starting at 7:25 pm.
  5. 2024 North & South America Korean-speaking Conference: Via Zoom from November 2 to 3. Detailed information in Korean can be found at tinyurl.com/2024KoreanConf.
  6. SCYP Children's Work Conference: Saturday, November 9, conducted in person only in Anaheim. Translation provided. Register by November 3 at scyp.com/children.
  7. Thanksgiving Conference: November 28 to December 1 in Atlanta, GA. Interested LA saints can get more information on hotel rates and RSVP at tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla.
  8. Semiannual Training: December 23 to 28 in Anaheim. Registration is open for LA saints at tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla. Registration due October 31 (live) or December 8 (video).

Week of October 6

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The Lord Sowing Himself as the Seed of Life into Us

“That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love…” (Eph. 3:16-17)

“But the one sown on the good earth, this is he who hears the word and understands, who by all means bears fruit and produces, one a hundredfold, and one sixtyfold, and one thirtyfold.” (Matt. 13:23)

Ephesians 3:17 reveals that the Triune God has come into us to do a building work with Himself as the element and also with something from us as the material. This is illustrated by the parable of the sower in Matthew 13.

The Lord sows Himself as the seed of life into men's hearts, the soil, that He might grow and live in them and be expressed from within them. The rate at which we grow in life depends not on the divine seed but on how many nutrients we afford this seed. The more nutrients we supply, the faster the seed will grow and the more it will flourish. If we remain in our soul, in our natural man, there will not be any nutrients for the growth of the divine seed, but if we are strengthened into our inner man and if we pay attention to our spirit and exercise our spirit, the nutrients will be supplied and Christ will make His home in our hearts.

On the one hand, God strengthens us with Himself as the element, and on the other hand, we afford the nutrients. Through these two, God in Christ carries out His intrinsic building—the building of His home—in our entire being. (Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1), msg. 2, IV.E, 1, 4, 5, 7)

ITERO Follow-up

The October 2024 International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones was held October 4 to 6 in Warsaw, Poland. The general subject of the eight messages was “Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God.” The emphasis was subjective, experiential. We all have been born into this kingdom where Christ is our life and everything; now we exercise to live and serve here all the time.

Approximately 1,200 brothers attended in Warsaw and many more are still receiving the messages by video. The need now is that all we have heard be absorbed, digested, lived out, and spread throughout the churches. Please pray for this, that we all enter more into living in the reality of the kingdom to be built together, to serve to spread the recovery, and to fight the spiritual warfare to conclude this age and allow the Lord to come back in glory.

SoCal Junior High Conferences

The Fall 2024 Junior High Conferences will be held October 11 to 13 with sisters in Diamond Bar and brothers in Irvine. The topic is “The Word of God.” Please pray for the Lord to gather the young people this weekend to be nourished by the Lord's word (Matt. 4:4) and to be mutually encouraged and built up with one another.

Sacramento Meeting Hall

Please pray for the completion of the purchase of a new meeting hall property in Sacramento and for the Lord to release the funds to pay the purchase price $3.25 million by the October 15 deadline.

Once the 2.48-acre property is secured, there will be some retrofitting, upgrades and repairs estimated at around $1.2 million for a total cost of $4.45 million. A detailed letter with a brochure of the property is at www.churchinsacramento.org. As the Lord leads, the saints in LA may give through the Church in LA designated for “Sacramento Meeting Hall.”

Gospel Week in Europe

This week, following ITERO, there are gospel activities in multiple cities and European nations, concluding Lord's Day, October 13. Pray for good blending among local and visiting saints in prayer, in enjoying the Lord, and in contacting people. Pray also that the infusion from ITERO be released into more people, especially native Europeans for the strengthening and building up of the recovery in Europe.

France – Shepherding Trips

A letter in English is available at lme.org/reports.html concerning an urgent need for short-term shepherding trips to French-speaking Europe to care for the seeking ones who were contacted during the Bible distribution trips. This next stage of the move requires more concentrated, detailed contact with new ones, hence burdened saints are requested to stay for a longer period of time. Please pray:

  • For many saints who participated in the gospel trips to return for one to three months to meet the urgent need to participate in follow-up shepherding trips to care for all the new contacts.
  • That those burdened to serve full-time in French-speaking Europe will receive the needed visas..

As the Lord leads, saints in LA burdened to give may do so through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Paris Olympics.”

Czech and Slovak Translation Work

The current population of the Czech Republic is a little over 10 million, and the population of Slovakia, about 5.5 million. Today there are three lampstands in the Czech Republic and two lampstands in Slovakia, with approximately 50 local saints in each country. In 1996 we began to translate the ministry from English into Czech and Slovak, and that work continues to this day. At present a total of 140 books and Life-studies are available in these languages. In addition to the ministry books, most of the up-to-date speaking given during the “seven feasts” is made available to the saints in both countries in the form of outlines, morning revivals, and translated recordings of the spoken messages.

There is a burden to translate the NT Recovery Version into the Czech and Slovak languages. One team of Czech and Slovak translators will work together to produce the two versions simultaneously. Please pray with us while we progress in our fellowship, coordination, and practical preparation for this project to begin in the summer of 2025. May the blessing come to the people of these two countries!

Middle East

Please pray that recent developments in Israel and the surrounding region will be under the ruling of God's throne so that He will work out the counsel of His will. Pray for the saints there to be strengthened into their inner man, so that they are not shaken by what is happening, but live a life that expresses God and cooperates with God's move.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 2 of Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1).
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting continues this week starting at 7:25 pm.
  3. Semiannual Training: December 23 to 28 in Anaheim. Registration is open for LA saints at tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla. Registration due October 31 (live) or December 8 (video).
  4. Thanksgiving Conference: November 28 to December 1 in Atlanta, GA. Interested LA saints can get more information on hotel rates and RSVP at tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla.
  5. SCYP High School Conferences: October 25 to 27 in Cerritos (sisters) and Huntington Beach (brothers). Registration is due October 13.
  6. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of September 22

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From Earthen Vessels to Children of Light

“We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us.” (2 Cor. 4:7)

“For you were once darkness but are now light in the Lord; walk as children of light.” (Eph. 5:8)

Through the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ, the Christ of glory as the excellent treasure is received by the believers; now the shining reality of Christ, the embodiment and expression of the Triune God, is the treasure within us. This priceless treasure has made us, the earthen vessels, ministers of the new covenant with a priceless ministry. This is by the divine power in resurrection. The excellency of this power is surely of God and not out of us.

As God is light, so we, the children of God, are children of light. We are not only children of light—we are light itself; we are light because we are one with God in the Lord. If we walk as children of light, we will bear the fruit described in Ephesians 5:9. The fruit of the light must be good in nature, righteous in procedure, and real in expression, that God may be expressed as the reality of our daily walk. (The Christian Life, msg. 6, III.A, B, V.A-B, D, 1).

Please pray for all the saints to enter into their priceless ministry as shining children of light in their daily walk.

Laboring in Resurrection as a Flock of Shepherds Under Christ

“And when the Chief Shepherd is manifested, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.” (1 Pet. 5:4)

“But by the grace of God I am what I am; and His grace unto me did not turn out to be in vain, but, on the contrary, I labored more abundantly than all of them, yet not I but the grace of God which is with me.” (1 Cor. 15:10)

Christ is the Chief Shepherd, and the believers are shepherds. As the Chief Shepherd, He must have a flock of shepherds under Him. If we shepherd people apart from Christ, this is not in resurrection but in the old creation; when Christ shepherds through us, our labor is in resurrection. (SoCal Labor Day Conference, msg. 2, III.A.2, B.1)

UCLA Welcome Week

Thank you, saints, for praying for our first Lord's Day welcome meeting on September 22. We had a phenomenal turnout on campus, much more than expected, and the majority of the students stayed for further fellowship over lunch!

We desperately need your further prayers for the following matters as we head into UCLA's “Zero Week,” during which all of the freshmen are readily available before classes start this Thursday:

  • Welcome Bible study on Wednesday: Connect students and nourish them with some food from the Word.
  • Large Group Fellowship on Friday evening: Spirit-filled singing to the Lord, encouraging fellowship, and further shepherding of the students.
  • Follow-up contact: Refreshing visitations and one-on-one contact with many freshmen multiple times throughout the week.
  • Next Lord's Day on-campus meeting: Many would endeavor to return with open hearts for our second Lord's Day welcome meeting (even despite the late football game the night before!).

LA Korean Festival

The 51st LA Korean Festival will be held at Seoul International Park this weekend, September 26 to 29. The saints will be out in the streets of Koreatown on Friday and Saturday, setting up tables to preach the gospel and distribute Recovery Version NTs. Next month, on October 12, we will host a Bible seminar. For the Lord's move in Koreatown, please pray:

  • For the most suitable location for distribution without any obstructions.
  • For our gospel table to be filled with joyful volunteers serving together in one accord.
  • For the Lord to call and meet the sons of peace He has prepared and who are seeking the church.
  • For the Lord to open the hearts of our contacts and acquaintances as we invite them to the seminar.

Paris Chinese-speaking Conference

Praise the Lord for His continued shepherding of the saints in Europe, especially the Chinese-speaking saints. The annual Chinese-speaking conference in Paris, France will take place this weekend, September 27 to 29. Pray for the release of the Lord's word and the blending among the saints in this conference. May the Lord keep advancing rapidly in Europe according to His desire to obtain the reality of the one new man.


“I know that You can do all things and that no purpose of Yours can be restrained.” (Job 42:2)

With the Olympic Games distribution trips now concluded, there is an urgent need to care for the ones we have contacted over the last five months. So far, four graduates of the FTTA Extension in Boston and two serving families have applied for a one-year visa to live and serve in France. Please pray earnestly:

  • That these saints and those who apply after them will receive the needed visas as soon as possible.
  • That a number of those who participated in the gospel trips will have the echo of the Lord's burden in their heart to return to France for one to three months to meet the urgent need of shepherding.
  • All reports, as well as more information on migration, are posted at lme.org/reports.html. Saints in LA burdened to give may do so through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Paris Olympics.”

Madrid House Purchase

In September 2018 a meeting hall was purchased for the church in Madrid, Spain. In March 2021, one of the houses next to the meeting hall was purchased. The church was much blessed by the Lord since these two properties were purchased which enabled the church to experience a quantum advance. They caused the church to increase and the care for saints of all ages prospered, especially for the young people. Having these properties allowed the church in Madrid to take better care of visiting saints, gather all the responsible brothers of the Iberian Peninsula, and serve as one of the European hubs for FTTA gospel trips.

On August 17 of this year, the owner of the other house next to the meeting hall notified us that she wanted to sell and gave us the first right of refusal. The two-story, three-bedroom house is in very good move-in condition and the asking price of €1.36 million (around US$1.5 million) is reasonable. With this additional property, the entire city block will be owned by the church.

On September 6, the church signed a contract with a down payment of €250,000. A second and third installment of the same amount must be submitted by November 6 and January 6, respectively; the remaining balance must be paid in full by March 6, 2025. Please pray for the advancement of the Lord's move on the Iberian Peninsula through the purchase of this property.

A letter in English, Spanish, and Chinese can be downloaded at lme.org/reports.html. As the Lord leads, saints in LA may participate in giving through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Madrid House.”

Vicenza, Italy

“Greet all the ones leading you and all the saints. Those from Italy greet you.” (Heb. 13:24)

Vicenza (vee-chent-sa) is a city in northeastern Italy, approximately 37 miles west of Venice and 120 miles east of Milan. On September 29, the saints in Vicenza will hold their first Lord's table meeting. Please pray that there will be a strong beginning of the church life in that city, and that Vicenza will be part of the next step of the advance of the Lord's move in Italy.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 6 of The Christian Life. Next week, we will begin Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1) (from the July Semiannual Training).
  2. December Semiannual Training: December 23 to 28. Registration for LA saints will open next week.
  3. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting continues this week starting at 7:25 pm.
  4. 2024 SCYP Parents & Serving Ones' Fellowship: Saturday, September 28, 9:30 am to 12:00 pm in Fullerton. Translation provided. More information at scyp.com/fellowship.
  5. SCYP Junior High Conferences: October 11 to 13 in Diamond Bar (sisters) and Irvine (brothers). Registration deadline is September 29.