Shepherding the Young People (1)
On another series of shepherding the young people we are introduced to a booklet (light read yet full of insight) called “How to Lead the Young People”. One main and effective point that was highlighted in this booklet is, “the main and most effective way to shepherd young people is personal contact.” Moreover multigenerational personal contact and relationship with the young people contributes greatly to one person’s remaining in the church! In the booklet it also emphasizes that “the power and effect of doing personal work with the young people are many times greater than the meetings. Big meetings do not have much effect on young people; individual contact is most effective…the emphasis of a genuine work with the young people is individual contact.” May we endeavor to learn to be ones who “receives one such little child because of My name, receives Me” (Matt. 18:5).
Fellowship Regarding District Lord’s Day Meetings
In this message our brothers share a word of recalibration on the purpose of our church meetings. Certainly church meetings are not a weekly performance where we behave a certain way for a few hours then go home. Neither is it a way for us to bury our talent from the Lord and hide from one another. Instead church meetings are our way to practice our New Testament priesthood of the gospel and to shepherd one another.
How to Care for Newly Saved Ones
As a continuation on the line of shepherding children from the past three months, in this message we go on to consider in love how to care for newly saved ones amongst us. Because they are begotten of Him, we just have a well of love for them. This love needs to be carried out with detailed consideration. Our brothers fellowshipped with us how to conduct ourselves in and outside of the church meetings so the Life within them will grow and they will sense the love the Lord has for them in the church
The Care of the Children (3)
Continuing from last month’s fellowship regarding our view of raising children to lend them to God for His purpose, we are reminded that caring for our next generation is a priority in all the churches. There is greater future in the children’s work than the campus work. The children’s work is to cultivate our next generation. This requires careful consideration and examination. With this in mind,some tips on classroom preparation and management during the children’s meeting were shared to help with these times.
The Care of the Children (2)
In 2 Samuel we see the pattern of Hannah lending her son to Jehovah before he was born. The word lending implies that, in a sense, God was poor in that age. This is particularly significant because this leads to the proper understanding of the care of children. Our view as the church in the Lord’s recovery is that we are cultivating and nurturing young vessels to be lent to Jehovah.
The Care of the Children (1)
“But Jesus said, Allow the little children and do not prevent them from coming to Me, for of such is the kingdom of the heavens” (Matthew 19:14). This verse was spoken by the Lord Jesus at a time when people wanted to bring their children to the Lord, but His disciples thought this was a distraction. Today this may also be our attitude towards children and children service. This message begins a series of three perfecting messages on children. In this message we are presented with four things of what the children’s work is and four more of what the children’s work is not. May the Lord give us His heart towards children, and may we be strengthened to take His view as our view in the next three months.
This fellowship touches two areas of our service where we may be lacking. First, although we may have once served fervently, our service at times may be out of duty, obligation, or conscience. Second, our contact with our fellow serving ones may be limited to simply dividing certain tasks, without adequate prayer and fellowship. May we be freshly reminded and recalibrated in our service, that we would serve with a burden and see the indispensable need for coordination.
Reading the Ministry, Jan. 2019
In our experience of pursuing the Bible and the ministry if may often seem like we encounter the large giants the children of Israel saw when they scouted out the good land promised by Jehovah to His people. However, the positive example of Caleb reminds us that Jehovah is pleased with us taking the land; He is definitely going to the take the land for us and fight for us! We should reject all the lies the enemy whispers in our ears because even though we are unable we have One who is able and is for us to claim this land!
The Purpose of the Small Groups (3), Dec. 2018
In this message we are provided with the opportunity to practice with one another what we have heard from the previous message on facilitating an atmosphere of mutuality through asking crucial questions in our small group to help one another to gain a personal spiritual enlightenment from God. Several saints shared on what they have learned during this practice session. And a common consensus is that “to ask a proper question is more difficult than to answer them.” This requires a continuous practice.
The Purpose of the Small Groups (2), Oct. 2018
Our attitude and angle when coming to a small group meeting may need to be adjusted. Instead of coming to receive supply we should come as a channel of supply to the others our group. In addition, our small groups should take place in mutuality, where each one may participate. One specific way to facilitate an atmosphere of mutuality is to ask questions. These questions will allow everyone at various stages of human life to be engaged in the fellowship, with the goal that each one will have a personal enlightenment from God through His word. This will spontaneously issue in an increasing love for His word.