Prayer, Week of August 4

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Magnifying Christ by Living His Unlimitedness in the Gospel

"According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I will be put to shame, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death. For to me, to live is Christ." (Phil. 1:20-21a)

To magnify Christ is to express Christ without limitation. It is to show to the whole universe that the very Christ who is our life and by whom we live is unlimited. (The Experience of Christ, chap. 1, sec. 3)

Christ is magnified through His unlimitedness….Christ is unlimited, but we are limited. If we live by Christ in any matter, that matter will be unlimited. But if we live by ourselves in the same matter, it will be limited. (The Experience of Christ, chap. 11, sec. 1)

"I thank my God…making my petition with joy, for your fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel from the first day until now." (Phil. 1:3-5)

We are here to live a gospel-preaching life, a life that preaches Christ….If someone asks your profession, you should say, "My profession is preaching the gospel." Thus, our life is primarily a gospel-preaching life. Whether I speak or remain silent, my life, my living, my being, and my entire person are a preaching of Christ. (The Experience of Christ, chap. 2, sec. 1)

Pursue 2019

Matthew 18:20 says, "For where there are two or three gathered into My name, there am I in their midst." Our special camp for our junior high and high school students in Los Angeles begins this Saturday, August 10, and will conclude on August 17. This week, please pray for:

  • an overall warm, loving, and pursuing atmosphere from the first night;
  • all of the outings, meals, talks, groups times, and activities to be covered by the Lord and to facilitate companionships of two's and three's.

Pursue 2019 Serving Ones' Meeting

Wednesday, August 7, from 7:30-9:30 pm, we will have a serving ones' meeting to have some training, coordination, and prayer in preparation for all who will be serving in the coming week. This will be at Hall 5, 522 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 203, LA 90049. Please pray for this.

Pursue 2019 Parents' Meeting

Saturday, August 10, from 7-9 pm, we will have a parents' meeting concurrent with the first day of Pursue 2019. This will be at Hall 2, 8655 Haskell Ave., North Hills 91343. We strongly encourage all parents of incoming 6th graders to attend. At least one parent of each young person in Pursue 2019 is required to attend. May the Lord bring us all into one accord!

All-LA College Student Internship

This is thee second week of our internship. Students and serving saints from our campuses will blend together to contact new students. Please ask the Lord to keep us all in His joy and to bring us to students that are ready to be gained for His purpose.

Bibles for America

Bibles for America will soon begin offering copies of Watchman Nee's classic, The Normal Christian Life. The book itself will be free of charge to the public, but a payment of $2.50 for postage will be required in order to allow us to send this book to as many people as possible.

Please pray for the final details to be worked out in a timely way so that this important title will be made available soon. Pray that people will see the offer and obtain a copy so they can learn how to enter into a daily living and enjoyment of Christ.

FTTA Middle-Age

The middle-age training is open to brothers and sisters in the church life 35 to 65 years. Older saints with sound physical and mental health may attend, as well as younger saints who do not qualify for FTTA. The fall term begins September 2. Applications are due August 13, for the entire 15-week term or for one or more weeks of short-term attendance.

Lord, release and bring many more middle-age and newly retired saints, including those from LA, to be trained for Your move on this earth!

In recent terms there has been very few trainees born in North America. Lord, increase this number!

The Gospel to All the Nations

The burden of a conference September 6 to 8 in Houston is the gospel to all the nations (Matt. 24:14) with a view of reaching African Americans, as well as others of African origin, for the Lord's testimony. All the brothers and sisters are invited to come.

The matter of reaching African Americans has been a burden among many saints and co-workers for several years, and it has led to much prayer and fellowship among the churches. Because this burden for the gospel is a move of the Body, all the saints are needed to pray and participate, regardless of ethnicity. Although it may seem that this burden is a matter of race, in fact, it is a matter of the ratio of African Americans currently meeting in the churches in North America (less than 1%) compared to the general population of African Americans in the US(approximately 13%). We pray that the Lord would reap some families from these communities throughout the US and Canada.

More information is posted at


The European Young People's Conference was last week. More than 1500 people attended. Let us ask the Lord to continue drawing every young person to Himself and to keep each one loving Him and opening to Him to digest the speaking each received at the conference.

Videos of past conferences are at

Tbilisi, Georgia

There is a need for a meeting place for the church in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. A property has been identified that would meet the needs of the local saints as well as trainings that include saints from nearby countries.

The church in Tbilisi needs the Body to be able to acquire this meeting place since the church there is quite poor and unable to meet this need on their own. The price is very reasonable, US$ 270,000. In addition there is a need of US$ 30,000 for remodeling. The brothers are hoping to put US$ 90,000 down in August. The remaining amount would be due approximately one month later.

Please pray for this. We hope that the Body could bear this smaller member which has a need. Contributions can be made through the church in Los Angeles designated for 'Tbilisi Property.'


  1. Morning Revival: Week 1 of The Experience of Christ (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at
  3. Audio/video of June 2019 SoCal Blending Conference messages are at
  4. Spanish language radio broadcast: Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 pm. LA County 100.3 FM; San Fernando Valley and Ventura County 90.3 FM.

Prayer, Week of July 28

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Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, Discipling All the Nations

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come." (Matt. 24:14)

"So that you might walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into His own kingdom and glory." (1 Thes. 2:12)

The gospel of the kingdom brings people not only into God's salvation but also into the kingdom. The emphasis of the gospel of the kingdom is on the heavenly ruling of God and the authority of the Lord. The gospel of the kingdom brings the believers into the realm of the divine ruling so that they may participate in the blessings of the divine life in the divine kingdom.

"Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 28:19)

We have been sent by the Lord not only to bring people to salvation but also to disciple the nations. This is a matter of the kingdom. To disciple the nations is to make the heathen the kingdom people for the establishing of His kingdom, which is the church, even today, on the earth. The intrinsic purpose of our preaching the gospel is to bring people of the nations into the Triune God in order to make them the citizens of the kingdom of the heavens. (The Development of the Kingdom, msg. 8, I.C.2.b,c; II.B.1-3)

All-LA College Student Internship

This summer, the campus work in Los Angeles will be carrying out a shorter version of our summer internship. The internship is a program we have developed to help perfect our students in their pursuit of the Lord and their function in reaching people during the strategic summer season.

The first part of the internship, from July 27 to August 10, will be called Summer Sowing. Then, from August 10 to 17, we will join the young people in Pursue 2019. Finally, from August 19 to 23, we will participate in the renewed campus labor in Phoenix, Arizona. Collectively, at least 19 students from USC, UCLA, CSUN and Pepperdine will be involved, along with 9 additional part-time serving ones or trainees.

Please pray:

  1. That the Lord would bring us into contact with ones that He intends to gain for His purpose.
  2. For the abundant supply to all the interns and serving ones, especially to be kept in the joy of the Lord.
  3. That those who may be younger and newer in the church life would have a positive experience of serving, blending and coordinating, and bearing fruit.

Pursue 2019

Philippians 3:14 says, "I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward." This summer's special camp from August 10 to 17 in Los Angeles for our junior high and high school students is called Pursue 2019. This week, please pray:

  • for the Lord to have a clear and free way to speak during the camp;
  • that in the midst of all that the young people are faced with, they would pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called them upward!

The Gospel to All the Nations

From September 6 to 8, there will be a conference in Houston, Texas. The burden of this time is the gospel to all the nations (Matt. 24:14) with a view of reaching African Americans, as well as others of African origin, for the Lord's testimony.

All the brothers and sisters are invited to come. The saints in the churches who are of African origin are especially needed to carry out the work of contacting, shepherding, and building up the new ones that we will meet in the coming days. Hence, those of African origin are specifically encouraged to come bringing their friends, relatives, and colleagues with them. But, regardless of ethnicity, all the saints are needed to pray and participate! More information is posted at

North America College Training Follow-Up

The one-week North America College Training concluded on July 20. On the last night of the training, many students consecrated their lives to the Lord by going up to the stage while some older brothers prayed over them. Later that night they also spent personal time to deal with the Lord and give their lives to Him. May this generation experience the Lord's appearing again and again for the rest of their lives and eventually bring in the Lord's full appearing to end this age!

Let us persevere in co-laboring with the Lord and His Body to fight for these ones to press on in the jubilee. Please pray:

  1. For the students to enjoy the freedom of the jubilee in the context of their daily life, rescuing them from all of Satan's attacks and distractions.
  2. That they would spend regular, private time with the Lord for their growth in life.
  3. That they would immediately practice to be regular in the meetings of the church where they live both during the summer and during the school year.
  4. That they would immediately practice to speak the jubilee to friends, family, and others around them.
  5. That every college student would have three types of companions: (1) companions at their spiritual level for mutual spiritual help; (2) companions who are more experienced in the Lord who can lead them; and (3) companions who are younger and weaker whom they can help and lead.

European Young People's Conference

This week, from July 28 to August 3, three conferences are taking place concurrently in Poland: the junior and senior conferences for young people, as well as the parents and children's conference. In total, over 1500 people are registered. Please pray for:

  • the personal opening of the young people for the Lord's speaking and calling to each one this week;
  • the binding of the enemy—against illnesses, accidents, and all his distracting tactics;
  • the serving ones to be supplied and brought into the Lord's heart for the young people.

Tbilisi, Georgia

There is a need for a meeting place for the church in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. A property has been identified that would meet the needs of the local saints as well as trainings that include saints from nearby countries. The three-story building has over 4000 square feet and is detached, private, and near the metro. The lot size is 5000 square feet and includes a large yard, plenty of parking space, and the potential to build more. A minor remodel would provide a room for meetings of 150 people.

The church in Tbilisi needs the Body to be able to acquire this meeting place since the church there is quite poor and unable to meet this need on their own. The price is very reasonable, $270,000 USD. In addition there is a need of $30,000 USD for the remodel. The brothers are hoping to put $90,000 USD down in August. The remaining amount would be due approximately one month later.

Please pray for this. We hope that the Body could bear this smaller member which has a need. Contributions can be made through the church in Los Angeles designated for 'Tbilisi Property.'

United Kingdom

May the Lord sovereignly rule over the political situation in this country, including the new prime minister, for the advancement of His interests and His move in the UK and in Europe.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 8 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life. Next week we will begin The Experience of Life (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. Receive weekly prayer and announcements by email: sign up at

Prayer, Week of July 21

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Being Watchful for Our Prayer Life

"But the prudent took oil in their vessels with their lamps." (Matt. 25:4)

"Be filled in spirit." (Eph. 5:18b)

"By means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints." (Eph. 6:18)

In the New Testament watchfulness is wrapped up with prayer. Ephesians 6:18 tells us that we should be those watching unto prayer. We need to be watchful, on the alert for our prayer life. Watching unto this in verse 18 refers to prayer and petition. There is no way to get the oil except by praying. If you do not pray, it means that you do not pay the price to buy the oil. Through prayer we receive more Spirit. Every time we pray, we have the deep sensation that some amount of the Spirit has been gained by us in our prayer. To spend our time for prayer rather than for so many other things means to pay the price to get the oil.

Every day in the morning you must go to the Lord, saying, "Lord, thank You that I am here. Fill me up. Saturate me. Soak me. I want to be soaked in You and with You." We need such a prayer… To pray in this way is to gain the oil in your vessel. (CWWL, 1985, vol. 5, "The Way to Practice the Lord's Present Move")

North America College Training Follow-Up

In Luke 4:21, the Lord Jesus, in regards to the jubilee, says, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." The one-week North America College Training concluded on July 20. Approximately 1900 students and 900 non-students attended. In this training, the Lord caused many students not just to know of the jubilee, but to genuinely experience it.

We can testify of the joy, rest and privilege of participating in the 2019 NACT. We thank the Lord for all He has done and will do, and for all the prayers of the saints. We believe that the smooth coordination, the sweet one accord, the precious anointing, and the strong impact of the college training owe very much to the prayers of the saints offered at the incense altar.

In considering the students, we feel that we need 10 more days of prayer with their continuation in view. Please persevere in co-laboring with the Lord and His Body at this critical juncture to fight for these ones to press on in the jubilee. More detailed reports and photos are at

As the students return to the routine of their daily lives, please pray:

  1. That the Lord would cover them from any attacks of the enemy.
  2. That they would spend much personal time with the Lord concerning the words spoken.
  3. That they would continue steadfastly in the reading of the word right away and establish this as a lifelong habit.
  4. That they would all have the Lord's personal appearing and would be emboldened to proclaim the jubilee on their campuses this upcoming school year.
  5. That the Lord would call many to give themselves to go to the FTTA, and that they would respond to His calling.
  6. That this training would have a long-term impact on the lives of each student and on their generation, including those who did not have a chance to attend, and would be a great blessing to the Lord's recovery and the Lord's move in North America and across the globe.

Pursue 2019

This summer's special camp from August 10 to 17 in Los Angeles for our junior high and high school students is called Pursue 2019. This week, please pray:

  • for the Lord to supply and sanctify the parents and households of the young people; and
  • for the Lord to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the prudence of the righteous, to prepare for the Lord a people made ready (Luke 1:17).

Bibles for America

As a result of increasing our Facebook ads for free Bibles, the number of daily Bible orders as a whole has doubled. We also plan to advertise for Bibles in Spanish on Facebook.

Please pray that the offer for a free Bible would continue to reach God's seekers through Facebook and other ad channels, such as Google. May many more people visit our Facebook page, place an order, and share our free offer with others.

European Young People's Conference

From July 28 to August 3, three conferences will take place concurrently in Małe Ciche, a village in southern Poland. The Junior Conference will be for young people aged 13 to 15 and the Senior Conference for young people aged 16 to 19. The Parents and Children Conference is for the parents to get into the fellowship regarding raising up the next generation for the church life, and for the children to be with other children from all over Europe.

It is our desire that the Lord would have a way to reach each young person attending this conference, that each young person's love for the Lord would grow and that they would consecrate themselves in a deeper and more thorough way in this conference. This requires the prayers of all the churches. We therefore ask all the churches to stand with us in prayer as we prepare for this conference and during the conference that the Word of the Lord would be prevailing!


  1. Morning Revival: Week 7 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life (April ITERO).
  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at
  3. Audio/video of June 2019 SoCal Blending Conference messages are at
  4. Germany & Europe Info:

Prayer, Week of July 14

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Praying to Bring in the Kingdom of God

"Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth." (Matt. 6:10)

"…The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever." (Rev. 11:15)

The work of the church is to bring in the kingdom of God. The church bears the responsibility of bringing the kingdom of God to the earth.

The church should pray to bring in the kingdom of God. The coming of the kingdom is not automatic; if there is no prayer, the kingdom cannot come. The prayer of the church is the most effective means of curbing Satan. The church must be the outlet of heaven, allowing heaven's authority to be expressed on earth. Genuine prayer is a joint labor with God to bring His kingdom to the earth and to carry out His will on earth. Hence, prayer is a spiritual battle.

The church needs to utter prayers of warfare in order to bring in God's kingdom and to drive out God's enemy. Such prayer indicates that we are standing on God's side and are opposed to God's enemy. Fighting prayers drive away the power of darkness, bring in God's authority, and enable God to have His will done on earth. Whether or not the kingdom of God can come to the earth and God can rule on earth depends on whether or not we pray fighting prayers, prayers of spiritual warfare. (The Development of the Kingdom of God, msg. 6, III.C,D)

North America College Training

This week, July 14 to 20, the North America College Training is taking place in Champaign, Illinois. In addition to over 1900 students attending the training, some 900 saints are also joining to speak, serve, pray, and care for the practical needs of the students and the training. Here are some prayer burdens:

  1. Please pray for everyone involved and their families; pray especially that they would be protected from any attacks from the evil one in these days of warfare.
  2. Pray for protection from God's enemy—that Satan, the ruler of this world, would have no ground in the atmosphere on campus or in the beings of all those attending the training.
  3. Pray as the Body with the helmet of salvation, especially to fight for the minds and hearts of the youngest and newest ones among us; pray that the enemy would have no ground in their minds concerning any matters of truth or practice.
  4. Pray that the Lord Jesus would appear to each student, and that His appearing would give them a vision; pray that the vision they see of Christ as the real jubilee would result in each student receiving a commission from the Lord to contact their fellow students.

May the Lord do a prevailing work in the hearts of all the attendees to raise up an army of young ones for His move on earth!

Pursue 2019

This summer's special camp from August 10 to 17 in Los Angeles for our junior high and high school students is called Pursue 2019. This week, please pray for:

  • The practical coordination of the serving ones for this time.
  • The serving ones to serve the young people in newness of spirit and not in oldness of letter (Rom. 7:6).

Nordic Conference

The annual Nordic Conference will take place July 19 to 22 in Oslo, Norway. This conference is a yearly highlight for the saints in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland, as well as from the Baltic States. A small group of saints will take a tour after the conference to three cities in southern and western Norway to visit the local saints and the ministry readers. Please pray for:

  • The Lord's speaking and rich supply at the conference.
  • Our gospel contacts who have been invited to this conference.
  • The post-conference visit to groups of ministry readers who are already known to the saints.
  • The establishing of contacts with other ministry readers during the post-conference trip.


In Romania there are approximately 130 saints meeting in eight localities. The serving ones have been concentrating on producing the Life-studies with the view of preparing for the translation of the Recovery Version of the New Testament into Romanian. Please pray this translation work!


  1. Morning Revival: Week 6 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life (April ITERO).
  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at
  3. Audio/video of June 2019 SoCal Blending Conference messages are at
  4. Spanish language radio broadcast: Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 pm. LA County 100.3 FM; San Fernando Valley and Ventura County 90.3 FM.

Prayer, Week of July 7

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Praying for the Formation of God's Army

"Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth." (Matt. 6:10)

Spiritual warfare has its source in the conflict between the satanic will and the divine will; this is a warfare between the kingdom of Satan and the kingdom of God.

In the Lord's recovery we are on a battlefield engaging in spiritual warfare; we need to see that the formation of the children of Israel into an army to fight for God typifies the New Testament believers' being built up into the organic Body of Christ to fight for God and with God for the carrying out of His economy. (July 2019 Semiannual Training, msg. 12, I.A. and Key Statement 6)

Please pray for the proper and adequate response to the timely word released last week during the semiannual training. May we diligently pursue the growth and maturity in life required for the formation of God's army to protect God's testimony and fight for His move on earth!

Exercising the Keys of the Kingdom

"And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you bind on the earth shall have been bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose on the earth shall have been loosed in the heavens." (Matt. 16:18-19)

"Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his soul-life shall lose it; but whoever loses his soul-life for My sake shall find it." (Matt. 16:24-25)

Matthew 16 reveals the way to build up the church and also reveals the enemy of the building. Christ, the Son of the living God, builds the church on Himself as the rock, with stones such as Peter, a transformed person. The gates of Hades, Satan's authority or power of darkness, attack the church to frustrate the Lord from building up the church.

The building up of the church depends on the shutting up of the gates of Hades through the exercise of three keys. We need to learn to exercise the key of denying the self. We need to learn to exercise the key of taking up the cross. We need to learn to exercise the key of losing the soul-life. (The Development of the Kingdom of God, msg. 5, I.A,B; II.A,B,C)

Pursue 2019

For the next seven weeks we will have weekly prayer requests for the church in Los Angeles to enter into the burden to care for our next generation, specifically targeting this summer's special camp from August 10 to 17 for our junior high and high school students called Pursue 2019. This week, please pray:

  • for all of the young people in Los Angeles to register for the camp
  • for their hearts to turn to the Lord and have the experiences they need to receive the most out of this camp (2 Cor. 3:16-18)

North America College Training

"In this year of jubilee each one of you shall return to his possession." (Lev. 25:13)

From July 14 to 20, approximately 2000 college students, college-age saints, and newly graduated high school seniors from 41 countries will attend the NACT in Champaign, Illinois. Please pray:

  • That the Lord would sanctify this week unto Him to be a time of enjoying Him as the reality of the Sabbath year, a time of resting in Him and of separation from the world, so that He can bring everyone into the full experience of the jubilee.
  • That all of the students would be recovered to God as their lost divine possession, their portion, possessing Him by enjoying Him through the Word and by the Spirit.
  • That the students would live their lives in the age of the jubilee, the age of Christ as grace dispensed into us for our enjoyment by His words of grace, an age of ecstasy for our salvation.

To participate more through prayer, visit to receive daily prayer burdens and updates or to sign up to pray 15 minutes one day or multiple days.

Middle America

At the end of the semiannual training, there was a special announcement concerning a growing burden to gain more people in Middle America, which includes the Heartland, the Bible Belt, the Midwest, the Mid-Atlantic, and the Mountain States. From 2020 to 2021, the focus will be on ten cities:

  1. Richmond, Virginia
  2. Charlotte, North Carolina
  3. Columbia, South Carolina
  4. Memphis, Tennessee
  5. St. Louis, Missouri
  6. Orlando, Florida
  7. Cincinnati, Ohio
  8. Minneapolis, Minnesota
  9. Lexington, Kentucky
  10. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The call is for 300 saints to migrate, including 30 full-timers. Some of these cities already have churches, but need a campus team; others need strengthening. There will be a pre-migration training.

Please pray strongly over the next six months for the Lord's will and the Lord's way to be made known regarding this burden. Pray that by the December Semiannual Training, there will be more clarity concerning the direction. Pray for the Lord to move in and through the members of His body.


"An Update concerning Europe," distributed at last week's semiannual training, is available at The four-page PDF includes reports from 1) the Balkan countries, 2) the British Isles, 3) the Central and Eastern European countries, 4) the Dutch-speaking areas, 5) the French-speaking areas, 6) the German-speaking areas, 7) the Iberian Peninsula, 8) the Italian-speaking areas, 9) the Nordic and Baltic countries, and 10) the Russian-speaking areas, as well a report on two key factors in the Lord's propagation in Europe—the Recovery Version and training.


Please pray for all the preparation for the upcoming October ITERO in Bangalore, that the Lord can head up all the arrangements for the release of His speaking.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 5 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life (April ITERO).
  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at
  3. Audio/video of June 2019 SoCal Blending Conference messages are at
  4. Receive prayer and announcements by email weekly; sign up at

Prayer, Week of June 30

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July Semiannual Training

The Semiannual Training on the Crystallization-study of the Book of Numbers is taking place this week in Anaheim and by video in our five halls in Los Angeles. Please ask the Lord to flow out from the speaking brothers. Also ask the Lord to cause all trainees to give heed to the word so that Christ as the morning star may rise in their hearts day by day. May they diligently pursue the growth and maturity in life required for the formation of God's army to protect God's testimony and fight for His move on earth.

Los Angeles Young People

This summer, from August 10 to 17, our young people will have a special camp called Pursue 2019. Registration is now open for junior high and high school students, as well as serving ones. Please pray that many of the young people would give this time to the Lord and that their hearts would be open for the Lord to gain them in their teenage years.

Oak Glen

Oak Glen is our SoCal blending camp, not only for young people but for all ages to use—for conferences, churches, districts, and groups. However, the loan has not yet been fully paid off. To pay the remaining loan and release funds for planned improvements, it is suggested that each giving unit pledge $50 per month through the end of next year. Donations may be given to the church in LA, designated for 'Oak Glen,' or at

North America College Training

Saints and churches are continuing to persevere in prayer for the upcoming NACT so that the Holy Spirit may move in an unprecedented way in this generation of college saints. To join the forty days of dedicated prayer (from June 11 to June 20, the last day of the training), please visit these websites:

Ethiopia College Training

Since last October's ITERO in Addis Ababa, the Lord has opened many doors in the universities in Ethiopia. In December, an invitation to speak to a group of 50 seeking students in the southwest resulted in the word spreading to other universities and a one-week training attended by 500 students. These ones then went back to their respective campuses and shared what they heard with their friends. Many expressed their desire for a longer time of training during the summer.

After much prayer and consideration, there will be a one-week training in three locations this July and August. A total of 2,300 college students from over 25 universities are registered. These students are so eager and full of anticipation. They are ready to pay any price to attend despite the false accusations and slanderous talk they hear against us. Hallelujah!

Please pray for this time and consider giving to support the cost of training such a large number. (The average expense is $105 per person for one week.) Gifts may be given to the church in LA designated for 'Ethiopia College Training.' Through His move in the Body, may the Lord fully gain this group of college students for His testimony and advancement in Africa!

A more detailed report is posted at


  1. Morning Revival: Enjoy training verses or REPEAT Week 4 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life.
  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at
  3. Audio/video of June 2019 SoCal Blending Conference messages are at
  4. Germany & Europe Info:

Prayer, Week of June 23

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Taking Care of Others according to the Spirit

"Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you." (Matt. 7:7)

"For where there are two or three gathered into My name, there am I in their midst." (Matt. 18:20)

"Who then is the faithful and prudent slave, whom the master has set over his household to give them food at the proper time?" (Matt. 24:45)

As we are contacting people and dealing with them, we must ask, seek, and knock for the proper way to contact them. To ask is to pray in a common way, to seek is to supplicate in a specific way, and to knock is to demand in the most intimate and most earnest way.

The best way for the kingdom people to contact others is according to the kingdom and according to the Spirit. We need to pray ourselves into God so that we may receive the riches embodied in His Spirit to feed ourselves and all those under our care. We must learn to do everything through the cross and by the Spirit in order to minister Christ into others for His Body. (The Development of the Kingdom of God, msg. 4, I.C.1-4)

July Semiannual Training

The Semiannual Training is next week from July 1 to 6 in Anaheim and through webcasts in many localities. Please ask the Lord to prepare the speaking brothers during their labor on the messages. Also ask the Lord to prepare all who have registered to attend, to be good listeners and absorbers of the word, and to fully participate in the morning study times. Lord, make us willing and ready to be further trained and formed into God's army to fight with God for His interest on earth.

Los Angeles Young People

This summer, from August 10 to 17, our young people will have a special camp called Pursue 2019. Registration is now open for junior high and high school students, as well as serving ones. Please pray that many of the young people would give this time to the Lord and that their hearts would be open for the Lord to gain them in their teenage years.

FTTA Graduation

The FTTA graduation will be this Saturday, June 29, 9:30 am in Anaheim. This term 115 trainees will graduate. Please pray for their faithful going on with the Lord outside the training environment, the willingness of many to serve full-time, and their blending into the church life wherever they go.

Let us also ask the Lord to operate in the hearts and situations of many more young saints to apply for the Fall 2019 term, which will begin on August 11. The deadline for U.S. applications is July 10.

North America College Training

Saints and churches are continuing to persevere in prayer for the upcoming NACT so that the Holy Spirit may move in an unprecedented way in this generation of college saints. To join the forty days of dedicated prayer (from June 11 to June 20, the last day of the training), visit these websites:

Bibles for America

A new and improved slipcover for the NT Recovery Version has been designed and is now being used to package our Bibles for distribution. The bold color and large lettering on the front serve as an advertisement for the Bible to whoever may see it, and the wording on the back highlights our online resources. Please pray that this new cover will be used by the Lord to create more awareness about this free gift so many more will order a free Bible. Pray that those who receive a Bible would be eager to open it, and would also be motivated to take advantage of our online resources.


The NT distribution at the German Protestant Church Festival (Kirchentag) took place this past weekend. About 70 saints of all ages from six localities participated during the event. Of the 6000 Bibles prepared, 5925 were distributed: 5640 German, 220 English, and 65 in other languages. Please pray:

  • for all the recipients to touch truth and life;
  • for the seekers to contact Bibles for Europe for further fellowship; and
  • for the door to remain open for our participation at the next festival in 2021 in Frankfurt.

Ethiopia College Training

Since last October's ITERO in Addis Ababa, the Lord has opened many doors in the universities in Ethiopia. In December, an invitation to speak to a group of 50 seeking students in the southwest resulted in the word spreading to other universities and a one-week training attended by 500 students. These ones then went back to their respective campuses and shared what they heard with their friends. Many expressed their desire for a longer time of training during the summer.

After much prayer and consideration, there will be a one-week training in three locations this July and August. A total of 2,300 college students from over 25 universities are registered. These students are so eager and full of anticipation. They are ready to pay any price to attend despite the false accusations and slanderous talk they hear against us. Hallelujah!

Please pray for this time and consider giving to support the cost of training such a large number. (The average expense is $105 per person for one week.) Gifts may be given to the church in LA designated for 'Ethiopia College Training.' Through His move in the Body, may the Lord fully gain this group of college students for His testimony and advancement in Africa!

A more detailed report is posted at


  1. Morning Revival: Week 4 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life (April ITERO).
  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at
  3. Prayer for North America College Training: at sign up to pray for 15-minute time slots; at subscribe to receive prayer burdens and updates.
  4. Audio/video of SoCal Blending Conference messages are at
  5. Spanish language radio broadcast: Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 pm. LA County 100.3 FM; San Fernando Valley and Ventura County 90.3 FM.

Prayer, Week of June 16

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The Kingdom and the Church

"Jesus went about in all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom." (Matt. 4:23)

"The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." (Rom. 14:17)

"I John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and endurance in Jesus." (Rev. 1:9)

The Bible first presents the kingdom and thereafter presents the church; the presence of the kingdom produces the church. The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age; today the believers live the kingdom life in the church. We are in the kingdom in reality only when we live, walk, and have our being in the spirit, not in our natural man. The purpose of the vital groups in the church life is to live the kingdom life—the God-man life. (The Development of the Kingdom of God, msg. 3, I, II, II.E, I.D)

Lord, lift up our daily life for our church life. Save us from any kind of emptiness or passivity.

Los Angeles Parents' Fellowship

Please pray for a crucial time of fellowship with the parents and serving ones of all the young people entering 6th to 12th grades on how we can work together to care for all of them in Los Angeles as well as coordinating for the 2019 Summer School of Truth.

Thursday, June 20, 7:30-9:30 pm at Hall 5 (522 S Sepulveda, #203; Los Angeles 90049)

Translation provided for Korean and Spanish

This meeting is on a weeknight, but we pray that as many as possible will be able to come and will make the effort to come.

Daily Prayer for North America College Training

We believe that forty days of persevering prayer in one accord will result in an unprecedented move of the Holy Spirit in this generation of college saints during the upcoming NACT. We ask that you join us in earnest and persistent intercession on behalf of the NACT this year. Specifically, we are having forty days (June 11—July 20, the last day of the training) of dedicated prayer.

Midage Training

The FTTA Middle-Age graduation will be Saturday, June 22 in Anaheim. Twenty-five are graduating. Pray for the Lord's blessing to them and His leading of them in their living and service after the training. Also pray for many more than 25 to begin the training on September 2, especially an increase in the number from North America.

Southern California Chinese-speaking Gospel Meeting

Please pray for the Southern California churches' Chinese-speaking gospel meeting, on Saturday, June 22 at the church in Arcadia meeting hall. Please pray that many will come forward to receive the salvation of God and to be released from the authority of darkness into the kingdom of God.


The German Protestant Church Festival is held every two years. This year it is June 19 to 23 in Dortmund. Over 100,000 participants are expected, many under age 30. We will have a stand June 20 to 22 to distribute the Recovery Version NT. We will also have three teams outside the fairground to distribute NTs as people arrive. We have prepared 6000 NTs and our goal is to distribute all of them to seeking believers.


There will be a conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, June 22 to 23. Pray for the strengthening of the church in Sofia and for the spread of the Lord's move in this part of Europe.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 3 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life (April ITERO).
  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at
  3. Prayer for North America College Training: at sign up to pray 15 minutes one day or multiple days; at subscribe to receive prayer burdens and updates.
  4. Audio/video of SoCal Blending messages will be posted at
  5. Summer School of Truth: Please reserve August 9 to 17.

Prayer, Week of June 9

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Pursue, Gain, Experience, Magnify the Unlimited Christ

"I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I will be put to shame, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death. For to me, to live is Christ." (Phil. 1:19-21a)

To magnify Christ is to express Christ without limitation; it is to show the whole universe that the very Christ by whom we live is unlimited. (The Experience of Christ, msg. 1, I.C)

We have knowledge but we must pursue Christ to gain more of Him and experience Him more. He is unlimited, unsearchably rich, but our experience and resulting magnification of Him is too small. Lord, save us from emptiness; fill us with the experience and enjoyment of Christ in our daily living. "Draw me, we will run after You" (SS 1:4a).

Living the Hidden Life of Our Father

"When you pray, enter into your private room, and shut your door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you." (Matt. 6:6)

"Surely You are a God who hides Himself, O God of Israel, the Savior." (Isa. 45:15)

The principle of the kingdom people is that they live a hidden life. The kingdom people, who live in an emptied and humbled spirit and walk in a pure and single heart under the heavenly ruling of the kingdom, are not allowed to do anything in the flesh for the praise of men but must do all things in the spirit for the pleasing of their heavenly Father. We can never practice living a hidden life in secret in our natural life; if we are serious about being the kingdom people, we must learn to live by the hidden life of our Father. (The Development of the Kingdom of God, msg 2, II., II.B, I)

Lord, bring us into many little experiences of living a hidden life and having times with the Father in secret!

North America College Training

We believe that forty days of persevering prayer in one accord will result in an unprecedented move of the Holy Spirit in this generation of college saints during the upcoming NACT. We ask that you join us in earnest and persistent intercession on behalf of the NACT this year. Specifically, we hope to have forty days (June 11—July 20, the last day of the training) of dedicated prayer on the part of the churches and the saints in the following five general directions:

  1. To fully gain a new generation of college-age saints for God's eternal purpose of Christ and the church—Psa. 24:6; Eph. 1:9-10
  2. To bind the strong man Satan and to plunder his house of young vessels chosen by the Lord for His use—Matt. 12:29; 2 Tim. 2:21
  3. To prepare the hearts, strengthen the spirits, and preserve the health of the saints so that they can partake of the training—Eph. 3:16-17; 1 Thes. 5:23
  4. To grant the serving saints the love, faith, grace, wisdom, energy, and endurance to minister to the young people—1 Thes. 1:3; 1 Tim. 2:1
  5. To rule over all things in the outward environment (weather, transportation, food and lodging, safety) related to the training—Rom. 8:28; Eph. 1:22

At we can subscribe to receive prayer burdens and updates.
At we can sign up to pray 15 minutes one day or multiple days.

Ministry Digest

Issue 1 is out in English and Chinese; available copies have been distributed. Issue 1 in Korean and Spanish will be published in September, issue 2 for all languages in October. The purpose of the Ministry Digest is 1) to gradually get us into into the riches of the collected works of Witness Lee, and 2) to bring churches and saints into a regular habit of reading the ministry. You may subscribe at

Oak Glen

At the end of the SoCal Blending we heard an update on Oak Glen. This is our SoCal conference center, not only for young people but for all ages—for conferences, churches, districts, and groups to use.

The remaining loan is $372,000 but we have paid down the loan (to reduce interest costs) by using $2 million from the sale of Engedi that was intended for improvements at Oak Glen. To pay the remaining loan and release funds for the planned improvements, it is suggested that each giving unit pledge $50 per month through the end of next year.

Donations may be to the church, designated for Oak Glen, or at; this website will soon have the slides shown at the SoCal Blending.

Bibles for America

The BfA Blog in Spanish has been relaunched at The format has been redesigned to make the content more accessible and readable. In the past, the posts have been read by audiences in the U.S., Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Guatemala, and Ecuador, as well as other Spanish-speaking countries.

Please pray that Spanish-speakers all over the world will continue to discover the blog and receive help to understand God's Word and live the Christian life.

FTTL Graduation

The graduation meeting of the Full-Time Training in London will be this Saturday, June 15 at Bower House. Fourteen trainees from nine nations will graduate. Please pray for the Lord's blessing on the graduates to be useful, living, and functioning members of the Body, as well as for a new crop of first-term trainees from the UK and Europe. Please also pray that the graduates will experience and enjoy Christ, live Christ, pursue Christ, gain Christ, spread Christ, and minister Christ for the building up of the Body and the preparation of the bride.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 2 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life (April ITERO).
  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at
  3. July Semiannual Training is July 1 to 6. Registration for LA webcasts including payment ($105) is due by June 11 at
  4. Audio/video of SoCal Blending messages will be available at
  5. Summer School of Truth: Please reserve August 9 to 17.

Prayer, Week of June 2

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Experiencing the Development of the Divine Life

"His divine power has granted to us all things which relate to life and godliness…He has granted to us precious and exceedingly great promises that through these you might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption which is in the world by lust. And for this very reason also, adding all diligence, supply bountifully in your faith virtue…" (2 Peter 1:3-5)

The kingdom of God is Christ Himself as the seed of life sown into His believers, God's chosen people, and developing into a realm over which God rules as His kingdom in His divine life.

We need to experience the development of the divine life and the divine nature contained in the divine seed that has been sown into us so that we may have a rich entrance into the eternal kingdom. We should be diligent to pursue the growth and development of the divine life and divine nature for a rich entrance into the eternal kingdom. (The Development of the Kingdom of God, IV.,V.,V.B)

Lord, make us diligent in pursuing the development of Your life and nature!

We Have Not Yet Attained, but We Pursue

"I also count all things to be loss on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, on account of whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as refuse that I may gain Christ and be found in Him." (Phil. 3:8-9a)

The excellency of the knowledge of Christ is the excellency of Christ realized by us. Christ is excellent in Himself but our realization is limited. We need to have a vision of the preciousness of Christ and the excellency of the knowledge of the all-inclusive, unlimited Christ. (Memorial Day Conference, msg. 5, II.B, B.1)

"Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected, but I thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize." (Phil. 3:12-14a)

Like Paul, we should pursue Christ Himself and "pursue toward the goal for the prize." In order to pursue Christ, we should not think that we have attained, and we should forget the things which are behind and stretch "forward to the things which are before." (Memorial Day Conference, msg. 6, III, III.A)

SoCal Blending Conference and Weekend Children's Camp

"God has blended the body together…" (1 Cor. 12:24b)

In the blending of the churches we receive nourishment, we receive revelation, and we receive a vision of God's eternal purpose concerning Christ and the church. Such a blending is not only for our own mutual spiritual benefit but is also for the mutual building up of the Body of Christ. (1993 Blending Conference Messages concerning the Lord's Recovery and Our Present Need, ch. 2)

This weekend, June 8 to 9, the Southern California Blending Conference will be held at the Ministry Conference Center (1200 N. Hubbell Way, Anaheim, CA 92801). For the last four years, we have held similar conferences, and each time all who attended were encouraged. This practice of gathering has afforded the Lord an opportunity to speak a specific word for our present need. Bring your personal FM radio for translation into Chinese, Korean, and Spanish. The schedule is:
Saturday: 4:00–5:45 pm Meeting 1; 5:45–7:00 Break (no food for sale); 7:00–8:45 pm Meeting 2
Lord's Day: 10:00–10:30 am Lord's Table; 10:30 am–12:30 pm Meeting 3

The Weekend Children's Camp for K–6 will take place during all sessions in Anaheim at 1853 W Ball Rd. Please note: Lord's Day, June 9, there will be no meetings in any of the halls in LA.

Please pray strongly for the Lord to gather all the saints and children for this special time of blending and that He will speak a timely word to meet the present need of all churches in Southern California.

All information, including children registration, is at Please register your children byTuesday, June 4.

Semiannual Training Webcasts in Los Angeles

This summer's Semiannual Training (July 1 to 6) will continue the Crystallization-study of Numbers. For those not attending the live sessions in Anaheim, there are multiple webcast locations in LA: three simulcasts in English (Halls 2, 4, 5); one in Chinese (Hall 3); two in Korean (Halls 1, 2); one in Spanish (Hall 1), and one delayed webcast in Spanish (Hall 2). The deadline to register is June 11 ($105). For more information, please fellowship with the registration coordinator in your district.

Ask the Lord to increase our number participating in His speaking to the churches in this training. Lord, make us willing and ready to be trained and formed into Your army!

Prayer for North America College Training

NACT is July 14 to 20 in Champaign, Illinois. 2800 have registered including more than 1900 students from 585 college campuses in 365 cities in 41 nations. The goals of the training are to

  • supply college students with a vision,
  • equip them with truth, help them in experience of life, perfect them in preaching the gospel,
  • develop their character so they can become useful vessels for the building up of the Body of Christ, both during and beyond their college years, and
  • touch many hearts for FTTA, FTTA-xB, and Europe.

To join nationwide prayer for NACT, go to and click on Pray. On the prayer page, there are two options: PRAY and COME and PRAY. The first option allows you or you with companions to sign up to pray 15 minutes, any time between 6 am and 11 pm, any day between June 1 and July 20. You can sign up for one day, one day a week, or many days. The second option is for you to come to Champaign to pray with others during the training. Details are on this webpage.

German-Speaking Conference

June 8 to 10 will be the annual Pentecost-weekend conference for the German-speaking churches. We expect a rich feast and the blessing of the Lord in the fellowship and blending among all the saints. Let us pray that the Lord will release new light into each one of us for the building up of the churches.

United Kingdom

The exit of the UK from the EU (Brexit) has been delayed until October 31, but there is another vote in Parliament this week, and a new prime minister will be selected in the coming weeks. Please continue to pray that the Lord will rule sovereignly over this crucial matter for the advancement of His interests in Europe.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 1 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life (April ITERO).
  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at
  3. July Semiannual Training is July 1 to 6. Registration for LA webcasts ($105) due by June 11 at
  4. Summer School of Truth: Please reserve August 9 to 17.