Prayer, Week of July 5

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His Compassions Are New Every Morning

"It is Jehovah's lovingkindness that we are not consumed, for His compassions do not fail; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." (Lam. 3:22-23)

Jeremiah wrote Lamentations shortly after Jerusalem had been destroyed and the people and precious things of the temple had been carried away to Babylon.

Even in this negative situation verse 23a indicates that Jeremiah contacted the Lord as the compassionate One every morning. It was through his contact with the Lord that he received the word regarding God's lovingkindness, compassions, and faithfulness. (Crystallization-study outlines, msg 7, III.B.4.a-b)

In this training we received much truth from Jeremiah and Lamentations. Our need now is to receive the Lord's shining to apply these truths to our inner being that we may be reconstituted with Christ to be God's enlargement and expression. For this, may our compassionate Lord lead us to contact Him every day to receive His living word.

North America College Training

The English-speaking summer college training is July 10 to 18, in a combination of large online presentations and small group digestion. The training will center on the burden concerning Samuel the Nazarite. The goal is to supply college students with a vision, equip them with truth, help them in their experience of life, perfect them in the preaching of the gospel, and develop their character so they can become useful vessels for the building up of the Body of Christ. More at <>.

Lord, gain and equip many students to be Your age-turning Nazarites!

SSOT 2020

"If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:31b-32)

At the end of June, we concluded three weeks of the Summer School of Truth, which had three lines of fellowship, one for each of three age groups: God's Full Salvation, The Two Spirits, and The Church. There were also daily activities and special fellowships. Please pray that our young people would continue holding to truth in love, that they may grow up into Him in all things (Eph. 4:15) and remain in what they have seen and heard. Pray also that the care and shepherding of our young people would continue through the summer.

Bibles for America – Gospel Videos

We are continuing to create new gospel videos. There is a new video called "Jesus: The Real Solution to Our Problem," which is based on the BfA tract "Only Jesus Can Heal You." This video illustrates how Jesus' redeeming death is the real solution to our condition, and how He desires to live in us to be our rescue from sin. You can easily share this and other videos, and tracts and podcasts, by visiting <>, scrolling down to what you want to share, and clicking on the icons to send via text message, email, or social media. You can also share this link: <>.


The first round of the Polish presidential election was June 28. The runoff is July 12. "The Most High is the Ruler over the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever He wills" (Dan. 4:17). Lord, rule over the election in Poland for Your move in Europe!

Berlin, Germany

The mass mailing of tracts to all households in Berlin has still not been fully accomplished. Please pray to bind and loose so that the tracts will reach all the households in a timely way and that many will receive the gospel and be added to the church.

Pakistan and Bangladesh

The churches in both nations experienced spiritual blessings from their participation in global prayer.
<> (English)
<> (Chinese)


  1. Morning Revival: The Will of God (March 2020 ITERO), week 6.
    After ITERO week 8 we will pursue A Timely Word Concerning the World Situation and the Lord's Recovery (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. Interim guidelines for in-person group meetings are posted at <>. We will proceed slowly, cautiously, in loving care for one another.
  3. Giving to the church at this time now includes a new online option though Zelle, see instructions at <>.

Online Resources

  1. The Church in Los Angeles has a YouTube channel to show videos from recent gatherings, such as gospel meetings and midweek perfecting fellowships. <>
  2. A Timely Word of Supply to meet the present need from messages given by Brother Lee is posted each week on LSM's website. <>
  3. The Bible Tells Me So is posting daily videos on weekdays to help foster a "Family Time" in each household. <>
  4. LSM Christian Radio broadcasts hymns and messages 24 hours each day. <>
  5. Bibles for America has easy-to-use resources for telling people about God's salvation. <> (English) and <> (Español)
  6. GTCA updates ongoing burdens about the ten target cities for migration this year. <>
  7. Living to Him provides a forum for helping young working saints to practically enter into a vital living for the building up of the Body of Christ. <>
  8. Shepherding Words addresses critical issues facing the Lord's recovery. <>

Prayer, Week of June 21

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The Will of God – Our Sanctification

"And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it." (1 Thes. 5:23-24)

The God of peace is the Sanctifier; His sanctification brings in peace; when we are wholly sanctified by Him from within, we have peace with Him and with man in every way. God desires to sanctify us, and He Himself will do it as long as we are willing to pursue Him as holiness and cooperate with Him; in this way we can be holy as He is holy (1 Pet. 1:15-16). (The Will of God, msg. 5, VI.A,B)

Lord, that Your will would be done, sanctify us wholly!

Semiannual Video Training – Jeremiah and Lamentations

Prayer for all the practical preparations, for the rich supply to the speaking brothers, and for all the saints to be inwardly prepared. We begin Monday night, June 29 at 7:30 pm.

A House of Prayer

"...the house of God, which is the church of the living God…" (1 Tim. 3:15m)

"He said to them, It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer'." (Matt. 21:13)

The Lord's word indicates that prayer should be a primary characteristic of the church, not only in prayer meetings but also in the life of all the members. is helpful.

Lord, raise us up to be Your house of persevering prayer.

LA Gospel – Our Obligation

"I am debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and to foolish; so, for my part, I am ready to announce the gospel to you also who are in [Los Angeles]." (Rom. 1:14)

Preaching the gospel is the primary obligation of Christians to society. In Mark 16:15 the Lord charged us to "go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all the creation."

The Lord Jesus said, "Go therefore and disciple all the nations" (Matt. 28:19). All the nations refers to every tribe, tongue, people, and nation. The first commission we bear before God is to preach the gospel. If we do not preach the gospel, we are not fulfilling our obligation. Paul says that he was a debtor (Rom. 1:14). As long as our obligation is not fulfilled, we are debtors. WL, Guidelines for the Propagation of the Lord's Recovery, chap. 5, sec. 1

Lord, fill our hearts with a desire for the gospel to spread in Los Angeles! And send us out!

FTTA Graduation

The virtual graduation for the FTTA Spring Class of 2020 is this Saturday, June 27 at 10:00 am. The presentation will last approximately 1.5 hours. The link will be posted at Please pray:

  • for the Lord's leading of many of the 108 graduating trainees to join in His move in one of the GTCA cities, particularly in the five cities with new campus teams: Orlando, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, and Richmond.
  • for the Lord's leading of some graduates to continue to FTTA-XB;
  • for the wisdom of the brothers in planning for how the Fall term would be carried out;
  • that all first to third term trainees would still cooperate with the Lord to return next term;
  • that college graduates and young working saints would not be dissuaded from answering God's call to come to the FTTA next term.

Washington, DC – Meeting Hall

We are pleased to announce that the Church in Washington, DC is moving ahead to purchase a meeting hall. During almost 50 years of meeting, this will be our first permanent meeting facility. Please pray for the Lord's further move and His interests here.

Photos, a five minute video, instructions for giving, and more are at

Holy Bible Recovery Version in Korean

The NT Recovery Version in Korean was published in 2007. Now the entire Holy Bible Recovery Version in Korean has been published. Please pray:

  • for all the saints to enjoy the divine truth and the riches of life through the interpreted word in Korean;
  • that the Lord may use the Holy Bible Recovery Version in Korean to reach all the Korean-speaking people all over the earth for recovery of the truth and spreading the gospel of the kingdom; and
  • that God's economy and His will be fulfilled on this earth through the divine truth and the word.

Bibles for America

BfA has experienced unprecedented engagement with the content on our social media channels over the past few months. We've launched several interactive campaigns, such as asking our followers "What's your favorite Bible verse?" (responses came pouring in!). We've also led Bible-reading challenges to read a chapter of the Bible each day. These campaigns have contributed to our gaining over 1,000 new followers on Instagram. Our posts on Facebook have also been seen by more people than ever before, with one of them reaching more than 24,000 people!

Please pray for those who are engaging with us through these channels. May they order a free Bible if they haven't already, and share our posts with many others.

Berlin, Germany

Please continue to pray for the postal service to get the tracts quickly delivered to all the households and that many will receive the gospel and be added to the church.


  1. Morning Revival: The Will of God (March 2020 ITERO), week 5.
    For June 29 to July 4, repeat The Will of God or use semiannual training verses.
  2. Updated interim guidelines for in-person group meetings are posted at We will proceed slowly, cautiously, in loving care for one another. Guidelines for larger meetings will be added but we do not yet know when.
  3. Giving to the church at this time now includes a new online option though Zelle, see instructions at
  4. The European Family Conference will be June 26 to 28. Details are at

Online Resources

  1. The Church in Los Angeles has a YouTube channel to show videos from recent gatherings, such as gospel meetings and midweek perfecting fellowships.
  2. A Timely Word of Supply to meet the present need from messages given by Brother Lee is posted each week on LSM's website.
  3. The Bible Tells Me So is posting daily videos on weekdays to help foster a "Family Time" in each household.
  4. LSM Webcast is offering access at a reduced subscription rate until June 30.
  5. LSM Christian Radio broadcasts hymns and messages 24 hours each day.
  6. Bibles for America has easy-to-use resources for telling people about God's salvation.
  7. GTCA updates ongoing burdens about the ten target cities for migration this year.
  8. Living to Him provides a forum for helping young working saints to practically enter into a vital living for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Prayer, Week of June 7

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Prayer for God's Will to Be Done on Earth

"You then pray in this way: Our Father who is in the heavens...; Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth." (Matt. 6:9-10)

"And this is the boldness which we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." (1 John 5:14)

The ministry of the church is to bring the will in heaven to earth. How does the church bring the will in heaven to earth? It is by prayer on earth. Prayer is not as small and insignificant as some may think. It is not something that is dispensable. Prayer is a work. Prayer is the church saying to God, "God, we want Your will." Prayer is the church knowing God's heart and opening its mouth to ask for what is in God's heart. If the church does not do this, it does not have much use on earth.

What then is the prayer ministry of the church? It is God telling the church what He wants to do and the church praying on earth what God wants to do. This prayer is not asking God to accomplish what we want Him to do but asking God to accomplish what He Himself wants to do. (CWWN, vol. 22, "The Prayer Ministry of the Church," p. 143, 147)

LA Gospel – Ministry and Good News

"I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he who sits on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer." (Rev. 6:2)

We need to pray with the full realization of God's view of human history by seeing that the gospel is speeded up and even maximized by war, famine, and death and by seeing that we need to gain God to the fullest extent to accomplish the goal of His divine economy. (Memorial Day Conference, msg. 1, V.B)

In line with this burden, the church has been presenting a weekly Lord's Day ministry and gospel time in English from 11:00 to 11:45 am through Zoom. The view is to warmly welcome friends and relatives, whether saved or not, as well as younger believers, to an approachable and applicable time of fellowship with singing, praying, and speaking. Recent topics have included choosing life, loving the Lord, and not losing heart amidst the current situation.

All saints are welcome to invite guests and accompany them to this time. The Zoom link is Videos from the previous meetings may also be viewed and shared at any time at

Lord, expand Your burden for the gospel in our hearts to multiply Your testimony in Los Angeles!

Semiannual Video Training – Jeremiah and Lamentations

The upcoming semiannual video training will be conducted as an online training. In LA it will be June 29 to July 7 for English, Chinese, and Korean, and June 29 to July 10 for Spanish. Messages will be scheduled for evenings and weekends.

The firm registration deadline is Saturday, June 13. Cost is $100 per person (no shared seating). Details are at

May the Lord bring us all to the training to be infused with His word for our enjoyment, growth, prayer, and building together. May we all exercise to maintain a high training atmosphere in LA for the receiving of the Lord's up-to-date word. Pray for the speaking brothers that the burden of this training may be fully released.

North America College Training

This summer, July 9 to 19, we will have a North America College Training online on the topic of Samuel the Nazarite. We believe that in the midst of the upheaval in the world situation, the Lord will speak a special word to us. Registration is open only until June 14. Please pray that the Lord will call many students to sign up right away and to be today's Nazarites, separated and consecrated unto the Lord, to meet His need today! For more information and a promo video, visit

SSOT 2020

This year's Summer School of Truth from June 6 to 27 is being carried out SoCal-wide via Zoom. Over 150 saints from LA are participating, including more than 80 young people. May the Lord use these three weeks to encourage our YP and lead them to know the truth (John 8:32). Please pray:

  • for the Lord to gain the hearts of the YP to pursue Him during these three weeks;
  • for the serving ones to have a heart of love and wisdom to take care of the YP;
  • for the group times to be blessed with mutuality, openness, and building; and
  • for the Lord to blend the YP across LA and Southern California.

Bibles for America

BfA has a blog ( with helpful posts that address topics many believers struggle with or wonder about concerning their faith and relationship with the Lord. Please pray that this resource, and four additional languages at Bibles for Europe, will continue to reach people all over the earth to spread the truth. May the Lord bless these posts and cause them to make a meaningful difference in the lives of God's children.

Gospel to All the Nations Conference

We are so happy for all who were able to join us on Saturday, May 30 in a Gospel to All the Nations conference. The responses we are receiving from this time are very encouraging. The video from the conference has been archived at Please feel free to forward this video to anyone: your gospel friends, other friends, colleagues, classmates, family—anyone who you feel would benefit from an encouraging word. The next conference is on June 13, 1:00 pm PST.

Cambodia and Turkey

The May issue of the Lord's Move to Asia newsletter has reports of the change to online meetings in Cambodia and Turkey, and the increased blessing from this change. (English) (Chinese)


  1. Morning Revival: The Will of God (March 2020 ITERO), week 3.
  2. Updated interim guidelines for in-person group meetings are posted at We will proceed slowly, cautiously, in loving care for one another. Guidelines for larger meetings will be added but we do not yet know when.
  3. Giving to the church at this time now includes a new online option though Zelle; see instructions at
  4. Semiannual Video Training registration is due June 13:
  5. The European Young People's Conference is online, Saturday, June 20, Friday July 31 to Monday, August 3, and Saturday, August 29. Registration has reopened until June 14 at 4:59 pm. The Family Conference will be June 26 to 28. Details are at

Online Resources

  1. The Church in Los Angeles has a YouTube channel to show videos from recent gatherings, such as gospel meetings and midweek perfecting fellowships.
  2. A Timely Word of Supply to meet the present need from messages given by Brother Lee is posted each week on LSM's website.

Prayer, Week of May 24

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A Vision of the World Situation and the Lord's Recovery

"Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of the kings of the earth." (Rev. 1:5a)

"Immediately I was in spirit; and behold, there was a throne set in heaven, and upon the throne there was One sitting." (Rev. 4:2)

"…Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so that He may open the scroll and its seven seals. And I saw in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders a Lamb standing as having just been slain…" (Rev. 5:5-6)

The book of Revelation is a book of God's administration, unveiling the throne of God for the divine administration. Apparently, the throne is invisible and is not realized by man; actually, the throne is behind the scene ruling over everyone and everything. (Memorial Day Conference, msg. 2, I.C, C.2)

We need to see a spiritual vision of the throne of God as the center of God's administration throughout the universe and realize that the sovereign God has the full capacity to carry out what He wants according to the desire of His heart and according to His eternal economy. (Key Statement 2)

We need to be in our spirit so that we can be men on earth with God's heart, men to whom heaven can be opened to see the vision of God concerning the destiny of the world. (Msg. 1, I)

Let us pray for saints in the LA area and over the whole earth to answer the Lord's call in this conference to be His dispensational instrument, His overcomers, His prepared bride, to turn the age. Lord, keep us in spirit and give us more vision of Your desire, Your ruling, and Your move on earth!

Church in Los Angeles Joint Meeting

The whole church in LA—all halls, districts, and languages—will meet together at 10:00 am this Lord's Day, May 31. We will end around 11:45 am. There will be translation to Chinese, Korean, and Spanish. Specific Zoom information will be communicated later this week.

Please pray for a healthy attendance and good participation. Pray for the Lord to gain a brighter testimony and expression of Himself in this city. For this end pray that flow of life and shining of light prevail to refresh and infuse all the saints and to encourage them to pursue the Lord more in these days.

LA Gospel – The Horse Race Continues

"I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he who sits on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer." (Rev. 6:2)

The first four seals opened by the Lamb-God give us a vision of world history from Christ's ascension to the end of this age. There has been a four-horse race continuing… until Christ's return…. The gospel has been going forth with Christ to conquer all kinds of opposition and attack. We need to pray with the full realization of God's view of human history by seeing that the gospel is speeded up and even maximized by war, famine, and death. (Memorial Day Conference, msg 1, III, III.A.2; V.B)

This weekend, there will be three gospel meetings in LA area:

  1. Friday, May 29, 7:30 pm: LA and Santa Clarita Korean language; or Zoom ID: 653 338 8897, password 1234.
  2. Saturday, May 30, 5:00 pm: LA Spanish language;
  3. Saturday, May 30, 7:30 pm: Thousand Oaks Chinese language; Zoom ID: 861 5860 4969, password 952358.

Please pray for many invitations and many responding to attend and to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior and life. Pray also for continued shepherding of new people who came to previous gospel meetings.

Summer School of Truth – Teachers' Training

There will be a Teachers' Training this Saturday, May 30 morning for all the parents, serving ones, college students and burdened saints that will serve in the upcoming Summer School of Truth. May the Lord bless the fellowship and coordination for His move among the young people in Southern California!

Sixth Grade Baptism

We have been praying for all 16 of the sixth graders in LA to receive the Lord, and most of them have. This Saturday, May 30, at 8pm, we will have a special online baptism meeting for them to be fully transferred into the kingdom of God! We hope that many saints can join to rejoice together with them. To join the baptism, please see the invitation at Please pray for:

  1. Each 6th grader to make a personal choice to believe and be baptized.
  2. A good coordination among parents and serving ones to care for these ones.
  3. Many relatives and friends to join this meeting.
  4. The enemy to be bound and for each 6th grader to be fully covered this week so that they can be baptized into the Triune God!

May the Lord give each one the assurance of His forgiveness of their sins and of their salvation. May each new brother and sister have a good start to their Christian life and church life, including a regular time with to read the Bible and a weekly time of being shepherded.

SoCal College Summer Pursuit

The first Southern California College Summer Pursuit will take place next month. This program, called Pursue Life 2020, is open to all current college students (including incoming freshmen and recent graduates) and aims to help them develop their personal times with the Lord, prayer in two's and three's, and heart to care for others. We also hope that many will increase their participation in the church life as well as be involved in serving their generation. Pursue Life 2020 is not meant to compete with the SSoT but rather to complement it and strengthen our college students to rise up to help serve our young people.

The registration deadline is Wednesday, May 27. The program consists of 2 two-week sessions (June 1 to 13 and 15 to 27); sign-up for both or either session at

This video explains this program and encourages students to sign up:

Gospel to All the Nations

The next Gospel to All the Nations conference will be on Saturday, May 30, at 1:00 pm PST. All the people of every nation are invited to join. Those of African origin are specifically encouraged to join and to invite their friends, relatives, and colleagues. Please pray for many to participate and be saved or be brought on in their Christian life. More details and registration are at

Germany, Switzerland, Austria

The annual German-speaking conference will be via Zoom from Friday, May 29 to Monday, June 1. Six meetings will use the Memorial Day Conference messages plus a seventh meeting for fellowship about the Lord's move in the German-speaking nations.

Meanwhile, the mass mailing of gospel tracts in Berlin is going on, but we do not know how many households have received it already. By May 19 we had approximately 30 positive responses; this is way too few, but we have no control on this matter. Please continue to pray that all 854,000 tracts would reach a household. Bind the enemy and release the positive responses to the church for His own interest!


  1. Morning Revival: The Will of God, week 1 (March 2020 ITERO).
  2. The Semiannual Training for saints in Los Angeles will be held online as a video training beginning Monday, June 29. Registration ($100) will open this weekend and close on Saturday, June 13.
  3. Giving to the church at this time, see
  4. The European Young People's Conference is on June 20, July 31 to August 3, and August 29. The Parents Conference will be June 5 to 7 (registration open until May 31) and the Family Conference will be June 26 to 28. All details at
  5. The Church in Los Angeles has a new YouTube channel ( to show videos from recent gatherings, such as gospel meetings and midweek perfecting fellowships.

Prayer, Week of May 17

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Showers of Blessing

"And I will make them...a blessing, and I will cause the showers to come down in their season; there will be showers of blessing." (Ezek. 34:26)

Through His shepherding in His recovery by life, the Lord brings us into the enjoyment of His blessing and causes us to become a source of blessing under the showers of blessing. May we all continue to enjoy the Lord's blessing, and then He will cause us to become a source of blessing to others so that they may be supplied. (Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, msg. 12, III.E, E.1)

Memorial Day Conference

Prayer Burden

The general subject is "A Timely Word concerning the World Situation and the Lord's Recovery." We are looking to the Lord and expecting Him to use this pandemic to do something extraordinary among us during this time. We are praying that He will help us to open this channel for the release of His Word through this ministry. To that end, we hope that all the churches and all the saints will prepare for this upcoming time of ministry and sanctify these days for the hearing of faith among us everywhere. Please pray for His blessing upon this conference. May it turn out to be a real memorial among us to the shame of God's enemy and to the glory of God's grace! (from LSM letter posted at

Conference messages

LSM will host this conference online at Outlines are already available here. This site is open to all the saints and churches from 6:55 p.m., Friday, May 22 to midnight, Monday, May 25. The site will guide each saint to the correct language. The schedule is:

  • Friday, May 22, 7 pm
  • Saturday, May 23, 10 am and 7 pm
  • Lord's Day, May 24, 10 am and 7 pm
  • Monday, May 25, 10 am

The videos will also be available two hours after each streamed meeting ends, on the "Archives" page of the conference site.

Prophesying after messages

After each message LA will host prophesying on Zoom. Details will be sent by each hall or district.

The Organic Function of Every Saint

"Day by day…house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart, praising God and having grace with all the people. And the Lord added together day by day those who were being saved." (Acts 2:46-47)

"Truly I say to you that if two of you are in harmony on earth concerning any matter for which they ask, it will be done for them from My Father who is in the heavens." (Matt. 18:19)

"To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for what is profitable." (1 Cor. 12:7)

"Each one, as he has received a gift, ministering it among yourselves as good stewards of the varied grace of God." (1 Peter 4:10)

Pray for the saints to use the present circumstances to cultivate a church life that is more vital, more prevailing, more fruitful, and more according to the God-ordained way through the release of the organic function of every saint. (Unceasingly Pray, day 16)

LA Gospel

The spread of the gospel
"The word of the Lord was carried through the whole region." (Acts 13:49)
"From you the word of the Lord has sounded out." (1 Thes. 1:8)
Lord, in these days repeat in Los Angeles what you did in those two regions!

Prayer for specific meetings

  • Follow up to the hall 3 gospel meeting last Friday night, and the LA sixth grade meeting last Saturday.
  • Preparation for and invitations to gospel meetings: LA Korean-speaking May 29, LA Spanish-speaking May 30, and Thousand Oaks Chinese-speaking May 30.

Summer School of Truth

This year the SSoT will be online for all Southern California together plus local group times. Dates are June 6 to 27. Registration deadline is May 31. Contact the serving saints in your hall for details.

Lord, bring all our young people into the reality of what You will release next month.


  1. Morning Revival: REPEAT Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, week 12.
    May 25 we begin The Will of God (March 2020 ITERO).
  2. The joint meeting of the whole church, on Zoom, will be Lord's Day, May 31.
  3. A 22-minute video preview of the Memorial Day conference is at
  4. Giving to the church at this time, see
  5. Information about our 6th Grade students is at
  6. The European Young People's Conference is online, Saturdays, May 16 and June 20, Friday July 31 to Monday, August 3, and Saturday, August 29. The Parents Conference will be June 5 to 7 (registration open until May 31, see and the Family Conference will be June 26 to 28 (registration opens soon). Details are at

Online Resources

  1. The Church in Los Angeles has a new YouTube channel to show videos from recent gatherings, such as gospel meetings and midweek perfecting fellowships.
  2. The Bible Tells Me So is posting daily videos on weekdays to help foster a "Family Time" in each household.
  3. LSM Webcast is offering access at a reduced subscription rate until June 30.
  4. LSM Christian Radio broadcasts hymns and messages 24 hours each day.
  5. Bibles for America has a new webpage with an introductory video and easy-to-use resources for telling people about God's salvation.
  6. GTCA updates ongoing burdens about the ten target cities for migration this year.
  7. Living to Him provides a forum for helping young working saints to practically enter into a vital living for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Prayer, Week of May 3

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Living the Church Life under the Government of God

"Looking away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith." (Heb. 12:2a)

"And my God will fill your every need according to His riches, in glory, in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:19)

"But without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to Him, for he who comes forward to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Heb. 11:6)

God takes care of the needs of all those who are part of His expression. In New Testament terms, this means that Christ takes care of every member of His Body. In the church life we should love the Lord Jesus, love His Body, and take care of the needs of all the members.

Only by faith can we live the church life under the government of God. God wants His people to do whatever He requires not by self-effort but by faith. God's economy is in faith, and faith is the unique way for God to carry out His economy. The church is "the household of faith." The household of faith is composed of all who are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. All the believers in Christ together constitute a universal household, the great family of God—a family that believes in God. (Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, msg. 11, III.B.1-2, F.1-3.)

Being Sober unto Prayers

"Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matt. 26:41)

First Peter 4:7 says, "But the end of all things has drawn near; therefore, be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers." All things on which the flesh rests will pass away, and the end of them, the apostle tells us here, has drawn near…. Therefore, we should be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers. Literally, to be sober-minded is to be of a sound mind; it is to have a mind of sobriety, able to understand things properly and thoroughly without being disturbed. Furthermore, to be sober unto prayers is to be sober to watch; hence, vigilant. This is to be on guard; hence, sober unto prayer. This equals the Lord's word, "Watch and pray" (Matt. 26:41; Luke 21:36). (Life-Study of 1 Peter, ch. 27)

"Persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving." (Col. 4:2)

Unceasingly Pray is encouraging a 30-day repeat. Let us continue praying at set times alone and with companions. Each day they are repeating the email from April with a burden, verses, and ministry about prayer. You can still sign up at There's no need to moan about missing prayer in past days. The Lord is always our new beginning!

LA Gospel – Speaking and Spreading through Visitation

More than 400 people attended our May 2 gospel meeting entitled "A New Normal: Some Good News from God's Word." We know of at least 11 who received the Lord during the meeting and 33 who want further contact. Thank You, Lord! May we follow Paul's example to care for these ones—"we were gentle in your midst, as a nursing mother would cherish her own children" (1 Thes. 2:7). May we also be like Ananias whom the Lord sent to visit Saul days after his salvation (Acts 9:10-12, 17).

If we preach the gospel on the Lord's Day and a hundred people sign up and express their willingness to receive the Lord, we have to follow up with a second step. We have to arrange for saints to visit them immediately. Within a week, we have to arrange for a hundred to two hundred brothers and sisters to visit them. We must not just invite people to come to the gospel meetings; we must send brothers to make personal calls to these ones. We have to surround them and gain them at any cost. The more gospel meetings we have, the more visitation work we need. If visitation falls behind, our gospel will fail miserably. The failure of the gospel mainly lies in the lack of visitation. (CWWN, Vol. 61: Matured Leadings in the Lord's Recovery (1), ch. 5)

May we pray for the spread of the gospel throughout LA, not only by big meetings. In these days of outward restriction, we can conveniently "visit" by phone, email, and video calls. Lord, motivate us and inspire us to speak the gospel by any means. Fill us with Your necessity for the gospel (1 Cor. 9:16). Lord, then bless LA with many new believers being nourished regularly with the milk of Your word.

Videos of the Saturday gospel meeting, as well as the following morning's fellowship, can be enjoyed and shared at

FTTA Information Session

There will be an FTTA information session on Lord's Day, May 10, from 2:00-3:00 p.m. This session will be held via an online webinar. The presentation will be include an encouraging up-to-date word on the burden and need for training in these unprecedented times, the expectation for the Fall 2020 term, personal testimonies from current trainees, and small group sessions for questions.

A video invitation from current trainees is posted at Everyone interested should register on this site to receive meeting access details.


The co-workers in North America coordinating for the GTCA move are closely monitoring the situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and will provide ongoing updates related to GTCA. If you haven not already done so, please sign up to receive email updates at

We want to assure the saints that despite the current volatile situation, the burden for GTCA has not diminished. Let us not be deterred but be comforted and strengthened in the Lord, and continue to intercede for His move in this country. We believe the sovereign God will use this situation to further His purpose in America and throughout the whole earth.

Berlin, Germany

Please pray for the mailing of a new gospel tract to 854,000 households in Berlin. Both the printing and the mailing have had delays. Please pray for delivery to the households in a timely way during this critical time when people may be most open because of the coronavirus pandemic.


  1. Morning Revival: Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, week 11.
    May 25 we will begin The Will of God (March 2020 ITERO).
  2. Giving to the church at this time, see
  3. We will not have the 6th Grade Conference at Oak Glen this year. It is our hope later in the summer to have a one day conference for the 6th graders.
  4. The European Young People's Conference will be online, Saturdays, May 16 (10:30 am to 12:30 pm in LA) and June 20, Friday July 31 to Monday, August 3, and Saturday, August 29. Registration is open only May 4 to 11. The related European Parents Conference will be June 5 to 7 and the Family Conference will be June 26 to 28. All details are at

Online Resources

  1. The Church in Los Angeles has a new YouTube channel to show videos from recent gatherings, such as our gospel meeting from May 2.
  2. The Bible Tells Me So is posting daily videos from Monday to Friday. The purpose is to foster a "Family Time" in each household.
  3. LSM Webcast is offering access to all video content at a reduced subscription rate until June 30.
  4. LSM Christian Radio broadcasts hymns and messages of the ministry 24 hours each day.
  5. Bibles for America has a new webpage with easy-to-use resources for telling people about God's salvation.
  6. GTCA has a redesigned website to present ongoing burdens and updates about the ten target cities for migration this year. Participate by praying, giving or going!
  7. Living to Him provides a forum for dialogue, study and prayerful exploration with a goal of helping young working saints to practically enter into a vital living for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Prayer, Week of April 12

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Praying for God's Will to Be Done on Earth

"That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man." (Eph. 3:16)

"Moreover, in like manner the Spirit also joins in to help us in our weakness, for we do not know for what we should pray as is fitting, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." (Rom. 8:26)

"If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you." (John 15:7)

God's intention is to accomplish His will through the believers' prayer in union with Him. God needs us to exercise our spirit with our resurrected will to pray according to His divine will for Christ to be manifested and enjoyed by us, for the Body life to be practiced by us, and for the Body of Christ to be built up through us.

A genuine man of prayer is one whose desires are fully blended into God's desires and whose thoughts are fully one with God's thoughts. He is a man in whom God's desires are imprinted, a man of revelation whose heart is a duplication of God's heart.

When we come to the Lord in prayer, we need to allow the Spirit to mingle our desires with His desires, lead our thoughts into His thoughts, and imprint His desires and thoughts into us. Then the prayers that we utter to God with His inward desires will be precious, weighty, and valuable to Him and will cause Satan to suffer loss. (ITERO, The Will of God, msg. 3, II, E, E.1-2)

Unceasingly Pray: 21 Days of Global Prayer

The highest and deepest prayers in the NT are for God's work in the saints and for His move on the earth (Phil. 1:9-11; Eph. 1:15-23; 3:14-21; Acts 4:24-31; Eph. 6:18-20; Col. 4:2-4). Intercessory prayer is a matter of co-laboring with Christ in His heavenly ministry.

Brothers Minoru Chen and Ron Kangas have recorded words of encouragement regarding the importance of prayer during these days. To watch the videos, visit

Many matters require the church's prayer. Here are some items mentioned this past week:

  1. The dormant believers to be enlivened, the wayward Christians to be recovered, and the backslidden saints to be restored to the Lord and to the fellowship of the church.
  2. The scattered believers to see God's eternal purpose, to be stirred in their spirits to seek the deeper things of Christ, and to take the way of God's NT economy.
  3. All the churches to be in a prevailing one accord, glorifying our God and His Christ with one mouth to bring forth the reality of the one new man.
  4. The Lord to strengthen, uphold, and prosper the churches in every country in His recovery as the testimony of Jesus.
  5. The Lord to supply the co-workers and leading brothers and grant them wisdom to lead and shepherd His people onward.
  6. The saints to be preserved and sanctified, to be separated unto God from common and sinful things, and to not be conformed to this age but to be transformed that they may prove the will of God.

Let us pray that the prayers of the saints in all the churches will be anointed by the Lord and pave the way for Him to carry out His economy in the midst of the current situation. May these 21 days of prayer become a base for many saints to build up the habit of praying in twos and threes.

The Advancement of the Gospel

"Now I want you to know, brothers, that the things concerning me have turned out rather to the advancement of the gospel... and most of the brothers, being confident in the Lord because of my bonds, are more exceedingly bold to speak the word of God without fear." (Phil. 1:12, 14)

Let us petition the Lord that the outward things concerning us—in LA and around the earth—will turn to the advancement of the gospel and that we would be bold to speak the word of God without fear.

Los Angeles Young People

The SCYP Spring Pursuit will conclude this Saturday, April 18, but the Monday and Wednesday online meetings in LA will continue indefinitely. Please pray for all our YP in LA to be encouraged, supplied, and helped practically by these gatherings.

Southern California College Conference

The upcoming SoCal College Conference will be held online April 23, 25 and 26 at 7:30pm. Registration will be required but will be free of charge. Please pray for the preparations leading up to the conference, both of the practical arrangements outwardly and the students' hearts inwardly. Pray strongly that the Lord would release as many as possible to sign up in the midst of this unprecedented time.

Ministry and Blending, including Memorial Day Conference

As conferences around the world have been cancelled or replaced by online events, please pray for:

  • the blending and the release and digestion of the ministry to continue strongly;
  • all the saints to learn to use the telephone and internet for visiting and blending both near and far;
  • the saints serving at LSM in their planning for the Memorial Day online conference.

Bibles for America

As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing regulations, we are not able to package and ship out Bibles at the usual pace. Please pray that the serving ones would remain healthy and that their body, soul, and spirit would be be covered by the Lord. Please also pray that these Bibles can continue to go out in a timely way to all those who are eager to read God's Word. May the Lord operate during this difficult time to cause many hearts to turn to Him.


Please pray for the mass mailing of a new gospel tract to the households in every postal code in Berlin. Pray that the Lord will use this tract to give all the people in Berlin an opportunity to hear the gospel, to save many people in Berlin, and to gain some for the organic building up of the church.


  1. Morning Revival: Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, week 8.
  2. Giving to the church at this time, see
  3. 6th Grade Conference will not be at Oak Glen this year. It is our hope to have a one-day conference later in the summer.

Online Resources

  1. The Church in Los Angeles website has frequent updates on resources and fellowship related to our church life in the present situation.
  2. The Bible Tells Me So is posting daily videos from Monday to Friday. The purpose is to foster a "Family Time" in each household.
  3. LSM Webcast is offering access to all video content at a reduced subscription rate until June 30.
  4. LSM Christian Radio broadcasts hymns and messages of the ministry 24 hours each day.
  5. GTCA has a redesigned website to present ongoing burdens and updates about the ten target cities for migration this year. Participate by praying, giving or going!
  6. Living to Him provides a forum for dialogue, study and prayerful exploration with a goal of helping young working saints to practically enter into a vital living for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Prayer, Week of March 29

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Beginning this week the prayer email distribution to subscribers will be Tuesday morning. All may subscribe at

The Will of God to Head Up All Things in Christ

The Spring ITERO this past weekend had eight video messages and two small group study times. The general subject was The Will of God.

"He caused [His grace] to abound to us in all wisdom and prudence, making known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Himself, unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him." (Eph. 1:8-10)

We need to understand what the will of the Lord is (Col. 1:9). God's will is what He wants and what He intends to accomplish. Ultimately, God's will in the universe is to head up all things in Christ through the church as the Body of Christ.

The first step in the heading up of all things in Christ is for God to bring His chosen ones, His sons, out of the universal collapse and to place them under the headship of Christ. When the church takes the lead to be headed up in Christ, God has a way to head up all other things.

"Holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, Christ." (Eph. 4:15)

In order to be delivered from the heap of collapse in a practical way, we need to grow in life; the more we grow in life, the more we will be headed up and the more we will be rescued from the universal collapse. (ITERO msg. 1, I., II., VI., VI.D.1.c, D.2, E.4)

The One New Man Praying with One Accord

In light of the current world situation, the co-workers in the Lord's recovery feel that now is the time to call on the saints in every place to pray in one accord as the one new man for the Lord's interests on the earth. To facilitate this burden, we have set up a new website, Please go to this site to join this prayer labor. (The co-workers' complete letter is at the end of this prayer email and posted at

This is a time for saints from every continent, nation, and locality to pray with watchfulness and perseverance so that the Lord will have a way to advance the divine history within human history unto His return. Let us beseech the Lord that all in Los Angeles will participate in this unique opportunity!

Seizing the Opportunity to Do What Is Good

"So then, as we have the opportunity, let us do what is good [mainly ministering material things to the needy] toward all, but especially toward those of the household of the faith." (Gal. 6:10 and note)

Let us redeem our time by seizing the current unique opportunity to do good in the Lord—helping those isolated at home and giving monetary gifts for the needy. More at

Los Angeles Young People

The SCYP Spring Pursuit, which began on March 21, is a 4-week conference with weekly live sessions, pre-recorded messages, group times, and special fellowships for both Junior High and High School students across SoCal. The topic is "Being Watchful in Life and Faithful in Service." Please pray for all of our young people in Los Angeles who are participating in this virtual conference.

The LA YP are also gathering weekly for online fellowship via Zoom on Monday and Wednesdays. We ask all the saints and the parents to pray strongly for these gatherings that the young ones would be encouraged, supplied, and helped practically by them.


More than 1100 people from about 50 nations viewed at least one video message and/or participated in question and answer times and/or group sessions of the Virtual European University Conference this past weekend. Lord, may the word sown in this conference bear fruit to greatly advance Your current move in Europe!


  1. Morning Revival: Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, week 6.
  2. Giving to the church at this time, see

Online Resources

  1. The Church in Los Angeles website has frequent updates on resources and fellowship related to our church life in the present situation.
  2. The Bible Tells Me So is posting daily videos from Monday to Friday for the next five weeks. The purpose is to foster a "Family Time" in each household.
  3. LSM Christian Radio broadcasts hymns and messages of the ministry 24 hours each day.
  4. GTCA has a redesigned website to present ongoing burdens and updates about the ten target cities for migration this year. Participate by praying, giving or going!
  5. Living to Him provides a forum for dialogue, study and prayerful exploration with a goal of helping young working saints to practically enter into a vital living for the building up of the Body of Christ.

A Letter from the Co-workers Concerning 21 Days of Prayer

View this letter as a PDF in: [Español] [한국어] [中文]

Dear saints,

In light of the current world situation, the co-workers in the Lord's recovery feel that now is the time to call on the saints in every place to pray in one accord as the one new man for the Lord's interests on the earth. To facilitate this burden, we have set up a new website,

This site is intended to foster round-the-clock, global prayer for 21 days, from April 1 to April 21, 2020. Visit to:

Sign up to receive prayer burdens and reminders via email

  • Read an introductory letter from the co-workers
  • Select 15-minute daily time slots to pray
  • Pray over 21 suggested points for the saints' intercession
  • Confirm participation in this prayer ministry

If we avail ourselves of this opportunity, even while we are under restriction outwardly we will increase our spiritual capacity to carry out the most important service of the church, which is prayer. We believe that because of the strong one accord and rich blending among the co-workers and the churches, we, as the Lord's Body, are more able than ever before to put on the whole armor of God to stand for the Lord's interests against all the spiritual forces of evil.

To meet the need at this crucial juncture, we call on all the saints from every continent, nation, and locality in the Lord's recovery to pray with watchfulness and perseverance so that the Lord will have a way to advance the divine history within human history for the fulfillment of His purpose at the end of this age. Please spread the word so that as many saints as possible can join in this global prayer of the one new man.

The brothers coordinating the affairs for the 21 days of prayer

Prayer, Week of March 22

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Beginning the week of March 29 the LA prayer email will be sent to subscribers Tuesday morning. All may subscribe at

Becoming Qualified to Inherit the Promised Land

"See, Jehovah your God has set the land before you; go up, possess it, as Jehovah the God of your fathers has spoken to you. Do not fear, neither be dismayed." (Deut. 1:21)

Those who are qualified to inherit the good land know God's heart and God's government, love God, trust in God, fear God, subject themselves to God's ruling, mind the tender feelings of God, and live in the presence of God. (Crystallization-Study of Deuteronomy, week 5, I.B.)

As the word, Christ is the One who sustains us and makes us those who love God, fear God, subject ourselves to God's ruling, mind the tender feelings of God, and live in God's presence. As long as we have a morning revival through the holy Word and have daily victory also through the Word, we will become those who are qualified to inherit the good land. (WL, Life-Study of Deuteronomy, pp. 16-17)

Prayer for the Current Situation

"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." (1 Cor. 10:26)

"Be humbled under the mighty hand of God…casting all your anxiety on Him because it matters to Him concerning you. Be sober; watch." (1 Peter 5:6-8a)

"Let us not lose heart in doing what is good….So then, as we have the opportunity, let us do what is good toward all, but especially toward those of the household of the faith." (Gal. 6:9-10)

As God's people, let us pray for the advance of the divine history within the current human history. We need to be sober-minded and vigilant, but without anxiety or panic. We believe "the heavens do rule" (Dan. 4:26) so that the environment might be fit for God's chosen people to receive His salvation. In these days of local and global uncertainty, let us pray for:

  • the Lord's protection of His people globally in their health, economics, and other ways;
  • every believer to experience the peace of God guarding their hearts and thoughts (Phil. 4:7);
  • the Lord's wisdom to leading brothers and co-workers everywhere in guiding the church life;
  • the Lord's ruling as King of kings (Rev. 19:6) over all the governments and their decisions;
  • an increase in mutual contact and mutual care among both active and dormant saints;
  • all the saints to freshly and joyfully pursue the Lord in our new meeting environment;
  • the speaking of the ministry to continue and to reach every part of the earth;
  • the gospel to go out from us to many people who are open due to the current situation.

Stay informed about the church's meetings and fellowship at

A word of encouragement from the leading brothers is available on this church website and at


The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones will be by webcast March 27 to 29. Registered brothers will watch messages individually and have small study groups together by phone or internet. Pray for the Lord to advance in this time despite the change of format.

GTCA—Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America

"Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is great, but the workers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest." (Matt. 9:37-38)

The basis for the Lord to accomplish His present move in this country is the persevering prayers in one accord (Acts 1:14). Let us beseech the Lord to thrust out laborers into the ripened harvest of middle America. Specifically, we need to pray that at least 300 saints (including 30 full-timers) will migrate to the 10 target cities in the United States. For reports and information, please visit

BfA – Visalia, CA

In February, BfA went on a distribution trip to Visalia. We had a sweet time blending with local saints. They joined in passing out NTs, Basic Elements, and tracts at a junior college. Many young people opened up about their desire to read the Bible more; six left contact information. A staff member, who regularly gives Bibles to students, took a NT and15 BfA offer cards. Pray for the follow-up with the six new contacts, and for the saints to be encouraged by bearing remaining fruit from this campus.

European University Conference

The Spring European University Conference has been changed to an online gathering with spoken messages, live question and answer times, overflow, and special fellowship sessions. Dates are March 27 to 29. The subject is "The Christian Life in Philippians."


Please pray for the on-going Recovery Version Translation Project into 6 local Indian languages, that all the translators can be strengthened in their spirit, soul, and body. Also pray for the preparation of Hindi translators for the Recovery Version translation as the 7th Indian language.


  1. Morning Revival: Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, week 5.
  2. broadcasts hymns and messages of the ministry 24 hours each day.

Prayer, Week of March 1

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Knowing the Government of Our Righteous and Loving God

"Seeing that His divine power has granted to us all things which relate to life and godliness through the full knowledge of Him…" (2 Pet. 1:3)

"It is Jehovah your God who is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and lovingkindness to the thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments." (Deut. 7:9b)

God governs by judging; the judgment of God is the for the carrying out of His government. As believers in Christ, we need to realize that we are under God's government… As God is governing us, He supplies us with whatever we need; God grants us His provision so that we may cooperate with His government. (Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, msg. 2, I.D, F.1)

We need to know God. In particular, we need to know that God is loving and that He is righteous in dealing with us. We also need to know that we ourselves are a failure. If we know this, we will no longer trust ourselves but put our trust in God, the One who is faithful. In spite of our failure in loving God and fearing Him and in spite of our unfaithfulness, God will be successful. No matter what the situation of His people may be, God will be faithful to the end, and eventually He will accomplish His intention that we enjoy His full blessing. (Life-study of Deuteronomy, msg. 2, pp. 18-19)

Spring SoCal YP Conferences

Praise the Lord for the upcoming Young People's Conferences this spring, which will all be held at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. We encourage all the parents, serving ones and college students to pray for the openness of our junior high and high school students to the Lord and His speaking. Whether our young people are hearing these words again or for the first time, we pray that they would be prepared to enter into more of Christ as their good land and possess Him!

The dates, locations, and sign-up deadlines for the conferences are as follows:
1. High School Sisters, March 13 to 15. Deadline to register: March 1.
2. High School Brothers, March 20 to 22. Deadline to register: March 8.
3. Junior High Sisters, April 10 to 12. Deadline to register: March 29.
4. Junior High Brothers, April 17 to 19. Deadline to register: April 5.


The Online Full-Time Training (FTTA-OL) conducts the FTTA curriculum completely online. The hope that this online program will help the believers cultivate a habit of studying the truth through a lifelong pursuit. While some learners may complete all the courses in short period of time, the FTTA-OL is designed with the view that most saints will take one or two courses per year for the next fifteen to thirty years. More information is at

Each calendar year is divided into 5 terms. The 2020 Term B runs from March 11 to May 5. Please pray for every enrollee to be a diligent learner to help others learn and dig into the ministry materials. By the Lord's mercy, may more saints sanctify their time by studying God's Word and being constituted with the divine truth.


The German YP conference (for ages 11 to 18) will be at Gut Elim March 6 to 8. Pray for full participation by all who have registered and that none would be discouraged by any language weakness.

Gut Elim is a 25-acre property in central Germany with a blending facility which is gradually being improved to increase the capacity. Last week, there was a crucial inspection scheduled from the German foundation for the protection of historical buildings. This inspection was delayed to Wednesday, March 4. An approval means we will be able to move quickly to finish the work here; otherwise, we could be forced to close for an indefinite period. Please pray for no further delays and a fully successful inspection.

Southern Africa

The Southern Africa Weekend Conference will be March 7 to 8 in Midrand, South Africa. The subject will be "The Experience of Christ in Philippians and Colossians for the One New Man." Please pray:

  • for the release of the Lord's speaking;
  • for the participation of saints from the South African Development Community (SADC) region—which includes countries such as Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe—not only in the conference but also in one week of short-term training at the FTTP afterwards; and
  • for the Lord to bless the blending of the leading brothers who will meet before and during the conference to fellowship concerning the Lord's move in Southern Africa, followed by perfecting sessions from Lessons on the Eldership with brother Mark Raabe.

Prayer for the Current Situation

"In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses every man's understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:6-7)

As God's people, let us pray for the advance of the divine history within human history. Let us pray for the people of this world and those in power. We need to be sober-minded and vigilant, but we do not need to panic or overreact. We believe "the heavens do rule" (Dan. 4:26) so that the environment might be fit for God's chosen people to receive His salvation. In these days of global uncertainty, may the Lord turn all anxieties to the advancement of the gospel. This is the environment for us to proclaim the gospel!


  1. Morning Revival: Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, week 2.
  2. High School Conferences at Oak Glen: for sisters, March 13 to 15 (registration due March 1); for brothers, March 20 to 22 (registration due March 8).
  3. Memorial Day Conference: May 22 to 25 in Atlanta, GA. Conference and hotel information is posted at Saints from LA are asked to RSVP by April 28 at
  4. addresses certain critical issues facing the Lord's recovery.