Prayer, Week of October 25, 2015

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Loving Seekers

God’s intention in giving His law to His chosen people was that we become His lovers. We should not try to keep the law apart from loving the Lord and His word and becoming one with Him. (Crystallization-Study of Exodus, week 14, II. and IV.)

The secret is whenever you find that the Bible tells you to do a certain thing, do not say, “Lord, I’ll do this. I just ask You to help me do it.” Instead, tell Him that you love Him, but that you are not able to fulfill His requirements.… The Lord likes us to tell Him again and again that we cannot do what the Word tells us to do. He wants to keep us with Him. The more we stay with Him and tell Him that we are not able to do anything, the happier He is. God wants us to stay with Him so that we, like Moses on the mountaintop, may be infused with Himself. This is what God desires today. (Life-Study of Exodus, ch. 63)

High School Conferences

The Southern California high school conferences are October 30–November 1 in Anaheim (brothers) and Irvine (sisters).

Oak Glen

When the Lord desires to reveal something special to His disciples, the location is often a mountain. Examples span the New Testament, from the decree of the constitution of the kingdom (Matt. 5:1) to John’s vision of New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:10).

Among us, lives have been revolutionized, new ones captured, and consecrations offered to the Lord through mountain times for young people, college students, churches, language groups, small groups, summer schools of truth, children's groups, and working saints. These times have been a refreshing and encouragement to these saints, a factor for their going on in the Lord.

Engedi, although useful, can no longer comfortably fit most of the young people and college conferences, both for accommodation and meetings. It is also a difficult drive from most localities, subject to inclement weather, and induces altitude sickness to some who visit.

Recently, some brothers negotiated to buy Oak Glen. It is only 20 minutes from the freeway. It is secluded and in the woods; the weather is mild, the altitude is comfortable, the food is excellent, and it is larger than Engedi. Also, the cost to purchase Oak Glen and sell Engedi is the same as the cost to double the capacity of Engedi. Please visit to learn more about Oak Glen.

We expect the escrow for Oak Glen to close mid November. To participate in the down payment, please ask the Lord to grace you for this fellowship (2 Cor. 8:1-4) and give a gift to the church by Lord’s Day, November 1, designated for Oak Glen. Later contributions for Oak Glen are also needed to help pay off the loan.

L.A. Korean Festival Follow-Up

On October 1–4, saints in Los Angeles had a booth at the 2015 Los Angeles Korean Festival with a burden to reach more of the Southern California Korean-speaking population. They gave away over 1,000 free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version in Korean, 200 copies in English, and 100 in Spanish with very positive responses.

One week after the conclusion of the festival, the saints held a Bible seminar in Los Angeles. Brothers used the BfA tract “The Big Question” to share with 65 attendees, 19 of whom were new Bible recipients from the festival, about the human spirit and the meaning of life.

Please pray that the people who received Bibles at the festival would be supplied with the rich nourishment in the Word. Pray also that many would be connected to shepherds in the church for their continued growth.

Mass Migration out of the Middle East into Europe

In recent months there has been a mass migration of humanity out of the Middle East into Europe. This has produced a humanitarian crisis in Europe, and it has also presented the Lord’s recovery with a divine opportunity to contact the migrating peoples, and the Europeans disturbed by the migration, with the gospel and shepherd them into the church life for the increase of the Lord’s testimony in Europe. Please pray for:

  • the Lord’s clear leading and blessing;
  • the cooperation of the churches and the saints to respond to this unprecedented opportunity;
  • the preparation of the appropriate gospel materials and ministry publications, the free mass distribution of literature, and the contacting and shepherding of the seeking ones;
  • the identifying and willingness of brothers and sisters who have an adequate knowledge of the truth and a proficiency in the Arabic and Farsi languages to participate in this move of the Lord;
  • the salvation and gaining of the Lord’s chosen people, especially the useful and young ones;
  • the Lord’s protection of His present move from the attack of the devil and for the display of His victory over the evil one, Satan.


Please pray for the monthly English Bible and Polish ministry book distributions in Krakow. Pray also for the shepherding of the seeking ones in that city and for the raising up of the church in Krakow.


  1. Morning revival: Week 14 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 3.
  2. The audio of the October 18 joint meeting of the church is at
  3. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26–29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed announcement is at
  4. The 2015 Winter Training will be December 21–26 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in LA will begin December 21, some later. Registration for Anaheim should be completed by October 27. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video/simulcast.

Prayer, Week of October 18, 2015

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Do you love Me? Shepherd My sheep.

Lord, draw us to love You more intensely that many others may be shepherded and drawn to love You.

Junior High Conferences

The junior high conferences are October 23–25 in Riverside (brothers) and Diamond Bar (sisters).

L.A. Joint College Meeting

This Saturday, October 24, 6-9 pm we will have our Los Angeles joint college meeting at UCLA. Please strongly pray for: 1) many college students to be released to come from all parts of Los Angeles, 2) solid blending and relatedness to be built up among the different campuses, 3) the strong release of the spirit and the Lord's fresh speaking. May the Lord perfect us into one so that more in Los Angeles may believe into the Lord Jesus (John 17:21)!

Venice High School

Five of our young people started Venice High School this school year. They formed a club called “Venice HS Bible Club.” A teacher agreed to sponsor them, and they plan to have their first meeting within the next two weeks. Two of their friends from junior high have said they would join them. Please pray for these two friends. Also pray that the Lord would be the boldness for these young people as they invite more of their friends, and that He could attract and draw many off this campus for His purpose.

Winter Training Registration

The winter training is a time to receive the Lord’s fresh speaking. Ask the Lord to release more saints from everything else to participate in this training in Anaheim or in the videos in Los Angeles. Ask the Lord to stir our hearts to pursue Him actively (not passively) so that He may become our new revival.

Spanish-Speaking Conference

There will be a Spanish-speaking conference Saturday, October 24. This conference is open to all the saints in the churches and there is no need for registration or donations. Child care will not be provided.

4:00–6:00 pm First Meeting
6:00–7:15 pm Dinner Break (bring your own food and water)
7:30–9:00 pm Second Meeting

May the Lord bless this special time with His presence and speaking. Pray for many to attend and for the word of God which they will hear to operate in them (1 Thes. 2:13).

Northern California College Conference

The Northern California college conference is this weekend. The subject is Loving Seekers and the Word of God, with the desire that every student have a fresh touch with the Lord in His word. The speaking brothers are Brian Adamo (San Diego) and David Schontzler (L.A.).

European Brothers Training and Blending Conference

Brothers from the churches in Europe will gather in Baarlo, Netherlands for a three-day training (October 20–22). They will view the messages given at the fall ITERO in Brazil and receive crucial fellowship regarding the Lord’s move in Europe. Pray for the perfecting of all of these brothers. Following this training, saints from all over Europe will gather at the same location for an international blending conference (October 23–25). Pray for the blending of the churches and the saints, as well as the advance of the Lord’s recovery in Europe through the word of the ministry and the fellowship released in these two gatherings.

Europe and the Refugees

The mass human migration out of the Middle East into Europe is a divine opportunity arranged by the Lord’s hand. In late September a small group of brothers visited border crossings and refugee camps, speaking with both officials and refugees. A summary of their report is that many refugees are young, educated, and open to receive care and even the gospel.

We should all pray that many will receive the gospel and that some will propagate the gospel among their fellow refugees. Also, if anyone has some ability in Arabic or Farsi and is burdened to participate, please read the letter at Or, if anyone has the burden to pray faithfully for this situation, please read the same letter.


Petition the Lord to release an abundant supply of the Spirit for the building of His Body in the conference and serving ones’ training in Bangladesh (October 22-24), the college students’ conference in Cambodia (October 23-25), and the conference in Nepal (October 23-25).


  1. Morning revival: Week 13 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 3.
  2. High School Conferences will take place October 30–November 1 in Anaheim (brothers) and Irvine
    (sisters). Registration deadline is October 18.
  3. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26–29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed
    announcement is at
  4. The 2015 Winter Training will be December 21–26 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in LA will
    begin December 21, some later. Registration for Anaheim should be completed by October 27. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video/simulcast. You may register online: and then give your check or cash to a registration coordinator in your district.
  5. Please send inputs for future prayer emails to both Justin Lim, and Don Martin,

Prayer, Week of October 11, 2015

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Our Need for a New Revival

We need a new revival because the Lord needs a new revival to prepare His bride for His return. This revival is neither excitement nor activity. “God’s economy is to dispense Himself into us and to work Himself into us that we may take Him as our life and life supply in order to live Him.” (LS of Philippians, ch. 37) The revival we need, we pursue, and we pray for is a strengthening of God's dispensing into us and an uplifting of our taking Him as our life supply for an expansion of our living Him. Lord, revive us for Your return!

The Church in Los Angeles

The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, October 18 at LA Trade Tech College. Please pray for a rich time of blending among all the saints across all the languages, ages, districts, and halls for the Lord’s shining testimony in Los Angeles.

Please note that there will not be any lunch provided, so saints are encouraged to make their own plans to continue the blending and fellowship.

Winter Training Registration

The winter training is a time for us to receive the Lord’s fresh speaking. Ask the Lord to release more saints from the affairs of human life to participate in this training in Anaheim or in the videos in Los Angeles. Ask the Lord to stir our hearts to pursue Him actively (not passively) so that He may become our new revival.

Oak Glen Conference Center

Please ask the Lord to release the additional finances needed for the down payment by the end of this week and to release the continuing supply for the on-going monthly payments.

Europe and the Refugee Crisis

With this mass displacement of people, please pray for the Lord’s move in His economy and our response in coordination with Him as the Head. Particularly, pray for

  • the Lord’s leading to the brothers serving in Europe about where to focus the gospel preaching;
  • key refugees to be saved, those who will proclaim this salvation to others;
  • the door of the gospel to be wide open to Europeans disturbed by the influx of refugees.

The Lord’s Testimony in Europe

Please pray for the raising up of the Lord’s testimony in major European cities, including: Lisbon (Portugal); Krakow (Poland); Budapest (Hungary); Vienna (Austria); Sofia (Bulgaria); Thessaloniki (Greece); Zagreb and Split (Croatia); Belgrade and Novi Sad (Serbia); Geneva and Zurich (Switzerland); Barcelona and Bilbao (Spain); Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich (Germany); and Tirana (Albania).


  1. Morning revival: REPEAT Week 6 of The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference). Next week we will be in Week 13 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 3.
  2. Junior High Conferences will take place October 23-25 in Riverside (brothers) and Diamond Bar (sisters). Registration deadline is October 11.
  3. ** High School Conferences** will take place October 30–November 1 in Anaheim (brothers) and Irvine (sisters). Registration deadline is October 18.
  4. The Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference will be held on Saturday, October 24 from 4:00–9:00pm at 1855 W Ball Rd, Anaheim. No need for registration or donation. Bring your own meal for the dinner break from 6:00–7:15pm. Child care will not be provided.
  5. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26–29 in Jacksonville, Florida.
  6. The 2015 Winter Training will be December 21–26 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in LA will begin December 22, some later. Registration for Anaheim should be completed by October 27. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video/simulcast.

Prayer, Week of October 4, 2015

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A New Revival: Being Constituted with God to Express God

“In order to shepherd according to God, we need to become one with God, be constituted with God, live God, express God, represent God, and minister God.” (HWMR Week 4 outline)

“In His economy, God does not improve us outwardly. Instead, He transmits all that He is into us… God’s way is to transform us metabolically; it is to nourish, refresh, water, enrich, and strengthen us. This is God’s economy…” (Life-study of Philippians, pp. 323-324)

“God is expressed in us by means of His attributes. God is love and light, and He is holy and righteous. When we eat and drink of God, we shall live Him as love, light, holiness, and righteousness. These divine attributes will become our virtues as the expression of God… and this expression is actually God’s speaking.” (Life-study of 1 John, p. 29)

Church in Los Angeles

The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, October 18 at LA Trade Tech College. Please pray for rich time of blending among all the saints across all the languages, districts and halls for the Lord’s shining testimony in Los Angeles.

Korean Bible Seminar

The Lord blessed and supplied all the saints who participated in last weekend’s Bible distribution at the LA Korean Festival. We distributed 1000 copies of the New Testament in Korean, 200 in English, and 100 in Spanish. We will have a Bible seminar on Saturday, October 11 at 6:30pm. The subject is “Do you know that you have a spirit in you?”

Please pray:

  • For those who received an invitation, that the Lord would soften their hearts and draw them;
  • For the serving ones in their preparation, that they would be graced and supplied bountifully;
  • For each group table at the seminar, that every member of the Body would be coordinated together.

Children’s Work Perfecting Conference

“Our work for the Lord should have a long-term view. Six years go by very quickly; soon the children in first grade will be young brothers and sisters. When they enter junior high school, we can preach the gospel to their classmates in junior high. When they enter high school, we can lead many of their classmates to be saved. When they enter college, they will be gospel seeds. In this way the young people will multiply year after year. The benefit from this will be very great.” (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1967, vol. 1, p. 315)

There will be a perfecting conference for parents and those who serve with the children on Saturday, October 10 from 9am to 3pm at the church in Diamond Bar meeting hall. This conference will consider how we can prepare our children to become little seeds of the gospel in their schools. Saints should plan to attend all three sessions; lunch will be provided for registered saints. More details at


The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones concluded this past weekend in Brazil with a blending meeting on the Lord’s Day. Many saints are now participating in blending trips to nearby cities or countries. The subject of the training was “The Crucial Points of the Major Items of the Lord’s Recovery Today.” The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the truth as revealed in the holy Scriptures. Please pray for the digestion of the messages and for all the saints traveling and blending.

Europe and the Refugee Crisis

“Due to the recent changes in Europe, the people there are ready to receive something new…”
(WL, The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, ch. 4)

“My burden is not to talk about politics but to show you that since God has a purpose to accomplish on this earth with mankind, He surely has the sovereign authority and power to arrange the situations in human history… Actually, the world situation is under the arrangement of God. It is God who appointed the times for a certain race to do this or to be there. It is God who made the borders of all the different nations (Acts 17:26). It is God who raised up kings and who put down nations.” (WL, The World Situation and God’s Move, ch. 7)

In recent months there has been a crisis in Europe due to the huge influx of refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. Last week, two teams of four brothers from Rhema Literature, supported by other saints from multiple countries, took a first-hand look into the refugee situation. One team went as far south as one of the Greek islands where refugees arrive in small boats; the other went to the far north of Germany, stopping at many refugee camps, border crossings, and train stations. Due to their lives having been turned upside down, many refugees are open to talk. The brothers believe that by listening to these ones with the compassion of Jesus, there will be an opening for the Gospel. Many refugees are educated and some speak English.

Continue to pray for the teams, their assessment of the situation, and the Lord’s enlightening on how the recovery should respond. Pray for Him to open doors and show which refugee camps should be targeted for the Gospel. Pray also for the openness of the native Europeans. The sudden influx of people can be a big disturbance to their lives (for example, one million refugees are expected to enter Germany in 2015). Pray that this situation will open the Europeans to the Gospel.


The second annual conference in Sofia, Bulgaria will be October 9–11. We anticipate a rich time of fellowship and blending, particularly with many new ones who will be attending. Please pray:

  • That nothing would hinder God’s chosen vessels from attending this conference;
  • That a word would be released that imparts a clear heavenly vision of Christ and the church;
  • That the Lord will take a definite step in raising up His testimony in Sofia and other cities in the Balkan countries, including Novi Sad, Serbia; Thessaloniki, Greece; and Split, Croatia.


  1. Morning revival: Week 6 of The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference). Next week we will start Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 3.
  2. Please include brother Justin Lim, on inputs for future prayer emails.
  3. The Junior High Conferences will be held October 23–25 in Riverside (for brothers) and Diamond
    Bar (for sisters). Registration deadline is October 11.
  4. The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, Oct. 18 at LA Trade Tech College.
  5. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26–29 in Jacksonville, Florida.
  6. The 2015 Winter Training will be December 21–26 in Anaheim. Registration deadline is October 27.

Prayer, Week of September 27, 2015

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A New Revival: Shepherding according to God

May we all have the Father’s loving and forgiving heart and the Savior’s shepherding and seeking
spirit to gain people and take care of God’s flock. To cherish people in the humanity of Jesus is to make them happy and to make them feel pleasant and comfortable. To nourish people in the divinity of Christ is to feed them with the all-inclusive Christ in His full ministry in three stages. May all the saints receive the Lord’s commission to feed His lambs and shepherd His sheep (John 21:15-16).

“I hope that there will be a genuine revival among us by our receiving this burden of shepherding. If all the churches receive this teaching to participate in Christ’s wonderful shepherding, there will be a big revival in the recovery.” (WL, The Vital Groups, p. 40)


The fall International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones is this Thursday through Saturday,
October 1–3 in Brazil, followed by a blending meeting with many local saints on Lord’s Day, October 4. The subject of the training is “The Crucial Points of the Major Items of the Lord’s Recovery Today.” Message topics will include: the Recovery of the Economy of God; the Triune God; the Supreme Preciousness of the All-inclusive Christ; the Consummated Spirit; the Eternal Life; the Recovery of the Church; and the Oneness of the Body of Christ. Please pray for all the brothers traveling, for the Lord’s rich speaking, and for the blending of all the saints.

Korean Festival Bible Distribution

The 42nd LA Korean Festival will take place from October 1–4. Please pray for the Korean-speaking
saints who plan to go as the Korean section of Bibles for America to distribute the Korean New Testament Recovery Version.

Oak Glen

The Southern California churches are buying Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. The sale of Oak
Glen will be completed in October. At that time the $1.64 million down payment will be due. To help with this, please continue to give through the church, designated for Oak Glen. Let us ask the Lord

  • to grace us abundantly that we may participate in this purchase with joy and beyond our power, and

  • to complete this purchase and the subsequent sale of Engedi in a timely manner.

Europe and the Refugees

“The world situation has always been the indicator of the Lord’s move on earth.” (WL, The World
Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, ch. 1) In recent months there has been a crisis in Europe due to the massive influx of refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. Due to the human and religious situations in their homelands, these ones are stripped and beaten, half dead (Luke 10:30). They need the oil and wine from the Good Samaritan and to be brought to an inn (vv. 33-35).

Rhema Literature Distributors will go to contact these refugees and distribute literature in Arabic. This week, brothers from Anaheim and Europe, including two Arabic speakers, are taking a first-hand look at the refugee situation. Pray for a rich supply to these brothers and for the Lord’s enlightening on how the recovery should respond, based on these brothers’ report. Pray for an abundant flow of oil and wine to the refugees, and for many of them to be brought to an “inn.”

Germany, Switzerland, Austria

The churches and scattered saints in the German-speaking nations will have blending times in multiple locations the weekend of October 3-4.


  1. Morning revival: Week 5 of The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference). After week 6 we will start Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 3.
  2. The prayer email for October 4 will be edited by brother Justin Lim, Please send inputs to him. Please also include him on inputs for weeks after October 4.
  3. A video of the August 22 meeting about Oak Glen is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese on A brief video about Oak Glen is at
  4. There will be a Children’s Work Perfecting Conference for parents and serving ones on October 10 from 9am to 3pm in Diamond Bar. Saints should plan to attend all three sessions. Registration deadline is October 4 at
  5. The Junior High Conferences will be held October 23–25 in Riverside (for brothers) and Diamond Bar (for sisters). Registration deadline is October 11.
  6. The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, October 18, at L.A. Trade Tech College (same location as May of this year and October of last year).
  7. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26–29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed announcement is at
  8. The 2015 Winter Training will be December 21–26 in Anaheim. Registration will begin this weekend; the deadline is October 27.

Prayer, Week of September 20, 2015

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A New Revival: Living the Life of a God-man

We need to see that we are God-men, born of God and belonging to God’s species. This is the beginning of the God-man living. (WL, The God-man Living, p. 9)

The Lord’s God-man living set up a model for our God-man living—being crucified to live God so that God might be expressed in humanity (Gal. 2:20). We must deny ourselves, be conformed to Christ’s death, and magnify Him by the bountiful supply of His Spirit (Matt. 16:24; Phil. 3:10; 1:10-21a). The One who lives the life of the God-man is now the Spirit living in us and through us; we must reject self- cultivation and the building up of our natural man and allow nothing other than this One to fill us and occupy us so that we may live Him and express Him personally and corporately in the church, which is His Body (Eph. 3:16-19; 1:22-23). (HWMR, Week 4 outline)


The Lord richly blessed our Fall Orientation Week with our own students. They were impressed with their status as men of God, those exercising themselves unto godliness and fanning their spirits into flame. For the entire week, they were revived every morning, nourished with the healthy teaching, and mutually supplied through visiting saints in their homes.

Please pray that the Lord would grant us a corporate God-man living and a spirit of pursuing and laying hold of Him corporately. Also pray for our face-to-face follow-up with new incoming freshmen (300+ names) and that the Lord would solidify these connections. Finally, please pray that the Lord would bring at least 30 new freshmen to our Fall Retreat at Big Bear from October 3-4.

Oak Glen

“We make known to you, brothers, the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia, that in much proving of affliction the abundance of their joy and the depth of their poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality; that according to their power, I testify, and beyond their power, of their own accord, with much entreaty they besought of us the grace and the fellowship of the ministry to the saints.” (2 Cor. 8:1-4)

The Southern California churches are buying Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. The sale of Oak Glen will be completed in October. At that time the $1.64 million down payment will be due. To help with this, please give to the church by Lord’s Day, September 27, designated for Oak Glen. Let us ask the Lord

  • to grace us abundantly that we may participate in this purchase with joy and beyond our power, and

  • to complete this purchase and the subsequent sale of Engedi in a timely manner.

Europe and the Refugees

“The world situation has always been the indicator of the Lord’s move on earth.” (WL, The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, ch. 1) In recent months there has been an increasing crisis in Europe due to the huge influx of refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. Both due to the human situation in their homelands and due to their false religion, these refugees are stripped and beaten, half dead (Luke 10:30). They need the oil and wine from the Good Samaritan and then they need to be brought to an inn (v. 33-35).

Rhema Literature Distributors is gathering all their Arabic language literature and is about to go out to meet these refugees. Please pray for a rich supply to the Rhema brothers, an abundant flow of oil and wine to the refugees, and for many of them to be brought to an “inn.”

Balkan Countries

Please pray for the raising up of churches in Novi Sad (Serbia), Thessaloniki (Greece), Sofia (Bulgaria), Split (Croatia), and in other cities in the Balkan countries.

European Universities

Most universities in the UK and other European countries have started or will start their new academic year soon. This is the most crucial time for making new contacts on campus. Please pray: 

  • to consecrate the new academic year, the students, the homes, and the labor on campus to the Lord 
 • that the Lord will raise up key students to co-labor on many campuses throughout Europe 

  • that the Lord will open the way to contact some seeking ones during this critical time and gain 
 them as remaining fruit.

Pray for the raising up of churches in the Galilee. Continue to stand with those who are moving for the church life in both Netanya and Tiberius. Pray for those who are new to the church life, for all to see the vision of Christ and the church, and for the blending of the members of the Body.


  1. Morning revival: Week 4 of The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference). After week 6 we will start Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 3.
  2. The prayer emails for September 27 and October 4 will be edited by brother Justin Lim, Please send inputs to him.
  3. A video of the August 22 meeting about Oak Glen is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese on A brief video about Oak Glen is at
  4. There will be a Children’s Work Perfecting Conference for parents and serving ones on October 10 from 9am to 3pm in Diamond Bar. More details at Registration deadline is October 4.
  5. The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, October 18, at L.A. Trade Tech College (same location as May of this year and October of last year).
  6. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26–29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed announcement is at

Prayer, Week of September 13, 2015

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A New Revival: Living the Life of a God-man

If we practice living the life of a God-man, which is the reality of the Body of Christ, spontaneously a corporate model will be built up, a model living in the economy of God; this model will be the greatest revival in the history of the church to bring the Lord back. The only way to live the life of a God-man according to the Lord's model is to set our entire being on the mingled spirit, walking, living, and having our being according to the mingled spirit. (HWMR, Week 3 outline)

I would encourage you to try faithfully to practice living a God-man’s life by contacting Him through calling on His name, pray-reading His living word, praying unceasingly, not quenching the Spirit, and not despising prophesying. May the Lord bless us with Himself as the life-giving Spirit that we may touch Him in the mingled spirit by these life practices. (W. Lee, Living a Life According to the High Peak of the Divine Revelation, ch. 5)

Oak Glen

"We make known to you, brothers, the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia, that in much proving of affliction the abundance of their joy and the depth of their poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality; that according to their power, I testify, and beyond their power, of their own accord, with much entreaty they besought of us the grace and the fellowship of the
ministry to the saints." (2 Cor. 8:1-4)

The Southern California churches are buying Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. The sale of Oak Glen will be completed in October. At that time the $1.64 million down payment will be due. To help with this, please give to the church by Lord’s Day, September 27, designated for Oak Glen. Let us ask the Lord

  • to grace us abundantly that we may participate in this purchase with joy and beyond our power, and
  • to complete this purchase and the subsequent sale of Engedi in a timely manner.

SoCal Spanish-speaking Training

In August we started a new series of trainings on the God-ordained way. To end this age, we have to enter into a new revival, one which has never been seen before on earth. For this revival we need to reach the high peak of divine revelation, to have the God-man living, and to shepherd the flock of God by imparting the life-giving Spirit. We live in a historic time; we are on the threshold of turning the age. We need to keep training ourselves to become the dispensational instruments that the Lord is looking for.

The next training day is Saturday, September 19.

Bibles for America

A distribution tour began Saturday, September 12. BfA staff members join local saints in Northern California, Oregon, and Nevada for two weeks of distributions at college campuses and the 41st Annual Solano Avenue Stroll in Berkeley. Please pray that the Lord would draw His chosen ones to the tables and that His Word would run in this region!


There will be a conference in Romania September 18 to 20. Pray that the Lord will speak a timely word and that all the saints and churches who attend will enjoy a sweet atmosphere of blending and fellowship.

Please pray for the ongoing seminars that are being held in Bucharest, Resita, and Deva to contact and shepherd ministry readers. Pray that the Lord will organically increase the churches in these cities to strengthen His testimony in Romania.


There will be a conference in Switzerland from September 19 to 20. We thank the Lord for your prayers and look forward to rejoice with you and blend to build the Body of Christ for His prevailing testimony everywhere.

South Africa

James Lee remains in South Africa until Saturday for classes with the trainees in the FTT Pretoria.


  1. Morning revival: Week 3 of The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The prayer emails for September 20, 27, and October 4 will be edited by brother Justin Lim, Please send inputs to him.
  3. A video of the August 22 meeting about Oak Glen is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese on A brief video about Oak Glen is at
  4. The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, October 18, at L.A. Trade Tech College (same location as May of this year and October of last year).
  5. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26 to 29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed announcement is at

Prayer, Week of September 6, 2015

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Pursue A New Revival

Philippians 3:12-14, “Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected, but I pursue, if even I may lay hold of that for which I also have been laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.”

This new revival is an inward energizing as a result of seeing what is on God’s heart. We have heard messages, we accept the vision, and we talk about it, but not much change happens in our being. We are positive but passive. Paul did not account himself to have arrived; every day he was forgetting the things behind and stretching forward. We need pursuing, laying hold, and being laid hold of, to the point where this vision energizes us and sets the course of our being. Lord, don’t let us go; don’t leave us content to mouth these words. Lord, we want to advance in seeing, living, and practice; grant us grace to pursue this daily. (from the opening word of message 2 of the Memorial Day conference)

USC, CSUN, Cal State Channel Islands

“And the Lord added together day by day those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47). Please pray that the new ones and gospel contacts would continue to get added to our students and and into our homes to become remaining fruit in the church.

SoCal High School Juniors and Seniors Fellowship

There will be a special overnight fellowship with our high school juniors and seniors Saturday morning through Lord's Day noon at Oak Glen. Our burden is that they could be shepherded and blended with each other and with college students and serving ones while having some precious and practical fellowship about their going on in the Lord and in His house.

Oak Glen - Southern California Blending Center

The Southern California churches are buying Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. For this, we can ask the Lord to:
- strengthen our individual and corporate consecration for His move in Southern California; • complete this purchase and the subsequent sale of Engedi in a timely manner;
- release the funds for the purchase and for the planned improvements of Oak Glen.

The sale of Oak Glen will be completed in October. At that time the $1.64 million down payment will be due. To help with this, please give to the church by Lord’s Day, September 27, designated for Oak Glen.

Cal State Bakersfield

There will be a Bible distribution on this campus next week Tuesday. We do not have a club here. Pray for the Lord to bring people who are hungry for His word and who will remain in contact with our students.

South Africa

James Lee will be in South Africa from September 8 to 19 for a weekend conference and a week of classes with the trainees in FTT Pretoria.

European Universities

Most universities in the UK and other European countries have started or will start their new academic year soon. This is the most crucial time for making new contacts on campus. Please pray:

  • to consecrate the new academic year, the students, the homes, and the labor on campus to the Lord
  • that the Lord will raise up key students to co-labor on many campuses throughout Europe
  • that the Lord will open the way to contact some seeking ones during this critical time and gain
    them as remaining fruit.


There will be a conference in Bratislava, Slovakia September 12-13. Please pray that the saints from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary will be released to attend, for the Lord’s rich speaking to meet the present need, and for a sweet atmosphere of blending and fellowship among all the saints and churches.


A video update on the progress of the construction of the meeting hall in Kiev, Ukraine, is available at This video also has scenes from their summer school of truth with 355 attending.

Please pray for completion of construction by the end of October and for the financial need to be met.


  1. Morning revival: Week 2 of The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, October 18, at L.A. Trade Tech
    College (same location as May of this year and October of last year).
  3. A video of the August 22 meeting about Oak Glen is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese on A brief video about Oak Glen is at
  4. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26 to 29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed announcement is at

Prayer, Week of August 30, 2015

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Rise Up to Pray for A New Revival

God became man that man may become God. Such an economy is incomprehensible to both angels and man. This economy is of God’s desire, and it will reach, attain, the high peak of God’s goal….The Triune God and the tripartite man will become a loving couple in eternity as man yet still God. Divinity and humanity will become a mutual abode, and the glory of God will be expressed in humanity radiantly in splendor to the uttermost. (hymn, What Miracle, What Mystery, at end of morning revival week 1)

I hope that the saints in all the churches throughout the earth, especially the co-workers and the elders, will see this revelation and then rise up to pray that God would give us a new revival—a revival which has never been recorded in history. (W. Lee, Life-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, ch. 2, sec. 3, © LSM)

CSUN (Hall 2 English)

Last week we met over 100 students through our welcome events during the first week of classes and saw about 15 of them multiple times. Thank you, saints, for all of your prayers! Please pray that:

  1. the students would continue to be built up as a priesthood, bearing the new ones together in prayer;
  2. we would see the new ones this coming week and attach them to our Bible study and the homes;
  3. the Lord would show us which ones to focus our labor on, and build up the net to contain them as remaining fruit.

Also, please pray for our club table at the CSUN club fair on Tuesday and Wednesday this week where we have an opportunity to meet more students.

Middle-Age Training

The middle age FTTA begins this week. Eighty-three trainees are registered for the whole term. One-third are from Southern California, others from across the U.S., and some from ten other nations. Ask the Lord to infuse them with life, enlighten them with truth, save them from their natural being, and lead them into coordination for serving Him.

Oak Glen - Southern California Blending Center

On August 22 there was a meeting in Anaheim to present our purchase of Oak Glen to all the churches in Southern California. A video of that fellowship is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese on

The sale of Oak Glen to the Southern California churches will be completed in October. At that time the $1.64 million down payment will be due. To help with this, please give to the church by Lord’s Day, September 27, designated for Oak Glen.

Bibles for America

Praise the Lord for His moving at the Crow Fair in Montana! Saints came from many states to support the distribution. Over 400 copies of the NT Recovery Version went out with the vast majority going to Native Americans. Many people, especially many children, prayed to receive the Lord. An encouraging 71 people indicated interest in further contact.

Please pray that the Lord would operate through each Bible given away and would raise up the shepherding for the many newly regenerated and seeking believers among the Crow Nation.

European Universities

Most universities in the UK and other European countries start their new academic year in the coming weeks. This is the most crucial time for making new contacts on campus. Please pray:

  • to consecrate the new academic year, the students, the homes, and the labor on campus to the Lord
  • that the Lord will raise up key students to co-labor on many campuses throughout Europe
  • that the Lord will open the way to contact some seeking ones during this critical time and gain them as remaining fruit.


Reports from Turkey and Bangladesh about gospel preaching among Moslems and Hindus, baptizing and shepherding new believers, home gatherings, raising up local churches, and contacting other Christians are at: (English) (Chinese).


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 of The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, October 18, at L.A. Trade Tech College (same location as May of this year and October of last year).
  3. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26 to 29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed announcement is at

Prayer, Week of August 23, 2015

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Watering and Spreading the National College Training Seed

The National College Training was not an isolated event but rather the beginning of a new move by the Lord. The seed has been planted and we need to water it by prayer. Pray that these aspects of vital living 1) continue in all who attended, 2) spread to other college students and young people, and 3) spread to all ages in the recovery:

  • Loving the Lord and being revived in the morning;
  • Reading His word and walking by the Spirit;
  • Participating in the prayer meetings of the church;
  • Praying with companions regularly and preaching the gospel;
  • Freshly consecrating.

USC, CSUN, Cal State Channel Island

We are very encouraged that the students are rising up to pray, to be burdened for the Lord's move, and to contact people. We have had good times of blending and coordination with our students and many good times of contacting and conversing with incoming freshmen and preparing for the start of school. Thank you for your prayers for those times.

This week Monday classes began on these campuses. We have several welcome events this week and next, and we do need much prayer from the saints that:

  1. the students would remain supplied, maintaining a praying spirit throughout all of the busy activities;
  2. the Lord would maintain a strong one accord among the students;
  3. we would have warm and positive contact with many new students, especially freshmen, multiple times in these weeks;
  4. the students would be bold to speak the Lord to classmates and friends during these weeks;
  5. the Lord would strengthen the church life net (students, full-timers, and community saints) in vital groups to contain and keep the freshmen as remaining fruit.

SoCal Spanish-speaking Training

We are about to start a new series of trainings on the God-ordained way. To end this age, we have to enter into a new revival, one which has never been seen before on earth. For this revival we need to reach the high peak of divine revelation, to have the God-man living, and to shepherd the flock of God by imparting the life-giving Spirit. We live in a historic time; we are on the threshold of turning the age. We need to keep training ourselves to become the dispensational instruments that the Lord is looking for.

The August 29 training meeting will cover:

  • the steps regarding the practice of the God-ordained way, the importance of the home meetings and the need to visit people in their homes.
  • the preparation of the home meetings, the four elements of the home meetings and the way to carry out the home meetings.

SoCal High School Juniors and Seniors Fellowship

There will be a special overnight fellowship with all of our high school juniors and seniors throughout southern California September 12-13 from 9 AM on Saturday through Lord's Day at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. Our burden is that these upperclassmen could be shepherded and blended with each other and with college students and serving ones while having some precious and practical fellowship about their going on in the Lord and in His house.

UK and Ireland Blending Conference

This annual conference is August 29 to 30 in Nottingham, England. We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints and churches attending.


Last week universities in the Netherlands began their introduction days (equivalent to freshmen orientation in the U.S.). On August 12 we went to Utrecht University to distribute Bibles (in English, with the Rhema set one book in Dutch). The Lord covered the weather and provided an excellent location for the table. We handed out 91 Bibles, 35 requested further contact, and at least three received the Lord. After the distribution on the campus we had a welcome dinner.

Please join us to pray:

  • For the follow-up with the 35 who attend Utrecht University, that they would remain open through the weeks between receiving the Bible and starting school on September 1. We are praying that there will be at least five remaining fruit from this group.
  • For the follow-up with seeking ones contacted at other universities last week, that the Lord gain them as remaining fruit, and bring them to our open homes to cherish and to nourish them.


Before a visit to Malta, there was a feeling in our locality that we should pray that the Lord would give us two contacts (key persons) as an open door to distribute free copies of the NT Recovery Version.

Through internet research, we received a feeling from the Lord to contact the leader of a specific Christian group. We visited two of their meetings and met two of the leading brothers. Both received a NT Recovery Version and were very thankful. With one of them we had a longer time of fellowship, and felt that the Lord was among us. We stayed in contact with this brother. He responded after a short time, thanking us for giving him the Bible and expressing his appreciation for the footnotes. Please pray that:

  • both brothers keep reading and enjoying the NT Recovery Version and that through the footnotes they will tap into the revelation of the truth, the spiritual light, and life supply in the Word of God;
  • they will express their appreciation to fellow believers and recommend the NT Recovery Version;
  • the Lord will reveal to them the church, the one universal fellowship of the Body of Christ, for the raising up of His testimony on the Maltese Islands;
  • they will remain open for further contact with saints in His recovery.


  1. Morning revival: Week 8 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building. Next week we will begin The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will have another series of training meetings on the practice of God-ordained way. They will be in Anaheim Saturdays August 29, September 19, and November 21, plus a conference October 17. Details are at
  3. The Southern California High School Juniors and Seniors Fellowship will be September 12-13 at Oak Glen. Register as soon as possible but no later than Lord's Day August 30. The cost will be $65.00 with all meals (except for Lord's Day lunch) and lodging provided. We ask all the saints to please register through your serving ones as we do for other SCYP conferences.