Prayer, Week of July 31, 2016

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One Accord for the Increase and Spread of the Church

“I beseech you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...that you be attuned in the same mind and in the same opinion.” (1 Cor. 1:10)

“Truly I say to you that if two of you are in harmony on earth concerning any matter for which they ask, it will be done for them from My Father who is in the heavens.” (Matt. 18:19)

In order to have the increase of Christ for the increase and spread of the church, we must have the one accord; the Greek word for one accord is homothumadon from homo, “same,” and thumos, “mind, will, purpose (soul, heart)”. The one accord is the master key to every blessing in the New Testament; to apply the oneness is to keep it, and to keep it is to practice the one accord. (Memorial Day conf, msg 4, I, I.A)

Lord, enrich and strengthen our experience of one accord, and release many twos and threes to pray regularly for the increase and spread here in Los Angeles.

Summer School of Truth

LA’s Summer School of Truth concluded Saturday. We ask for your prayer this week for a strong continuation. Please pray that:

  • The Lord would continue to open the hearts of the young people;
  • They would experience the divine Spirit mingled with their human spirit in their daily life;
  • The young people would be blended and build relationships with each other;
  • All of the serving ones would continue steadfastly in one accord;

College Freshmen Orientation Times

In the weeks and months before the school year begins, every college has orientation times for new students. These orientations and the first two weeks of the school year are the best time for our Christian Students Clubs to contact new students. Please pray for many contacts, for continued communication with each one in the weeks after initial contact, and for them to be brought into participation in club activities early in the school year.

European Young People’s and Children’s Conferences

The conferences are July 29 to August 4 in Poland. The purpose is to provide an atmosphere of truth, love, blending, and enjoyment that imparts light and life, and builds up and inspires the young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord and take positive directions in their Christian walk.

Over 1200 young people, parents, and children are expected to attend. Please continue to pray for:

  • The Lord to release a timely word that will meet His present need among the young people of Europe;
  • The young people to receive a vision of the testimony of Jesus that they could give their lives to;
  • The binding of the enemy and all his distracting tactics;
  • The serving ones to be brought into the Lord’s heart for the young people.

The Lord’s Move in Germany

To continue the gospel trips that took place in Germany during the first half of 2016, a door has been opened for saints to serve in Germany for a period of one to three months. For more information, see Please pray that the Lord will burden the saints for the ongoing care of the seeking ones in Germany.

In Germany, the refugees are primarily from Syria and Iran. Those from Syria are mostly fleeing the war; a large number from Iran are Christians fleeing religious persecution. The saints have made contact with individual Iranian believers as well as groups of believers who are searching for spiritual food. We need to pray for adequate translators. We also need to pray that the Lord would have a way to quickly get more ministry books into Farsi (the language spoken in Iran) in order to feed these hungry ones.

Recent Attacks in Germany

In recent weeks, several attacks have been carried out in Germany by asylum seekers. These attacks have unsettled the Germany people and have the potential of changing the attitude of the German people toward the refugees. Please pray that the Lord as the heavenly Administrator in God’s government will maintain a favorable situation for His work in Germany and will use the recent events to open the hearts of the German people and the refugees.

Lord's Move in Vietnam and Turkey

The current LMA newsletter presents the history and current advance of the Lord in Vietnam, where there are 45 churches with about 1800 saints meeting regularly and a larger number who meet occasionally. More than 200 young people came to a three-day summer camp earlier this month. Last year the saints bought land and now are building a training center.

The newsletter also has something about the recovery in Turkey.


  1. Morning revival: Week 4 of The Increase of Christ (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. This year's Spanish Speaking Perfecting Training in Southern California will be Saturdays August 27, September 24, and November 19.
  3. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at or you may give to the church in LA, designated for UK Building Fund.

Prayer, Week of July 24, 2016

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The Increase of the Church by Ministering Life to Others

“Those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.” (Rom. 5:17)

In order to minister life to others: (1) we need adequate time with the Lord; (2) we learn to be
dealt with by the Lord; (3) we pick up a burden to care for unbelievers, young believers, and weak believers; and (4) we learn to be interested in people. (The Increase of Christ, outline 3, II.A–D)

Lord, take each of us onward in these four directions so that we may gain life to minister to all kinds of people for Your increase!


At UCLA we are contacting new students during their freshmen orientation sessions organized by the university throughout the summer. Session 104 (July 26-28) is special in that it is reserved for students participating in the FSP and CSI “head start” programs. These students will live on campus and take classes for 6 to 7 weeks, giving us a valuable opportunity for continued contact. Please pray for us to be linked strongly to many students in these two summer programs.

Summer School of Truth

LA’s Summer School of Truth (July 22 to 30) got off to a good start this past Friday. We sense a simplicity and openness among the young people and believe that it is the result of the prayers of the saints. We continue to ask for your prayer this week. Please pray that:

  • The Lord would continue to open the hearts of the young people this week;
  • They would be helped to experience the Two Spirits—the divine Spirit mingled with the human spirit—in their daily life;
  • The young people would be blended and build relationships with each other;
  • All of the serving ones would continue steadfastly in one accord;
  • The Lord would bless this Summer School of Truth and that it would become a blessing to the
    whole church!

European Young People’s Conference

The conference is July 29 to August 4 in Poland. The purpose is to provide an atmosphere of truth, love, blending, and enjoyment that imparts light and life, and builds up and inspires the young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord and take positive directions in their Christian walk. Young people from all over Europe will attend, with some also from outside Europe. Our hope is that we all would develop a sense of mutuality, and receive the spiritual energy, strength, and motivation to live for the Lord and His recovery.

Over 1,200 are expected to attend either the Senior Conference, the Junior Conference or the Parents and Children Conference which run concurrently. Please pray for:

  • The Lord to release a timely word that will meet His present need among the young people of
  • The unveiling of the young people, that they would receive a vision of the testimony of Jesus that
    they could give their lives to;
  • The binding of the enemy and all his distracting tactics;
  • The serving ones to be brought into the Lord’s heart for the young people.


We have entered a new phase in the work in Germany. The initial Gospel Trips have been completed and the extremely favorable results compel us to continue to seek workers to thrust into the harvest. Although the flood of refugees into Germany has slowed for a time, the window of opportunity for us to reach the people remains open.

Many new ones, both refugees and Germans, have been given to us. We now have over 1,000 contacts, with almost 300 having prayed to receive the Lord. If just the newly saved are added to the churches, that will be a 100% increase in Germany. It is clear that the fields in Germany “are already white for harvest” (John 4:35). Yet the workers are few.

To provide continuing care and much needed shepherding, the coworkers determined that the work should continue. Thus there is now the opportunity to participate in the shepherding phase of this labor in September, October, and November. More information is at


  1. Morning revival: Week 3 of The Increase of Christ (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. This year's Spanish Speaking Perfecting Training in Southern California will be Saturdays
    August 27, September 24, and November 19.
  3. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at or you may give to the church in LA, designated for UK Building Fund.
  4. The European Student Blending Trip is July 13 to 26. Pictures, videos, and updates are at

Prayer, Week of July 17, 2016

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Summer School of Truth

LA’s summer school of truth (July 22 to 30) needs the prayer of the entire church so that the Lord have a way to move within and among the young people for His testimony. Please pray that the Lord would prepare the hearts of the young people, that they would experience the Two Spirits—the divine Spirit mingled with the human spirit—in their daily life, and that the Lord would bless this summer school of truth which begins this Friday.

Summer College Training

The Midwest, Northeast, and Southeast college trainings are this week. More than 700 students are expected at these trainings. Please pray that:

  • The Lord would grant each one a vision of His economy;
  • The students would experience much perfecting in the exercise of the spirit and the carrying out of the God-ordained way;
  • All those serving would continue steadfastly in one accord;
  • The Lord would personally shepherd each trainee, in particular each of the newly graduated high school seniors, so that they consecrate their college years fully to the Lord.


May many saints rise up to give a little time each week to “war the good warfare” (1 Tim. 1:18) on the Internet by presenting truths of this ministry, supporting others’ presentations, or testifying their experiences of Christ. This will provide a positive flow of life and truth to water people everywhere and will help (in internet search results) to push down false information that has accumulated over the past years. For more information, contact Don Martin.

Lord, Add Believers to Yourself!

Acts 5:14, "Believers were all the more being added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women."

In recent weeks there has been much violence in the United States, in Europe, and in other places. This violence is due to "the mystery of lawlessness that is now operating" (2 Thes. 2:7). However, Christ is "Head over all things to the church" (Eph. 1:22). We cooperate to ask Him to turn the mourning and lamentations from these negative events to a hunger for His word in all the earth (Amos 8:10-11) and to add believers all the more to Himself.


A 21-minute video was shown the last day of the Summer Training. It is available at

For the continued shepherding of the seeking ones, a door will be open for the saints to serve in Europe (mainly Germany) for a period of one to three months. This service is tentatively scheduled to begin on September 1st. An application will be required. Details will be forthcoming. Please pray:

  • That the Lord will burden the saints to participate in the ongoing care of the seeking new ones in Germany and other parts of Europe.
  • For translators to be raised up and perfected to be our co-workers and for our own brothers and sisters who can translate to be able to come to Germany either by visitation or migration.

Nordic Conference

The annual Nordic Conference will be in Uppsala, Sweden on July 22 to 24, for blending fellowship in the Triune God. Following the conference, there will be a brothers’ fellowship July 24 to 25.


  1. Morning revival: Week 2 of The Increase of Christ (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. This year’s Spanish Speaking Perfecting Training in Southern California will be Saturdays August
    27, September 24, and November 19.
  3. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at
    Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at or you may give to the church, designated for UK Building Fund.
  4. The European Student Blending Trip is July 13 to 26. Pictures, videos, and updates are at

Prayer, Week of July 10, 2016

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Summer College Training

The West Coast South and Northwest College trainings are this week at Oak Glen and near Seattle, respectively. About 320 saints are at Oak Glen, and 150 in Washington. The Midwest, Southeast, and Northeast College trainings are next week. The title of the training is "The Revelation of the Mystery." Please pray for these times that:

1) the Lord would grant each one a vision of His economy;
2) the students would experience much perfecting in the exercise of the spirit and the carrying out of the God-ordained way;
3) all those serving would continue steadfastly in one accord;
4) the Lord would personally shepherd each trainee, in particular each of the newly graduated high school seniors, so that they consecrate their college years fully to the Lord.

Video Trainings

Please remember the delayed video trainings that take place in many localities after last week’s live Summer Training and simulcasts. In Los Angeles, there are video trainings taking place now at Hall 2 in English and Spanish. Pray for the saints’ hearing, receiving, and absorbing of the Lord’s speaking.

The Church in Rohnert Park, California

In May, the Church in Rohnert Park took the ground! The saints in Marin county and Sonoma county are meeting together every Lord's Day as the Church in Rohnert Park. This is the first church in North Bay (Bay Area north of San Francisco), and it is the location of Sonoma State University. We are about 20–30 total, including children.

Anti-Terrorism Law in Russia

On June 30 the upper house of Russia’s parliament approved an anti-terrorism law that places broad limitations on “missionary work,” including preaching, teaching, and engaging in any activity designed to recruit people into a religious group. Russian president Putin has not yet put the law into effect. Russian president Putin signed this law late last week, thus putting it into effect beginning later this month. [added July 11] . Please pray that the heavens will rule and keep the door of the gospel open in Russia.

UK Building Fund

Those who are burdened to give to the UK Building Fund for the purchase of the farm adjacent to Bower House in London and for the construction of new facilities at Bower House, Bower Farm, and Woodland Camp can find instructions at or you may give to the church, designated for UK Building Fund.

European Student Blending Trip

A group of 27 saints, mostly students from the UK, will blend with the churches in Belgium,
Germany, and the Netherlands July 13 to 26. Please pray for:

  • the preparation of the students' hearts and the Lord's arranging and covering of all practical details;
  • the Lord to impress the students with His Body and His move in Europe and that they will have the Lord's fresh calling to consecrate themselves to Him and for His move;
  • the sweet blending with each locality and a rich supply of grace to the churches.


  1. Morning revival: week 1 of The Increase of Christ (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The L.A. Summer School of Truth will be on the Two Spirits; the dates are July 22 to 30. Schedule and registration are at
  3. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of July 3, 2016

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Summer Training

Please remember the live training this week, July 4–9, in Anaheim, as well as the webcast and video training in many localities. Pray for the saints’ hearing, receiving, and digesting of the Lord’s up-to-date speaking, not only during the meetings but even in study sessions and dinner-time fellowships. May the Lord infuse His recovery with His burden from the book of Exodus!

College Trainings

The West Coast South and Northwest College trainings will be July 11-17 at Oak Glen and close to Seattle, respectively. We expect about 320 saints at Oak Glen, and 150 in Washington. The title of the training is “The Revelation of the Mystery.” Please pray for these times that:

1) the Lord would grant each one a vision of His economy;
2) the students would experience much perfecting in the exercise of the spirit and the carrying out of the
God-ordained way;
3) all those serving would continue steadfastly in one accord;
4) the Lord would personally shepherd each trainee, in particular each of the newly graduated high
school seniors, so that they consecrate their college years fully to the Lord.

The Church in Rohnert Park, California

Last month, the Church in Rohnert Park took the ground! The saints in Marin county and Sonoma county are meeting together every Lord's Day as the Church in Rohnert Park. This is the first church in North Bay (Bay Area north of San Francisco), and it is the location of Sonoma State University. We are about 20–30 total, including children.


Hebrews 12:26-27 speaks of the shaking of earthly things. Verse 28 says, "Therefore receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us have grace..."

On June 23 the citizens of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. This has caused political, economic, and social uncertainty in the UK and in Europe. Europe is shakable! Please pray that:

  • the heavens will continue to rule over the entire situation.
  • the uncertainties will open many to the gospel, and that all who have received will "have grace."
  • the negotiation of the UK’s exit from the EU (a two year process which will begin at an uncertain time) will be favorable to the Lord’s move in Europe.

Lyon, France

A group of saints started to meet in mid June to plan campus gospel activities for the school year which starts mid September. We are praying together and fellowshipping weekly all the details and started to translate several gospel tracts from English to French. This planning is carried out not only by the core brothers and sisters but also by some zealous students who are living and active. Through our endeavoring in one accord, we desperately hope that the Lord will add more native French to us as
remaining fruits.


  1. Morning revival: summer training verses or repeat week 36.
    Monday, July 11, we will begin The Increase of Christ (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. Summer Training—No Open Meetings: Due to a full capacity at the Ministry Conference Center, there will be no open meetings during this week's live training in Anaheim.
  3. The L.A. Summer School of Truth will be on the Two Spirits; the dates are July 22 to 30. Schedule and registration are at
  4. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of June 26, 2016

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The Increase of Christ in the Believers

“The hungry He has filled with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty.” (Luke 1:53)
The first condition for spiritual progress in a believer is hunger. All spiritual progress depends on our hunger; in order to have sustained progress before the Lord, we need a sustained hunger. God’s principle is to fill the hungry with good things and to send the rich away empty. Spiritual progress comes with a price; in order for a believer to make progress, he must pay a price. (Memorial Day, msg. 5, I.A-I.A.3)

“I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire that you may be rich, and white garments that you may be clothed and that the shame of your nakedness may not be manifested, and eyesalve to anoint your eyes that you may see.” (Rev. 3:18)

Summer Training

The Summer Training is July 4 to 9 in Anaheim as well as through webcasts and video in many localities. Ask the Lord to prepare the speaking brothers during their labor on the messages. Also ask the Lord to prepare all who have registered to attend and to be good listeners and absorbers of the word.

FTTA Graduation

One hundred nineteen will graduate from FTTA this Saturday. Please pray for their faithful going on with the Lord outside the training environment, the willingness of many to serve full time, and their blending into the church life wherever they go. Let us also ask the Lord to bring 80 brothers and 80 sisters to begin the training in August.

Southern California Chinese-speaking Gospel

Last Saturday there was a Chinese language gospel time in Arcadia. In the afternoon was a gospel truth forum, with about 750 in attendance. The panelists answered the questions in an excellent way. At the end, new ones rushed to the podium fighting to get their number to be baptized. A total of 36 were baptized after the gospel truth forum.

After dinner, the gospel meeting was given in three parts, each focusing on one word: Lost, Newness, and Look. Before each message, there were a few testimonies from the saints. After each message, there was a call for those to believe and be baptized. Every time there was a call, some responded. The meeting was full of joy and the Spirit.

Thank the Lord for his blessing on this gathering where a total of 46 were baptized, including four new ones from L.A.

European Union Referendum in UK

In the EU Referendum on June 23, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union by a narrow majority. It is a decision that requires at least two years to bring to completion. Its potential impact on the Lord’s interests could include freedom of movement (for trainings at Bower House) and visa regulations (for saints moving to Europe). Please pray for the heavens to rule over the repercussions of this referendum for the sake of the Lord’s move in Europe.


This is the last week of the seventh gospel trip. None are planned during summer. Please pray

  • For the Lord's blessing on all the homes opened by the saints in Germany for care of new believers.
  • For the new believers to be shepherded into a normal and healthy walk with the Lord.
  • That the Lord gain many key young people, university students, and young families who will be the future of the Lord's move in Germany.

Lord’s Move to Asia

The June issue of the LMA newsletter has a report from the national blending conference in Laos and some history of the recovery there. It also has a brief report of a young people's training in Myanmar.


  1. Morning revival: Week 36 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 6.
    Next week use summer training verses or repeat week 36.
    Monday, July 11, we will begin The Increase of Christ (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The L.A. Summer School of Truth will be on the Two Spirits; the dates are July 22 to 30. Schedule
    and registration are at
  3. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of June 19, 2016

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The Increase of Christ

“These all continued steadfastly with one accord in prayer.” (Acts 1:14a)
“And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord...” (Acts 2:46)
“And He is the Head of the Body, the church; He is the beginning, the Firstborn from the dead, that He Himself might have the first place in all things.” (Col. 1:18)
“And have put on the new man...where...Christ is all and in all.” (Col. 3:10-11)

In order to have the increase of Christ for the increase and spread of the church, we must have the one accord. The one accord is the master key to every blessing in the New Testament. In order to have the one accord, we need to care for one thing; the one thing, the unique thing, in the Lord’s recovery is God’s eternal economy with Christ as the centrality and universality. (Memorial Day, msg 4, I.-I.B)

If you mean business with the Lord's recovery and if you mean business with His present day, up-to- date move, you must first take care of this one thing—one accord. (Elders' Training, Book 7, ch. 1)

Summer Training

Lord, bless the brothers preparing to speak Your word in the training and work in each one of us to get us ready to receive and respond to Your word.

FTTA-Midage Graduation

This Saturday thirty-two trainees will graduate from the Middle-Age Training. Please pray for 1) the Lord's rich dispensing to all who attend the graduation, and the attraction of some to participate in the training, 2) the graduates following of the Lamb wherever He may go after graduation, 3) the current first term trainees to continue to their second term, 4) forty new trainees to begin in March, including some from L.A.

Summer School of Truth

The Summer School of Truth in L.A. is July 22-30. The subject is the Two Spirits. Please pray for the young people and shepherd them to register. In the past, we have had 50 young people participate. However, if the Lord would be gracious to us this year through our prayer, we could have as many as 65 young people. The schedule and registration information are at

Full-Time Team Reunion

The reunion of Southern California full-time campus teams, also open to students and community saints, is June 23 to 25 in Fullerton. Please pray for blending and being brought into one accord for the Lord's move on the campuses.

European Union Referendum in United Kingdom

The EU Referendum to be held on June 23 will decide if the United Kingdom remains in the European Union. It is a decision that will affect everyone and its potential impact on the Lord’s interests could include freedom of movement (for trainings at Bower House) and visa regulations (for saints moving to Europe). Please pray for heavens to rule over the outcome of the referendum for the sake of the Lord’s move in Europe.

Gospel Trip in Germany

The seventh follow-up gospel trip began Lord's Day, June 19. Four saints from L.A. and two from Thousand Oaks are participating. This will be the last trip until the fall. Please pray for a wonderful harmony within the team, the Lord's blessing on the gospel and shepherding of new believers, and much participation by the local working saints.


Please pray for the Lord's advance in Germany including:

  • a rich supply to local saints who are coordinating the trips and follow-up care;
  • translators to be raised up and perfected to be our co-workers as channels of life to the refugees;
  • brothers and sisters in the recovery who can translate to come to Germany by visitation or migration;
  • the refugees and German people who have been saved through the gospel and follow-up trips will remain with the Lord and enter into the church life to be built up with all the saints into the one new man;
  • meeting halls in Berlin and Düsseldorf in the best location and adequate to meet the ongoing need;
  • continued blessing on the distribution of the Bible and the remaining fruit through this distribution.


June 19 was the first Lord's Table of the church in Antananarivo, Madagascar, an island nation east of the main part of Africa.


  1. Morning revival: Week 35 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 6. June 27 to July 2, week 36
    Hold on to Material Offerings and the Lord's Move Today. We will use it more later this year.
  2. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of June 12, 2016

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The Increase of Christ by Ministering Life to Others

“I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

The church is altogether a matter of life, because the church is the organism of the Triune God as the Body of Christ and as the vine with the branches; our work, speaking, fellowship, service, ministry, message, Bible study, and prayer must be in the flow and imparting of life. (Memorial Day msg 3, III.B.)

“Which man of you, who has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety- nine in the wilderness and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? And when he finds it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.” (Luke 15:4-5)

In order to minister life to others and recover the dormant saints among us, we must have the loving and forgiving heart of our Father God and the shepherding and seeking spirit of our Savior Christ. (Memorial Day msg 3, V.)

Radio Listeners’ Seminar in Anaheim

Saturday, June 18 there will be a light dinner and presentation for English-speaking listeners of Life-study of the Bible on KBRT. Ask the Lord to prepare and bring many listeners who will absorb the word spoken and seek continued contact.

European Union Referendum in United Kingdom

The EU Referendum to be held on June 23 will decide if the United Kingdom remains in the
European Union. It is a decision that will affect everyone and its potential impact on the Lord’s interests could include freedom of movement (for trainings at Bower House) and visa regulations (for saints moving to Europe). Please pray for heavens to rule over the outcome of the referendum for the sake of the Lord’s move in Europe.


Last Saturday, June 11, fifteen trainees graduated from the Full-Time Training in London. Please pray that the Lord would richly bless and lead them in their future life and service; that all the trainees would continue to to be living and functioning members in the Body; and that the Lord would gain a new crop of first-term trainees from the UK and the rest of Europe.


The Lord superabundantly blessed the conference held in Thessaloniki last month (May 20–22).
Many saints came to blend with us, giving the conference the impact to encourage all our contacts and the saints from other surrounding small localities. It might be hard to imagine, but to have 70 saints in one place exercising their spirit can be a big supply to localities that are used to having only seven.

The conference coincided with the final literature distribution trip for refugees in Greece for the foreseeable future. We were blessed to have been able to participate in this move of the Lord. We received and co-labored with saints from all over the world in all kinds of difficult, unfamiliar, and new situations. We believe that much building took place in addition to all the seeds of the gospel of the kingdom that were sown among the refugees.

We are now going out weekly near the university campus to distribute the Recovery Version in English. Our prayer is that the Lord will fill our hands with English-speaking Greeks who will be reconstituted with the truths, acquire a taste for the ministry, and join themselves to the testimony of Jesus in this city.


  1. Morning revival: Week 34 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 6. June 20 to 25, week 35; June 27 to July 2, week 36
  2. The 2016 Summer Training will be July 4–9 in Anaheim. Registration for video ($80) and late registration for Anaheim ($205) are open until June 14: go to
  3. The L.A. Summer School of Truth will be on the Two Spirits; the dates are July 22 to 30. Schedule and registration are at
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland;
  5. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of June 5, 2016

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The Increase of Christ

The word of God is still growing and being multiplied for the increase of Christ:

Acts 6:7, “The word of God grew, and the number of the disciples in Jerusalem multiplied greatly.”

Acts 12:24, “The word of God grew and multiplied.”

Acts 19:20, “The word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed.”

Grew indicates that the word of God is a matter of life that grows as a seed sown into man’s heart for the increase of Christ, the growth of God, within us. Multiplied refers to the increase of Christ in numbers; the multiplication of the number of disciples depends on the growth of the word. New disciples are “added to the Lord” (Acts 5:14) to become the parts of Christ, the members of Christ. (msg 1, II.A-C)

Lord, grow in us! Lord, multiply Your number among us! Lord, increase!

Oxnard and Camarillo

Oxnard and Camarillo are cities in Ventura County. Cal State Channel Islands is in Camarillo and there is a community college in Oxnard. Many Christians there left the Catholic church looking for something real. Many, especially the young generation, have joined Pentecostal churches. But they know they need more and are looking for the true meaning of human life. They need the proper truth.

Six families and five single saints in the church life at Thousand Oaks live in Oxnard or Camarillo. Please petition the Lord to raise up lampstands in these two cities.


The recent happenings in Germany and other countries have caused an awakening in the people of Europe. Things are not as they once were. This unsettling time in Europe has caused a new openness among the Europeans.

The great and urgent need in Europe is for many, many saints—students, couples, families, even some mature saints of retirement age—to emigrate for the Lord’s interest. More homes near the European campuses are needed to reach the students, and more students are needed to reach their fellow students. More aspects of the burden for Europe, including new building projects in the UK, are in a two-page report distributed at the Memorial Day Conference, posted at

Please pray for the Lord to meet these needs and to raise up many churches throughout Europe.
Gospel Trips to Germany

The sixth follow-up trip ends this Saturday. The seventh trip begins Lord's Day, June 19. Please pray:

  • for one accord through blending prayer and fellowship that commands the Lord’s blessing;
  • for translators to be raised up and perfected to be channels of life to the refugees;
  • that our own saints who can translate will come to Germany either by visitation or migration;
  • for meeting halls in Berlin and Düsseldorf in the best location and adequate to meet the ongoing need;
  • that the Lord will continue to bless the Bible distributions and bring in remaining fruit.


Please pray that many landlords in Germany will be willing to open their apartments to migrants. The atmosphere of most camps is not favorable to our new Christians who live there with a Muslim majority. They have suffered persecution and even the children inside the camps are affected by violent behaviors. This housing issue is critical to the success of our continuous gospel work in the camps. The sooner they find apartments near the saints, the sooner they can be integrated into the church life with minimum negative impact. Then their new apartments can also be open for many more new ones to join us.

Australia and Tasmania

The National Serving Ones’ Training in Melbourne will take place from June 10 to 13. Please pray for the saints to be perfected in their service for the building of the church. Also pray for the burden of migration to Hobart, Tasmania, that at least 3 young families would respond to this burden for the spreading and strengthening of the Lord’s testimony in Tasmania.


  1. Morning revival: Week 33 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 6.
    June 13 to 18, week 34; June 20 to 25, week 35; June 27 to July 2, week 36
  2. The 2016 Summer Training will be July 4–9 in Anaheim. Registration for video ($80) and late registration for Anaheim ($205) are open until June 14.
  3. The L.A. Summer School of Truth will be on the Two Spirits; the dates are July 22 to 30. Schedule and registration are at
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland;
  5. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of May 29, 2016

[View as PDF]

Memorial Day Conference

The general subject was “The Increase of Christ for the Building Up of the Church.” The increase and spread of the church is the increase and spread of Christ, who passed through death and entered into resurrection to impart His divine life into those who believe into Him so that they could become His reproduction. Everything in the church must be in the nature of life, with the content of life, and in the imparting of life. (banners 2 and 3a)

Acts 26:17b-18 says, “I send you, to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from theauthority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.”

Acts 26:18 reveals the work that we must do today for the increase and building up of the Body of Christ; this verse unveils the all-inclusive contents of our divine commission. We need to pray over the contents of our divine commission in Acts 26:18, asking the Lord to make them our experience and reality so that we can bring others into this experience and reality. (msg 1, IV and IV.B)

Increase through the Priesthood of the Gospel in Los Angeles

In April 2016 the average attendance in Lord’s Day morning meetings in Los Angeles was 550, with about 700 believers regularly or infrequently participating in the church life in some way. Our goal is to increase the Lord’s Day attendance to 650 by April 2017. This is 18 percent growth. Let us pray for this in general and also pray for each set of companions, each group, and each district to pick up the burden to participate in this increase.

The primary way for this increase to be realized is by companions—clusters of two or three saints—praying for each other and for specific people, contacting them, fellowshipping about care for them, and visiting some of them regularly to nourish them. Lord, bring us into this companionized church life.

United States

The California primary election is June 7. This is a reminder that we should pray with the Lord for Him to exercise on earth (Matt. 6:10) the authority given Him in the heavenlies “far above all rule and authority and power and lordship and every name that is named” (Eph. 1:20-21). We are not for any particular candidate; we stand for the Lord to have His way in all the elections in the United States this year.


  1. There is a beautiful coordination and transition from one gospel trip to the next. People baptized on thistrip had been contacted on a previous gospel trip. Please pray for the one accord that commands the Lord's blessing for the remaining gospel trips (the sixth trip began Lord's Day, May 29). The gospel trips are in number of participants, but may there also be a wonderful harmony through blending prayer and fellowship.
  2. Please pray for the translators to be raised up and perfected to be our co-workers. The Lord needs thesetranslators to be channels of life to the refugees. Also pray for our own brothers and sisters who can translate to come to Germany either by visitation or migration.
  3. The Lord has answered prayers to acquire meeting halls in both Stuttgart and Frankfurt. These will be used for gospel meetings, seminars, meetings of the church, and other gospel activities. There is much need to pray for similar facilities in both Berlin and Düsseldorf. Even though there are halls in both cities, they are inadequate in size and location. Please pray for meeting halls in Berlin and Düsseldorf in the best location and adequate to meet the ongoing need.
  4. We encountered a number of German students who were very open and happy to receive a Recovery Version NT. A few also prayed with us to receive the Lord. Each time this happens, there is an almost surreal sense of disbelief, accompanied by a real praise to the Lord for what He is doing. The fields really are white
    and finding these ones should be a normal and ongoing experience in our Christian life. Please ask the Lord to continue to bless the distribution of the Bible and to bring in remaining fruit through this distribution.

Lord’s Move to Asia

The May issue of the LMA newsletter has reports from Cambodia, the family training in April and the national college training in May; Bangladesh, the construction of a training center began in January; and Pakistan, the annual blending conference on The Church as the Temple of God.



  1. Morning revival: REPEAT Week 32 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 6. June 6-11, Week 33; June 13 to 18, week 34; June 20 to 25, week 35
  2. The 2016 Summer Training will be July 4–9 in Anaheim. Registration for video ($80) and late registration for Anaheim ($205) are open until June 14.
  3. The L.A. Summer School of Truth will be on the Two Spirits; the dates are July 22 to 30. Schedule and registration are at
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland;
  5. The **Lord’s move in Germany>:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update
    Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at