Prayer, Week of November 17

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Our Need to Live a Prophesying Life

"Oh that all Jehovah's people were prophets, that Jehovah would put His Spirit upon them!" (Num. 11:29)

"For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged." (1 Cor. 14:31)

"Proclaim the word; be ready in season and out of season" (2 Tim. 4:2a)

Our God is a speaking God. God is a mystery, but this mystery has been revealed by God's speaking. God today speaks in a person [the Son], and this person has increased to be a corporate person, including all the apostles and all the members of this person's Body. The believers are all a part of the corporate Son. God is still speaking in the Son. The speaking God desires to have a speaking people.

If we are going to prophesy, we need to live a prophesying life. We need to be revived every morning. We also need to live an overcoming life every day by fellowshipping with the Lord moment by moment, by walking according to the spirit, and by speaking the word (the Lord) in season and out of season. (Crystallization-Study of Numbers, msg. 21, I., I.A, E.2-3, F; V.H, H.1, H.2)

May the Lord bring us all into such a prophesying life with daily revival, fellowship, walking in spirit, and speaking!

LA Children and Young People Service Policy Fellowship

The church in Los Angeles has adopted a new Policy for the Protection of Children and Young People which will be effective beginning January 1, 2020 in all halls and districts. We believe that one accord is the master key to receive the blessing from the Lord as we head in this direction. With this in view, there will be an important church-wide fellowship for all existing children and YP serving ones this Lord's Day, November 24 from 3:00 to 4:30 PM at Hall 5 (522 S Sepulveda Blvd, LA 90049).

Next month, district-level fellowship will take place in each hall, to which all parents and new serving ones are invited: December 15 for Halls 1, 3, 4, 5 and December 22 for Hall 2. Please reserve these dates in your schedule.

Southern California College Conference C

Last weekend, November 15 to 17, our UCLA and USC students enjoyed a wonderful conference at Oak Glen. The Lord answered many of our prayers regarding the students' hearts being open and soft, and many veils were removed. Praise the Lord!

Two students from the USC area were baptized. Also, there was only one last minute cancellation in the entire conference, which is truly an answer to prayer.

Now, let us pray that the revelation that they saw in the mountain would be wrought into them and applied during their daily life.

European University Conference

The conference, for university students, recent graduates, and young professionals, is November 22 to 24 in England. We will learn together how to advance in our experience and enjoyment of the wonderful and mysterious union we have with our awesome, all-inclusive, and all-extensive Christ as unveiled in the book of Colossians. Please pray for this.

India – Translation Work

The Indian Gospel Room was established in 1996 and is commonly known today as Amana Literature. India is a multi-language country with 22 official languages. Currently, there is a five-year schedule for the NT Recovery Version to be translated simultaneously into six Indian languages and made available by 2021. Translators are also being prepared for the Recovery Version in Hindi, which is the largest spoken language in India and the fourth most-spoken language in the world.

Please pray for this translation work. Many churches in India were raised up through the spreading of the ministry. We can testify that the people are wide open to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. May the word of God continue to run and be glorified in India!


  1. Morning Revival: Week 21 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 4.
    After Thanksgiving weekend, we will repeat Week 22.
  2. Children and YP Service Policy Fellowship: On November 24, 3:00 to 4:30 pm there will be an important fellowship for all serving ones of children and young people in LA to strengthen and upgrade our service. This will be at Hall 5 (522 S Sepulveda Blvd, LA 90049).
  3. December Semiannual Training is December 23 to 28. Registration for webcasts in LA ($105) due by December 3. No late registrations. Register at
  4. Audio of the October 20 Joint LA Meeting is available in English at

Prayer, Week of November 10

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Transferred from the Authority of Satan to the Authority of God

"To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me." (Acts 26:18)

The authority of Satan is Satan's kingdom (Matt. 12:26), which belongs to darkness. Satan is the ruler of this world (John 12:31) and the ruler of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2). He has his authority and his angels (Matt. 25:41)….Satan has his kingdom, the authority of darkness (Col. 1:13). According to [Acts] 26:18, we are transferred from the authority of Satan to God. Actually, to be transferred to God is to be transferred to the authority of God, which is God's kingdom belonging to light. (Life-Study of Acts, chap. 69, sec. 1)

Lord, keep us submissive to God's authority and upholding God's authority (II.C.2)

Southern California College Conference B

Last weekend (November 8 to 10) we had a marvelous conference. Praise the Lord. Through all the messages and fellowship the Lord was able to breakthrough many barriers. In three of the four messages emphasis was put on the heart and how to take care of our heart.

Now, let us pray that the revelation that they saw in the mountain would be wrought into them and applied during their daily life.

Southern California College Conference C

This year's fall college conferences in Southern California are split up into three sessions at Oak Glen. The general subject is "The Metaphors for the Christian Life." Last weekend, students from CSUN participated; this weekend, November 15 to 17, students from UCLA and USC will go. Please pray that:

  1. the Lord would prepare every heart this week to be the good earth for His words of life;
  2. everyone who signed up would make it to the conference safely;
  3. the enemy's activity would be bound both in the environment and in the minds of all those going so that the Lord may move and operate in an unhindered way;
  4. everyone would be more rooted in Christ and built up in Him!

Material Giving to Experience God's Riches in Glory

Outwardly, we give material gifts to the church for support of full-timers and trainees and for practical needs. Inwardly, we give to follow the Lord's leading in us and to experience His blessing.

"And my God will fill your every need according to His riches, in glory, in Christ Jesus." Since Paul considered the Philippians' material gift to him a sacrifice to God, he believed with assurance that God, who was one with him and who was his God, would richly repay the Philippians. Since the Philippians cared for God's sent one, God would care for their every need. God supplies us according to His riches, not according to our needs. His riches exceed our needs. (Phil. 4:19 + notes 1, 3, 4)

Bibles for America

BfA has reached another milestone! During the month of October, we shipped 11,199 NTs to individuals all over the US. Previously, the largest number of orders fulfilled in a single month was 7,757 in September 2015. We expect this number to keep growing as more people find out about our free offer for the NT Recovery Version.

As the orders increase, please pray for the faithful saints laboring at our distribution center in Commerce to be strengthened. Pray that the Bible packaging and mailing process would be smooth and efficient, and that more local volunteers would be able to serve. Pray also that each recipient would be poor in spirit and pure in heart as they read their new Bible.

Meeting Hall in Berlin

The church in Berlin has purchased a large property that will meet the needs of the church and support the Lord's testimony in this strategic city. The purchase price is US$5.6 million with a November 15 closing date. We believe that this property is the result of the fighting prayer in the whole Body, and that the Lord has graced many saints and churches in this financial fellowship.

Thank the Lord that through His grace and the giving of His Body, as of the end of October, all the funds needed to complete the purchase have been received in time for the final payment on November 15. May He use the acquisition of this facility to bless and build up the church in Berlin. Praise the Lord!


  1. Morning Revival: Week 20 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 4.
  2. UPDATED: Children and YP Service Policy Fellowship: On November 24, 3:00 to 4:30 pm there will be an important fellowship for all serving ones of children and young people in LA to strengthen and upgrade our service. This will be at Hall 5 (522 S Sepulveda Blvd, LA 90049).
  3. SoCal Children's Work Conference: Saturday, November 16, 9:00 am to 12:15 pm in Diamond Bar. No lunch provided. Bring FM radio for translation. Donation $10. Go to
  4. Audio of the October 20 Joint LA Meeting is available in English at
  5. December Semiannual Training is December 23 to 28. Registration for webcasts in LA ($105) due by December 3. No late registrations. Register at
  6. Reports on the Lord's Move in Germany, website in English:

Prayer, Week of November 3

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Taking Time to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ

"And you shall take possession of the land and dwell in it, for to you I have given the land to possess it." (Num. 33:53)

"As therefore you have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, having been rooted and being built up in Him..." (Col. 2:6-7a)

"I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward." (Phil. 3:14)

God's intention is to bring all His people into the good land, which typifies Christ as the goal. In the Old Testament God's people journeyed and then arrived at the goal, but in the New Testament we, the believers, having been baptized into Christ, are already in the goal. The good land today is Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit, who dwells in our spirit to be our enjoyment. To walk according to this Spirit is the central and crucial point in the New Testament.

We must take time to enjoy the Lord as the all-inclusive land so that all the elements of Christ as the rich soil may be absorbed into us for us to be made full in Him in our experience. If we would absorb the riches of Christ as the soil, we need to have tender, new roots. We should not let ourselves get old but be fresh and renewed every day. We need to forget our situation, our condition, our failures, and our weaknesses and simply take time to absorb the Lord so that we may be built up in Him for the building up of His Body, His corporate expression. (Crystallization-Study of Numbers, msg. 19, I.B-C,C.6)

SoCal College Conference B

This year's fall college conferences in Southern California are split up into three sessions. Students from CSUN, along with other universities, will participate in the second conference from November 8 to 10 at Oak Glen. The general subject is "The Metaphors for the Christian Life." Please pray:

  1. For the safe and timely arrival of the participants and the preparation of their heart before arriving.
  2. That the Lord would appear to all those who will be attending, both in their personal fellowship with Him and in the messages, so that these metaphors can have a lasting impact on their Christian life.
  3. For every student to be refreshed by releasing their spirits and touching the Lord, especially during the singing times.
  4. That the atmosphere would be full of shepherding and that the practical services needs would be met.

SoCal Children's Work Conference

The next Children's Work Conference is Saturday, November 16 in Diamond Bar. These meetings are for parents with children under 12 years of age and for the saints who are serving with the children's service. During the two sessions, we will focus on the burden and vision for the children along with some practices for the families in the homes and for the churches in raising up the next generation. Pray that all who registered will be able to attend and that all will receive the vision and burden.

The schedule is from 9:00 am to 12:15 pm. No lunch provided. Bring your FM radio if you need translation. Donation is $20. Registration deadline is November 10 at

Germany – Translators' Training

All day Saturday, November 9, there will be a translators' training for the German-speaking churches at the Frankfurt meeting hall. This is open to all who seek perfecting in translation involving German, English, Farsi, or Arabic to improve fellowship among these language groups and to strengthen the presentation of the ministry to all. About 70 saints are registered.


From October 20 to 27, around 1,000 copies of the NT Recovery Version were distributed for free at the International Book Fair in Krakow, where Bibles for Europe was an exhibitor. Furthermore, 120 recipients gave their email addresses and 11 young people called on the name of the Lord. Please pray that a genuine seeking will be stirred up in all the readers and that through continued contact a good number will be shepherded into the church life. May the Lord's Word to run and be glorified in Poland!

Central Europe

A blending conference was held from September 28 to 29 in Bratislava, Slovakia. Approximately 160 saints attended from 13 countries and 33 localities. Besides the saints from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, and Austria, there were saints from Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, and the UK. The main subject of the conference was "Living in The Reality of the Body of Christ by Keeping the Principles of the Body."

Please pray that the Lord will bring all of us into the practical living of the Body of Christ in keeping all the principles of the Body. Also pray that the Lord will bring all the churches in this region into more vitality, prophesying, and clustering for the practical expression of the Body in Europe and on the earth.

United Kingdom

Having been on Premier Christian Radio for 20 years, a new radio airtime was launched in October. In addition to the regular 8 pm broadcast, there is now a 5:30 am time slot. There is also a new initiative called "Saturdays at Bower House" to which radio listeners are invited. Please pray that this will be a great encouragement to all involved, and provide a way for those who enjoy this ministry to be brought into more fellowship and enjoyment of the Word together and to meet others from their area.

May the Lord bless this new slot, as well as the Saturday at Bower House with the saints and the new ones enjoying the ministry together.

Hong Kong

For the past several months, there has been considerable unrest and turmoil in Hong Kong. In such times, the church needs even the more to fulfill the ministry of prayer (Eph. 6:17-18). Please pray for the Lord's preserving so that the regular church meetings would not be affected.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 19 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 4.
  2. SAVE THE DATE! CYP Service Policy Fellowship: On November 24, 3:00 to 4:30 pm there will be an important fellowship for all serving ones and parents of children and young people of all languages in LA to strengthen and upgrade our service. This will be at Hall 5 (522 S Sepulveda Blvd).
  3. Audio of the October 20 Joint LA Meeting is available in English at
  4. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Houston, Texas from November 28 to December 1. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP at Childcare registration required. All information and links are at
  5. December Semiannual Training is December 23 to 28. Registration for webcasts in LA ($105) due by December 3. No late registrations. Registration for the live sessions in Anaheim is already closed. Saints in LA are invited to register and follow the payment directions at
  6. Spanish language radio broadcast: Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 pm. LA County 100.3 FM; San Fernando Valley and Ventura County 90.3 FM.

Prayer, Week of October 27

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Regenerated to Become Christ's Increase, His Bride

"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that everyone who believes into Him may have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone who believes into Him would not perish, but would have eternal life." (John 3:14-16)

"He who has the bride is the bridegroom… He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:29a-30)

"For He gives the Spirit not by measure." (John 3:34b)

John 3 reveals that regeneration is not only to bring the divine life into the believers but also to make them the corporate bride for Christ's increase. As Adam was increased in Eve, so Christ is increased in His bride. By Christ being lifted up on the cross as the bronze serpent, Satan's increase has become Christ's increase, His bride. We who were once the increase of Satan have become the increase of Christ.

All regenerated persons are components of the bride, who will be married to the Lord Jesus as the Bridegroom. Regeneration means that our serpentine being is annulled and that we receive the divine life in order to become a new being so that we may be a part of the bride. By this we can see that regeneration is for producing the bride of Christ.

The intention of John 3 is to show that the unlimited Christ must have a universal increase and that He is in the process of gaining this increase today. The immeasurable Spirit produces a universal increase for the unlimited Christ.

Our natural life and living are not part of the increase of Christ. Only the regenerated part of our being, our regenerated spirit, is Christ's increase. In a real and practical way, Christ should be our life and our person. We live Him and are one spirit with Him. We abide in Him, and He abides in us. Therefore, He and we have one life and one living—this is the serpentine people becoming the bride of Christ. When we have this kind of living, then in reality we are serpentine beings in the process of transformation into the bride of Christ, the increase of Christ. The ultimate consummation of this bride will be the New Jerusalem as the tabernacle of God and the wife of the Lamb.

May the Lord have mercy on us that we may learn to live by our regenerated being! (Crystallization-study of Numbers, msg. 18, II.C-F, III.B.2-5)

Bibles for America

The number of Bibles that BfA ships from its distribution center in Southern California has been steadily growing, with an average of 800 to 1,000 Bibles mailed per week. Two weeks ago, the volunteers at the distribution center shipped an unprecedented 1,000 Bibles in just one day! This substantial increase in Bible orders is attributed to small changes that have been made to the wording on our Facebook ads, which have increased their visibility.

Please pray for the online ads to continue to be effective, so that more and more people could receive the food which abides unto eternal life. Pray also for the volunteers at the distribution center to be strengthened, energized, and filled with joy as they prepare Bibles to be sent to God's seekers.

Ministry Digest

Issue 2 of the Ministry Digest has been published. The two specific goals of this new publication are: (1) to help the saints enter into the riches of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, and (2) to provide ministry content for the churches in their corporate weekly pursuit. Subscribe directly at Pray that this publication will help us develop a taste and deepen the desire for reading the ministry in a consistent way.

Balkans Regional Conference

This year's Balkans Regional Conference will be November 1 to 3 in Zagreb, Croatia. Please pray that the Lord will gather the saints and the Rhema contacts throughout the Balkans for fellowship and blending and will abundantly bless the saints and the churches through this conference.

United Kingdom

Please pray that the Lord will rule sovereignly over the Brexit process. May the Lord rule over the situation for His interests and for the advancement of His move in Europe!


Amana Trust will host four one-week trainings at Bower House in London this fall, beginning October 28 and November 4, 11, and 18. The overall theme will be "The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel." These training sessions will help all to receive a vision of the Lord's recovery. These times are also appropriate for new contacts and seeking ones.

Attendees will also participate in FTT London classes and other activities as well as meetings with the church in London and surrounding churches. There will be fellowship regarding our daily life, practicing the vital groups, spreading the divine truths throughout Europe, being fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and developing our function for the building up of the church in our respective localities. There will also be a special outing related to the history of the Lord's move in Europe.


An international book fair took place last week in Krakow, October 24 to 27. Approximately 70,000 visitors were expected. Bibles for Europe was an exhibitor. The saints distributed free copies of the NT Recovery Version in Polish. Please pray for the Lord's Word to run and be glorified in Poland!

Hong Kong

Over the past several months, there has been considerable unrest and turmoil in Hong Kong. In such times, the church needs even the more to fulfill the ministry of prayer (Eph. 6:17-18). Please pray:

  1. For the Lord's peace to come upon all districts of Hong Kong and every person's heart.
  2. For those in authority to have the wisdom from God in seeking a solution.
  3. For the citizens to know the Lord and receive hope from God, especially that the young people would be protected and have a heart to seek God so that they would be open to the gospel.
  4. For the Lord to cause the saints in the church to be strong in spirit and to be in one accord to preach the gospel of the kingdom.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 18 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 3.
  2. Audio of the October 20 Joint LA Meeting is available in English at
  3. SAVE THE DATE! On November 24, 3:00 to 4:30pm at Hall 5, there will be an important fellowship for serving ones and parents of children and young people to strengthen and upgrade our service.
  4. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Houston, Texas from November 28 to December 1. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by October 31. Childcare registration required. Information, including hotels, is at
  5. SoCal Children's Work Conference: Saturday, November 16, 9:00 am to 12:15 pm. No lunch provided. Bring your FM radio for translation. The location is the Church in Diamond Bar meeting hall. Donation is $20. Register by November 10 at
  6. December Semiannual Training is December 23 to 28. Registration for webcasts in LA ($105) due by December 3. No late registrations. Registration for the live sessions in Anaheim is already closed. Saints in LA are invited to register and follow the payment directions at
  7. Receive prayer and announcements by email: sign up at

Prayer, Week of October 20

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The first item below is composed from the speaking in the joint meeting of the church in LA. Let's pray ourselves into this burden. You may listen to the fellowship (in English) at

LA Joint Meeting Overflow – The Godly Family

"By faith Noah, having been divinely instructed concerning things not yet seen and being moved by pious fear, prepared an ark for the salvation of his house, through which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith." (Heb. 11:7)

"For the grace of God, bringing salvation to all men, has appeared, training us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly and righteously and godly in the present age, awaiting the blessed hope, even the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all lawlessness and purify to Himself a particular people as His unique possession, zealous of good works." (Titus 2:11-14)

Noah brought salvation to his whole family by living a godly life in the midst of an evil age. To live a godly life means to live a life that is of God, for God, in God, and like God. To live such a life requires us to make a decision—a deep resolution. We all need to make this resolution and declare it in prayer.

Noah was able to live in a godly manner because he found grace in the eyes of God (Gen. 6:8). Today, we can all come forward boldly to the throne of grace in our spirit to receive mercy and find grace for timely help (Heb. 4:16). Then, we must learn to hope in the appearing of the Lord Jesus rather than in anything of this world (Titus 2:13). In this way, we can live a godly life.

Moreover, this godly life is not primarily for us alone; rather, it is for our family and for God's family. We may obtain eternal life as individuals, but in many ways we gain practical, daily salvation by household. When we have this kind of godly life, we bring salvation to our entire household. This matter of the household is intrinsically and deeply related to working out God's economy. If we truly see this, it will have a revolutionary effect on our life and church life.

Noah lived in a wicked age, but by living a godly life, he saved his entire household and turned the age to enable God's purpose to be fulfilled. May we all make this resolution to live a godly life for our family and for God's family to fulfill His purpose!

"But as for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah." (Josh. 24:15b)

LA Chinese-Speaking Blending Retreat

This weekend, October 25 to 27, Chinese-speaking saints from LA will go to Oak Glen for their biannual blending retreat. Saints from Thousand Oaks and some other Southern California localities will also participate. So far there are close to 110 people registered, including children. Please pray:

  1. For a good time of blending among the saints.
  2. That all the saints would see the vision of the Lord's recovery and consecrate themselves for this.
  3. That all would cultivate a daily living of eating Christ and flowing out Christ.

Bibles for America

In August, BfA started advertising free copies of the Spanish NT Recovery Version on Facebook. Since then, the number of online orders for Spanish Bibles has increased significantly. In July, we sent out 141 copies; in September, we mailed out 1,142 copies! We have received many encouraging comments.

Please pray that more Spanish-speaking people would see this ad on Facebook, order a free NT, and share this offer with their friends. Pray also that the Lord would cause those who have already received a copy to read it and grow spiritually by being nourished with the truth.

December Semiannual Training Registration

This Lord's Day, October 27 is the firm deadline to complete registrations for the December Semiannual Training (December 23 to 28) at This deadline applies to saints from LA who wish to attend the live sessions in Anaheim ($205); those who plan to attend simulcast sessions in LA or Santa Clarita may register until December 3 ($105). Late registrations will not be accepted. May the Lord motivate and release many saints to attend!

United Kingdom

Please continue to pray that the Lord will rule sovereignly over the exit of the UK from the European Union (Brexit). May the Lord rule over the situation for His interests and for the advancement of His move in Europe!

Hong Kong

For the past several months, there has been considerable unrest and turmoil in Hong Kong. In such times, the church needs even the more to fulfill the ministry of prayer (Eph. 6:17-18). May the Lord direct our hearts with the vision of His eternal economy so that our hearts would not be disturbed but rather be established, that we would consider one another so as to incite one another to love and good works, not abandoning our own assembling together (Heb. 10:24-25a), and that we would live in the church life together for the building up of the Body of Christ to accomplish God's economy.


India has a population of over 1.3 billion people. Of the 185 established local churches, 141 are in the south, 28 in the northeast, and 16 in the north. This means that approximately 75% of the churches are in the south; however, the majority of the Indian population lives in the northern regions.

Please pray for the propagation of the resurrected and ascended Christ in Northern India. This is a move of the entire Body, so the prayer of Body is needed. May the gospel of the kingdom be preached to the more than 800 million people in Northern India!


Pray for the release of the Burmese Holy Bible Recovery Version app on October 22 in Google Play Store which is available to all people in Myanmar for free. May the word of God overflow and gain more Burmese by this Bible app!


  1. Morning Revival: REPEAT Week 17 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 3.
  2. Audio of the October 20 Joint LA Meeting is available in English at
  3. SAVE THE DATE! On November 24, 3:00 to 4:30pm at Hall 5, there will be an important fellowship for serving ones and parents of children and young people to strengthen and upgrade our service.
  4. December Semiannual Training is December 23 to 28. Registration is open until October 27 for the live sessions in Anaheim ($205) and December 3 for webcasts in LA ($105). No late registrations. Saints in LA are invited to register at and follow the payment directions.
  5. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Houston, Texas from November 28 to December 1. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by October 31. Childcare registration required. Information, including hotels, is at
  6. Reports on the Lord's Move in Germany, website in English:

Prayer, Week of October 13

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The Water for Impurity

"...Tell the children of Israel to bring you a red heifer without defect, in which is no blemish and upon which a yoke has never come." (Num. 19:2)

The heifer, the principal component of the water for impurity, signifies the redeeming Christ. The color red signifies the likeness of the flesh of sin, which is for the bearing of man's sin outwardly. The heifer being without defect signifies that although Christ was in the likeness of the flesh of sin, He did not have the sinful nature. That the heifer was without blemish indicates that Christ was perfect. The heifer having never been under a yoke signifies that Christ was never used by anyone, especially by or for God's enemy, Satan. (Footnote 1 on v. 2)

"And a man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and place them outside the camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept for the assembly of the children of Israel as water for impurity; it is a sin offering." (Num. 19:9)

Ashes signify Christ reduced to nothing. These ashes were kept for the water for impurity; it was a purification of sin, or a sin offering.

The impurity in this chapter does not refer to sin but to death. Death issues from sin, and sin is the root of death. From the sin of rebellion, death became prevailing among the children of Israel. Thus, there was the need for the water for impurity. Only the working of Christ's redemption, through His dignified and humbled humanity, with His death and the Spirit of His resurrection, could heal and cleanse the situation from the uncleanness of death. (Footnotes 1 and 2 on v. 9)

Joint LA Meeting

The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together on Lord's Day, October 20 at 10:00 am at Hall 2 (8655 Haskell Ave). Brother Minoru Chen will be joining us for some special fellowship. After the meeting, we will stay to eat lunch together.

Please pray for a strong and healthy attendance of all the saints in Los Angeles. Pray for a rich time of blending among all the saints—across all the languages, ages, districts, and halls—for the Lord to gain His shining testimony and expression in Los Angeles. Also pray that there will be much blending through the exercise and release of the spirit in our gathering with the flow of life being prevailing to refresh and water all the saints.

Southern California Senior High Conferences

The Fall 2019 High School Conferences will be October 18 to 20. The sisters will be in Irvine and the brothers in Huntington Beach. Please pray that the high school young people would come to know the God who hides Himself (Isa. 45:15), and learn that in the midst of the challenges in their daily life, He is caring for them. Pray also that they would learn how to cultivate a hidden root life with the Lord. Lastly, pray they would be encouraged by and blended with other young people across Southern California.

National Campus and YP Serving Saints Fellowship

From October 15 to 17, about 150 brothers serving on college campuses and with young people across the United States will be gathered together in Charlotte, North Carolina for some important fellowship. We are seeking the Lord together for how to go on in the labor with the next generation in a more blended and coordinated way. Please pray that:

  1. The Lord would accomplish a solid blending work among all those gathered during this time.
  2. We would make significant advance in the way to care for young people And college students, including bearing much fruit in these age categories.
  3. We would have the wisdom in caring for all those serving with the next generation and have the clear direction under which we all can labor to release the lords blessing in an unprecedented way!

Germany – Frankfurt Book Fair

The annual Frankfurt Book Fair is the world's largest trade fair for books. Last year approximately 285,000 visitors attended, 70% from Germany. This year it is October 16 to 20. Bibles for Europe and Lebensstrom (LSM Germany) will co-sponsor a booth. They will have free Recovery Version NTs in multiple languages and German ministry books for sale. There will also be NT distributions outside the conference center.

"Pray concerning us, that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified." (2 Thes. 3:1) And pray for the present reality of Acts 13:49, "The word of the Lord was carried through the whole region" of Germany, Europe, and the earth.

From the church in Frankfurt: we have a burden to gain local German people for the church life. Therefore, we included a small card with each NT to allow people to contact us if they would like to have a Bible study. May the Lord provide some sons of peace to contact us for fellowship.

European Brothers Training and Blending Conference

The European Brothers Training will be October 15 to 17 in the Netherlands. This is a three-day digestion of ITERO with viewing of three messages plus small study groups each day. There will also be times of fellowship about the Lord's move in Europe. Following this training is the International Blending Conference for all saints in Europe, October 18 to 20.

Lord, bless both of these times with Your rich presence and clear speaking, and anoint much fellowship and blending among all who attend!

Southern Africa

October 18 to 20 in Pretoria, South Africa, is a Southern Africa Training for Elders and Responsible Ones. This will spread the messages from the October 3 to 5 ITERO to many in Southern Africa who could not go to India.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 17 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 3. Next week, we will REPEAT Week 17 after the Joint LA Meeting.
  2. December Semiannual Training is December 23 to 28. Registration is open until October 27 for the live sessions in Anaheim ($205) and December 3 for webcasts in LA ($105). No late registrations. Saints in LA are invited to register at and follow the payment directions.
  3. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Houston, Texas from November 28 to December 1. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by October 31. Childcare registration required. Information, including hotels, is at
  4. Spanish language radio broadcast: Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 pm. LA County 100.3 FM; San Fernando Valley and Ventura County 90.3 FM.

Prayer, Week of October 6

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Digging the Well to Allow the Spirit to Flow Freely within Us

"Then Israel sang this song: Spring up, O well! Sing to it! The well, which the leaders sank, which the nobles of the people dug, with the scepter, with their staffs…" (Num. 21:17-18)

"Because of this I also exercise myself to always have a conscience without offense toward God and men." (Acts 24:16)

The digging of the well signifies the digging away of the "dirt," the barriers in our heart—our conscience, our mind, our will, and our emotion—so that the Spirit as the living water may spring up within us and flow freely. We need to go to the Lord to be "dug out" for the free flow of the living water within us. There is much "dirt" within us that needs to be dug out.

We must forget about our needs, our jobs, our future, and our circumstances. We must seek only the Lord's presence and ask Him to bring us into His light. Then we can follow His light to dig away the dirt in our heart, conscience, mind, will, and emotion.

This digging is accomplished only by prayer in our private time with the Lord. We have to spend more time with the Lord and pray according to His inner leading. The more we dig away the dirt, the more living, strengthened, and victorious we will be as the living water flows freely within us to cause us to grow in life for the building up of the Body of Christ. (Crystallization-Study of Numbers, msg. 16, III.A-B,B.6-8)

ITERO Follow-up

The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones concluded this past weekend in Bangalore, India with blending meetings in three cities on the Lord's Day. Almost 1100 brothers from all over the world gathered for this training. The general subject was "The One New Man Fulfilling God's Purpose in Creating Man." The brothers were deeply impressed that now is the golden time for the one new man to be brought forth for the fulfillment of God's eternal purpose. For this to happen in reality and practicality, we all need to take Christ as our person and be renewed in the spirit of our mind.

Please pray for the prayer needed for the reality and practicality of the one new man. Pray for the dissemination and digestion of these messages in all the churches. Also pray for all the saints traveling, as many saints are now participating in blending trips in India.

Southern California Junior High Conferences

The Fall 2019 Junior High Conferences will be October 11 to 13. The sisters will be in Fullerton and the brothers in Diamond Bar. Please pray for our junior high students to be impressed with the precious blood of Christ (1 Pet. 1:19), and learn how to practically apply the blood to enjoy the Lord in their daily lives. Pray also that they would be encouraged by and blended with other young people across Southern California.

Los Angeles Campuses

The Fall is always one of the busiest times of the year for contacting people on the college campuses. The burden for the Lord to gain some young vessels that would be useful to Him is still strong, and much prayer, coordination, and labor is needed to carry it out. Please continue to join us in the labor on the campuses by your prayer in the following directions:

  1. That the Lord would continue to supply the laboring ones on the campuses, including the students themselves.
  2. For the strategic person-by-person follow-up with all of the new students that have signed up with us, including connecting many of them with companions among us.
  3. That many students would be released to attend the upcoming college conferences in November and see a vision of Christ and the church!

Iberian Peninsula Conference

This year's Iberian Peninsula Conference will be held from December 13 to 15 in Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain. Last year 374 adults plus 35 children—representing 18 countries—attended the wonderful time of blending. The firm deadline for registration is October 7. All the information can be found at the following links: (English) (Spanish)

You are warmly invited to participate. Please pray that the Lord will enable many to come and for the Lord to abundantly bless this time for His move in the Iberian Peninsula.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 16 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 3 (July Semiannual Training).
  2. Joint LA Meeting: The whole church in LA will meet together on Lord's Day, October 20, 10 am at LA Hall 2. Adults will meet in the main room. All junior high YP plus senior high YP and serving saints not at the HS conferences will have their own meeting. We will eat lunch together afterwards.
  3. December Semiannual Training is December 23 to 28. Registration is open until October 27 for the live sessions in Anaheim ($205) and December 3 for webcasts in LA ($105). No late registrations. Saints in LA are invited to register at and follow payment directions.
  4. Thanksgiving Conference will be in Houston, Texas from November 28 to December 1. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by October 31. Childcare registration required. Information, including hotels, is at
  5. Reports on the Lord's Move in Germany, website in English:

Prayer, Week of September 29

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Being Reconstituted with Christ to Become God's Dwelling Place

"As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me." (John 6:57)

"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life." (John 6:63)

God wants to change our diet to a diet of Christ as the real manna sent by God the Father for God's chosen people to be reconstituted with Christ and to live because of Christ to become God's dwelling place.

By feeding on manna, God's people eventually became manna. Our constitution must be rearranged through the eating of Christ so that the church as the dwelling place of God may be built up. May the Lord change our diet so that we may be reconstituted with Christ and become God's dwelling place. (Crystallization-Study of Numbers, msg. 15, III.G)

ITERO in India

The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) takes place this week from October 3 to 5 in Bangalore, India. Many saints will participate in blending trips afterwards. Please pray for all the preparations, that the Lord can head up all the arrangements for the rich release of His up-to-date speaking without any hindrance. Also pray for the smooth entry of the overseas saints and the health, food and transportation of all the saints.

Lord, may Your recovery advance in India and throughout the whole earth!

December Semiannual Training Registration

Registration is now open for the next semiannual training, which will be from December 23 to 28 in Anaheim and by local webcasts. The registration deadline is October 27 for the live training ($205) and December 3 for the video training ($105). Late registrations will not be accepted. Saints in LA are invited to register at May the Lord motivate and release many saints to attend!

Los Angeles Intercollegiate Gathering

This Saturday, October 5, our students from UCLA, CSUN and USC will gather together for a day of activities, blending and fellowship. Please pray that:

  1. The Lord will motivate and release many students across Los Angeles to be blended together.
  2. All the new ones will feel welcomed and connected and built in a little more.
  3. Each student would receive the Lord's personal speaking and be strengthened and supplied in Him.

Parents and YP Serving Ones Fellowship

The next special fellowship for Southern California parents and young people's serving ones will take place this Saturday, October 5 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM at the church in Anaheim district 3 meeting hall (2528 W La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801). Lunch will not be provided. A $5 donation is suggested upon arrival to cover the cost of materials and snack. Translation into Spanish, Korean, and Chinese will be provided. Register before September 29 at May the Lord bless this time!

BfA Tour in Northern and Central California

Bibles for America staff members joined local volunteers for a distribution tour in Northern and Central California earlier this month. BfA tables were set up at colleges and other locations. At every venue, people of all ages were happy to receive the gift of God's Word. We gave away 323 Bibles, 244 ministry books, and around 1,130 gospel tracts. Many also signed up to be contacted by the local BfA volunteers.

Please pray that each recipient would read the materials with a hungry heart and an open mind. Pray also for the follow-up with those who requested one-on-one Bible studies with the local volunteers.

Germany – Meeting Hall in Berlin

The church in Berlin has purchased a large property and villa that will meet the needs of the church and support the Lord's testimony in this strategic city. The purchase price is US$5.6 million; there is a shortage of US$2.46 million. The closing date is November 15.

We believe this property is the result of the fighting prayer in the whole Body. We pray that the Lord will grace many in this financial fellowship. Contributions designated 'Berlin Meeting Hall' may be given to the church in Los Angeles or at (click on Offerings for various ways to give).

The complete letter from Berlin with photos is at


Please pray for the Electronic Version of the Holy Bible Recovery Version in Burmese to come out in October. Also pray for the Full-time Training in Yangon, which currently has 68 brothers and 34 sisters attending, that these ones would be fully gained and perfected by the Lord for His economy.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 15 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 3 (July Semiannual Training).
  2. Joint LA Meeting: The whole church in LA will meet together on Lord's Day, October 20, 10 am at Hall 2. Adults will meet in the main room. All junior high YP plus senior high YP and serving saints not at the HS conferences will have their own meeting. We will eat lunch together after the meeting.
  3. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Houston, Texas from November 28 to December 1. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by October 31. Childcare registration required. Information, including hotels, is at
  4. Receive prayer and announcements by email: sign up at

Prayer, Week of September 22

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Growth to Maturity is Needed and Attainable

"He Himself gave some…for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." (Eph. 4:11-13)

The intercession offered at the incense altar is for the growth and maturity of the believers so that an army can be formed. The more we pray at the incense altar, the more we will realize that the need for maturity is desperate, and the greater will be the urgency to pray for the growth in life unto maturity.

Only when such an army is formed will God be able to move on earth for His purpose. Crystallization-Study of Numbers, week 14, V.B-V.B.2

O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me, And all things else recede. Make this poor self grow less and less, Be Thou my life and aim. Hymn 395, v. 1, 5

Los Angeles

The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together LD, October 20 at hall 2, starting at 10 am. Ask the Lord to o\pour out His grace and wisdom for all the preparations.

Raising up and Shepherding the Next Generation

"This charge I commit to you, my child Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you might war the good warfare." (1 Tim. 1:18)

The Lord surely loves and cares for our children and young people, and His good intention for them is that they would become the next generation in His move. Throughout history He has depended on the faithful labor of His saints to raise up the next generation, mainly their own children, for the continuation of His divine economy on the earth.

The lessons learned by the first generation [among Israel in the wilderness] surely became part of the heritage passed on to the second generation....This speaking was part of the raising up, or the building up, of the second generation….God was able to prepare from the second generation more than six hundred thousand men with a rich inheritance and strong background who were qualified to be formed into an army to fight with Him and for Him. (WL, LS of Numbers, chap. 52, sec. 1)

Lord, release the entire spiritual heritage, both enjoyment and suffering, of our older generation for the shepherding and raising up of our next generation.

Germany & Switzerland – Conference for Young Adults

This conference will be September 27 to 29 at the Gut Elim Blending Center, the largest event to date at this location. About 200 young adults—students and working—will meet and stay overnight here. The general subject is "The Growth in Life, the Experience of Life, and Living a Normal Christian Life."

The main burden is to lead our young generation into the step-by-step process of having normal and proper dealings with the Lord to remove all obstacles and hindrances to our growth in the Lord's life and our being perfected as members of His Body. May this conference truly lead our young adults into higher, richer, and deeper experiences and bring them to a higher level!

Central Europe

From September 28 to 29, there will be a blending conference in Bratislava, Slovakia for saints in Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, and Serbia, as well as any others who wish to join. Please pray for the strengthening and spread of the Lord's testimony in this region. May the Lord bless this gathering for His further move in Central Europe and the whole earth.

United Kingdom

The UK's departure from the European Union (Brexit) is scheduled for October 31. Plans for this have caused considerable turmoil in the government and among the people. May the Lord sovereignly rule over the Brexit situation for His interests and for the advancement of His move in Europe.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 14 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 3 (July Semiannual Training).
  2. SoCal Parents and YP Serving Ones' Fellowship: October 5 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm in Anaheim. Lunch not provided; $5 donation suggested. Register by September 29 at
  3. Joint LA Meeting: The whole church in LA will meet together on Lord's Day, October 20, 10 am at LA Hall 2. Adults will meet in the main room. All junior high YP plus senior high YP and serving saints not at the HS conferences will have their own meeting.
  4. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Houston, Texas from November 28 to December 1. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by October 31. Childcare registration required. Information, including hotels, is at
  5. Spanish language radio broadcast: Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 pm. LA County 100.3 FM; San Fernando Valley and Ventura County 90.3 FM.

Prayer, Week of September 15

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Christ Becoming our Everything

"Grace and reality came through Jesus Christ." (John 1:17b)

"Put on the new man, which was created according to God in righteousness and holiness of the reality." "Where…Christ is all and in all." (Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:11)

The central thought of Numbers is that Christ is the meaning of life, the testimony, the center of God's people, and the Leader, the way, and the goal of their journey and fighting. During the forty years in the wilderness, the two million Israelites were busy with one thing—the ark of God's testimony (Num. 7:89). The ark of the testimony was the center of the tabernacle, which was called the tabernacle of the testimony (1:50, 53). The ark with the tabernacle was the meaning of their life. WL, LS of Numbers, chap. 1, sec. 3.

Lord, bring us more to Yourself as our center, our testimony, our living, our goal, and our everything!

SoCal YP Conferences

Praise the Lord for the upcoming Young People's Conferences this fall, which will be held in different localities. We encourage all the parents, serving ones, and college students to pray for the openness of our young people to the Lord and His speaking. As we enter into this conference season, our prayer is that the young people would develop a heart that is according to God, by His making more of His home in their heart through faith (Eph. 3:17) and that, as David did, they learn to serve their generation by their counsel of God (Acts 13:36).

The dates, locations, and sign up deadlines for the conferences are:

  • JH Sisters, October 11 to 13, Fullerton. Deadline to register: September 29
  • JH Brothers, October 11 to 13, Diamond Bar. Deadline to register: September 29
  • HS Sisters, October 18 to 20, Irvine. Deadline to register: October 6.
  • HS Brothers, October 18 to 20, Huntington Beach. Deadline to register: October 6.

Middle America

At the end of the July semiannual training, there was a special announcement concerning a growing burden to gain more people in Middle America, which includes the Heartland, the Bible Belt, the Midwest, the Mid-Atlantic, and the Mountain States. From 2020 to 2021, the focus will be on ten cities:

  1. Richmond, Virginia
  2. Charlotte, North Carolina
  3. Columbia, South Carolina
  4. Memphis, Tennessee
  5. St. Louis, Missouri
  6. Orlando, Florida
  7. Cincinnati, Ohio
  8. Minneapolis, Minnesota
  9. Lexington, Kentucky
  10. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The call is for 300 saints to migrate, including 30 full-timers. Some of these cities already have churches, but need a campus team; others need strengthening. There will be a pre-migration training.

Please pray strongly over the next six months for the Lord's will and the Lord's way to be made known regarding this burden. Pray that by the December Semiannual Training, there will be more clarity concerning the direction. Pray for the Lord to move in and through the members of His Body.

The Church in Bielefeld, Germany

The first Lord's table meeting of the church in Bielefeld will be September 22. Pray for the beginning of a strong testimony of the Lord's move in this city. Pray also for the saints to be in one accord for His propagation and for the furtherance of the campus work at Bielefeld University.

We are so thankful for your prayers over the past year. Praise the Lord for the coordination and fellowship in the Body. Praise the Lord that He is gaining another golden lampstand in Germany!

Paris, France

We praise the Lord for His shepherding of the saints in Europe through the two yearly Chinese-speaking conferences in London and Paris. The autumn conference will take place September 20 to 22 in Paris. We hope that many saints from Europe, especially Chinese-speaking saints, can join this feast!

The Lord is moving quickly in Europe, and He needs the reality of the one new man. The Chinese-speaking conference is not only for the benefit of the Chinese-speaking saints but more so for the building up of His entire Body. Translation in English and French will be available during the conference so that all the saints can enjoy the fresh speaking of the Lord to His Body.


Please continue to pray for all the preparation for the upcoming ITERO in Bangalore (October 3 to 5), that the Lord can head up all the arrangements for the release of His speaking.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 13 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 3 (July Semiannual Training).
  2. SoCal Parents and YP Serving Ones' Fellowship: Saturday, October 5 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm in Anaheim. Lunch not provided; $5 donation suggested. Register by September 29 at
  3. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Houston, Texas from November 28 to December 1. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by October 31. Childcare registration required. Information, including hotels, is at
  4. Receive prayer and announcements by email: sign up at