Prayer, Week of December 17

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Christ is Everything for God's Redeemed

The worship portrayed in Leviticus is a matter of contacting God by enjoying Christ as the common portion with God and with one another. The issue of enjoying Christ with God is the holy living of God's people. Leviticus ends with God's aspiration that we vow to devote ourselves to Him. God has done everything for us and now He needs us to enjoy Him. (Lev. 1:1, note 1; 27:30, note 1)

The winter training will be on Christ as everything for our fellowship with God through Christ as all the offerings. Let us vow to devote ourselves to Him to enjoy Him during this training and ask Him to arrange everything to maximize this enjoyment in Anaheim, in the video trainings, and throughout the recovery.

FTTA Graduation

The FTTA graduation will be this Saturday, December 23. Please pray that each of the 48 graduates will follow the Lamb wherever He goes, that all current trainees will be supplied to continue, and that the Lord will bring at least 60 new trainees including 30 brothers to the spring term beginning in February.

European Winter School of Truth (WST)

From December 26 to 31, the WST will take place simultaneously in the UK, Netherlands, and Spain. The subject will be “The Two Spirits.” Please pray that through these times of concentrated care and infusion, the Lord will gain a group of young people in Europe who are constituted with the truth.


Some cities and universities have had very positive responses to the October Bible distributions, and over 20 cities have the potential for new churches to be established in 2018. Please ask the Lord:

  • to work in the hearts of all the Bible recipients;
  • to continue to richly supply the saints to follow up with all the open, seeking recipients;
  • to supply sufficient saints for each city, including those who know the German language and those who have experience in a solid church life;
  • for the gaining of German students and young German working professionals.

National College Training in India

This training is December 23 to 26. Our goal is to have 500 attend. By late November there were 508 registered (last year was 359), and this is very encouraging! Our prayer is that many would have a desire to go to FTT New Delhi. Our hope is that 20 would join FTT New Delhi next term. Currently, there are 44 trainees.


  1. Morning revival: Week 24 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 4.
    After the winter training we will use Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today for two weeks; if you do not have a copy, please order one. After that we will use The Recovery of the Church.
  2. The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in Los Angeles. Late registrations for the webcasts ($130) may still be submitted until December 19. Sign up at and give payment to your district’s registration coordinator.
  3. The Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference will be January 12 to 14, at the MCC in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish. At the same time, a Southern California Young People’s Blending Conference will take place in the MCC’s cafeteria. Full details are posted at
  4. Information about Germany and Europe: see December 10 prayer (“Older Entries” near bottom of

Prayer, Week of December 10

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The Riches of Christ

"To me... was this grace given to announce to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel... in order that now... the multifarious wisdom of God might be made known through the church." "Holding the Head, out from whom all the Body, being richly supplied and knit together... grows with the growth of God." (Eph. 3:8, 10; Col. 2:19)

When God's chosen people partake of and enjoy the riches of Christ, they are constituted with those riches to be the church, God's habitation and kingdom on earth, through which God's multifarious wisdom is made known; hence, the church is the wise exhibition of all that Christ is. (Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, week 23, I.A, I.E)

The Shaking of Southern California

"For thus says Jehovah of hosts, Yet once more - it is but a little while - I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land" (Hag. 2:6).

There were many brush fires, large and small, in Southern California in the past week, with the consequences of actual and potential evacuations, highway and school closures, poor air quality, power outages, and destroyed buildings. May this "shaking" open more people to receive the gospel and stir us to speak the gospel in more places at more times.

Chinese-Speaking Gospel Meeting

On Saturday, December 16 there will be a Southern California Chinese-Speaking gospel meeting in Arcadia.

FTTA-MA Graduation

The graduation of the Middle-Age FTTA will be this Saturday, December 16. Pray that each of the 35 graduates will be headed up by the Head for their future church life and service.

Pray also that the Lord will bring at least 40 new trainees, especially many from North America, to the spring term, which starts in March.

North America

In January and February, trainees from FTTA will join local saints in 16 cities in the U.S. and 6 in Canada to preach the gospel and minister Christ to people for the Lord's spread in North America.

Please pray for the many preparations still to be made, including team formation, travel arrangements, coordination with local saints, and the securing of venues for distributing free Bibles and books.


In October almost 500 saints participated in Bible distributions in over 60 cities and on more than 50 university campuses. Some of these cities and universities have had very positive responses and there are still hundreds of recipients wanting contact.

The cities with potential for raising up of churches in 2018 are shown on the following map. Among these, only Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart currently have churches. Small numbers of saints are in many of the other cities. Please ask the Lord to supply sufficient saints for each city, including those who know the German language and some who have experience in a solid church life.

UK Building Project (London)

There is an urgent need to construct facilities in London for the training of the saints in Europe in the truth and the practice of the church life. For information regarding this burden, see UK Building Project at Instructions for giving can be found at or give to the church in L.A. In either case, designate offerings for "UK Building Project."


  1. Morning revival: Week 23 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 4.
    After the winter training we will use Material Offerings and the Lord's Move Today; if you do not have a copy, please order one.
  2. The International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be February 16 to 18 in Taipei. Those who wish to attend must register and pay $100 for the conference, which includes hospitality if you need it; organized church visitations trips are also available at an additional cost of $150. Saints from Los Angeles must register by Lord's Day, December 17 at and give their payment (cash or check only, designated "2018 ICSC") to their district's registration coordinator. Contact Lampstand Lee <> 310-210-5699 for encouragement and guidance to participate.
  3. The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in Los Angeles. Late registrations for the webcasts ($130) may still be submitted until December 19. Sign up at and give payment to your district's registration coordinator.
  4. The Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference will be January 12 to 14, in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish. At the same time, a Southern California Young People's Blending Conference will take place in the MCC's cafeteria. Full details are posted at
  5. Information about Germany and Europe:

Prayer, Week of December 3

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Being Measured by the Lord

"When the man went out to the east with the line in His hand, He measured a thousand cubits; and He led me through the water, water that was to the ankles. Then He measured a thousand cubits and led me through the water, water that was to the knees. Then He measured a thousand cubits and led me through the water, water that was to the loins. Then He measured a thousand cubits, and it was a river that I could not pass through; for the water had risen, enough water to swim in, a river that could not be crossed." (Ezek. 47:3-5)

"He who believes into Me, as the Scripture said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." (John 7:38)

The main point for us in Ezekiel 47 is that we all need to be willing to be measured. There is no need for us to struggle, to strive, or to exercise our effort to do anything. The only need is… to be willing to be measured again and again and again and again. We need to tell the Lord, "Lord, I am willing to be measured." Then the flow will eventually become a river. If the saints in a local church are willing to be measured again and again and again and again, four times to one hundred percent, there will be a river to water the parched desert, to heal the dead sea, to grow the trees and produce the fish, and to produce the kids and the calves. What we need is to be measured for the Lord's move. We need to be tested, examined, taken over, and possessed by the Lord. (CWWL, 1969, vol. 2, "The Crucial Revelation of Life in the Scriptures," pp. 436-437)

Oak Glen

The Southern California churches took possession of Oak Glen at the end of 2015. After the down payment, the plan was to pay the remaining balance of the purchase price by the end of 2017. Later, this was extended to the end of 2018 to reduce the size of the payments. As of late November, contributions are about $900,000 short of the planned December 31 payment.

"We make known to you, brothers, the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia, that in much proving of affliction the abundance of their joy and the depth of their poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality" (2 Cor. 8:1b-2). Lord, grant us the same grace experienced in Macedonia!

Gospel in El Monte

The church in El Monte has prayed two months for local gospel outreach. This week they begin door-knocking. They will go out in teams of three saints—one English-speaking, one Spanish-speaking, and one Chinese-speaking. Lord, bear remaining fruit in El Monte!

Winter Training

The upcoming winter training will cover the first seven chapters of Leviticus. Those who wish to prepare for this time may find it helpful to read messages 1 to 27 of the Life-study of Leviticus.

Lyon, France

In our last report, we thanked the Lord for keeping the door open for our Bible study on the campus of La Doua. The Lord is now adding new contacts to our meetings. For the past few weeks, seven new contacts came—all Christians who are seeking. One French brother had seen our poster last year and taken a photo of it with the intention to join; however, he was not available until this month. He is now willing to represent us to keep the club going. How marvelous that the Lord has prepared this one! Please pray for Lord's advance on this campus and for bringing local saints into the church life.

FTTL Graduation

This Saturday, December 9 will be the graduation meeting for the Full-Time Training in London at Bower House. Please pray that the Lord would bless the 13 graduating trainees in their future life and service, that they may continue to be living and functioning members in the Body. At the same time, pray for the Lord to bring many new trainees from across Europe for next term.


The September to November newsletter of the churches in India is at The churches ask that we pray for:

  • their strengthening through the ministry, the experience of life, and establishing of the practice of the God-ordained way;
  • spreading into more cities in India, especially in the heavily populated northern part;
  • propagation among the college campuses;
  • perfecting of the 44 trainees in the FTT New Delhi to be the useful vessels for the Lord.


From December 8 to 10 there will be a Winter Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


The 2017 Lord's Move in Asia Conference was held in South Korea, October 24 to 26, with the general subject, "The Building Up of the Body of Christ with its Organic Practice." Saints from 23 countries participated in this glorious gathering. A report from the conference is at: (English) (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: Week 22 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 4.
    After the winter training we will use Material Offerings and the Lord's Move Today; if you do not have a copy, please order one.
  2. The International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be February 16 to 18 in Taipei. Those who wish to attend must register and pay $100 for the conference, which includes hospitality if you need it; organized church visitations trips are also available at an additional cost of $150. Saints from Los Angeles must register by Lord's Day, December 17 at and give their payment (cash or check only, designated "2018 ICSC") to their district's registration coordinator. Contact Lampstand Lee <> 310-210-5699 for encouragement and guidance to participate.
  3. The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in Los Angeles. Late registrations for the webcasts ($130) may still be submitted until December 19. Sign up at and give payment to your district's registration coordinator.
  4. The Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference will be January 12 to 14, 2018 at the MCC in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish. At the same time, a Southern California Young People's Blending Conference will take place in the MCC's cafeteria. Full details are posted at

Prayer, Week of November 26

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The Genuine Church Life

In order to practice the scriptural way to meet and to serve for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need a revived living and a labor in shepherding that flow out from our love of the Lord. Every morning we should allow the Lord Jesus, our Sun, to rise up in us so that we can be renewed. All of us should rise up early in the morning to fellowship with the Lord; we should pray to the Lord, "Thank You, Lord, for a new beginning; may this day be a memorable day in my life." (Thanksgiving conf., msg 5, II, II.A.1-2)

"Unto you who fear My name will the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings, and you will go forth and leap about like well-fed calves." (Mal. 4:2).

"May those who love Him be like the sun when it rises in its might." (Judges 5:31).

The Vision and Practice of the God-ordained Way

Whether it be in the vital group meeting, in the prophesying in the church meetings, in the preaching of the gospel by visiting people, or in the care for the new ones, the principle is the same—we must make all the saints the members of the Body of Christ, with everyone working, everyone functioning according to his measure, for the building up of the organic Body of Christ. (Thanksgiving conf., msg 5, I.H.3)

"The Head, Christ, out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love." (Eph. 4:15b-16).

The churches in Taiwan have entered further into this vision and practice than we have in L.A. Therefore, we encourage more saints from L.A. to register for the trip to Taiwan (see extended deadline in announcements). Contact Lampstand Lee <> 310-210-5699 for additional encouragement or guidance about participating.

Conference in Torrance

The conference is Saturday, December 2, 4 to 6 and 7:30 to 9:30 pm (bring your own dinner) and Lord's Day, December 3, 10 am to noon (followed by a love feast). The conference will be in English with translation by radio. Attendance from L.A. is limited to 20 saints (plus children); space is available; if you want to attend, please contact Justin Lim <>, 310-717-1407.

Lord, speak to refresh and revive our living, meeting, and serving in all of Southern California.

Bible Distributions in Germany

A Bible distribution report is at We can continue to pray that:

  • all 31,366 people who received a Bible will read it and receive the light and life embodied in it;
  • many seeking ones will be shepherded into the church life;
  • all the local saints be supplied and strengthened to shepherd the many new contacts;
  • the Lord of the harvest will reap bountifully from this lovely outreach and raise up many churches.


Last Thursday Craig and Henna Hall received a one-year language learning visa in Germany. And Craig passed his first language test.

Used Ministry Books

Since 2004 LSM has sent containers of used books to Africa and India. These books have been a great blessing to seekers there. LSM continues to collect all used ministry books in English, except morning revivals, for these distributions. They suggest that you remove personal information from the books. Bring books to your meeting hall any time.

Lord, use these books to spread Your recovery and raise up more local churches.


  1. Morning revival: REPEAT Week 21 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 4.
    After the winter training we will use Material Offerings and the Lord's Move Today; if you do not have a copy, please order one.
  2. The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. Registration for the webcast training ($105) is open until December 3. Saints from LA should register at and give payment to their district's designated registration coordinator.
  3. The International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be February 16 to 18 in Taipei. Those who wish to attend must register and pay $100 for the conference, which includes hospitality if you need it; organized church visitation trips are also available at an additional cost of $150. Saints from Los Angeles must register by Lord's Day, December 17 (<<< extended) at and give their payment (cash or check only, designated "2018 ICSC") to their district's registration coordinator.
  4. Information about Germany and Europe: see November 5 prayer ("Older Entries" near bottom of

Prayer, Week of November 19

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The Thanksgiving Conference

The Thanksgiving Conference is in Phoenix Thursday night, November 23 to Lord's Day noon, November 26. Information is at

"Persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving, praying at the same time for us also, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ." (Col. 4:2-3)

Lord, release Your word through the speaking brothers and open a door in every heart for attending these meetings and for hearing this word.

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God." (Col. 3:16)

Lord, cause what we hear during this conference to dwell richly in us and to overflow in speaking to others and in singing to God.

College Conference Overflow

CSUN: We had 23 saints participate (including full-timers and community saints). There were 16 students, 5 new ones among us, and 4 were gloriously baptized. The atmosphere was intimate and sweet, which was very conducive to the overflowing. Saturday afternoon a hike afforded the students an opportunity to get to know one another. The cabin times at night were bubbling over with highlights from the day's speaking. The students also enjoyed the blending with other campuses and with speaking brothers during meal times.

UCLA: We had a glorious time being drawn to our dear Bridegroom at the conference. From UCLA, 58 saints attended with 13 coming for the first time. Eleven students entered into the divine romance by being baptized, including one from UCLA. Many were drawn personally by the Lord and are desirous of running after Him corporately (Song of Songs 1:2).

USC: We had a "romantic getaway" with our dear Lord Jesus. Eighteen students from the downtown area made it to Oak Glen in addition to a number of serving community saints. Everyone who signed up to go on the conference made it and there were two last minute additions. Some of our students said that this was the best conference they had ever been to.

PRAYER: May the Lord continue to draw each one of us so that we all run after Him! Please pray for the burden of touching both the logos and rhema word. Also, pray that the students would develop their personal and romantic relationship with the Lord, earnestly expect the Lord's coming, and ask the sinners to come and drink the water of life!

Conference in Torrance

We are invited to a conference in Torrance Saturday, December 2, 4 to 6 and 7:30 to 9:30 pm (bring your own dinner) and Lord's Day, December 3, 10 am to noon (followed by a love feast). The conference will be in English with translation by radio. Attendance from L.A. is limited to 20 saints (plus children); if you want to attend, please contact Justin Lim <>, 310-717-1407.

Germany (1)

"The word of God grew and multiplied." "The word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed." (Acts 12:24; 19:20) Lord, do this in Germany NOW!

Germany (2)

German national elections were September 24. Six parties won seats in the national parliament. The attempt to form a majority coalition in parliament collapsed. Lord, use this uncertainty to further Your move in Germany!


  1. Morning revival: Week 21 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 4. Beginning Monday, November 27 we will REPEAT week 21.
  2. The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. Registration for the webcast training ($105) is open until December 3. Saints from LA should register at and give payment to their district's designated registration coordinator.
  3. The International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be February 16 to 18, 2018 in Taipei. Those who wish to attend must register and pay $100 for the conference, which includes hospitality if you need it; organized church visitations trips are also available at an additional cost of $150. Saints from Los Angeles must register before Tuesday, November 28 at and give their payment (cash or check only, designated "2018 ICSC") to their district's registration coordinator.
  4. Information about Germany and Europe: see November 5 prayer ("Older Entries" near bottom of

Prayer, Week of November 12

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A High and Holy Church Life for God's Habitation

"This is the law of the house: Its entire area on the top of and all around the mountain shall be most holy. Indeed this is the law of the house." (Ezek. 43:12)

"Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word." (Eph. 5:25b-26)

The law of the house can be summed up in two points: the house must be upon the top of the mountain, and it must be most holy....Height is the position of the church and sanctification is the nature of the church.

Is your church life on the top of the mountain? Is your church life holy? We all need to check ourselves by these two aspects of the law of the house. If in our church life we are in resurrection and in the position of ascension and if we are most holy, then we can be God's habitation. (week 20, day 5)

Lord, keep us on Your mountain and continue to sanctify us!

United States

"I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity." (1 Tim. 2:1-2)

Let us pray for our leaders, and also pray for the restraining of lawlessness in this nation.

More Winter Training and ICSC Registrations

The winter training is a time for us to receive the Lord's fresh speaking. Registration is still open until December 3 for local video registrations; see Announcements for details. In Los Angeles, we will hold simulcasts in different halls and languages from December 25 to 30; there will also be a delayed video training in Spanish.

The International Chinese-speaking Conference (with English translation) is another time to receive the Lord's fresh speaking and participate in the blending of the Body universally. It will be proceeded and followed by church visiting trips. See Announcements for details or contact Lampstand Lee <> 310-210-5699.

Ask the Lord to release more saints from the affairs of human life and to save us out of any routine church life to participate in these feasts. Ask the Lord to stir our hearts to pursue Him actively: "For it is God who operates in you both the willing and the working for His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).

College Conference

This weekend, November 17 to 19, students from UCLA will go to Oak Glen for the college conference. The general subject is "Christ's Deep Longing and Good Pleasure." Please pray that the Lord would reveal to each student what is on His heart so that their hearts may become a duplication of His.

Conference in Torrance

We are invited to a conference in Torrance Saturday, December 2, 4 to 6 and 7:30 to 9:30 pm (bring your own dinner) and Lord's Day, December 3, 10 am to noon (followed by a love feast). Attendance from L.A. is limited to 20 saints (plus some children); more information in next week's prayer email.


Among the 31,000 who received Bibles in October, hundreds are open to and some are seeking further contact. In many cities the number of open people far exceeds the number of saints active in the recovery. Please pray for:

  • the Spirit's moving in the recipients to touch life in the Bible, and be open for continuing fellowship;
  • a rich supply to the local saints to shepherd those who want further fellowship;
  • the Lord to draw many newly contacted students to campus Bible studies;
  • many new lampstands to be raised up in the next three years.


  1. Morning revival: Week 20 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 4.
    After the Thanksgiving conference we will repeat week 21.
  2. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Phoenix Thursday night, November 23 to Lord's Day noon, November 26. Information is at
  3. The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. Registration for the webcast training ($105) is open until December 3. Saints from LA should register at and give payment to their district's designated registration coordinator.
  4. The 2018 ICSC will be February 16 to 18 in Taipei. Those who wish to attend must register and pay $100 for the conference, which includes hospitality if you need it; organized church visitations trips are also available at an additional cost of $150. Saints from Los Angeles must register before Tuesday, November 28 at and give their payment (cash or check only, designated "2018 ICSC") to their district's registration coordinator.
  5. Information about Germany and Europe: see November 5 prayer ("Older Entries" near bottom of

Prayer, Week of November 5

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The Crucified Christ

"For I did not determine to know anything among you except Jesus Christ, and this One crucified." (1 Cor. 2:2)

"But we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1 Cor. 1:23-24)

The death of Christ has become God's power to eliminate all the problems in the universe. Thus, Christ crucified is God's power to abolish all negative things and carry out His plan. The human way of solving problems is to negotiate, but God's way is to terminate. The best way to solve problems among people is to terminate everyone involved.

The crucifixion of Christ has silenced the entire universe and simplified the extremely complicated situation in the universe. When we experience the crucified Christ, all that we are, all that we have, and all that we can do are completely terminated, and His resurrection life is imparted through us into others. (Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, msg. 19, III)

College Conference

This weekend, November 10 to 12, students from USC, CSUN, and CSU Channel Islands will go to Oak Glen for the college conference. The general subject is "Christ's Deep Longing and Good Pleasure." Please pray that the Lord would reveal to each student what is on His heart so that their hearts may become a duplication of His.


Following last month's ITERO in Leipzig, more than 1,100 saints participated in 30 different blending trips across Europe. The local churches there were greatly strengthened by the flow of life brought by so many visiting saints. Over 35,000 NT Recovery Versions and thousands of pieces of literature were distributed. Many seeking contacts were met, and much prayer is needed that the local saints would have the capacity to shepherd and care for these ones.

The trips concluded with regional conferences in 9 cities with a total attendance exceeding 4,100. For at least 200, this was their first conference. Both Copenhagen, Denmark, and Krakow, Poland, had their first Lord's table on October 15. Please pray:

  1. That all the saints will respond to the Lord's rich speaking with much and thorough prayer that the recovery of the church and the church life would be realized all over Europe.
  2. That the Lord would continue to blend His Body and that there would be a prevailing one accord among all the saints in the local churches.
  3. That all the local saints will be supplied and strengthened to shepherd (1) the many new contacts that have been gained through the Bible and literature distributions and (2) the new ones who attended a conference for the first time.
  4. That the golden lampstands across Europe will shine brightly as the testimony of Jesus in each locality.


On November 11, in a suburb of London, Amana Trust will host their concluding seminar on a Journey through the Gospel of John.

The Life-Study of Revelation series is twice a month from September through November in Manchester, Sheffield, and Leeds.


The National Blending Conference is November 11 and 12 in Islamabad.


The Lord's recovery came to Bangladesh in 2008. Since then, 140 local churches have been raised up and the saints are more than 10,000 in number. There is a great need to strengthen the spiritual condition of the saints and the practice of the church life. Reports from a one-week training and a ten-day fellowship about the God-ordained Way are here: (English) (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: Week 19 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 4.
  2. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Phoenix Thursday night, November 23 to Lord's Day noon, November 26. Information is at
  3. The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. Registration for the webcast training ($105) is open until December 3. Saints from LA should register at and give payment to their district's designated registration coordinator.
  4. The International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be February 16 to 18, 2018 in Taipei. Those who wish to attend must register and pay $100 for the conference, which includes hospitality if you need it; organized church visitations trips are also available at an additional cost of $150. Saints from Los Angeles must register before Tuesday, November 28 at and give their payment (cash or check only, designated "2018 ICSC") to their district's registration coordinator.
  5. Information about Germany and Europe:

Prayer, Week of October 29

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The Recovery of the Church in Los Angeles

"Making known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Himself, unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ." (Eph. 1:9-10a)

"To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus unto all the generations forever and ever. Amen." (Eph. 3:21)

The recovery of the church is gradual and progressive. This recovery brings forth a proper church life which is:

  • Christ lived out through us in a corporate way (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:21a, 3:9-10);
  • A life of being headed up under the unique headship of Christ (Eph. 1:10, 22-23; 4:15-16);
  • The continuation of the divine glorification—the continuation of Christ being glorified by the Father with the divine glory (John 12:23-24; 13:31-32; 17:1, 5, 22; Acts 3:13);
  • The corporate expression of Christ (Eph. 3:16-21; 4:16; 5:27).

For centuries the Lord has been longing for such a church life. We pray that before long this kind of church life will be fully practiced among us in the Lord's recovery. May the Lord be satisfied by seeing such an expression of Himself through the recovery of the genuine church life throughout the earth. (ITERO, msg. 2, IV; msg. 5, II, IV, VI, VII.D)

Lord, make more progress in Your recovery of us to enlarge and spread Your corporate expression in Los Angeles.

Lord, Grace Us in Giving

"Furthermore we make known to you, brothers, the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia…" (2 Cor. 8:1)

By this grace, which is the resurrection life of Christ, the Macedonian believers overcame the usurpation of temporal and uncertain riches and became generous in ministering to the needy saints. The believers needed grace to overcome the power of mammon and material things and to release these things from Satan's domination that they might be offered to the Lord for the fulfillment of His purpose. Resurrection life is the supply for the believers to live such a life, a life trusting in God, not in material possessions, a life not for today but for the future, not for this age but for the coming age, a life that overthrows the usurpation of temporal and uncertain riches. (Footnote 1 in 2 Cor. 8:1 and 1 Cor. 16:1)

Lord, give us more of this grace to live such a life!

Thanksgiving Conference

The International Thanksgiving Conference will be from November 23 to 26 (Thursday night to Lord's Day noon) in Phoenix, Arizona. For those who desire to go, please note that the special hotel rate at the Sheraton Grand Phoenix expires on November 1; go to More conference details are posted at

Please ask the Lord to stir our hearts to pursue Him actively and release more saints from Los Angeles to attend this time of blending and hear the Lord's up-to-date speaking.

Bibles for America

BfA is embarking on a major redesign of the Bibles for America Blog, to make it easy for the thousands of online visitors each month to access the hundreds of posts on the blog. The new design will also make BfA videos and podcasts readily available from the blog. Please pray:

  • for efficient and timely implementation of the redesign;
  • for the many subscribers and other readers to be brought into more understanding of the truth;
  • that the redesign will increase the Bible orders and downloads of ministry books.


From October 9 to 21 in Germany, near 400 saints coordinated to distribute 31,366 Bibles. Please pray for:

  • the Spirit's moving in the recipients to read and touch life in the Bible, and be open for fellowship;
  • a rich supply to the local saints to shepherd those who requested further fellowship;
  • the Lord to draw many newly contacted students to campus Bible studies;
  • many new lampstands to be raised up in the next three years.

European Autumn University Conference

This conference on "The Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus" will take place November 3 to 5 in England. Please pray for:

  • the Lord to release a timely word and speak to each student personally;
  • each student to love the Lord more and have a clearer vision of the desire of the Lord's heart;
  • the advance of blending across Europe and students to sense that they are members of the one Body.


After ITERO, 80 saints from Mexico, Central America, South America, the United States, and Russia, along with 5 FTTA and FTTA-XB trainees and 5 full-timers from Madrid, joined in Bible distributions in three cities, both on and off campuses. A total of 1,738 Bibles were distributed; 125 people were saved.

The saints were very encouraged by how the Lord was pouring out His blessing. We all experienced that the impact on the distribution of Bibles and the preaching of the gospel comes from the coordination, prayer, and one accord. We are praying that many of the contacts will be gained by the local saints and will come into the church life.

Lyon, France

At the beginning of October, there seemed to be no way to get a campus room for our Bible study. For weeks, we prayed desperately, then went and asked for a classroom, and were assigned a room without a single question asked! Two attendants from last year—both French students—continue to join us. Last Thursday three more students came for the first time after seeing our poster and Facebook page. Praise the Lord! We continue to experience His faithfulness.


  1. Morning revival: Week 17 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 3.
  2. Time Change: Daylight Saving Time ends on November 5. Please remember to set your clocks back one hour this Saturday.
  3. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Phoenix from November 23 to 26. Information is at
  4. The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. For the live training, complete registration including payment was due October 29. Registration for the webcast training ($105) is due December 3. Late fees will be incurred after these deadlines. Saints from LA should register at and submit payment (cash or check only) to their district's designated registration coordinator.
  5. The International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be February 16 to 18, 2018 in Taipei. Those who wish to attend must register and pay $100 for the conference, which includes hospitality if you need it; organized church visitations trips are also available at an additional cost of $150. Saints from Los Angeles must register before Tuesday, November 28 at and give their payment (cash or check only, designated "2018 ICSC") to their district's registration coordinator.

Prayer, Week of October 22

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Church in Los Angeles

"But to Him who is able to do superabundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power which operates in us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus unto all the generations forever and ever. Amen." (Eph. 3:20-21)

"The church is a group of people who allow God to be mingled with them and who are mingled with God. This was the situation with the early apostles. They were truly Galileans, but they were also truly one with the God of heaven; they had the appearance of Galileans, but they also had the expression of the God of heaven… A glorious and great God was now mingled with common people, shining forth and being expressed through them." (WL, The Church as the Body of Christ, pp. 46-47)

The whole church in Los Angeles—with all of our halls, districts, and languages—will come together from 9:30 am to 12 noon on Lord's Day, October 29, to blend together as the Lord's one testimony in this city. It has been one year since we had such a gathering. This joint meeting will take place at the LA Convention Center. Plan to arrive by 9:15 am to allow time for parking and walking to the room.

Please pray that the Lord would gather all of the saints from all parts of the city to praise Him, to become of one accord for His move, and to be the new man, where Christ is all and in all!

High School Conferences

The Fall 2017 High School Conferences will be this weekend, October 27 to 29. The brothers' conference will take place in Anaheim; sisters' conference in Irvine. Please pray for the Lord to freshly appear to each young person.

The Recovery of the Church

The subject of ITERO was The Recovery of the Church. Some outlines from ITERO were also the base for the eight regional conferences October 14-15 in Europe. Briefly, the recovery of the church is the recovery of Christ as our life to saturate us, transform us, and head us up so that we live out the reality of His Body and be His corporate expression.

Ask the Lord to fill us all with this vision of the church and to bring us into this reality.

This Saturday there will be an all-day meeting for Southern California elders and responsible brothers; the primary purpose of this gathering is to review the nine messages from ITERO. Please ask the Lord to release many brothers to attend and to bless the fellowship for the building up of the churches in Southern California.


In the first week of Bible distributions, about 300 saints participated and 17,366 Bibles, mostly Recovery Version NTs in German, were distributed in 53 cities. In the second week, focused strongly on college campuses, more NTs were distributed and many contacts begun with students. Numerous encounters with open, seeking Germans occurred. Some people asked for further contact, and all the recipients have a website through which they can request further contact.

Please pray that the brooding Spirit would operate in all the recipients to read His Word, to touch life in His Word, to desire further fellowship, and then to fully enter into the church life.

Pray also that the events in recent weeks would lay a foundation for raising up many local churches in Germany.


  • Morning revival: Week 17 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 3. REPEAT Week 17 the week following the Joint LA Meeting.
  • Joint LA Meeting (TIME CHANGE): The whole church in LA will meet together on Lord's Day, October 29 from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
  • The International Thanksgiving Conference will be in Phoenix Thursday night, November 23 to Lord's Day noon, November 26. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by October 29. Childcare registration required. Information is at
  • The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. For the live training, complete registration including payment ($205) is due October 29. Registration for the webcast training ($105) is due December 3. Late fees will be incurred after these deadlines. Saints from LA should register at and submit payment to their district's designated registration coordinator.
  • The International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be February 16 to 18, 2018 in Taipei. Information is available at Registration deadline is November 30.
  • Information about Germany and Europe: see September 10 prayer ("Older Entries" near bottom of

Prayer, Week of October 15

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Treasuring God's Blessing

"And all these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you listen to the voice of Jehovah your God." (Deut. 28:2)

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ." (Eph. 1:3)

The normal life of a Christian is a life of blessing, and the normal work of a Christian is a work of blessing. The day must come when we realize that in our work, in our Christian life, and in our church life, everything depends on God's blessing.

In serving the Lord, we should believe in and treasure God's blessing. We need to learn to live and to practice the church life in a way that does not hinder God's blessing. We should rely on God's blessing and eliminate the barriers that prevent us from receiving it. (Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, Msg. 16, III)

Joint LA Meeting

The whole church in Los Angeles—with all of our halls, districts, and languages—will come together from 9:30am to 12pm on Lord's Day, October 29, to blend together as the Lord's one testimony in this city. It has been one year since we had such a gathering. This joint meeting will take place at the LA Convention Center. Please pray that the Lord would gather all of the saints from all parts of the city to praise Him, to become of one accord for His move, and to be the new man, where Christ is all and in all!

Winter Training Registration

The Winter Training (December 25 to 30) is a time for all the saints to receive the Lord's fresh speaking. Ask the Lord to release more of us from the affairs of human life to participate in this training in Anaheim or in the webcasts in LA. We believe "that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Heb. 11:6). At the same time, we know that "it is God who operates in you both the willing and the working for His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13). Ask the Lord to stir our hearts to pursue Him actively.

Registration for the live training is due October 29. See Announcements below for more details.

Junior High Conferences

The Fall 2017 Junior High Conferences will be this weekend, October 20 to 22. The brothers' conference will take place in Diamond Bar; sisters' conference in Fullerton. Please pray for the Lord to freshly appear to each young person.

LA Chinese-Speaking Blending Time

This weekend, October 21 to 22, there will be a blending time for the Chinese-speaking saints in LA at Oak Glen, along with saints from Thousand Oaks. The fellowship will be on "The Humanity of Jesus for Living and Serving in the Church life" based on the book Christ as the Reality. The burden is that we all need to "eat" the humanity of Jesus, so that we may have a proper humanity to live and serve in the church life. Pray for more to be released to attend this retreat, enjoy the Lord, and be blended together!

LA Korean Festival Follow-Up

Praise the Lord for His move during last weekend's Korean Festival! A pastor from the Valley visited our booth on Thursday and received a NT Recovery Version. He read the four Gospels thoroughly, found that this Bible was well translated, and excitedly returned with others to our booth on Lord's Day evening to ask for more copies. We distributed around 400 Bibles and have many positive testimonies like this. The atmosphere was sweet and enjoyable. All the saints enjoyed Jehovah God throughout the distribution.

We very much need and appreciate the prayers of the church. Please pray:

  • that all the recipients would read the Bible and receive the life supply;
  • that many would attend our Bible seminar on November 11;
  • that our saints may maintain the spirit of the gospel and have a daily gospel living.

Bibles for America

BfA recently ran a test on the "Thank You" page that people receive after ordering their free Bible online. A "Download free e-books" button was added to the page for two weeks, resulting in a 20% increase in downloads. This change could potentially result in a total of 250 downloads per day.

Please pray for more people, especially in today's climate of turmoil, anxiety, and fear, to find our website and download these books filled with life and truth.


  1. Morning revival: Week 16 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 3.
  2. Joint LA Meeting (TIME CHANGE): The whole church in LA will meet together on Lord's Day, October 29 from 9:30am to 12:00pm at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
  3. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be in Phoenix Thursday night, November 23 to Lord's Day noon, November 26. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by October 29. Childcare registration required. Information is at
  4. The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. For the live training, complete registration including payment ($205) is due October 29. Registration for the webcast training ($105) is due December 3. Late fees will be incurred after these deadlines. Saints from LA should register at and submit payment to their district's designated registration coordinator.
  5. The International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be February 16 to 18, 2018 in Taipei. Information is available at Registration deadline is November 30.
  6. Information about Germany and Europe: see September 10 prayer ("Older Entries" near bottom of