Prayer, Week of of July 30, 2017

"For to Me to Live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21a)

"The perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive…at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph. 4:12-13).
God's desire, His good pleasure, is for us to be saturated and permeated with Christ, to live Christ, to be a living witness to Christ in our daily life, and to have Christ as the reality, the real contents, of the church life, making every local church a golden lampstand to have the spontaneous preparation of the bride for the Lord's coming back. (Special Conference, msg. 4, I.A - I.A.3)
Lord, gain our cooperation so that You may fulfill this desire in each one of us and in every local church. "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev. 22:20)

Summer School of Truth (SSoT)

The SSoT this year was blessed by the Lord. With 106 saints signed up and 61 junior high and senior high students participating, we sensed that the Lord's presence was among us and His speaking was with us. The atmosphere was excellent and the response of the young people was encouraging and sweet. Now the real labor begins, and that is the labor of love to foster the growth in life of all the young people - both in their daily life and in their church life. Each young person has been encouraged to read the word daily with companions, to pursue Christ with those who call on the Lord, and to speak the Lord's living word to their friends.
Please pray protective prayers for the young people, that the evil one would not steal away the word from their hearts, but that the word heard would take root and start to grow. On the last day the young people from Huntington Beach joined us and there was a wonderful time of blending. Thank and praise the Lord for all He has done for us. Please pray for the Lord's continual work to cause the seed of life to grow in all the hearts of the young people.

Middle Age Training

The fall term of middle-age training begins September 4. This training includes truth, life, service, gospel, and touches our daily living. It is also a wonderful opportunity to blend with saints from the whole earth. Lord, increase the number of full-term trainees this fall to at least 100 (at least 50 in the English section, 30 in the Chinese section, 10 each in the Korean and Spanish sections).
Lord, bring English-speaking and Spanish-speaking saints from L.A. (many Korean-speaking and Chinese-speaking have already graduated), some for one or two weeks and some for the whole term.

Emigration Training

This is the last week of training. Ask the Lord to continue to permeate every trainee and to further reduce the self life, that these trainees may live Him and express Him in His Body in Germany.

Students to Germany

Student responses in the past year show that the Lord has opened the door to universities in Germany. The fellowship at the end of the summer training included a call for students (not heroes) go to learn the language and then to attend university there, make friends, and bring these friends to open homes near the campuses. The goal is 100 new students in Germany from North American, including high school graduates, college graduates, and recent training graduates. Lord, thrust out laborers into this harvest!
Information is at and


Here are several directions in which we can pray for the Lord's move in Germany.

  • The church in Stuttgart is still in need of a meeting place to rent.
  • Tübingen, near Stuttgart, is a university town. Some students meet in Stuttgart. Please pray for the release of an apartment near the campus to shepherd and contain the increase among the students.
  • The national elections in September have already caused a change in asylum approvals for migrants. Please ask the Lord to sustain the faith of these new believers and to allow them to remain in Germany.
  • Recently some saints traveled to four cities in Germany and were put in contact with Arab-speaking believers that were seeking and open to the ministry and the fellowship. Please pray for the continued fellowship and for the Lord's revelation to and gaining of these believers.

Continuing Burdens

Oak Glen: Lord, grace us (2 Cor. 8:1, 4, 6-7, 9) to give monthly for the payments on this property.
Kirchentag (Germany, May 24-28): contacting 4795 NT recipients to bring at least 100 into church life.
Polish Recovery Version NT: proofreading begins August 14; publication early next year.


  1. Morning revival: Week 4 in Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord's Move
    After week 5 we will begin Knowing Life and the Church (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. Information about Germany and Europe: see July 9 prayer ("Older Entries" near bottom of

Prayer, Week of of July 23, 2017

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The Lord's Ultimate Recovery

“For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” (Eph. 4:12-13)

Even if our gospel preaching is adequate, our Bible teaching is accurate, and our meetings are scriptural, we need to ask ourselves this question: Do we have the ultimate move of God among us?

The Lord’s ultimate recovery, God’s ultimate move, is His gaining a good number of believers who know how wonderful Christ is, who have Him as their life and live Him, who are filled, permeated, and saturated with Him, who grow in life and are transformed by His flowing life within them, and who are built up with fellow believers to be the golden lampstand in their locality. (Special Fellowship, msg. 3, II.B.4-5.b)

Lord, gain Your ultimate move within and among us!

Summer School of Truth (SSoT)

Through the prayers of the saints, 61 young people and 44 serving ones, a total of 105 saints, have signed up for the SSoT. This has been the best Summer School of Truth yet and the Lord's presence has been with every meeting. The young people are learning not only how to speak to the Lord, but how to listen to the Lord and have mutual fellowship. Please pray that the Lord would continue to appear to each young person and train them how to live a life of loving the Lord with the first love.

A Time with the Parents

In this dark age, there is a need, more than ever, for parents to pray with one another for their young people. There will be a time of prayer Wednesday, July 26, at 8 pm at the Wise's home, 501 S. Bentley Ave., Los Angeles, 90049 (very close to hall 5). All parents of junior high and high school young people are encouraged to attend. Please pray that the Lord would fill this time with an atmosphere of prayer.


There are 133 FTTA and 17 FTTA-XB spring term graduates. Please ask the Lord to make them all normal, functioning members in the churches that they go to.

The fall FTTA term begins August 14; application deadline is July 31. Our goal is at least 160 first term trainees (80 brothers, 80 sisters). By July 22 there were 123 applicants (43 brothers, 80 sisters). Please pray that more brothers would apply.

Southern California Radio Broadcasts

KBRT radio in Southern California did not renew our agreement, which ended July 15. Although we are saddened by KBRT's decision, we are not discouraged. This forces us to focus our resources on podcasting, which allows listeners to hear the program anywhere in the world at any time. Please pray for us to find the right person to help us in this new area.

We are holding a radio listeners’ dinner and live program at district 4 in Anaheim on August 5. We are inviting the KBRT listeners with special advertisements that began two weeks ago and will continue through August 4. Please pray for this time.

We will continue to broadcast on KKLA every Lord's Day, where we have a pre-recorded program at 8:30 pm and a live discussion 9 to 10 pm.

Emigration Training

The emigration training continues to August 4. About 100 are participating, among whom about 20, including Craig and Henna Hall from L.A., will migrate soon afterwards to Germany. Lord, abundantly supply these saints, bring them fully into coordinated serving, and be their wisdom and prudence with moving and all the changes they face.

Lyon, France

We pray that the Lord will show us a proper meeting place: near public transportation, good neighbors, size for 60-80 persons, and facilities for children and young people.

More sisters will come either to study or to do one semester exchange, thus a second sister’s house is needed for next semester. Please pray for the Lord's provision of the proper apartment.

European YP Conference

This annual conference is in Poland, Lord’s Day, 23rd July to Saturday, 29th July. There is also a simultaneous Parents' and Children’s Conference.

The purpose of this conference is to provide an atmosphere of truth, love, blending, and enjoyment that imparts light and life, and builds up and inspires the young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord and take positive directions in their Christian walk. Our hope is that we all would develop a sense of mutuality, and receive the spiritual energy, strength, and motivation to live for the Lord and His recovery.

Videos showing meetings, greetings from small groups, outdoor activities, young people walking in the town of Małe Ciche, and the local landscape are at

Chinese-Speaking Perfecting Training

The Chinese-Speaking Perfecting Training for students is July 24 to 28.

2017 International College Training in Asia

This training, with a capacity of 1000 students, is July 23 to 27 in Kuching, Malaysia. It is followed by blending trips July 28 to 30 in nearby regions.

Continuing Burdens

Oak Glen: Lord, grace us (2 Cor. 8:1, 4, 6-7, 9) to give monthly for the payments on this property.
Kirchentag (Germany, May 24-28): contacting 4795 NT recipients to bring at least 100 into church life.
Polish Recovery Version NT: proofreading begins August 14; publication early next year.


  1. Morning revival: Week 3 in Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Move.
    After week 5 we will begin Knowing Life and the Church (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. Information about Germany and Europe: see July 9 prayer (“Older Entries” near bottom of
  3. Used Ministry Books: Since 2004 LSM has sent containers of used books to Africa and India. These books have been a great blessing to seekers there. LSM continues to collect all used ministry books in English, except morning revivals, for these distributions. They suggest that you remove personal information from the books. Bring books to your meeting hall any time throughout this year.

Prayer, Week of July 16, 2017

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Lord, Spread and Increase Your Recovery

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14)

If we keep up to date with what is happening today on earth, we will realize that God is controlling the entire world situation for the spreading of His recovery. We need to be more aware of God’s sovereign arrangement of the world situation, more concerned about the crucial time in which we live, and more burdened for God’s move in the present world situation. (Special Fellowship, msg. 2, III.G-H)

Lord, give us more concern for Your move to spread Your recovery around the earth and to increase here in Los Angeles. Raise up more twos and threes to pray for spreading and for specific increase locally.

Summer School of Truth Starts This Week

Please pray that the Lord would answer the promise in his word to give life to our young people. John 10:10b says that the Lord came that we may “have life and have it abundantly.” Pray that this Summer School of Truth would be a time where the Lord fills our young people with Life.

A Time with the Parents

During the Summer School of Truth, on Wednesday, July 26, we would like to invite as many parents as possible to come and have a time of mutual fellowship on the important role of a parent in God’s economy in caring for both the human and spiritual development of their children.

L.A. Korean-Speaking Family Retreat

The L.A. Korean-speaking saints will have a retreat at Oak Glen this weekend, July 21 to 23. Forty-eight adults and 30 children from halls 1 and 2 have registered. We will enjoy the messages on 'The home praying for carrying out and living out God's economy'. Please pray that all the saints realize the importance of the family in the economy of God and receive the burden to start vital living with family members.

Emigration Training

The emigration training in Anaheim continues to August 4. About 100 are participating, among whom about 20, including Craig and Henna Hall from L.A., will migrate soon afterwards to Germany. Lord, abundantly supply these saints, bring them fully into coordinated serving, and be their wisdom and prudence with moving and all the changes they face.

Chinese-Speaking Perfecting Training

There is a Chinese-speaking serving saints training July 21 to 23 in New York, followed by a students’ training July 24 to 28.

College Trainings

Four more one-week college trainings in other parts of the country began July 14, 15, or 16. The topic is very particular on “Knowing, Seeing, and Gaining God in an Age of Godlessness.” Ask the Lord to work in everyone to:

  • willingly receive the Lord’s penetrating light to know God and be saved from the godlessness of this age;
  • aspire to be constituted with the truth in God’s word through their college years;
  • consecrate themselves fully to the Lord to satisfy Him and to bear fruit for His glory.

European Young People’s Conference

The annual conference for young people in Europe will be July 23 to 29 in Małe Ciche, Poland. There is also a simultaneous Parents’ and Children’s Conference. Please pray that the Lord will take a further step in Europe by speaking a timely word to all the European young people and their parents.

Thessaloniki, Greece

We have been endeavoring for three years to live a normal, vital church life in Thessaloniki, and we believe that the Lord is making slow but solid progress. We now have about ten adults and five children meeting regularly on Lord’s Day. Three adults are local Greeks. They are older saints but are enjoying a fresh new life with the Lord among us. A one-page report is at

Please pray that:

  • all 16 participants in the young people’s conference in Poland (July 23–29) will arrive safely and be open to receive all the speaking and enter into all the fellowship;
  • the many practical details for the October 9–13 blending tours and October 14–15 regional conference here will be met for the full pouring out of the Lord’s blessing on every attendant.

Continuing Burdens

Oak Glen: Lord, grace us (2 Cor. 8:1, 4, 6-7, 9) to give monthly for the payments on this property.
Kirchentag (Germany, May 24-28): contacting 4795 NT recipients to bring at least 100 into church life.
Polish Recovery Version NT: proofreading begins August 14; publication early next year.


  1. Morning revival: Week 2 in Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Move.
  2. Information about Germany and Europe: see July 9 prayer (“Older Entries” near bottom of
  3. Used Ministry Books: Since 2004 LSM has sent containers of used books to Africa and India. These books have been a great blessing to seekers there. LSM continues to collect all used ministry books in English, except morning revivals, for these distributions. They suggest that you remove personal information from the books. Bring books to your meeting hall any time throughout this year.



Prayer, Week of July 9, 2017

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Son of Man, Set Your Heart on All that I Show You

“Son of man, look with your eyes, and hear with your ears, and set your heart on all that I show you, because for this purpose you have been brought here that it may be shown to you. Tell all that you see to the house of Israel.” (Ezek. 40:4) May we all set our heart on the things seen and heard in the summer training so that we may absorb them and then tell others what we have seen and heard.

“I pursue....I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do...I pursue.” (Phil.3:12-14). May none of us be content with our spiritual past, but all continue to pursue more of Christ!

College Training

The West Coast South College Training is July 10 to 16 at the Oak Glen. (Four more one-week college trainings in other parts of the country start July 14, 15, or 16.) About 270 students, including 36 from L.A., will attend. The topic of this college training is very particular on “Knowing, Seeing, and Gaining God in an Age of Godlessness.” Please strongly pray that each student:

  • willingly receive the Lord's penetrating light to truly know God from His pure word and be saved from the godless thinking of this age;
  • touch the Lord personally and intimately like never before;
  • aspire to be constituted with the truth in God's word through their college years;
  • consecrate themselves fully to the Lord to satisfy Him and to bear fruit for His glory.

Summer School (Restaurant) of Truth

The Summer School of Truth (SSoT), July 21 to 29, is a time that gives life to the young people, entering 7th to 12th grades, in the form of God’s word as food. We ask the Lord that as many young people as possible in L.A. could attend. We believe this SSoT will be special and have various new elements that enable the young people to minister to one another and face the degraded age together. We hope all the young people would sign up here: Please pray:

  • for an atmosphere of love, care, and genuine concern for the young people;
  • that the young people would open their mouth, their heart and their spirit to the Lord;
  • that the young people will all have positive companions in the Lord;
  • that the Lord would give light to the serving ones on how to conduct the SSoT in a way that is timely, relevant, and “sweet as honey” to the young people;
  • that every young person would receive a personal appearing from the Lord such that the young people would say, “Dearest Lord, my flask of alabaster, gladly now in love I break for Thee.”

Bibles for America

BfA received a large number of orders this spring and early summer. Churches from every area of the country ordered a total of 4500 Bibles, 320 books, and 20,000 tracts. Please stand with the churches as they distribute these materials to people in their communities. Please pray that many would receive the Bibles, books, and tracts with an open heart and hungry spirit.

May the Lord bless the going out of the saints everywhere to preach the gospel, spread the interpreted Word of God, and dispense life to people all over the U.S.

Emigration Training

The emigration training begins Wednesday, July 12 in Anaheim. About 100 will participate, among whom about 20, including Craig and Henna Hall from L.A. will migrate soon afterwards to Germany. Lord, abundantly supply these saints, bring them fully into the burden for coordinated serving, and grant them practical preparation with moving and all the changes they face.

Chinese-Speaking Students Preparation Training

This training is July 9 to 12 in Arcadia for students from all of North America. The general subject is “Gaining Christ in His Excellency for the Building up of the Body of Christ Universally.” The purpose of this training is to prepare the students for further trainings including one in New York July 24 to 28. Please pray that all can see the vision of the building, and enter into the practice of it through the joining of the twos and threes in prayer, gospel, and perfecting the new ones.

Nordic Conference

The 2017 Nordic Conference will be in Oslo, Norway from Friday night, July 14 to Lord’s Day noon, July 16th. It will be followed by the Nordic Brothers Meetings Lord’s Day afternoon, July 16 and Monday, July 17. Please pray

  • that the Lord will speak through brother Ron to open hearts, so that the churches here can go on;
  • that there will be a Christ-filled atmosphere and a feast for us;
  • that the new contacts we invite will come;
  • for the coordination and functioning of the saints in the practical things.

India and Turkey

Reports from India and Turkey are here: (English) (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 in Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Move.
  2. Information about Germany and Europe: (this list is included once a month)

Prayer, Week of July 2, 2017

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Summer Training

The Summer Training is July 3 to 8 in Anaheim as well as through webcasts in many localities. Ask the Lord to prepare the speaking brothers during their labor on the messages. Also ask the Lord to prepare all who have registered to attend, to be good listeners and absorbers of the word, and active participants in the digestion times.

Increase with Men like a Flock

“Thus says the Lord Jehovah, Moreover for this I will be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock…. So will the waste cities be filled with flocks of men; and they will know that I am Jehovah” (Ezek. 36:37-38).

In His recovery by life, the Lord has promised to increase us, filling the waste cities “with flocks of men,” but we still need to inquire of Him, asking Him to do what He desires to do.

College Training

The West Coast South College Training is July 10 to 16 at the Oak Glen. Pray for all registered students to attend and to know, see, and gain more of God. Pray also for the Lord's leading to the serving saints in their preparations. And pray for the students to be brought into function in the gospel.

Four more one-week college trainings in other parts of the country start July 14, 15, or 16.

Summer School (Restaurant) of Truth (SSoT)

The Summer School of Truth, from July 21 to 29, is an appointed time to minister Christ as life and life-supply to those entering 7th to 12th grades. We ask the Lord that as many young people as possible in L.A. could attend; sign up here:

Please pray: 1) that the young people would, through an atmosphere of love, care and genuine concern, open their mouth, their heart and their spirit to the Lord; 2) that the young people will all have positive companions in the Lord; 3) that the Lord would give light to the serving ones on how to conduct the SSoT; 4) that every young person would receive a personal appearing from the Lord such that the young people would say “Dearest Lord, my flask of alabaster, gladly now in love I break for Thee.”


We pray that the Lord would grant the local saints His wisdom and leading in their care for the new believers, both German-speaking students and Farsi-speaking saints.

We also pray that the Lord would use the second half of this year to strengthen the building among the local saints that there could be a good foundation in all the churches.

We also ask the Lord to supply the Düsseldorf saints in their practical preparations to receive the migrating saints coming for six months of orientation and language training.

We continue to pray for follow-up with the recipients of the 4,655 German and 140 English NTs distributed at Kirchentag. Please pray that the Lord would gain at least 100 solid, seeking remaining fruits, and for the planting of “church trees” as golden lampstands all over Germany.

A one-page Kirchentag report is at


  1. Morning revival: repeat a week in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel or use training verses.
    July 10 we begin Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Move.
  2. Southern California Blending Conference: Outlines (E, S, C, K), audios (E, S, C, K), and videos (E) are at
  3. Information about Germany and Europe: see June 11 prayer (“Older Entries” near bottom of

Prayer, Week of June 25, 2017

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Increase with Men like a Flock

“And they will say, This land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden, and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are fortified and inhabited. Then the nations that are left all around you will know that I, Jehovah, have rebuilt the ruined places and planted that which was desolate. I, Jehovah, have spoken, and I will do it” (Ezek. 36:35-36).

“Thus says the Lord Jehovah, Moreover for this I will be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock…. So will the waste cities be filled with flocks of men; and they will know that I am Jehovah” (Ezek. 36:37-38).

In His recovery by life, the Lord desires to increase us “with men like a flock.” The Lord has promised to increase us, filling the waste cities “with flocks of men,” but we still need to inquire of Him, asking Him to do what He desires to do. We should not say that numbers do not mean anything and that we do not care for numbers. We need to pray for the increase, claiming the Lord’s promise in Ezekiel 36. We need to remember that quality comes out of quantity. We need to pray that the Lord will give us the increase and that He will bring in flocks of men. (Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, msg. 12, VII)

Summer Training

The Summer Training is July 3 to 8 in Anaheim as well as through webcasts in many localities. Ask the Lord to prepare the speaking brothers during their labor on the messages. Also ask the Lord to prepare all who have registered to attend and to be good listeners and absorbers of the word.

FTTA Graduation

The graduation of the Full-time Training in Anaheim will be held this Saturday, July 1, 9:30 am at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim. This term there are 133 saints who will graduate. Please pray for their faithful going on with the Lord outside the training environment, the willingness of many to serve full time, and their blending into the church life wherever they go. Let us also ask the Lord to bring 80 brothers and 80 sisters to begin the training in August.

Summer School (Restaurant) of Truth (SSoT)

The Summer School of Truth gives life to the young people in the form of God's word as "food." This summer, from July 21 to 29, is indeed an appointed time to minister Christ as life and life-supply to those entering 7th to 12th grades. We ask the Lord that as many young people as possible in L.A. could attend. We believe this SSoT will be special and have various new elements that enable the young people to minister to one another and face the degraded age together. We hope all the young people would sign up here:

Please pray: 1) that the young people would, through an atmosphere of love, care and genuine concern for them, open the three layers of their being to the Lord—their mouth, their heart and their spirit; 2) that the young people will all have positive companions in the Lord; 3) that the Lord would give light to the serving ones on how to conduct the SSoT in a way that is timely, relevant, and "sweet as honey" to the young people; 4) that every young person would receive a personal appearing from the Lord such that the young people would say “Dearest Lord, my flask of alabaster, gladly now in love I break for Thee.”

BfA in Cincinnati

From June 14-18 saints in Cincinnati, Ohio endeavored to pass out 1,000 free copies of the NT Recovery Version and 2,000 free Bible-offer brochures in their neighborhoods. Many of the thirty saints used their vacation time to participate, with the goal of making a solid connection with at least one family in the areas where they live. Please pray that:

  • The many seeds sown by the saints’ going out would take root in the hearts of people who received a free Bible or Bible-offer brochure.
  • Several households would be gained by the Lord for His increase and spread in Cincinnati.


The six trips this spring for shepherding, perfecting, and campus gospel end July 22. Among the churches there is much burden and consideration before the Lord about the focus of our labor after this time, as we wait for the migrating saints to arrive after first spending 6 months in Düsseldorf for orientation and language training.

We trust the Lord will care for the churches in Germany. We pray that the Lord would grant the local saints His wisdom and leading in their care for the new believers, both German-speaking students and Farsi-speaking saints. We also pray that the Lord would use the second half of this year to strengthen the building among the local saints that there could be a good foundation in all the churches.

Continue to pray for the prompt follow-up with the recipients of the 4,655 German and 140 English NTs distributed at Kirchentag. Please pray that the Lord would gain at least 100 solid, seeking remaining fruits, and for the planting of “church trees” as golden lampstands all over Germany.

A one-page Kirchentag report is at

Recovery Version NT in Polish

Praise the Lord that the New Testament Recovery Version will be available soon in Polish! This will be a significant accomplishment of the Lord in His move in Europe. Please pray

  • that more Polish- and English-speaking saints will be released to participate in this six-week proof-reading project which begins August 14; there is still a shortage.
  • for all the practical preparations related to the location where this project will be carried out.
  • that more saints will be available for practical service (cooking, cleaning, transportation).

West Africa

From June 29 to July 1 there will be a West Africa Blending Conference in Bohicon, Benin.


  1. Morning revival: Week 12 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (Winter Training).
    Monday, July 10 we begin Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord's Move.
  2. Southern California Blending Conference: Outlines (E, S, C, K), audios (E, S, C, K), and videos (E) are at
  3. Information about Germany and Europe: see June 11 prayer (“Older Entries” near bottom of

Prayer, Week of June 18, 2017

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God's Recovery by Life

“I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them into their own land, and I will feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the streams and in all the inhabited places of the land. I will feed them with good pasture.” (Ezek. 34:13-14a)

As the Shepherd, the Lord will gather His people, His sheep, out of the nations and bring them back to the land of Canaan, which typifies the all-inclusive Christ as the allotted portion of God's people, to dwell on the high mountains, signifying the resurrected and ascended Christ. The streams here signify the life-giving Spirit as the living water, who is given to us by God as our spiritual drink, and the rich pasture signifies Christ as the feeding place for God's people. (Ezek. 34:13, notes 1 and 2)

Lord, bring us onward into more 1) being brought out, gathered, and brought into; 2) experiencing Your resurrection and ascension; and 3) drinking the Spirit and feeding on You!

Lord, also bring many more unbelievers and seeking believers out, gather them, and bring them into Yourself as their all-inclusive portion!

Summer School (Restaurant) of Truth (SSoT)

The Summer School of Truth is a time that gives life to the young people in the form of God's word as “food.” This summer, from July 21-29, is indeed an appointed time to minister Christ as life and life-supply to those who are entering 7th to 12th grades. We ask the Lord that as many young people as possible in L.A. could attend. We believe this SSoT will be special and have various new elements that enable the young people to minister to one another and face the degraded age together. We hope all the young people would sign up here: http://<

Please pray: 1) that the young people would, through an atmosphere of love, care and genuine concern for them, open the three layers of their being to the Lord - their mouth, their heart and their spirit; 2) that the young people will all have positive companions in the Lord; 3) that the Lord would give light to the serving ones on how to conduct the SSoT in a way that is timely, relevant, and "sweet as honey" to the young people; 4) that every young person would receive a personal appearing from the Lord such that the young people would say "Dearest Lord, my flask of alabaster, gladly now in love I break for Thee."

BfA Bible Seminar in L.A.

This Saturday, June 24th, there will be a Bible Seminar in Koreatown for Korean-speaking unbelievers and for believers who are in denominations. The subject of the seminar is ‘How can I believe God when I can’t see and contact Him?’ We will use the marvelous footnotes and cross references in the Recovery Version Bible to emphasize that the tripartite man is able to see and contact God with his human spirit (1 Cor. 2:9). Please pray that this will be the turning point and stepping stone to the church life for all the visitors. Also, pray that all Korean-speaking saints can participate in this seminar in one accord and function as members of the Body of Christ.

Emigration Training

“The harvest is great, but the workers few; therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest” (Luke 10:2). Pray for the thrusting out of burdened saints for the practical strengthening and building up of the churches in six key cities in Germany and for the labor on the college campuses.

The emigration training in Anaheim will be July 12 to August 4. This is for those who are burdened for the Lord's move in Europe, especially in Germany.

Craig and Henna Hall from L.A. hall 2 will participate in this training and then depart with their children to Germany on August 8.


The fall term begins mid August. The brothers overseeing the training have a goal of 160 new trainees for this term, 80 brothers and 80 sisters. Lord, move in many recent college graduates and fill up this number. Bring them to the training to build them in life, equip them with the truth, and cultivate their spiritual capacities.


  1. This year's sixth trip to Germany for campus gospel labor and refugee shepherding and perfecting is June 17 to July 22. Lord, bless this labor for the increase and building up of Your Body. Fill the co-workers in Europe with wisdom concerning how to continue this labor in the second half of this year.
  2. During the May 24 to 28 German Protestant Kirchentag part of the 500th-year celebration of the Reformation, 4,795 New Testaments (4,655 in German, 140 in English) were distributed to recipients from at least 95 German cities and towns. Please pray for the prompt follow-up, that the Lord would gain at least 100 solid, seeking remaining fruits, and for the planting of “church trees” as golden lampstands all over Germany. A one-page Kirchentag report is at


  1. Morning revival: Week 11 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (Winter Training).
    After the summer training we begin Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord's Move.
  2. Outlines (E, S, C, K), audios (E, S, C, K), and videos (E) of the Southern California Blending Conference are at
  3. Information about Germany and Europe: see June 11 prayer (“Older Entries” near bottom of

Prayer, Week of June 11, 2017

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The Vision of the Age and Its Effect

Proverbs 29:18a, “Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint.”

Ephesians 1:16-17, “[I] do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him.”

In the Bible vision denotes an extraordinary scene; it refers to a special kind of seeing—a glorious, inward seeing—and to the spiritual scenery we see from God. God's visions are His revelations, which enable us to see divine, spiritual, heavenly things. In order to have a vision, we need revelation (unveiling), light, and sight. The heavenly vision governs us, restricts us, controls us, directs us, preserves us, revolutionizes us, keeps us in the genuine oneness, and gives us the boldness to go on. (Southern California Blending Conference, msg 1, I, I.A,B,D)

Daniel 11:32b, “The people who know their God will show strength and take action.”

Lord, we open our whole being to see what You want to show us in this age!

Oak Glen

The Southern California Blending Conference concluded with a presentation about Oak Glen. The recovery has used this camp in many ways in the past 18 months. Many improvements are in progress; some are near completion. We have paid $3.6 million of the $8 million price; we have $511,000 interest. The quicker we finish paying the remaining $4.4 million, the less interest we will pay. Our next payment is due June 30. There is a considerable shortfall of offerings for that payment. Please pray for the Lord to grace us in giving this month, and also in the coming months.

BfA in Oxnard and Ventura

Saturday, June 17, there will be a BfA Bible distribution at a Walmart store in Ventura, followed by a five-part series of weekly fellowship meetings with new seeking ones on Knowing and Enjoying the Bible. Please pray that:

  • Many seeking ones from the Ventura/Oxnard area will be drawn to receive Bibles;
  • The Lord's word will touch the hearts of many who receive Bibles, increase their hunger to know the Lord in a more intimate way and bring them into fellowship with other believers for the building up of the Body of Christ in this area.

BfA Podcasts

Last year, BfA began to offer podcasts at, based on posts from the BfA blog. They address common questions such as “What Is the Bible About?” and “What Is Christian Growth?” Since its launch, 100 episodes have been made available and the podcast has been downloaded more than 80,000 times. We’ve received a number of positive comments.

Please pray for more people to find and share these podcasts about God, the Bible, and the Christian walk. Please also pray that this resource would be used by the Lord to give more of God's children a taste and hunger for the ministry of the age.


The first round of the French parliamentary elections were June 11; runoffs are June 18. All 577 seats in the lower, more powerful house of the Parliament are part of the election. “It is I [Jehovah] who made the earth, and the people and the animals who are on the face of the earth, by My great power and by My outstretched arm; and I give it to whomever it seems right in My own eyes” (Jer. 27:5).

Lord, we agree on earth: give the French Parliament to Your choice for Your move in Europe!

The Caribbean

The 2017 International Conference of the church in St. George’s, Grenada is June 16 to 18.


From April 24 to May 7 there was a two-week propagation in four cities by 45 trainees from FTT New Delhi and 28 from FTT Hong Kong together with local saints. We proclaimed the gospel on campuses and in communities. A total of 113 got saved, and every New Delhi trainee bore at least one fruit.

Pray for the continued shepherding of these 113 so that they can be established in the growth of life and be ushered into the church life. Pray also for 25 new trainees to join the fall term in New Delhi.


  1. Morning revival: REPEAT Week 10 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (Winter Training). After the summer training we begin Special Conference, The World Situation and the Lord's Move.
  2. Audios and videos of the Southern California Blending Conference will be available a few days after the conference at
  3. Information about Germany and Europe: (this list is included once a month)

Prayer, Week of June 4, 2017

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Eating and Digesting the Word of God

“Your words were found and I ate them, / And Your word became to me / The gladness and joy of my heart.” (Jer. 15:16a)

“As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me.” (John 6:57)

“The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” (John 6:63b)

The way for believers to experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity in their daily living is to eat, digest, and assimilate the Lord Jesus as food by feeding on the word of God. God’s economy is that we eat, digest, and assimilate Christ to be constituted with Him in order to express Him and represent Him.

We need to keep our whole being, with all our inward parts, open to the Lord so that the spiritual food will have a thoroughfare within us. If we do this, we will have proper digestion and assimilation, we will absorb Christ as spiritual nourishment, and Christ will become our constituent for the expression of God. (Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, msg. 10, IV.A,E.3)

Southern California Blending Conference

This weekend, June 10 to 11, the Southern California Blending Conference will be held at the Ministry Conference Center located at 2431 W La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801. We look to the Lord that He will speak a timely word to meet the present need of all the churches here. Bring your personal FM radio for translation into Chinese, Korean, and Spanish.


Saturday: 4:00–5:45 pm Meeting 1; 5:45–7:00 Break; 7:00–8:45 pm Meeting 2
Lord’s Day: 10:00–10:30 Lord’s Table; 10:00 am–12:30 pm Meeting 3

Children’s service for K–6 will be provided Saturday in Anaheim and, for LA families only, Lord’s Day in Cerritos. Please note: Lord’s Day, June 11, there will be no meetings in any of the halls in LA.

College Training Registrations

The goal of the college trainings is to supply college students with a vision, equip them with truth, help them in their experience of life, perfect them in the preaching of the gospel, and develop their character so they can become useful vessels for the building up of the Body of Christ.

The college trainings are held at five sites in the U.S. in July. Their subject is “Knowing, Seeing, and Gaining God in an Age of Godlessness.” Visit

Ask the Lord to constrain more students to register, including recent high school graduates.

Summer Training Webcasts in Los Angeles

This year’s Summer Training (July 3 to 8) will be a continuation of the Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel. For those who cannot attend the live sessions in Anaheim, the church has arranged for multiple webcast locations in Los Angeles: 3 simulcasts in English (Halls 2, 4, 5); 1 simulcast in Chinese (Hall 3); 2 simulcasts in Korean (Halls 1, 2); 1 simulcast in Spanish (Hall 1), and 1 delayed webcast in Spanish (Hall 2). The deadline to register for the webcast is June 11 ($105); after that, the fee will include a late penalty ($130). For more information, please fellowship with the coordinating brothers in your district.

Ask the Lord to increase our number participating in His speaking to the churches in this training. Lord, make us willing and ready to be perfected!

United Kingdom

There will be a UK general election on June 8. Daniel 2:21a, “And it is He who changes the times and seasons; He deposes kings and causes kings to ascend.” Lord, cause a prime minister and parliament to ascend for the advance of Your move in Europe!


French parliamentary elections are June 11 and 18. All 577 seats in the National Assembly—the lower, more powerful house of the Parliament—will be part of the election. “It is I [Jehovah] who made the earth, and the people and the animals who are on the face of the earth, by My great power and by My outstretched arm; and I give it to whomever it seems right in My own eyes” (Jer. 27:5).

Lord, we agree on earth: give the French Parliament to Your choice!


  1. From May 24 to 28, the German Protestant Kirchentag took place in Berlin and Wittenberg as part of the 500th-year celebration of the Reformation. A total of 4,795 New Testaments (4,655 in German, 140 in English) were distributed to recipients from at least 95 German cities and towns. Please pray for the prompt follow-up, that the Lord would gain at least 100 solid, seeking remaining fruits, and for the planting of “church trees” as golden lampstands all over Germany.
  2. There is a conference for young adults this weekend, June 9 to 11. Lord, gain this generation for Your move in Europe!


There are 54 churches, with over 3,000 saints and 67 full-timers in Myanmar. The Lord is continuing His work through the Full-time Training, literature work, gospel propagations, conferences and trainings.

More about Myanmar, with photos, plus a report from the one-week YP training in Sri Lanka, is at: (English) (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: Week 10 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (Winter Training).
  2. Summer Training registration has been extended to June 11 (or until capacity is reached): $255 for Anaheim, July 3–8; $105 for webcast in L.A. Register at
  3. Information about Germany and Europe: see May 14 prayer (“Older Entries” near bottom of

Prayer, Week of May 28, 2017

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Knowing Life and the Church

Please pray that the burden released during this past weekend’s Memorial Day Conference would be worked into the saints in all the churches. May God’s purpose become our purpose!

“How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Thus the sons of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They are saturated with the fatness of Your house, and You cause them to drink of the river of Your pleasures. For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light.” (Psa. 36:7-8)

“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.” (John 4:14)

For the fulfillment of His purpose, God wants to be the fountain, the source, of living waters to satisfy His chosen people for their enjoyment. The goal of this enjoyment is to produce the church as God's increase, God's enlargement, to be God's fullness for His expression. God is the fountain of living waters to His elect because He has a purpose—to produce a counterpart, a bride, for Himself. Nothing apart from God as the fountain of living waters can satisfy us; nothing apart from God dispensed into our being can make us His increase for His expression. (Msg 1, II.C)

Southern California Blending Conference

A blending conference for the churches in Southern California will be held at the Ministry Conference Center (MCC) on the weekend of June 10 to 11, 2017. In the last two years we held similar conferences, and each time all who attended were encouraged. This practice of gathering the churches has afforded the Lord an opportunity to speak a specific word for the present need of the Lord’s recovery.

We look forward to the opportunity for the all the saints to be perfected into one through this special gathering! We look to the Lord that He will speak a timely word to meet the present need of all the churches in Southern California. Here is the schedule:

    Meeting 1: Saturday afternoon 4:00–5:45 pm
    Break (bring your own dinner; food will not be available for purchase)
    Meeting 2: Saturday evening 7:00–8:45 pm
    Meeting 3: Lord’s Day morning 10:00 am–12:30 pm (Lord’s Table from 10:00–10:30)

For translation into Spanish, Chinese and Korean, please bring your own FM radios and headsets.
For families from L.A., children’s service for K–6 will be provided Saturday in Anaheim, and Lord’s Day in Cerritos.

We urge all the saints in the churches to reserve this time to gather together for corporate blending and to enter into the Lord’s present speaking to the local churches in Southern California.
Please note: Lord’s Day, June 11, there will be no meetings in any of the halls in L.A.


Pray for the Lord to anoint more members from abroad to migrate and be blended with the local saints for the strengthening of the shepherding net for the campuses and refugees. May the Lord continue to speak to His Body from the Special Conference in Anaheim and stir within many to gain a solid number, especially those in their 30s and 40s, at the migrating training in Anaheim (July 12 to August 4).

Pray for the enemy to be bound and for the Lord to guard the local saints and their families. There are many practical services borne by local saints relating to caring for new ones and saints from abroad. Pray that the Lord would continue to strengthen them and cover them against sicknesses and the wearing out tactics of the enemy.


On May 13 to 14 there was a conference in Milan, presenting four messages from February's Special Conference concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Move. About 250 attended, including about 170 (15 are native Italians) from 21 cities in Italy. Many testified of the Lord’s blessing on the conference with His up-to-date speaking and the opportunities for blending outside the meetings.

Please pray for the Lord’s move in Italy, especially for the gaining of local Italians, the strengthening of existing lampstands, and the raising up of a lampstand in Naples.

A one-page report is at


In the recent weeks the churches in Pakistan had a national conference, a gospel trip visit by five trainees from FTT Hong Kong (the first gospel trip to Pakistan by any FTT), a second district meeting beginning in one of the churches, several one-day trainings, and a supply of grace. Two sisters from Pakistan had to stop attending FTT Indonesia because the government did not extend their visas.

Please pray for:

  • saints who have consecrated themselves to attend an FTT, wherever it may be;
  • the Lord’s increase in Pakistan;
  • those who will attend the one-month Perfecting Training, starting July 1, and for the venue for the last
  • the saints to continually pursue the Lord to seek to grow in life so all will become functioning members.


  1. Morning revival: Week 9 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (Winter Training).
  2. Summer Training registration has been extended to June 11 (or until capacity is reached):
    $255 for Anaheim, July 3–8; $105 for webcast in L.A. Register at
  3. Information about Germany and Europe: see May 14 prayer (“Older Entries” near bottom of