Prayer, Week of August 30, 2015

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Rise Up to Pray for A New Revival

God became man that man may become God. Such an economy is incomprehensible to both angels and man. This economy is of God’s desire, and it will reach, attain, the high peak of God’s goal….The Triune God and the tripartite man will become a loving couple in eternity as man yet still God. Divinity and humanity will become a mutual abode, and the glory of God will be expressed in humanity radiantly in splendor to the uttermost. (hymn, What Miracle, What Mystery, at end of morning revival week 1)

I hope that the saints in all the churches throughout the earth, especially the co-workers and the elders, will see this revelation and then rise up to pray that God would give us a new revival—a revival which has never been recorded in history. (W. Lee, Life-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, ch. 2, sec. 3, © LSM)

CSUN (Hall 2 English)

Last week we met over 100 students through our welcome events during the first week of classes and saw about 15 of them multiple times. Thank you, saints, for all of your prayers! Please pray that:

  1. the students would continue to be built up as a priesthood, bearing the new ones together in prayer;
  2. we would see the new ones this coming week and attach them to our Bible study and the homes;
  3. the Lord would show us which ones to focus our labor on, and build up the net to contain them as remaining fruit.

Also, please pray for our club table at the CSUN club fair on Tuesday and Wednesday this week where we have an opportunity to meet more students.

Middle-Age Training

The middle age FTTA begins this week. Eighty-three trainees are registered for the whole term. One-third are from Southern California, others from across the U.S., and some from ten other nations. Ask the Lord to infuse them with life, enlighten them with truth, save them from their natural being, and lead them into coordination for serving Him.

Oak Glen - Southern California Blending Center

On August 22 there was a meeting in Anaheim to present our purchase of Oak Glen to all the churches in Southern California. A video of that fellowship is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese on

The sale of Oak Glen to the Southern California churches will be completed in October. At that time the $1.64 million down payment will be due. To help with this, please give to the church by Lord’s Day, September 27, designated for Oak Glen.

Bibles for America

Praise the Lord for His moving at the Crow Fair in Montana! Saints came from many states to support the distribution. Over 400 copies of the NT Recovery Version went out with the vast majority going to Native Americans. Many people, especially many children, prayed to receive the Lord. An encouraging 71 people indicated interest in further contact.

Please pray that the Lord would operate through each Bible given away and would raise up the shepherding for the many newly regenerated and seeking believers among the Crow Nation.

European Universities

Most universities in the UK and other European countries start their new academic year in the coming weeks. This is the most crucial time for making new contacts on campus. Please pray:

  • to consecrate the new academic year, the students, the homes, and the labor on campus to the Lord
  • that the Lord will raise up key students to co-labor on many campuses throughout Europe
  • that the Lord will open the way to contact some seeking ones during this critical time and gain them as remaining fruit.


Reports from Turkey and Bangladesh about gospel preaching among Moslems and Hindus, baptizing and shepherding new believers, home gatherings, raising up local churches, and contacting other Christians are at: (English) (Chinese).


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 of The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, October 18, at L.A. Trade Tech College (same location as May of this year and October of last year).
  3. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26 to 29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed announcement is at

Prayer, Week of August 23, 2015

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Watering and Spreading the National College Training Seed

The National College Training was not an isolated event but rather the beginning of a new move by the Lord. The seed has been planted and we need to water it by prayer. Pray that these aspects of vital living 1) continue in all who attended, 2) spread to other college students and young people, and 3) spread to all ages in the recovery:

  • Loving the Lord and being revived in the morning;
  • Reading His word and walking by the Spirit;
  • Participating in the prayer meetings of the church;
  • Praying with companions regularly and preaching the gospel;
  • Freshly consecrating.

USC, CSUN, Cal State Channel Island

We are very encouraged that the students are rising up to pray, to be burdened for the Lord's move, and to contact people. We have had good times of blending and coordination with our students and many good times of contacting and conversing with incoming freshmen and preparing for the start of school. Thank you for your prayers for those times.

This week Monday classes began on these campuses. We have several welcome events this week and next, and we do need much prayer from the saints that:

  1. the students would remain supplied, maintaining a praying spirit throughout all of the busy activities;
  2. the Lord would maintain a strong one accord among the students;
  3. we would have warm and positive contact with many new students, especially freshmen, multiple times in these weeks;
  4. the students would be bold to speak the Lord to classmates and friends during these weeks;
  5. the Lord would strengthen the church life net (students, full-timers, and community saints) in vital groups to contain and keep the freshmen as remaining fruit.

SoCal Spanish-speaking Training

We are about to start a new series of trainings on the God-ordained way. To end this age, we have to enter into a new revival, one which has never been seen before on earth. For this revival we need to reach the high peak of divine revelation, to have the God-man living, and to shepherd the flock of God by imparting the life-giving Spirit. We live in a historic time; we are on the threshold of turning the age. We need to keep training ourselves to become the dispensational instruments that the Lord is looking for.

The August 29 training meeting will cover:

  • the steps regarding the practice of the God-ordained way, the importance of the home meetings and the need to visit people in their homes.
  • the preparation of the home meetings, the four elements of the home meetings and the way to carry out the home meetings.

SoCal High School Juniors and Seniors Fellowship

There will be a special overnight fellowship with all of our high school juniors and seniors throughout southern California September 12-13 from 9 AM on Saturday through Lord's Day at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. Our burden is that these upperclassmen could be shepherded and blended with each other and with college students and serving ones while having some precious and practical fellowship about their going on in the Lord and in His house.

UK and Ireland Blending Conference

This annual conference is August 29 to 30 in Nottingham, England. We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints and churches attending.


Last week universities in the Netherlands began their introduction days (equivalent to freshmen orientation in the U.S.). On August 12 we went to Utrecht University to distribute Bibles (in English, with the Rhema set one book in Dutch). The Lord covered the weather and provided an excellent location for the table. We handed out 91 Bibles, 35 requested further contact, and at least three received the Lord. After the distribution on the campus we had a welcome dinner.

Please join us to pray:

  • For the follow-up with the 35 who attend Utrecht University, that they would remain open through the weeks between receiving the Bible and starting school on September 1. We are praying that there will be at least five remaining fruit from this group.
  • For the follow-up with seeking ones contacted at other universities last week, that the Lord gain them as remaining fruit, and bring them to our open homes to cherish and to nourish them.


Before a visit to Malta, there was a feeling in our locality that we should pray that the Lord would give us two contacts (key persons) as an open door to distribute free copies of the NT Recovery Version.

Through internet research, we received a feeling from the Lord to contact the leader of a specific Christian group. We visited two of their meetings and met two of the leading brothers. Both received a NT Recovery Version and were very thankful. With one of them we had a longer time of fellowship, and felt that the Lord was among us. We stayed in contact with this brother. He responded after a short time, thanking us for giving him the Bible and expressing his appreciation for the footnotes. Please pray that:

  • both brothers keep reading and enjoying the NT Recovery Version and that through the footnotes they will tap into the revelation of the truth, the spiritual light, and life supply in the Word of God;
  • they will express their appreciation to fellow believers and recommend the NT Recovery Version;
  • the Lord will reveal to them the church, the one universal fellowship of the Body of Christ, for the raising up of His testimony on the Maltese Islands;
  • they will remain open for further contact with saints in His recovery.


  1. Morning revival: Week 8 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building. Next week we will begin The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will have another series of training meetings on the practice of God-ordained way. They will be in Anaheim Saturdays August 29, September 19, and November 21, plus a conference October 17. Details are at
  3. The Southern California High School Juniors and Seniors Fellowship will be September 12-13 at Oak Glen. Register as soon as possible but no later than Lord's Day August 30. The cost will be $65.00 with all meals (except for Lord's Day lunch) and lodging provided. We ask all the saints to please register through your serving ones as we do for other SCYP conferences.

Prayer, Week of August 16, 2015

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National College Training: Those Who Love His Appearing

Second Timothy 4:8 speaks of all those who love our Lord’s appearing. The prayers of thousands of saints allowed the Lord to take a big step at the training culminating with the students declaring, I will give myself to be an overcomer, To see a heav’nly vision, Keep my flaming spirit burning! I give myself to You, to turn this age.

Now we need the same intensity of prayer by all ages for continuing consecration, more seeing and burning, and increased announcing of the gospel until the Lord can come back.

A larger number of short video testimonies from many students are at

A video overview of the training is at

FTTA and Boston Extension

FTTA began last week Monday. The Lord brought 155 first termers. The total number of trainees this term is 372. Both numbers are the most ever in FTTA and both are answers to prayer!

This week the first termers learn which team they are on and who is their gospel partner. Please pray for their opening to the Lord and willingness to be blended!

FTTA-xB, the third year training in Boston, also began Monday, August 10. There are 25 trainees, 20 entering and 5 returning. This number is lower than in the spring term; please pray for an increase in Boston. A one-page letter about the purpose and goals of FTTA Boston extension is at

CSUN (Hall 2 English)

The students completed a two week internship where they enjoyed the Lord and prayed together, contacted freshmen at orientations, and prepared for the coming school year. They passed out thousands of tracts and got contact information for over 100, the most ever. Please pray for the follow up labor with all the positive contacts:

  • That they would respond to the invitation and personal contact and come to the welcome events on campus
    during the first week of school (August 24-28);
  • That they would come to the home meeting on Friday night, August 28;
  • That our students would be built together and in the homes more than ever to contain the fruit.

USC (Hall 4 English)

We have a pre-semester retreat this week with our core students. Please pray that we would:

  • Be blent together into one accord and continue to rise up to take the lead at USC,
  • Have much prayer for the gospel and the Lord's move at USC,
  • Coordinate many practical details to prepare for the semester.

Also, the freshmen move into the dorms on Wednesday. Pray that we would be able to establish many warm and solid connections with them right away. Pray that the Lord would sweep in their hearts and prepare them, stirring up their seeking for the Lord. May our students be empowered with the economical Spirit to boldly spread the word during this critical week!

Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference and

All Southern California Young People Blending Meeting

There is a burden to change the atmosphere of our work with the young people from a defensive work of preservation to an offensive work of propagation, and to bring our second generation into a normal gospel preaching life. For this, it is with great joy that we announce another Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference, August 29, 9 am to 7 pm, and open for all going into grades seven and eight.

We also invite all the young people, grades 7-12 to join us for a corporate blending meeting 7 to 9 pm. Both the Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference and the all Southern California Young People Blending Meeting will be held in the church in Arcadia meeting hall on Saturday, August 29th.

Last year the Lord very much blessed this all Southern California Blending Meeting in a wonderful way. We look to the Lord again this year for another encouraging, enjoyable, and profitable time. We rejoice with you all that the Lord is doing a genuine work among the young people here in Southern California. We would ask that you stand with us in this burden and pray strongly for this time.

Bibles for America

On August 18 BfA staff members will begin a three-week distribution tour in the Midwest. They will visit cities in South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, giving away Bibles and books on college campuses and at local venues such as the Minnesota State Fair, a huge event that attracts nearly two million people. Please pray that the Lord would go before the brothers and sisters on this tour, preparing His hungry ones to meet the saints, receive the Word, and taste the riches of this wonderful ministry.

Czech Republic

Please pray for the continuation of the seminars in Prague in September and for the possibility of holding seminars in other cities in the Czech Republic. Pray also for the shepherding of the seeking ones in Prague and in other parts of the country.

Baltic Blending Conference

The Baltic nations’ blending conference will be August 21 to 23 in Latvia.


  1. Morning revival: Week 7 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building. After week 8, we will begin The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will have another series of training meetings on the practice of God-ordained way. They will be in Anaheim Saturdays August 29, September 19, and November 21, plus a conference October 17. Details are at
  3. An illustrated report about mass distribution of ministry materials around the earth is at

Prayer, Week of August 9, 2015

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National College Training: Jesus Lovers

The National College Training (NCT) was the beginning of a new era in the Lord’s move on the campuses and we must strongly pray for its continuation. Pray for

  • thousands to be captured by the Lord from the generation represented by the 1300 students at NCT
  • this generation to be much more consecrated and overcoming than past generations.

By prayer, may we all be a factor to usher in the final revival that will bring the Lord back!
All the NCT messages are at Short video testimonies from many students are at

USC (L.A. Hall 4)

This week we have some USC students participating in a substantial way in prayer, coordination, and planning for the upcoming school year. Please pray that the Lord would continue to operate in the students through much prayer in one accord. Also, pray that they would continue to rise up and bear the burden for their campus, following the Lord according to His fresh leading for how to go on this school year. Last, pray that both the spiritual and practical preparation for this semester could be carried out in a timely way so that the Lord can gain much remaining fruit!

FTT Anaheim and FTT London

The FTTA and FTTL fall terms begin this week. FTTA has the largest-ever incoming group of trainees and probably the largest total number of trainees (a few international trainees are waiting for visas). This increase is mainly trainees from the U.S., an answer to prayer. Please pray for:

  • a strong and exercised beginning of the training.
  • a renewed consecration from all the trainees (both incoming and returning) that the Lord would have His way to do whatever He needs to do to further His economy.

Oak Glen Christian Conference Center

The churches in Southern California are in escrow to buy Oak Glen, a conference center in Yucaipa where we have held young people’s conferences. Oak Glen is larger, much easier to drive to, and at a lower elevation than Engedi. A detailed review of Oak Glen has not found any major problems. The brothers overseeing this purchase are turning their attention to a master plan for refurbishment and enlargement. The intention is that Oak Glen will be a gathering place for all ages, for small groups, individual churches, and clusters of churches as well as for our young people and college students.

A meeting to present Oak Glen in a full way will be held at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim, Saturday, August 22, 7 to 9 pm. This meeting will have translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. There will be no childcare provided but a room in the same building will be available as an overflow room with live video and English audio for parents with young children.

A brief video about Oak Glen is at

Bibles for America

The church in Billings, Montana in cooperation with Bibles for America will do a Bible distribution at the Crow Fair in Montana August 12th through 17th. This is the largest gathering of Native Americans in the world, with 45,000 people attending and 1500 teepees set up. The burden is to give away 1000 Bibles at this time. Past BfA distributions have found the Native American peoples in this area to be pleasantly receptive to the Recovery Version.

European Young People's Conference and Children and Parents’ Conference

The 2015 European Young People's Conference (ages 13 to 19 plus serving saints) and the Children (ages 4 to 12) and Parents’ Conference was in Poland July 26 through August 1. Approximately 1,130 young people, children, parents, and serving ones attended this conference. Please pray that:

  • the young people will receive the bountiful supply of the Spirit and the Lord’s abundant grace and mercy to be today’s Josephs, who live as sheaves of life and stars of light;
  • shepherds be raised up to care for the young people;
  • the Lord continue to supply the parents to be patterns to their children and to raise their children to be gospel seeds for God’s economy.

European University Training

The University Training is held each year in August for university students and those going into their final year of secondary school. This year the topic is The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building and the dates are August 10 to 16.


A strong typhoon struck Taiwan last Friday and Saturday. Let us pray for the Lord’s care to all His churches there and pray that this event would turn to salvation for many people.


  1. Morning revival: Week 6 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building. After week 8, we will begin The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will have another series of training meetings on the practice of God-ordained way. They will be in Anaheim Saturdays August 29, September 19, and November 21, plus a conference October 17. Details are at
  3. A one-page letter about the purpose and goals of FTTA Boston extension is at
  4. An illustrated report about mass distribution of ministry materials around the earth is at
  5. The church in Houston is hosting a Labor Day weekend conference on the gospel to all the nations with emphasis on gaining African-American peoples for the Lord’s testimony. The conference will be Friday night, September 4 through Lord’s Day lunch, September 6. The church in L.A. has a letter about the conference or

Prayer, Week of August 2, 2015

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National College Training: Living Overcomers

The National College Training was the beginning of a new era in the Lord’s move on the campuses and we must strongly pray for its continuation. We believe that the time is near for the Lord’s coming and this generation will see His face! May they be a factor to usher in the final revival that will bring the Lord back! In particular, pray that the students (and all of us) would maintain daily habits of:

  • Loving the Lord and eating His word in the morning
  • Reading His word
  • Walking by the Spirit, shining in the midst of the darkness of this age
  • Participating in the prayer meetings of the church
  • Preaching the gospel
  • Praying with companions regularly
  • Freshly consecrating

All NCT messages are at

Summer School of Truth

Praise the Lord for His blessing in this year's Summer School of Truth. There was a genuine atmosphere of seeking the Triune God among all the young people this past week. As we experienced His rich dispensing, the Triune God became real, not only as doctrine or knowledge, but as a Person who lives in us and is constantly caring for us every moment of every day.

There was a strong conclusion to SSoT, both in the final meeting Saturday night and in the various district meetings on Lord's Day. Many shared on the workshops and messages that were given to introduce daily life practices to initiate contact with the Lord and to keep the dialogue open no matter the difficult circumstances.
Pray for a rich continuation of the good deposit in all the young people as they descend on their junior high and high school campuses this semester. Also pray for the Lord's leading and direction in the serving ones for the continual care of the young people.


Matthew 7:7 says, " and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you." Please ask the Lord to fulfill His word and bring many hungry seekers to find nourishment on internet sites which present the riches of the ministry. These include BfA, Rhema Books, LSM online publications, Witness Lee and Watchman Nee websites, Recovered to the Bible, and many web sites of churches, campus clubs, and individuals.

Please pray also for the saints who give time each week to “war the good warfare” (1 Tim. 1:18) for the Lord’s move on the internet.


On June 27-28 and July 11-12 the church in Anchorage distributed approximately 280 New Testament Recovery Versions and 380 ministry books at the Anchorage Market and Festival. A booth has been reserved for another weekend. Please pray that the Lord would operate in the hearts of those who have already received Bibles and books.

Additionally, the saints in Alaska recently sent an email to BfA recipients throughout the state to find out if any would like to participate in a local or online Bible study. Please pray that the Lord would motivate many to respond and that they would be connected in a solid way to a Bible study. Pray also for the Lord’s leading and the abundant supply of grace for the saints as they care for those who respond.

FTT Paraguay

This training, which began in 2000, receives Spanish-speaking trainees from South America and Central America. The fall term begins August 3. This term the training adds a Portuguese language section so that the Lord can gain more young adults from Brazil. (

FTT Mexico

The fall term begins August 3. Please pray for the trainees and for the funds to be received before August 15 to complete the purchase of the new training center. Offerings may be given to the church, designated for the Mexico City training center. (


  1. Morning revival: Week 5 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building.
  2. The Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will have another series of training meetings on the practice of God-ordained way. They will be in Anaheim Saturdays August 29, September 19, and November 21, plus a conference October 17. Details are at

Prayer, Week of July 26, 2015

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National College Training: Consecrated Age Turners

The National College Training concluded July 18, but the burden goes on. May we all become a corporate, praying “Hannah” to bring forth these young ones as today’s “Samuel,” a corporate Nazarite willing to cooperate with God to be His age-turners and end this age.

From We consider that the National College Training was the beginning of a new era in the Lord’s move on the campuses and must strongly pray for its continuation. We believe that the time is near for the Lord’s coming and this generation will see His face! In particular, pray that the students would:

  • Establish a set time and place each day to romantically love the Lord and eat His word in the morning;
  • Immediately commit to daily read His word;
  • Walk by the Spirit in daily life, shining as an anti-testimony in the midst of the darkness of this present age;
  • Experience outpouring of the economical Spirit of power by participating in the prayer meetings of the church and by preaching the gospel with authority;
  • Pray with companions regularly, being built up with one another and loosing their friends and classmates to be saved;
  • Daily renew their consecration before the Lord for the rest of their lives to turn this age;
  • Bring the fire of the Lord’s recovery to all of His saints in His recovery and be a factor to usher in the final revival that will bring the Lord back!

All NCT messages are at

Summer School of Truth

The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth continues to August 1 with overflow Lord’s Day, August 2. Please pray for the young people to enter into a normal and genuine touch with the Lord day by day, so that the mysterious Triune God would no longer be a mystery to them. May the Lord cause all the young people to become loving-seekers and loving-experiencers of the processed and consummated Triune God.

European Young People's Conference & Children and Parents’ Conference

The 2015 European Young People's Conference (ages 13 to 19 plus serving saints) and the Children (ages 4 to 12) and Parents’ Conference is in Małe Ciche, Poland, Lord's Day, July 26 through Saturday, August 1. Over 1100 young people, serving saints, parents, and children are registered.

It is our desire that the Lord would have a way to reach each young person attending this conference, that each young person’s love for the Lord would grow and that they would consecrate themselves in a deeper and more thorough way in this conference. We therefore ask all the churches to stand with us in prayer during the conference that the Word of the Lord would be prevailing.

Through this conference in past years, many U.S. young people have been brought into the Lord’s burden for Europe. Lord, do more this summer for Your move to and in Europe!

Chinese-Speaking Students’ Perfecting

The annual Chinese-speaking students' perfecting training will be held in Franklin Park, NJ from July 27 to August 2. As in the past, there will be weekend extensions to the perfecting training in other areas in North America. The intent is to perfect these newly-saved students in truth, life, vision, and service.

Russian-Speaking Students Training

We thank God that every summer, in August, students from all over the Russian-speaking world have the opportunity to meet in Moscow to participate in student training. Many can attest that every time their participation in training is an excellent opportunity to devote their time on vacation to the Lord, to seek Christ with their peers, to get improvement in the truth and the life of the gospel, and to find a new beginning with the Lord before the new school year.

This training is in Moscow July 24 to August 29.


  1. Morning revival: Week 4 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building.

Prayer, Week of July 19, 2015

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National College Training: Consecrated Age Turners

The National College Training concluded Saturday. The report from Friday night, with the corporate consecration of 1300 college students: “The atmosphere was palpable, electrifying, and unquenchable! And all who were there will have the memory of tonight stamped into their being. Lives have been changed and the Lord has gained what He is after!” (Longer daily reports and photos are at

Let us continue to petition the Lord to:

• keep the fire burning in every student who attended;
• bring this atmosphere of consecration to other students in the recovery and to all the churches;
• release the gospel through the students wherever they are before their school year; and
• cast fire on all the college campuses to gain an unprecedented number of freshmen this fall.

Summer School of Truth

L.A.’s Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1. This year we will cover Lesson Book 2 - The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. First Corinthians 8:4 says, “There is no God but one.” Although our God is one, there is something mysterious about Him. In Matthew 28:19 the Lord Jesus says, “Baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Here the Lord speaks clearly of the three—the Father, Son, and Spirit. But “name” is singular. The burden for the upcoming SSoT is for the young people to enter into a normal and genuine touch with the Lord, day by day, so that the mysterious Triune God would no longer be a mystery to them. May the Lord cause all the young people to become loving-seekers and loving-experiencers of the processed and consummated Triune God.

Also pray that the Lord would cover all aspects of coordination and fellowship leading up to the SSoT for a bountiful release of the Triune God.

Young people, parents, and serving ones please register at

New Training Center in Mexico City

FTT Mexico began in 1999 as a section of FTTA. It moved to Mexico City in 2002. The training center used since then needs to be replaced because 1) by the fall semester it will be overcrowded, 2) it is one hour from UNAM, the number one university in Mexico, which frustrates trainees in practicing campus work, and 3) the area around this training center is less secure than when we began here.

We agreed to purchase a new facility which is much larger, only 11⁄2 miles from UNAM, and in one of the safest locations in Mexico City. The cost is 3.5M US$; we have received a little over 2M US$ and made a 50% down payment.We need 1.5M US$ by August 15 to obtain the title. Please pray for this.

Offerings may be given to the church, designated for the Mexico City training center.

Young People's Conference of the Americas

The 2015 Young People's Conference of the Americas for ages 12 to 22 will take place in São Roque, Brazil Wednesday, July 22 through Lord's Day, July 26.

Krakow, Poland

Please pray for the monthly English Bible and Polish ministry book distributions in Krakow. Please pray also for the shepherding of the seeking ones here and for the raising up of the church in Krakow.


Recently, the Lord released a three-year residence permit for the full-time serving ones from the USA. Praise and thank Him for His faithfulness and for answering the prayers of the saints!

Please pray for Greece as it goes through the present economic and political crisis. Pray that the heavens will rule and that the Lord will soften many hearts and produce a desperate seeking in the Greek people.


  1. Morning revival: Week 3 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building.
  2. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of July 12, 2015

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NCT: Loving Seekers to be God’s Age Turners

The National College Training (NCT) is NOW. It continues through Saturday, July 18 on the University of Illinois campus. The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

Let us petition the Lord to bestow the top divine blessing of His own presence as the out-poured Spirit upon this training. May we intercede on behalf of a new generation of young people that each will have a life-changing encounter with the God of glory. Supplicate for their total possession by the Master for His use.

Pray that these young believers as a group will offer themselves willingly in the splendor of their consecration and be like the dew from the womb of the dawn, watering Christ in the day of His warfare (Psa. 110:3). Beseech on their behalf that not one of them will despise their youth, but will become a pattern to the saints (1 Tim. 4:12).

Daily updates of the NCT can be viewed at

Summer School of Truth

L.A.’s Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1. This year we will cover Lesson Book 2 - The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. First Corinthians 8:4 says, “There is no God but one.” Although our God is one, there is something mysterious about Him. In Matthew 28:19 the Lord Jesus says, “Baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Here the Lord speaks clearly of the three—the Father, Son, and Spirit. But “name” is singular. The burden for the upcoming SSoT is for the young people to enter into a normal and genuine touch with the Lord, day by day, so that the mysterious Triune God would no longer be a mystery to them. May the Lord cause all the young people to become loving-seekers and loving-experiencers of the processed and consummated Triune God.

Also pray that the Lord would cover all aspects of coordination and fellowship leading up to the SSoT for a bountiful release of the Triune God.

Young people, parents, and serving ones please register at

Nordic Conference

The annual Nordic nations’ conference is July 17 to 19 in Oslo, Norway. It will be followed by the Nordic brothers’ meeting July 19 to 20.


A two-page report about recent activities in the Lord’s move is at (Europe Report June 2015).


July 16-18 there is a perfecting training for saints in the United Arab Emirates. July 17-18 there is a training for serving saints in Bangladesh.


  1. Morning revival: Week 2 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building.
  2. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of July 5, 2015

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Summer Training - Loving Seekers of God for His Habitation

The summer training continues in video trainings around the earth. Lord, enable each one of us to live before You as a vessel open to be filled with Your speaking. Constitute us to be the proper people for the building of Your habitation.

National College Training, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

The National College Training is July 12-18 on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana-Champaign (halfway between St. Louis and Chicago). The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

From the U.S. 1405 have registered, plus 375 from 33 other nations. They represent 325 college campuses. Beseech the Lord to cause everyone who registered to attend this training, to arrive safely, and to participate fully as a vessel open to be filled with the Lord’s speaking.

Also ask the Lord to raise up many others to pray regularly this week, during the training, and afterward.

Summer School of Truth

LA’s Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1. We will cover the lesson book on The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. Young people should register at

European Students’ Blending Trip to US

Approximately 100 students from Europe came to attend the summer training in Anaheim and will be at the National College Training. Please pray for these students that the Lord will open His heart to them and their hearts to Him and will raise them up to be a generation of age turners for His move in Europe and for His coming back to end this age.


May the heavens rule over the economic and political turmoil, managing behind the scene for the sake of God's move in Europe.


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building.
  2. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of June 28, 2015

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Summer Training

In the winter training we saw the salvation and provision of God bringing us to the kingdom. The result is that we come to the mountain of God where we spend time with Him (as Moses did), He speaks to us, and He shines into us to make us shining. May we be those with unveiled face on top of the mountain in God’s glory, not those below, trembling under the cloud.

National College Training, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

The National College Training is July 12-18 on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana- Champaign (halfway between St. Louis and Chicago). Beseech the Lord to cause everyone who registered to attend this training and to participate fully.

The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

European Students’ Blending Trip to US

Approximately 100 students from Europe have come to attend the summer training in Anaheim and the national college training in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Please pray for all the students, including those from Europe, that the Lord will open His heart to them and their hearts to Him and will raise them up to be a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back.


July 1 to 12 are focused on the gospel in Bangladesh. Lord, save many and bring them into the reality of Your Body.


  1. Morning revival: summer training verses or week 12 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus. July 6 we will begin The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building.
  2. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1. Young people should register at
  3. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at