Prayer, Week of September 21, 2014

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"God Has Blended the Body Together" (1 Cor. 12:24)

Lord's Day, October 19 the whole church in Los Angeles will gather at L.A. Trade Tech College (the same location as in April). Ask the Lord to release every one of us to attend and to exercise our spirit to partake of the blending which God has already accomplished.

Korean Language Bible Distribution

The Korean-speaking saints did a Bible distribution during the L.A. Korean Festival last week (September 18-21). We distributed about 1100 Bibles including 100 English and 80 Spanish. This will be followed by Bible seminars on three Saturdays—September 27, October 4 and 11. Through the seminars they hope to get many seekers to participate in their weekly Bible club meetings.

The overall atmosphere was good and many people appreciated the free study Bible and showed interest in Bible seminars or Bible clubs. We received contact information for about 650 people.

Spain and Portugal

The saints serving in the Iberian Peninsula are burdened to cover the full Peninsula including Spain, Portugal, their island territories, the micro state of Andorra, and Gibraltar. The total population is close to 60 million. The Lord is opening up many areas, some where we have new saints meeting, others with contacts and scattered saints.

At present there are three couples serving full time in Madrid and one in Lisbon. The scattered and new saints need much shepherding; frequent and personal visits are the best way and central to our service here. Given the need and the size of the field, we feel we are very shorthanded.

The Lord's recovery in here started in the early 80s and there had been some young saints sent to the full-time training several years ago. Then there was a gap of a few years with no young saints in the full-time training. Now there is a new crop who has been raised up and over the past two years some have graduated from the training and begun serving.

A three-page report about the Lord's move here is at


After many months of struggle, Christians on Campus in Lausanne is officially an organization now. First campus in Switzerland. Lord, provide many more.

Lebanon and Cyprus

The church in Beirut warmly extends an invitation to the churches to share with us in a time of fellowship and blending to be held on the island of Cyprus September 25-28.


1. Morning revival: week 28 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
2. The winter trainingtraining will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Registration should be completed by October 26. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
3. There will be a Southern California Korean-speaking conference on October 25, 9 am to 9 pm in Anaheim. This will be a respeaking in Korean of the ITERO in Toronto. Registration is required, due October 12, with $15 for two meals and outlines. There will be child care service.
4. There will be a Southern California Blending Conference on November 15, 4 to 9 pm in Anaheim. Translation will be provided for Chinese, Korean, and Spanish; bring an FM radio. Limited childcare will be available; details will be announced later.
5. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Care for children kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided; register by November 1. Information is at
6. The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taipei, Taiwan Saturday and Lord's Day, February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. All who plan to attend should complete their registration by November 30; register through the church here. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at

Prayer, Week of September 14, 2014

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Korean Language Bible Distribution

The Korean-speaking saints are actively working toward the Bible distribution during the L.A. Korean Festival next week (September 18-21) followed by Bible Seminars September 27, October 4 and 11.

This annual, four-day festival is the biggest event in the Korean community in North America. We have a booth and will distribute the Recovery Version and invite the recipients to our Bible seminars. Please pray that:

  1. The gospel of the kingdom could be preached through this distribution.
  2. All the Bibles distributed would be read with good impression.
  3. Many people would be open to further contacts, especially to attend the three Bible seminars.
  4. This Bible distribution wouldn't remain as a mere outward activity, but would become an opportunity to perfect and vitalize the Korean-speaking saints.

Thousand Oaks

By the Lord's mercy, the Church in Thousand Oaks' number is steadily increasing. Over-crowding at our meeting hall is a serious problem for both adults and children. After over six months of fellowship and planning, we came to the decision to implement two sessions on Lord's Days, starting September 14.

  • English-speaking saints will meet from 9:00 to 10:30 AM. After that we are planning to have a campus ministry meeting from 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon. We are diligently looking for a place on/near campus.
  • Chinese-speaking saints will meet from 10:45 AM to 12:30 PM. We will have lunch together after the meeting for shepherding and fellowship.

This is a giant step for us out of necessity. We are in fear and trembling, yet we trust in the Lord's mercy and grace. We need much of your prayer and support in the spirit.

Sierra Leone

The 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest Ebola outbreak in history and the first in West Africa. The current outbreak is strongly affecting the nations of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia in West Africa. Half the people who get Ebola die.

(The following is from an email sent by a brother in the recovery in Sierra Leone)

Ebola is still prevailing in Sierra Leone and destroying like fire in [a dry wind]. We need your prayers at all time. 100s have lost their lives to Ebola and more are dying every day. We shall observe a three days sit down at home on the 19th-21st of this month nation wide. There shall be no Church meetings and no other religious meetings nation wide. This is really very serious...... We need God's intervention.

United Kingdom

This week is the beginning of a busy time all across the UK.

Freshers' Fayres (freshman orientations) in which we will participate are in Edinburgh, 3 places in London, Manchester, Glasgow, Reading, Cambridge, Norwich, Ipswich, Cardiff, Sheffield, Southampton.

Luke 10:1-2. "Now after these things, the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to come. And He said to them, the harvest is great, but the workers few; therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest."

We believe that the Lord is about to come to all these places. Truly we must beseech and pray that there would be the workers who would present themselves willingly to be thrust into the Lord's harvest. Please pray for all these Freshers' Fayres that the Lord would gain what He needs to gain His building material, build His church, and end this age.


The annual Swiss French-speaking conference is September 20-21. Ask the Lord to bring many together to be blended in spirit, and to release a word for the furtherance of His move there.


  1. Morning revival: week 27 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
  2. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Care for children kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided; register by November 1. Information is at
  3. The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taipei, Taiwan Saturday, February 21 and Lord's Day, February 22. We extend an invitation to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. All who plan to attend should complete their registration by November 30; register through the church here. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at
  4. You can get your own copy of this page by email every Monday morning. Register at the bottom of the right column of

Prayer, Week of September 7, 2014

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Children's Work Perfecting Conference

We are pleased to announce to the churches in Southern California a perfecting conference for parents and for those who serve with the children in the churches. This perfecting conference will be a continuation and further development of the same conference we began several years ago.

This conference will be Saturday, October 4 from 9 am until 3 pm at the church in Diamond Bar meeting hall. There will be translation into Korean, Chinese and Spanish (bring your own FM radio). For the registered saints lunch will be provided. The registration donation will be $25. Please register by September 28 at and click on Event Registration.

Kansas City

Dick Taylor will be in Kansas City for a conference Friday through Lord's Day. Saints from Missouri and Kansas will be attend along with smaller numbers from nearby states. The subject is The Heavenly Vision. Please pray that this conference give more people the vision and bring more people into the reality of this vision.


In the coming weeks the universities across Europe will begin their new academic year. This is a very crucial time for making new contacts on campus. Please pray:

  • That the Lord will open many homes to shepherd the students and will also raise up key students to co-labor on many campuses throughout Europe.
  • That the Lord will sovereignly arrange contact with many seeking ones in the coming weeks and will gain them as remaining fruit.


  1. The FTT New Delhi trainees with the saints propagated for 12 days in 3 campuses and 4 communities in August. They used the gospel of John as their gospel tract. There were 17 baptisms. In this propagation the Lord has blessed us with 50 students and 14 families who are open for regular meeting and Bible studies. Please pray:
    • For the coordination of trainees and saints in shepherding of the contacts to be remaining fruits;
    • For the establishment of Bible study groups in the campuses;
    • That the new ones could be brought into the church life through the perfecting in the group meetings.
  2. Starting September 8th, there will be an intensified gospel move for three weeks in various places throughout India. Please pray that more contacts and key families may be gained to be the building materials for the building of the house of God.


  1. Morning revival: week 26 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
  2. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Care for children kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided; register by November 1. Information is at
  3. The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taipei, Taiwan Saturday, February 21 and Lord's Day, February 22. We extend an invitation to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. All who plan to attend should complete their registration by November 30; register through the church here. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at

Prayer, Week of August 31, 2014

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Bethel - The House of God

We need to be enlightened by and fully saturated with the thought that in this universe God is doing only one thing—building His eternal habitation. (point I in msg 1, United Kingdom and Ireland blending conference, August 23-24, attended by about 500).

High School Seniors Fellowship

We are happy to announce another High School Seniors Fellowship Time on Saturday, September 13 at the meeting hall of the Church in Irvine. This time is open to all high school seniors, not just those interested in attending UCI. We hope to impress the students with a vision of the value of their college years humanly and for the Lord and provide some practical college fellowship.

Midage Training

The fall term of middle age training began Monday, September 1. Eighty trainees are registered for the whole term and eleven more for one to a few weeks. Please pray that each one remains open to the Lord's enlightening and constituting.

Bibles for America

Many BfA recipients send in positive responses regarding the free Bible, books, and other materials they receive. Such responses come through email, Facebook, YouTube, and the BfA blog and provide further opportunity and encouragement to pray for these dear believers. Please pray that many people would continue to find and benefit from the free resources available from Bibles for America.

Thessaloniki, Greece

In the middle of August two serving couples moved from Athens to Thessaloniki. The Lord has given them apartments in a strategic location, a 10-minute walk from the university. Please pray that:

  • the local saints who have been in contact with them will be strengthened to practice the church life;
  • the Lord will lead them to contact more seeking people and will enlarge His testimony here;
  • the Lord will nourish and build up the saints through their consistent reading of the ministry.


The annual conference in Romania is September 5 to 7. Please pray for 1) the gathering and blending of all the saints, 2) the release of the Lord's word, and 3) the unveiling of all to see a heavenly vision.


  1. Morning revival: week 25 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
  2. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Care for children kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided; register by November 1. Information is at
  3. The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taipei, Taiwan Saturday, February 21 and Lord's Day, February 22. We extend an invitation to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. All who plan to attend should complete their registration by November 30; register through the church here. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at
  4. There is a phone list update form at We request your assistance in completing this form in order to update our church directory.

Prayer, Week of August 24, 2014

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USC begins classes Monday August 25. Please pray that:

  1. Our students would be full of joy and grace, shining brightly at our campus gospel table
  2. We would continue to make solid connections with seeking students, especially freshmen.
  3. The Lord would bless the speaking at our campus ministry meeting.
  4. Many new students could be bridged to the homes of the saints.

Southern California Young People

The 2014 Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference and the Southern California Young Peoples Blending Meeting, are Saturday, August 30th in Arcadia.


Ask the Lord to bring seekers to internet sites which are rich in life and truth, and to cause these seekers to interact with these web sites so that continuing fellowship may develop.


Tirana is the capital of Albania. There are 9 saints and 2 children meeting together. David and Elda Chang (in L.A. in past years), who migrated here with their two girls, opened an English pre-school last year ( And the Lord has been using the school in many ways. Please pray:

  • that preparation for the new year, which begins September 1, would go smoothly;
  • for more students to take the place of those who are older or who moved away;
  • for the Lord to strengthen and encourage the saints here!

Düsseldorf, Germany

The church life began in Düsseldorf in 2008 with 12 saints through a migration. Since then the church has grown under the Lord's blessing through both increase and migration. The attendance in the Lord's Day meeting now reaches up to 40 and the church has outgrown its current rented meeting rooms. A property has recently become available for purchase which could serve as a meeting hall for the church as well as a location for the blending of the saints in the region. We in Düsseldorf feel very good about this purchase.

If you desire to help, you may give to the church designated for Düsseldorf meeting hall.

Sri Lanka

September 1 to 14 there will be a two-week intensified propagation in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, a city where there is a local church.

A two page report about the Lord's move in Asia, with news from Sri Lanka, Laos, and Cambodia is at (English) and (Chinese).


  1. Morning revival: REPEAT week 1 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference). Next week we begin Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
  2. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Care for children kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided; register by November 1. Information is at
  3. The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taipei, Taiwan Saturday, February 21 and Lord's Day, February 22. We extend an invitation to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. All who plan to attend should complete their registration by November 30; register through the church here. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at

Prayer, Week of August 17, 2014

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USC begins classes on August 25, and we have many crucial activities and times of fellowship before this, including a retreat with the students Monday through Wednesday of this week. Please pray that:

  1. The students would be freshly loving the Lord with the first love.
  2. They would be filled with the divine love to love one another and love all men, especially their classmates and friends.
  3. The Lord would work in the hearts of the freshmen and incoming students, bringing us into contact with those chosen by Him especially through our gospel preaching on Friday, Saturday, and Lord's Day.
  4. The Lord would gather many freshmen and seeking ones to our first campus ministry meeting on Lord's Day, August 24; may the Lord also richly anoint the word spoken then.


Our students have been contacting the freshmen at the orientations the past two weeks. They have been serving alongside the full-time saints in an internship to learn to labor together as one team for the Lord's testimony and move at CSUN. We have been encouraged by this labor as many of our students are contacting new ones for the first time and reading the Bible with them! The fall semester begins August 25. Please pray that our students would:

  1. Continue to be built together as a strong core to bear the Lord's testimony on campus;
  2. Have consistent follow-up with all the positive ones they met during orientation;
  3. Be energized with the Spirit as they are busy contacting many new ones at the start of the semester;
  4. And get solidly connected to the homes of the saints to bear much remaining fruit from this incoming freshmen class.


The fall term of the FTTA began last week. Pray that each new trainee will receive a personal speaking from the Lord to confirm their calling to be in the training, that all the trainees will experience the Lord as their fresh consecration, and that they will pursue Christ with a single heart to be constituted with Him for the building up of His Body.

Southern California Spanish-Speaking Training

This year's training will begin this Saturday, followed by one Saturday each in September and in November. The focus is the vision of shepherding, vital companions and prayer for shepherding, and practical points concerning shepherding.

United Kingdom and Ireland

The annual blending conference for these nations will be August 23 to 24.

Commonwealth Games Bible Distribution Report

From July 23 to August 3, 22 local saints and 19 visiting saints distributed free Bibles in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland, during the 2014 Commonwealth Games. A total of 428 Bibles were given out, with 231 recipients requesting further contact. Every day we gathered for prayer and coordination at a local home, following which two teams went out to distribute, one to a Games venue and another to a residential area. Our contact with local people was significantly better in the residential area. The people were quite open, and we had a number of good conversations, including some with our neighbors. We would like to thank all the saints for their prayer and participation for this time.

Please keep praying for:

  • The Lord's faithful follow up in and through the saints.
  • The gaining of those who can uphold the testimony of Jesus in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
  • The Lord to raise up many home meetings in Glasgow and Edinburgh and lampstands in the other major cities in Scotland.


  1. Morjing revival: week 6 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference). After week 6 we will repeat week 1, then our next morning revival will be Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
  2. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Care for children kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided; register by November 1. Information is at
  3. The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taipei, Taiwan Saturday, February 21 and Lord's Day, February 22. We extend an invitation to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. All who plan to attend should complete their registration by November 30; register through the church here. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at
  4. There is a phone list update form at We request your assistance in completing this form in order to update our church directory.

Prayer, Week of August 10, 2014

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Birmingham, Alabama

Praise the Lord of the harvest. He continues to add to us in His time. The number of saints meeting is on an upward trend and is encouraging. A brother finished his medical residency and moved here to join his wife. He got a faculty position at University of Alabama Birmingham. Another brother started medical school here. Pray for these in the medical field. We hope to establish a weekly time of fellowship with them on campus. May the Lord gain many of their classmates and colleagues. We have saints in 5 homes now living around the campus. A very sweet home based church life.

FTT London

Approximately 15 first-term trainees will join the FTTL when the term begins on August 11. Please pray that the university graduates in Europe will respond to the Lord's call to be perfected by Him through the FTTL so that they can become useful vessels for the building up of His Body.

Effect of the European Young People's Conference

Approximately 750 saints, including young people, serving ones, and families, gathered in Poland, from 27 July through 2 August. Please pray that:

  • all the young people in Europe will see and be controlled by the heavenly vision that was unveiled to them through the conference messages and the fellowship in the small groups
  • the Lord will continue to appear to the young people so that He will gain them to love Him as the most attractive One and to fully consecrate themselves to Him for His good pleasure

European College Training

The training is this week Monday through Lord's Day in London.

Baltic Nations

The Baltic blending conference is Friday through Lord's Day in Latvia.


This week Monday through Lord's Day there is a propagation training in India and gospel outreach in Laos. Friday through Lord’s Day is a national blending conference in Sri Lanka.


  1. Morning revival: week 5 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference). After week 6 we will repeat week 1, then our next morning revival will be Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
  2. There is a phone list update form at We request your assistance in completing this form in order to update our church directory.

Prayer, Week of August 3, 2014

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Southern California Young People

The 2014 Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference will be Saturday, August 30, 9 am through dinner time, followed by the Southern California Young People Blending Meeting 7:30 to 9:30 pm. These will be at Arcadia's meeting hall.

BfA in Alaska

Saints in Anchorage, Alaska, distributed free BfA materials July 26-27 at the 2014 Arctic Thunder Air Show. This show is one of the largest public events in Alaska and drew approximately 250,000 people. Many attendees received a New Testament Recovery Version, Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 1, and a Bibles for America military packet.

Please pray that:

  • The Lord would lead many U.S. service members to salvation.
  • The Lord would nourish the recipients and stir up a hunger in them for more of this ministry.
  • The saints would have much opportunity to provide follow-up care for the recipients from this time.
  • The Lord would shepherd and strengthen the saints as they labor together to gain remaining fruit.

Migrations in the UK and Europe

Over 30 saints, including existing serving saints and graduates from the FTTL and the FTTA-XB, will migrate to different parts of the UK and Europe to strengthen the church life and the clustering of the churches in each area. The cities are Cambridge, Chelmsford, Coventry, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff, Southampton, and London in the UK, and Bucharest, Romania, and Madrid, Spain. Please pray for the Lord's abundant blessing and the strengthening, increase, and testimony in these cities.

Thessaloniki, Greece

By the end of August two serving couples will move from Athens to Thessaloniki. The Lord has given them apartments in a strategic location for His move in Thessaloniki. The serving ones have been visiting and shepherding a number of seeking readers of the ministry in that city. Please pray that:

The Lord will head up the practical arrangements for the relocating of the serving ones

The Lord will gain the seeking ones and raise up a strong testimony in Thessaloniki


  1. Morning revival: week 4 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference). Our next morning revival will be Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
  2. There is a phone list update form at We request your assistance in completing this form in order to update our church directory.
  3. The 2014 Perfecting Trainings for Spanish-speaking saints will be August 23, September 20, and November 15. Registration deadline is August 11. There will also be a conference October 18 (no registration required). Información está en

Prayer, Week of July 27, 2014

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Lord, Bring Us to the Reality

Because we have the dream of Bethel, the house of God, we are now moving on to the reality of Bethel. Let us ask the Lord to bring us into the reality of Bethel and to cause us to know Him as El-Bethel (the God of the house of God) and El Shaddai (the all-sufficient God).

European Young People's Conference

The 20th European young people's conference is this week in Poland. Please pray:

  • For the gathering and the blending of the young people from all over Europe;
  • For a clear and controlling vision of God's economy to be infused into all the young people through the ministry of the word and fellowship in small groups.


Please pray for the raising up of the Lord's testimony in major cities in Europe, including

  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Krakow, Poland
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • Vienna, Austria
  • Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Zagreb, Croatia
  • Belgrade, Serbia
  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • Barcelona and Bilbao, Spain
  • Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich, Germany


At the beginning of 2014 we had eight gospel forums in five top universities in Delhi and Chennai. The students responded very positively and almost every forum was full house. This was indeed a break-through with previously hard-to-contact students, bringing in a new situation for the campus work here.

We also preached the gospel at the University of Delhi and in the city of Ghaziabad. College students and working saints from Taiwan and Malaysia consecrated their Chinese New Year holidays to come and coordinate with us. Over 40 got saved during this time including one complete family. Seeing the Lord turn again the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream and were full of praises (Psa. 126:1).

The Middle East is an extremely restricted region for the gospel. We have a deep sense that our work in India will pave the way for the gospel in the Middle East, and this will hasten the Lord's return.
More about India and Pakistan is at


  1. Morning revival: week 3 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference).
  2. There is a phone list update form at
  3. Next year there will be one national summer college training for the whole U.S. Information and a brief video are at

Prayer, Week of July 20, 2014

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Seek Maturity

Lord, cause me to mature in You long before the end of my life so that I can be fully useful for You.

Summer School of Truth

The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles continues through Saturday. Please pray for

  • our appreciation and entrance into the enjoyment of God's full salvation;
  • more involvement of parents and family members;
  • increased participation of our young people in a continuing, vital, house-to-house church life.

European Young People's Conference

The 20th European young people's conference will be July 27 to August 2 in Poland. Please pray:

  • For the gathering and the blending of the young people from all over Europe;
  • For a clear and controlling vision of God's economy to be infused into all the young people through the ministry of the word and the fellowship in small groups.

Bible Distribution in Britain

We will have a Bible distribution at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland, July 23 to August 3. Please pray for:

  • The Lord's strengthening of the saints in Scotland and all the participants who join them;
  • The gaining of those who can bear the responsibility of the testimony of Jesus in cities in Scotland;
  • The favor from the local authorities that they would grant us the best locations;
  • The one accord in the preparation, distribution, and follow-up;
  • The covering of all the transport, safety, and needs of the saints during this time.?


July 25 to 28 is a young people's blending conference in Vietnam.


  1. Morning revival: week 2 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference).
  2. There is a phone list update form at
  3. Next year there will be one national summer college training for the whole U.S. Information and a brief video are at