Prayer, Week of July 13, 2014

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Maturity for Image and Dominion

Pray for the operation of the Lord to follow His speaking in the recent summer training, that the word released will operate in all the churches

  • to bring us on to maturity for the overflow of life in blessing others and for our reigning in life
  • for the building up of God's house and kingdom on this earth.

Summer School of Truth

The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26. Meals will be in districts; meetings will be in hall 5. Sign up at

This summer we seek to learn, to appreciate, and to enter the enjoyment of God's full salvation. We also pray for increase in the involvement of more parents and for increase participation of our young people in a continuing, vital, house-to-house church life, both in their own homes and in other homes. Please pray for this.

Midwest and East Coast College Trainings

The midwest and east coast trainings are July 14-20. The topic this year is "The Humanity of Jesus." Please pray:

  1. For the Lord to speak a sanctifying word so that the students could have a proper humanity;
  2. For the students' learning personal time with the Lord, blending with each other, and picking up a burden for sinners' salvation;
  3. For every student to consecrate themselves fully to the Lord;
  4. For health, safe travel, and binding of the enemy's attempts to distract students.

Nordic Conference

The annual Nordic nations' conference will be July 18 to 20 in Uppsala, Sweden. It will be followed by a brothers’ fellowship July 20 to 21. Please pray:

  • For the gathering of the saints and the release of the Lord's enlightening and life-giving word through the ministering brothers.
  • For the perfecting of the brothers so that the church life may uplifted and the churches built up.


This month there is intensified gospel propagation in the city of Pakse, the second largest city in the nation. Lord's Day, July 27 will be the first meeting of the church in Pakse.


  1. Morning revival: week 1 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference).
  2. Next year there will be one national summer college training for the whole U.S. Information and a brief video are at

Prayer, Week of July 6, 2014

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Let Us Be Brought on to Maturity (Heb. 6:1)

Video trainings will occur throughout this month and into August in various parts of the world. Please pray for a rich entrance into God's dream and for a daily opening to the Lord for His transformation and maturing work.

College Trainings

About 50 saints from various parts in L.A. are attending the west coast college trainings this week at Engedi and Occidental, California. The midwest and east coast trainings are July 14-20. Our topic this year is "The Humanity of Jesus." In particular, please pray:

  1. For the Lord to speak a sanctifying and preserving word so that the students could have a proper humanity;
  2. For the students' learning to spend personal time with the Lord, blending with each other, and picking up a burden for sinners' salvation;
  3. For every student, especially the incoming college freshmen, to have the Lord's personal appearing and to consecrate themselves fully to the Lord;
  4. For health, safe travel, and the binding of the enemy's attempts to frustrate and/or distract students from attending the whole time and being focused completely on the Lord.

Summer School of Truth

The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26. Meals will be in districts; meetings will be in hall 5. Sign up at

This summer we seek to learn, to appreciate, and to enter the enjoyment of God's full salvation. We also pray for increase in the involvement of more parents and for increase participation of our young people in a continuing, vital, house-to-house church life, both in their own homes and in other homes. Please pray for this.

Bibles for America

Over 13,000 people have ordered BfA's new free book, A Life Full of Forbearance but without Anxiety, since its release in early May. Praise the Lord for this opportunity for so many to be introduced to the precious ministry available in Life-study of the Bible. Please pray that:

  • The recipients would read and enjoy this sample of the Life-study messages.
  • This taste would cause many to appreciate the ministry of Witness Lee and to seek out the full and other ministry books by Brothers Nee and Lee.


Currently, a couple in Frankfurt is opening their living room in a rented two-bedroom apartment for 20-25 adults and 8 children to meet on Lord's Day. There is now not enough room to fit more into the meeting. The coordinating ones in Frankfurt have been trying to rent a bigger meeting place for the Lord's Day meeting, from schools, offices, etc., and have not yet been successful. Please pray that the Lord will provide a suitable meeting place and will also provide the finances to support the renting of such a place.


This week Wednesday through Friday there is a young people's training in Nepal (a nation of 31 million people between India and China).


  1. Morning revival: repeat week 5 of Intrinsic Significance or summer training verses
    starting July 14: week 1 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference)
  2. The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26. Meals will be in districts; meetings will be in hall 5. Sign up at
  3. Next year there will be one national summer college training for the whole U.S. Information and a brief video are at

Prayer, Week of June 29, 2014

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Summer Training

The summer training, our third in Genesis, is this week. Let us pray for the release and reception of the Lord's word in a way that brings many onwards toward maturity.

College Trainings

About 50 saints from various parts in L.A. will be attending the west coast college trainings July 7-13 at Engedi and Occidental, California. The midwest and east coast trainings are July 14-20. Our topic this year is "The Humanity of Jesus." In particular, please pray:

  1. For the Lord to speak a sanctifying and preserving word so that the students could have a proper humanity;
  2. For the students' learning to spend personal time with the Lord, blending with each other, and picking up a burden for sinners' salvation;
  3. For every student, especially the incoming college freshmen, to have the Lord's personal appearing and to consecrate themselves fully to the Lord;
  4. For health, safe travel, and the binding of the enemy's attempts to frustrate and/or distract students from attending the whole time and being focused completely on the Lord.

Summer School of Truth

The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26. Meals will be in districts; meetings will be in hall 5. Sign up at

This summer we seek to learn, to appreciate, and to enter the enjoyment of God's full salvation. We also desire an increase the involvement of more parents and an increase in participation of our young people in a continuing, vital, house-to-house church life, both in their own homes and in other homes. Please pray for this.

Gospel Report

Saturday, June 21, in Arcadia, the semi-annual Chinese-speaking gospel in-reaping had over 700 attend including 89 gospel friends. After the first session—the gospel truth forum—many gospel friends came to the podium to receive the Lord and 46 were baptized. In the second session, James Lee gave a gospel message on the true freedom (John 8:36) with another 5 baptized. There were many sisters praying during these two sessions; this is the key for us to receive the Lord's blessing that night.


On June 19 approximately 30 saints from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria distributed German Recovery Version New Testaments at a Christian event in Stuttgart, Germany. According to the event website, there were over 21,000 participants that day. Because this was a gathering of many serious-minded and genuine believers in Christ, our burden was to distribute New Testaments and to make known and available the riches of the truths of the ministry to the German-speaking Christians. We felt that to a certain extent this was fulfilled on that day. All the New Testaments that we had, close to 700, were given out and 20 to 25% asked for further contact. Last, there was a sweet coordination and blending among the saints as they worked together to seek the increase. Please pray:

  • For the follow-up contact of the Bible recipients by the saints in the coming days; may many of these recipients be added to the churches as remaining fruit.
  • For a positive reception of the Recovery Version and a positive response by German-speaking Christians.

Myanmar (Burma)

Saturday, July 5 is a young people's training. The following Saturday will be an elders’ training.


  1. Morning revival: repeat week 4 of Intrinsic Significance or summer training verses
    starting July 7: repeat week 5 of Intrinsic Significance or summer training verses
    starting July 14: week 1 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference)

Prayer, Week of June 22, 2014

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Summer Training

The summer training, our third in Genesis, is next week (June 30 to July 5). May the Lord bring us onward in transformation, maturing in life to the full stature of Christ, and reigning in life.

College Trainings

About 50 saints from various parts in L.A. will be attending the west coast college trainings July 7-13 at Engedi and Occidental, California. The midwest and east coast trainings are July 14-20. Our topic this year is "The Humanity of Jesus." In particular, please pray:

  1. For the Lord to speak a sanctifying and preserving word so that the students could have a proper humanity for God's building;
  2. For the students' learning to spend personal time with the Lord, blending with each other, and picking up a burden for sinners' salvation;
  3. For every student, especially the incoming college freshmen, to have the Lord's personal appearing and to consecrate themselves fully to the Lord;
  4. For health, safe travel, and the binding of the enemy's attempts to frustrate and/or distract students from attending the whole time and being focused completely on the Lord.

Spreading in Ventura County

The home meetings of the church in Thousand Oaks have increased in number as well as in the number of saints in each home meeting. We are spreading organically from Thousand Oaks into other cities to take care of the neighborhood needs.

  1. Oxnard – a couple opened their home. Occasionally the couple's Christian friends and another brother come together. Lately this meeting has become more regular. More saints jointed this meeting (in English). Almost every Thursday, we have a home meeting at the couple’s house.
  2. Moorpark – six months ago, a couple came back to the church life. They are zealous for the gospel. With the campus work at Moorpark College, the Lord stirred up the spirit of the saints. We started a home meeting four weeks ago (in English).
  3. Simi Valley – saints there have the burden to labor on CLU. After our 8-week vital group training, saints started a home meeting focus on CLU campus. One new one has been baptized and added to the church life. Meetings are in Chinese.
  4. Camarillo – in 2008 a couple in Camarillo got saved and they are very burdened for the gospel. They opened their home for meetings. Through the years we held the meeting in English with mostly Chinese saints. We have contacted many English-speaking Christians and brought some into the church life.
  5. Oak Park (Thousand Oaks north) – many young couples live there and are making contacts with neighbors. We have a Chinese-speaking home meeting. One saint's parent got baptized recently. Two new families are being contacted and shepherded.
  6. Thousand Oaks – We have two home meeting on Friday nights, one in English and one in Chinese. Thursday morning, we have sisters' meeting in Chinese. Recently, two Chinese-speaking saints got baptized. They are from the care of the sisters’ meeting and Chinese-speaking home meeting.

Please pray, asking the Lord to:

  1. add new people to each home meeting.
  2. raise up saints to do the shepherding. The field is white indeed. Lord thrust out laborers!
  3. open more homes.

Australia & New Zealand

Dick Taylor travels from Australia to New Zealand on Tuesday. He will be at the New Zealand FTT until Friday. Friday night through Lord's Day noon he will be in Auckland for the national college and young people’s conference. He will return home Lord’s Day, June 29, and be in the summer training the next day.

Germany, Switzerland, and Austria

The saints from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria gathered for their annual conference June 7 to 9. Over 300 saints attended from these three countries, as well as many from abroad. We appreciate the prayers from the churches and believe that the Lord did much more than what we can ask or think. We believe that the Lord spoke what was on His heart, and there was an excellent response. In addition, due to the warm atmosphere provided by the Lord, the saints enjoyed the fellowship with one another throughout the weekend. Also coordination in practical services was strengthened, and more saints were brought into function. We pray that the saints will enter into the speaking that they heard so that the Lord can strengthen the net in the German-speaking countries for the building up of His Body.


All this week is a young peoples gospel preaching time in Lahore, Pakistan.


The national conference in Nepal will be Friday through Lord's Day.


  1. Morning revival: Week 5 of The Intrinsic Significance of the Church.
    week starting June 30: repeat week 4 of Intrinsic Significance or summer training verses
    week starting July 7: repeat week 5 of Intrinsic Significance or summer training verses
    week starting July 14: week 1 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference)
  2. The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26. Meals will be in districts; meetings will be in hall 5. Sign up at
  3. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center." Details are in the Information section of

Prayer, Week of June 15, 2014

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The Spirit of Reality: He will Convict and He will Guide

For the raising up of the new man, ask the Lord for more convicting of sinners in Los Angeles and for more guiding of both new and long-time believers into the riches of Christ.

Middle-Age FTTA

This Saturday 35 will graduate from the middle-age full-time training. Ask the Lord to draw each graduate to follow Him wherever He will go and to richly infuse them in their following.

Pray also for more new trainees to come in September so that the number in the training increases.

BfA Korean Bible Seminar

We have been hosting BfA Bible seminars in Korea Town since last fall. These seminars are for the many seeking ones who received Recovery Version Bibles through our distributions or who are connected with us as friends or co-workers. The Lord is using these seminars especially to gain young families and working ones. Some of them are coming to home meetings, some of them already came to the table meeting through further contacts and shepherding.

Last Saturday, 29 new ones joined this seminar. This was the largest number ever, and the majority of them were young (20~30) as we prayed. Hallelujah! Please pray that:

  1. the Lord vitalize Korean saints to shepherd these new ones to gain them as remaining fruit eventually.
  2. the Lord take care of families that have children. Lord, preserve these children through household salvation!
  3. this ministry could reach all the seeking ones in L.A. through the Recovery Version Bible.

Southern California Chinese-speaking Gospel

The gospel meeting will take place in Arcadia on Saturday, June 21. There will be a gospel truth forum 4 to 6 pm, then dinner, then testimonies and a gospel message 7 to 8:30 pm. The subject for gospel message is "Freedom Indeed" from John 8:36. Please pray for the participation of the churches and the release of all the “captives,” that they can believe into the Lord and received the true freedom in Him.

The Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

We will have a conference the afternoon of June 21 through mid-day June 22. We will have our first Lord's Table the morning of Lord’s Day, June 22. Two families from Los Angeles migrated to Murfreesboro in recent years.


Dick Taylor and Craig Birchler are in Melbourne until Wednesday. Dick will then go on to Sydney to prepare for the following week and to be with the brothers in Sydney. Craig will go to Newcastle for a few days, then return home. James Lee will visit Brisbane, then go home.

Please pray for a rich supply to these brothers and for proper rest and good health for each one.

FTT London

Last Saturday 15 trainees graduated from FTTL. The graduating trainees plus 3 who graduated last December represent 11 countries. Ten have the burden to serve full time. Please pray that:

  • the abounding grace of the Lord will be with them from now until the day the He appears'
  • the Lord will grace them to live as a God-man, denying their self, their natural man, and their old man by the power of Christ's resurrection so that they may live Christ, magnify Christ, and walk and work with Christ by the bountiful supply of the all-inclusive Spirit, for the carrying out of God's eternal economy;
  • those who have the burden to serve full time will have a way practically to enter into the glorious service of the Lord for the spreading of the Lord's testimony in Europe.


Trainees from the Full-time Training New Delhi (FTTND) will have a two-week intensive propagation in five cities – New Delhi, Gurgaon, Chennai, Noida and Ghazhiabad. This will happen June 16 to 29. The trainees will learn to coordinate with the local saints and to raise up new districts in each city.


  1. Morning revival: Week 4 of The Intrinsic Significance of the Church.
  2. The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26. Meetings will be in hall 5.
  3. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center." Details are in the Information section of

Prayer, Week of June 8, 2014

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FTTA's fall term begins mid-August. Applications should be submitted by July 10 and the late application deadline is July 31. Please pray for all our recent college graduates who have decided to attend and for those who are considering attending. Please pray that:

  • they would know the Lord's clear speaking and be willing to obey (as Abraham did; Heb. 11:8)
  • the Lord will work in the environment to overcome all outward obstacles;
  • their families will be open to their attendance and that they will be a good testimony to their families;
  • they will continue pursuing the Lord all summer by abiding in the vine, and by continuing steadfastly in the word, ministry, prayer, and church life.

FTTA Graduates

Pray for all those who will graduate June 28, that they may know and obey the Lord's leading concerning whether to go to Boston, serve full time, to work, or go to graduate school. Pray also for their transition into a normal, healthy church life as they leave the training atmosphere.

New FTTA Facility

In August FTTA will move from Ball Road to larger facilities on the LSM campus. Please pray for wisdom to those overseeing and participating in the work, for timely delivery of materials, for sufficient skilled workers, and for grace to all the workers that the project may be completed on time. More information about this move is available in four languages at

Donations for the FTTA move may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center."


Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler are in Adelaide through Tuesday for the respeaking of the ITERO messages on New Jerusalem spoken in Anaheim in April. This time is for all the responsible brothers in Australia.

Tuesday night through Friday they are in Sydney for fellowship with leading brothers. Beginning Friday night they will be in Melbourne for a conference with the church there.

Lisbon, Portugal

Since the Bible distribution in December, we have been contacting Bible recipients. Currently, we are enjoying very sweet and mutual appointments with three students. However, a heretical group here has approached our students and tried to speak to them. This surely is a battle, and we stand with the Lord to bind the enemy and his schemes. (Read more at at

Please continue to pray that:

  • those with whom we labor will see a controlling vision of God's economy and be remaining fruit.
  • the Lord will gain a key family and key students for the establishment of the church life this year.
  • the Lord will bind the enemy, hide the new ones from lies, and release those whom He has chosen.

Greece and Bulgaria

The Lord is moving in two cities in Bulgaria. Some attended the international spring conference in London and a one-week training in London. Two plan to attend FTT London in the fall.

The saints in Thessaloniki, Greece asked us to move there—a Macedonian call like that in Acts 16:9-10. In response, two couples will move there this summer.

A one-page report about Bulgaria and Thessaloniki is at Please pray that:

  • we will always be fresh, new, and living with the Lord in every aspect of this move;
  • the Lord provide us with the right homes and that every need will be met;
  • the Lord will maintain a line of supply, fellowship, and blending between Athens and Thessaloniki;
  • lampstands be established in Thessaloniki, in Sofia, Bulgaria, and in other cities.


  1. Morning revival: Week 3 of The Intrinsic Significance of the Church.
  2. The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26.

Prayer, Week of June 1, 2014

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The Heavenly Vision

This vision is not a doctrine, a theory, a religious creed, or any theology, but a heavenly vision, in which the apostle saw the divine things concerning the dispensing of the Triune God into His chosen, redeemed, and transformed people. (Acts 26:19, footnote)

Lord, grant each of us more seeing of this vision and more receiving of Your divine dispensing.


This week Lord's Day through Thursday Dick Taylor and James Lee are in Perth with the church and campus team. Thursday through next Tuesday they, along with Craig Birchler from Irvine, are in Adelaide for a re-speaking of ITERO messages on New Jerusalem spoken in Anaheim in April.


The annual conference is June 7 to 9. Over 200 attendants are expected from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The general subject of the conference will be The Mending Ministry of John (2013 Thanksgiving Conference). Please pray that:

  • The Lord will release the speaking of the word on the mending ministry of life.
  • The new ones will see a vision of the ministry of life and be captured to take this way.
  • The Lord will carry out the mending ministry of life among the churches in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland to mend the net and complete the building.


Our political situation: the Hindu nationalist party gained an historic win in the national election, promising widespread changes across the new government. Pray that the Lord would head up the political situation, preserve religious freedom, and open an environment for the gospel and His move in India.

Our burden: pray that all the churches will pick up the burden to (i) stir up the saints to go at least two hours in a week to contact the gentiles in vital groups; (ii) take care of the children, young people, college students and the young working saints in the church life, who are the future and backbone of the church.


  1. Morning revival: Week 2 of The Intrinsic Significance of the Church.
  2. The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26.
  3. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center." Details are in the Information section of

Prayer, Week of May 25, 2014

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The Word of God Operates in You Who Believe (1 Thes 2:13)

Pray that the word spoken in the Memorial Day conference will be received with much exercise of faith in those who attended the conference, in those who watched or are watching videos, and in those who hear reports from the conference.

New FTTA Facility

In August FTTA will move from Ball Road to larger facilities on the LSM campus. Please pray for wisdom to those overseeing and participating in the work, for timely delivery of materials, for sufficient skilled workers, and for grace to all the workers that the project may be completed on time. More information about this move is available in four languages at

Among the workers are about 30 from Europe. Pray that their time in Anaheim will result in greater vision for them and much furtherance of the Lord's move in Europe.

Donations for the FTTA move may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center."

Bibles for America

Over 4,700 people have ordered the new book A Life Full of Forbearance but without Anxiety in the first two weeks after its release. Over the next several weeks, Bibles for America will send e-mails to 32,000 recent Bible and book recipients to let them know about this new free offer and encourage them to order. Please pray that the Lord would cause many of these 32,000 to order the new book and that they would enjoy and benefit from the speaking it conveys.

One-Week Trainings in London

This week is the last of this spring's series of four one-week trainings in London with saints and seeking ones from all of Europe. Please pray that the attendees will be perfected in the divine truths, in their daily life with the Lord, in practicing the God-ordained way, in participating in the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, in becoming fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and in developing their organic functions for the building up of the organic Body of Christ.


Dick Taylor and James Lee leave Thursday for a month in Australia and New Zealand. Beginning Lord's Day (June 1), they will be in Perth to attend church meetings and to spend time with the campus team and leading brothers.


At least 320 people, including 50 new native French people, attended the conference in Paris April 26 and 27. The responses to the speaking were overwhelming and the conference atmosphere was full of joy. A one-page conference report is at

Please pray that the Lord will continue to sow the seed of the ministry publications and the Recovery Version so that the Francophone world can be "filled with the knowledge of Jehovah / As water covers the sea" (Isa. 11:9) and will cause many to love and appreciate His word and ministry.


  1. Morning revival: REPEAT Week 1 of The Intrinsic Significance of the Church (February 2014 International Chinese-Speaking Conference).
  2. The West Coast College Trainings are July 7 to 13. Registration deadline is June 1. Information is at
  3. Summer Training Registration: We would like to collect all the final training registrations by Lord's Day, June 1st. A seat in the Anaheim training is now $205. A seat in video is $80 for any of the six video training sessions: Hall 1 in Korean, Hall 2 in English, Korean, and Spanish, Hall 4 in English, Hall 5 in English.

Prayer, Week of May 18, 2014

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Memorial Day Conference

The Memorial Day Conference is in Philadelphia from Friday evening, May 23 through Monday noon, May 26. "Pray concerning us, that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified" (2 Thes. 3:1).

Sixth Grade Baptism

On Lord's Day, May 18, we had eight sixth graders get baptized followed by a love feast. Many saints were present from halls 1, 2, 4, and 5 including friends and family members who don't normally meet with the churches. Please pray the Lord would establish each sixth grader in the faith and in the church life. Also pray for the Lord's strengthening of each household of the sixth graders that the family unit would be preserved from this age and a factor for the Lord's return.

"Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household." (Acts 16:31)

College Training

The West Coast College Trainings are July 7-13 in California. Information is at As the deadline of June 1 approaches to register, please pray that:

  1. The college students and high school seniors would pray about giving this time to the Lord and consecrate their summer to the Lord.
  2. The Lord would grant students time off of work, school, or other obligations to go.
  3. The Lord would work out finances for those who desire to go.


David and Elda Chang both served at UCLA then later at USC. In summer 2012 they migrated to Albania (Elda is a native of Albania, saved while a student at UCLA). They are meeting in Tirana, the capital of Albania, with her parents and a few other saints. Pray for the Lord to strengthen His testimony there.

Lisbon, Portugal

Please continue to pray that the Lord will gain the seeking ones from the December Recovery Version distribution in Lisbon (capital and largest city in Portugal) and will raise up a testimony in that important European city.


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 of The Intrinsic Significance of the Church (February 2014 International Chinese-Speaking Conference). Prophesying Lord's Day, May 25 may be from this morning revival and from webcasts of the Memorial Day conference, or the prophesying time may be used to watch a webcast. We will repeat week 1 the following week for prophesying June 1.
  2. The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26.
  3. Summer Training Registration: We would like to collect all the final training registrations by Lord's Day, June 1st. A seat in the Anaheim training is now $205. A seat in video is $80 for any of the six video training sessions: Hall 1 in Korean, Hall 2 in English, Korean, and Spanish, Hall 4 in English, Hall 5 in English.
  4. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center." Details are in the Information section of

Prayer, Week of May 11, 2014

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The New Jerusalem

We can all live out and work out the New Jerusalem in our daily living by enjoying the Triune God. The Father's divine nature is the base for our living and working. We are partakers of this divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) and the best way to partake is to love Him with our first love from the first moment of each day and to give Him the first place in all things.

New FTTA Facility

In order to increase the facilities available to FTTA, in August it will move from Ball Road to the LSM campus. Please pray for wisdom to those overseeing and participating in the work, for timely delivery of materials, and for sufficient skilled workers that the project may be completed on time. More information about this move is available in four languages at

Donations for the FTTA move may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center."

FTTA-XB Gospel Trip to Europe

From May 6 to 19, 27 saints from the FTTA Extension in Boston (FTTA-XB) are in Europe to blend with the FTTL trainees and go with them to various places in Europe. The trip also includes participation in the church life in London, in a one week training in London, and a radio listener' seminar.

Please pray that the coming of the trainees from Boston will be a blessing to the churches in Europe and that the Lord will use this gospel trip to impart a vision and burden that will cause a number of the FTTA-XB trainees to consecrate themselves to the Lord for His move in Europe.

Los Angeles to London

Michael and Becky Stewart served in Los Angeles from 1998 to 2007 and in Long Beach from 2007 until now. This summer they will move to Europe. Ask the Lord to supply them in every way for this move and to find a home for them in London that is best for family life, church life, and full-time service.

Bibles for America

BfA is offering a new book: A Life Full of Forbearance but without Anxiety, by Witness Lee. In it, Witness Lee pinpoints the source of anxiety—Satan—and its cure—living Christ as forbearance. Please pray that:

  • news of this free offer would reach the spiritually hungry people beset with anxiety in this country;
  • people would order this book and prayerfully receive its words of ministry;
  • many would enjoy this taste and be led to enjoy the complete Life-study of the Bible.


The annual spring conference is May 15 to 17.


Saturday, May 17 there will be a two-session seminar and lunch on The Book of Revelation as the Conclusion of God's Economy, Christ’s Redemption, The Church’s Testimony, and Satan’s Destiny. Pray that many seeking Christians, radio listeners, and New Testament recipients will come to this seminar and receive a vision.


  1. Morning revival: REPEAT week 24 of Genesis. Next week we will begin The Intrinsic Significance of the Church (February 2014 International Chinese-Speaking Conference).
  2. Summer Training Registration: We would like to collect all the final training registrations by Lord's Day, June 1st. A seat in the Anaheim training is now $205. A seat in video is $80 for any of the six video training sessions: Hall 1 in Korean, Hall 2 in English, Korean, and Spanish, Hall 4 in English, Hall 5 in English.
  3. The West Coast College Trainings are July 7 to 13. Information is at