Prayer, Week of February 23, 2014

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"Life-Study Live" in Hall 1

This Saturday at 6 pm there is a Spanish-speaking dinner and seminar at hall one. This is a presentation to Spanish-language listeners of the Life-Study on the radio. Approximately 190 new families have been invited to this time. In addition, radio advertisements about this time have been going out for a few weeks. Please pray for all of the coordination and the one accord behind this event. Most of all pray for much shepherding and connecting with the new ones that come, that they would be nourished and want further contact.

L.A. Joint College Meeting Report

Thank you for your prayers for the L.A. joint college meeting this past Saturday, February 22. Almost 190 saints, most of whom were college students, gathered together at USC for a sweet time of blending. Students representing CSUN, Santa Barbara, Cal State Channel Islands, SMC, LACC, USC, UCLA, and other places attended. We heard a wonderful word concerning keeping our romance with the Lord fresh. Please pray that all of the students would redeem each precious moment to love the Lord and nurture their romance with Him!

South Africa

Dick Taylor is in South Africa. Michael Stewart from Long Beach will arrive Wednesday. This is Dick's second week teaching Experience and Growth in Life at FTT Pretoria. Dick and Michael also have times with individual trainees and with other saints in the churches there.

The weekend of February 28 to March 2 is the national conference. It will be five meetings on Experiencing and Enjoying Christ as Life for the Building up of the Church.

After the conference Michael will teach The Spirit class for two weeks.

May the Lord supply both brothers to be rich sources of life to all in South Africa. May the Lord also impart much life into their physical bodies.

French-Speaking Young People's Conference

The conference will be in Lyon, France 28 February to 2 March. Please pray for the Lord's rich speaking to these young people and His shining in their hearts to gain them through the heavenly vision of His economy.

NT Distribution in Europe

Over the past several months the New Testament Recovery Version has been distributed in a number of countries in Western and Central Europe. Please pray for the continuing follow-up and care for all the Bible recipients and seeking ones by the full-timers, the full-time trainees, and the local saints in Europe. May the Lord add many of His chosen ones to His testimony in Europe.


In December and January trainees from FTT Taipei and saints from the church in Taipei assisted in a gospel move in three cities in Cambodia; 159 new believers were baptized. Two of these cities already have local churches; a local church began meeting January 12 in the third city. The people in Cambodia, especially young adults, are very simple and respond well to the gospel.


The 2014 Pakistan Spring National Blending Conference will be held in Islamabad March 1 - 2.


  1. Morning revival: week 14 of Genesis (winter training).
  2. High school conferences will be March 21 to 23. Registration deadline is March 9.
  3. There will be a Russian-speaking conference March 28 to 30 in Sacramento. Information in English and Russian is at
  4. There will be a Conference and Tour in Israel May 8 to 18 in English, Spanish, and Russian. Information in English and Spanish is at

Prayer, Week of February 16, 2014

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The Intrinsic Significance of the Church

This is the subject of last weekend’s International Chinese-Speaking Conference. The church is the Father’s House (John 14, message 1), the Son’s Vine (John 15, message 2), and the Spirit’s Child (John 16, message 3). The Lord prayed for His glorification and for the oneness of the church (John 17, message 4); we should take the shepherding way for the building up of the church (John 21, message 5).

Let us ask the Lord for more vision, enlarged glorification, deeper oneness, and increased shepherding.

L.A. Joint College Meeting

This gathering will be this Saturday on the USC campus with dinner 6 to 7 pm, meeting 7 to 9 pm, and perhaps recreation after 9 pm. The focus of the meeting will be spending time with the Lord.

Southern California Young People

The first major gathering of the year for all southern California young people (7th-12th grade) will be Saturday, February 22, in Arcadia from 7 to 9 pm to blend, enjoy the Lord together, and hear a fresh speaking from Him for our pursuing together this term.

FTTA Gospel Trips

Please pray for a rich supply to the local saints to maintain contact with all who received literature or New Testaments, especially those who asked for further contact, and with all who came to seminars, personal times, or home meetings.

South Africa

Dick Taylor is in South Africa. This week and next he is teaching Experience and Growth in Life at FTT Pretoria. (Unlike FTTA which has many classes continuing through every week of the term, at FTT Pretoria one class fills every class period for two weeks, then another class fills the next two weeks.) Dick will also have times with individual trainees and with other saints in the churches there. May the Lord supply him richly with utterance to make known all that should be released there. May the Lord also impart much life into his physical body.

Northern California Spanish-Speaking Conference

The conference is Saturday, February 22 and Lord's Day, February 23 in Fresno. Radio listeners in the central valley of California are invited.

Lisbon, Portugal

Please pray for:

  • the shepherding of the 415 persons who received a Bible in the December 2013 distribution;
  • the thrusting out of workers into this harvest so that the opportunity will not be lost;
  • the Lord to constitute a good number of the seeking ones to be His testimony in Lisbon.


  1. Morning revival: week 1 of Genesis (winter training).
  2. Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord’s Move to Europe.
  3. There will be a Chinese-speaking tour of Israel and Jordan March 24 to April 3. Saints must have a US or Canadian passport to apply. Details are at
  4. There will be a Russian-speaking conference March 28 to 30 in Sacramento. Information in English and Russian is at
  5. There will be a Conference and Tour in Israel May 8 to 18 in English, Spanish, and Russian. Information in English and Spanish is at

Prayer, Week of February 9, 2014

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International Chinese-Speaking Conference

The International Chinese-speaking Conference will be Friday evening, February 14 through mid-day Lord's Day, February 16 in Anaheim. Meetings are open to all; there will be translation into English, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering.

FTTA Gospel Trips

All the trips concluded this Monday (Feb. 10) except for the Philippines (see below). Please pray for continuing contact with all who received literature or New Testaments and with all who came to seminars, personal times, or home meetings.

L.A. City College

Our LACC Bible Club has been very active in Bible study and student-led Recovery Version distribution in campus in the recent three semesters. Six students are active in club activity and three of them are in the church life. The spring semester begins this week. Please pray that:

  • The Lord gain these 6 core-students as a vital group while they are preparing for the new semester through prayer, fellowship and pursuing Christ.
  • The home to contain new ones from this club would be consecrated to gain them as remaining fruits.
  • The Lord would begin a Korean-speaking Bible study through this club.

"Life-Study Live" in Hall 1

On March 1 there will be "Life-Study Live" in hall 1. This is a presentation to Spanish-language listeners of the Life-Study on the radio. The Spanish-speaking saints in hall 1 will host this seminar with support from other districts in Los Angeles. Please pray for 1) the Lord prepare the hearts of our radio listeners as good earth where Christ may grow in life, and 2) the saints laboring in preparation for this seminar.

FTT London

The spring semester begins this week. Six new trainees joined the FTTL from 4 countries, making a total of 37 trainees from 10 countries. Please pray for a strong exercise of the spirit with the pursuing of the truth, the growth in life, and the practice of the God-ordained way.

South Africa

Dick Taylor leaves for South Africa this week. He will be in church meetings there and fellowship with many individual saints and couples. The next two weeks he will teach a class at FTT Pretoria then be in the national conference. Please ask the Lord to:

  • use these weeks to strengthen His move in South Africa and in the whole continent;
  • raise up many in the FTT to serve Him throughout Africa;
  • richly supply saints shepherding the large number of new people and saints caring for the FTT.


The Lord has blessed the church in Madrid with increase, which includes more children than we can adequately take care of in the current meeting hall. The church is again actively looking for a larger and more adequate place.

The FTTA gospel trip coincided with the arrival of 8,400 Bibles. Distributions took place in Madrid and Girona. Our burden now is to train saints in every locality by going out to distribute the Recovery Version with them and leaving them some Bibles so that they can go out on their own.

Please pray that:

  • the Lord guide the brothers in Madrid and give them wisdom in decisions regarding the meeting hall;
  • all the localities in the Iberian Peninsula pick up the burden to distribute the Recovery Version for the increase of all the churches.

A one-page report from Spain is at at


Here are a few sentences from the team that is visiting the devastated area of the Philippines.

(one report) We are visiting various localities on this island during the day to preach the gospel, knock on doors, and fellowship with the saints. We visited a church where their meeting hall and homes were damaged beyond repair by the earthquake. The next day we visited a town to knock on doors. There are saints there, but no church yet. Lord, flow through us as channels of life today!

(about a one-day visit to a locality) We were greeted by happy saints against the backdrop of an under-construction meeting hall collapsed by the recent typhoon. We spent the whole day with them: going to market, helping with construction, fellowshipping, eating lunch and dinner, getting to know the children, and spending time at the beach (clear water, mountain views, awesome sky).

We came to realize many things that the Body having many members and the Body being one is real. When one member of the Body hurts, the other members and the whole Body hurt. It was evident that they are hurt, devastated, and in pain with many needs to be met, but it was also evident that they are happy and satisfied in the Lord and in the Body. They welcomed us warmly with their smiles, fresh food, but most importantly, with their sweet, indispensable portion of Christ.

Prayer burdens:

  • More blending in the churches here during these difficult times.
  • The strengthening of the saints for the Lord's testimony despite all their suffering.
  • Much reaping of the harvest while people are more open and seeking.
  • For the gospel to be preached in a prevailing way.


  1. Morning revival: week 6 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference). After week 6 we will begin Genesis (winter training).
  2. Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
  3. There will be a Chinese-speaking tour of Israel and Jordan March 24 to April 3. Saints must have a US or Canadian passport to apply. Details are at
  4. There will be a Russian-speaking conference March 28 to 30 in Sacramento. Information in English and Russian is at
  5. There will be a Conference and Tour in Israel May 8 to 18 in English, Spanish, and Russian. Information in English and Spanish is at

Prayer, Week of February 2, 2014

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Lord, Trim and Supply

In Revelation 2 and 3 our High Priest is trimming the lampstands, cutting away those things that are not needed and that frustrate the shining; at the same time He is supplying the oil that is needed and that will make the lampstands burn brightly. (Mending Ministry, week 5, I.D.3)

Lord, trim us and supply us to increase our shining in Los Angeles!

FTTA Gospel Trips

The international trips concluded last week; the national trips continue through all of this week.

Please pray that these trips would be a lasting encouragement to the saints in every city and that the example of the trainees would stir the young people to give themselves to the Lord for His closure of this generation. Please pray also that the gospel contacts and New Testament recipients in every city would get connected to the local saints and have second, third, and continuing appointments.

Detailed reports, photos, and prayer requests are at A few excerpts are below the announcements.

"Life-Study Live" in Hall 1

On March 1 there will be "Life-Study Live" in hall 1. This is a presentation to Spanish-language listeners of the Life-Study on the radio. The Spanish-speaking saints in hall 1 will host this seminar with support from other districts in Los Angeles. Please pray:

  • For the expression and testimony of one Body in the service at this seminar;
  • An increase in vitality for all our saints, to be active and living members with companions to nourish and shepherd those who contact us:
  • That the Lord prepare the hearts of our radio listeners as good earth where Christ may grow in life;
  • That the Lord may gather those who are to be saved and those who are seeking Him so that they may experience Christ as life.

Bibles for America

In January BfA contacted military installations that previously received BfA military packets to see if they would like to order more. In three weeks, chaplains and family readiness groups ordered 2,076 military packets, 238 New Testament Recovery Versions, 505 books, and 245 copies of the Gospel of John in Spanish.

Additionally, BfA found that the Army Chief of Chaplains is proposing to limit the organizations from which the Army can receive Bibles.

Please pray that:

  • The BfA materials would reach the spiritually hungry service members.
  • A door would remain open to Bibles for America in all branches of the US Military.


The past weekend a small team of FTTA trainees and other saints departed on a trip to the devastated area of the Philippines to encourage the saints there and to coordinate with them in preaching the gospel.


  1. Morning revival: week 5 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference). After week 6 we will begin Genesis (winter training).
  2. Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
  3. There will be a Chinese-speaking tour of Israel and Jordan March 24 to April 3. Saints must have a US or Canadian passport to apply. Details are at
  4. There will be a Russian-speaking conference March 28 to 30 in Sacramento. Information in English and Russian is at
  5. There will be a Conference and Tour in Israel May 8 to 18 in English, Spanish, and Russian. Information in English and Spanish is at

Excerpts from Reports from FTTA Gospel Trips

Columbia, South Carolina

We had a wonderful session of prayer and fellowship with the local saints and full-time serving ones, followed by preparations for our sowing events on the campuses. After lunch, 25 young people and serving ones from Charlotte, NC and Simpsonville, SC arrived and joined us for tract distribution and hymn singing at the University of South Carolina. In the evening, we had a YP meeting with the young people in Columbia and all those from Charlotte and Simpsonville who are joining us for the weekend. There were about 40 of us in total.

Edinburg, Texas

The Lord is continually providing for us and has given us more fresh enjoyment of Him! We had our second Bible study on campus at UTPA, and the turnout was as encouraging as our previous one. A total of twenty students signed in. We covered verses from Genesis 1. Hallelujah, we were made in His image and His likeness! After the Bible study, some students stayed to hang out with us for about an hour or so. There were also two students who received their salvation! Hallelujah for our two new sisters!

Merced, California

At UC Merced we handed out 20 Bibles, some free literature, and 6 were open to follow up. Many saints in the area also came for door-knocking in the city. We had a total of 5 teams go out, with many open for further contact. There were a couple of appointments that happened today from our contacts yesterday. The next day 12 students wanted further contact! We also had 7 door knocking teams with over 20 open for further contact this week! The city is very open and hungry for the Word. We are very encouraged with the positive responses throughout the city.

Frankfurt, Germany

We walked to downtown Frankfurt and distributed Bibles for two and a half hours. The people were not as receptive as at the universities, but that was to be expected as generally the older German population is more closed. We passed out 17 Bibles with 5 wanting further contact, and one young Muslim lady from Turkey prayed to receive the Lord! As we were packing up, a trash truck drove by and stopped, and the man driving the truck quickly jumped out and ran to our table. He was very excited to get a Bible! This was the first time something like this happened to us in Germany.


This past Friday, we tabled in a small, Dutch town. Most of the older generation here only speak Dutch, so most of the Bibles handed out were to the young people who could read and speak both English and Dutch. That evening, we attended a college meeting where some trainees shared experiences of how the Lord led them to the training so that the young people would consider going to the training in London after their undergraduate studies.


We distributed Bibles at KTH University in Stockholm, with 4 of the recipients requesting further contact. Five years ago when the labor first began on this campus there was no interest for the Bible among the students, so the saints are encouraged that the Lord is answering the faithful prayers of the saints to soften the students and increase their hunger for God's word!


We went with one of the brothers in Barcelona to distribute Bibles at the University of Girona. After fellowship and blending with the brothers and sisters in Girona we all arrived at the campus for the Bible distribution. There weren't many students on the campus due to exams but there we passed out about 15 Bibles to the students. We then had a larger time of overflow where the saints as well as the trainees shared our enjoyment and experience on the gospel in Girona as well as the rest of Spain.


We had a meeting with 45-50 saints in one city, including about 5 saints living thirty minutes away in another city. We all shared from the morning revival. There was a mutual flow of fellowship among us. The saints shared that they were very much encouraged to keep going on and were touched to hear that the Body of Christ is the same in the US as it is in this locality.

Prayer, Week of January 26, 2014

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Lord, Build Up !

What the Lord wants and will build up is Zion, the overcomers. (week 4, I.B)

Lord, grant us more revelation of Yourself, more of an ear to hear what the Spirit says, more eating of the tree of life, more building up of Zion.

FTTA Gospel Trips

The international trips are in their last few days. The national trips continue through next week. Many universities are being visited, much literature is being distributed, many people contacted, some received the Lord, some lingered for extended conversation, a few new ones came to homes for dinner, and much blending in various homes day by day.

In general, pray for contacts to remain open, and for the Lord's shepherding through many local saints to result in remaining fruit for the building of the Body.

Detailed reports, photos, and prayer requests are at A few excerpts are below the announcements.

FTT Paraguay

The spring term of FTT in Caacupé, Paraguay begins February 3. There are 27 returning trainees from four nations plus 20 new trainees from nine nations. Another 35 from seven nations will attend for one to three weeks in February. Please pray for

  • the door to be fully open for each trainee to attend, including sufficient finances;
  • the training to be full of the rich flow of the Lord's speaking.


  1. Morning revival: week 4 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference).
  2. Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
  3. There will be a Chinese-speaking tour of Israel and Jordan March 24 to April 3. Saints must have a US or Canadian passport to apply. Details are at
  4. There will be a Russian-speaking conference March 28 to 30 in Sacramento. Information in English and Russian is at
  5. There will be a Conference and Tour in Israel May 8 to 18 in English, Spanish, and Russian. Information in English and Spanish is at

Brief Parts of Reports and Prayer Requests from FTTA Gospel Trips

Edinburgh, Scotland

Wednesday we set up our tables in the University of Edinburgh. After an hour and a half of distribution, 35 students received the Recovery Version. On Thursday, we distributed 42 Bibles in the city center, 21 of which are open for further contact. On Thursday night, we had a love feast and a Bible study with the students. We delved into John 6 together and read the footnotes. Their overflow afterwards concerning the Lord being our living Bread and becoming the indwelling Spirit richly supplied all of us.

Prayer: that the Lord continues to open the hearts of local Scottish students to the word of God, and that He would bless our further distributions and appointments.

Fort Myers, Florida

We arrived last Thursday and had a welcome dinner and corporate blending time with the local saints here. It was very encouraging to hear their testimonies about the Lord's move here. Quite a few families have moved here in the last four years, and it seems to be very organic and under the Lord's blessing. The saints here are very burdened for simply enjoying the one Christ and the oneness of the Body.

Prayer: that the Lord continue to bless us with the one accord among the trainees/visiting saints and the local saints, and to draw out hungry and seeking ones when we pass out Bibles.

Paris, France

Our gospel activities in Paris concluded (we moved on to Lyon) with 131 Bibles distributed and 98 warm contacts. The saints, especially the full-time serving ones in Paris, have deeply impressed us with their absoluteness for the Lord and their living. Paris might not be the easiest place to live in; yet it is a frontier for us to make it as overcomers for the Lord. The saints here have demonstrated what abiding in the Lord is and how everything is yours when you are His.

Pray for the follow-up on the Bible recipients.

Berlin, Germany

Each day last week in Berlin has been more encouraging than the day before! We distributed Bibles during the day on universities and city plazas. In the evenings we visit with the saints, hearing their testimonies, singing and enjoying simply being with the saints.

Prayer: that those who received the Bible would read their Bibles and that others would order online.


We then distributed Bibles at a university in Timisoara. Two local high school students joined us. Our experience in the distribution today reaffirmed how open the students are in Romania. In 70 minutes, we handed out all 91 Bibles we had brought with us.

Pray for the Bible seminars we are having in several cities in Romania.


Every evening in Lausanne we have blending with different saints in the neighboring areas, enjoying the normal church life and spending time in the homes of the families. This past week we have also had two Bible Distributions in Geneva and Neuchatel. In one hour in Geneva we passed out 25-30 French New Testaments; in Neuchatel we passed out 10-15 in under an hour and had several positive contacts.

Pray for the four new local students who attended the home meeting on Thursday, that the Lord would keep them and they would enter in and remain in the church life in Lausanne. Pray for the Bible distributions and the seeds planted in the local Swiss people during the week.

Bristol, United Kingdom

Praise the Lord for the Lord's testimony in Bristol. There are three families here. The saints are laboring at the University of Bristol. During our time here, we had an enjoyable time distributing free Bibles at the University in spite of the rain.

Pray for our time of blending with the saints and students in Bristol and Exeter. Please pray for the 96 contacts who received gospel tracts and for the 6 Bible recipients; one recipient was very open to further contact.


We took a 5 hour bus ride to another city. This is the first time a team has been sent to this city, and they were very happy to have us. There are about 65 saints meeting consistently in this locality. Last night, we met with about 12 saints to talk about the burden that they have for us being here. The saints here are entering into the Experience, Growth, and Ministry of Life for the Body morning revival.

Please pray for the young people to have real experiences of the Lord. The saints in this locality are heavily burdened for the young people.

Prayer, Week of January 19, 2014

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One Flock, One Shepherd

"I have come that they may have zoe life and may have it abundantly. I am the good Shepherd; the good Shepherd lays down His psuche life for the sheep. And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must lead them also, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one flock, one Shepherd." John 10:10b-11, 16

"He laid down His psuche life on our behalf, and we ought to lay down our psuche lives on behalf of the brothers." 1 John 3:16


The spring semester at CSUN begins this week. Please pray that:

  1. The Lord would strengthen and build up the student core and add many of the new ones to the church life in a solid way;
  2. The Lord would draw more students and families into the day-by-day and house-to-house church life around the campus;
  3. So that all could enter into a corporate fruit-bearing life under the Lord's blessing.

International Gospel Trips

About 120 trainees plus 10 serving saints are now on international FTTA gospel trips. Nineteen teams (4 to 11 people each) are in Europe, visiting 14 nations and one team is in South Africa, all until January 30. Three other teams are in Brazil until February 3. Please continue to pray for:

  • rich experiences of Christ in the living and serving of everyone who participates;
  • testimonies which will encourage other saints to join full time trainings;
  • much blending and good coordination of the visitors and local saints;
  • the Lord's blessing on the gospel and announcing of the truth.


The target cities for 2014 GTCA (Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America) are:

Columbia, South Carolina; Edinburg, Texas; Fargo, North Dakota;
Fayetteville, Arkansas; Fort Myers, Florida; Greeley, Colorado;
Lafayette, Indiana; Lexington, Kentucky; Lincoln, Nebraska;
Lubbock, Texas; Merced, California; Murfreesboro, Tennessee;
Novato, California; Olympia, Washington;     Omaha, Nebraska;
Salem, Oregon; Stillwater, Oklahoma; Temecula, California;
Virginia Beach/Newport News, Virginia.

North American Gospel Trips

Friday, January 24, teams of saints will begin two-week visits to the GTCA cities to spread the gospel, teach the truth, distribute free BfA material, and help raise up churches. About 110 FTTA and middle-age trainees plus a a few serving saints will coordinate with local saints and those from nearby supporting churches for this time. Please pray that:

  • The Lord would bless the coordination and blending between the teams and the local saints.
  • The outward conditions, such as the weather, would be favorable for the labor in these cities.
  • The Lord would prepare many seeking ones and would lead them to the saints and the enjoyment of the ministry.

Summer School of Truth in South America

The Summer School of Truth for churches in South America will be held in Brazil January 21 to 26. About 670 young people and serving saints are registered. This number includes over 220 from the churches in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay and about 450 from Brazil. The general subject will be The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. Please pray for:

  • The release of the Lord's burden in every session, and the effectiveness of every small group session.
  • The serving saints, that they will be able to convert doctrine into experience in their sharing in order to create an experiential impression of the truth in the young people.
  • All the young people to be constituted with the truth so that they can become seeds of the gospel in their schools.
  • The safe travel and health of all the participants.
  • The accommodations at the camp site and the coordination of all the practical services.


  • Pray for the Gospel move by FTT Taipei in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and Kampong Cham until January 23.
  • Pray for the International Blending Conference in Phnom Penh January 24 to 26.


Pray for the raising up of golden lampstands in Jaipur and Lucknow through the coordination of FTT Taipei and FTT New Delhi.


  1. Morning revival: week 3 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference).
  2. Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
  3. There will be a Chinese-speaking tour of Israel and Jordan March 24 to April 3. Saints must have a US or Canadian passport to apply. Details are at

Prayer, Week of January 12, 2014

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The Mending Ministry of Life

Lord, flow richly in every part of Los Angeles to fix, restore, perfect, complete, adjust, equip, and attune us so that we might shepherd many others in life and be built up together to be Your organic Body.


USC begins spring semester classes this week. Please pray strongly that:

  1. The Lord would build the student core together as a strong net to catch many fish, especially freshmen newly admitted for this semester.
  2. Many of the newer and younger students would rise up and participate in catching fish at USC.
  3. The Lord would continue to gather brand new ones to our campus ministry meeting and bless us with the fresh speaking of His words of life.
  4. College students could also function in shepherding the young people and those in the high school and junior high Bible clubs in the downtown area.

So. Calif. Spanish-Speaking and Young People's Conferences

A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 18 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. Lord's Day, January 19 will be overflow meetings in multiple churches near Anaheim. Details are at

January 17 to 18 there will be a Young People's Conference in Anaheim at the same time as the Spanish-speaking meetings. To register, go to and click on "Event Registration."

FTTA Gospel Trips

The international FTTA gospel trips will be January 16 to 30; twelve teams will go to Europe, visiting 18 nations; one team will go to South Africa. At the end of January, 14 teams will go on trips within the U.S., visiting 18 cities. About 225 FTTA trainees, about 20 middle-age trainees, and some serving saints will participate in these trips.

Please pray for:

  • rich experiences of Christ in the living and serving of everyone who participates;
  • testimonies which will encourage other saints to join full time trainings;
  • much blending and good coordination of the visitors and local saints;
  • the Lord's blessing on the gospel and announcing of the truth.

Ministry Distributions and Shepherding in Europe

Please pray for:

  • radio broadcasts in the UK and Spain;
  • distribution of the NT Recovery Version and other free publications in the European languages;
  • shepherding of the seeking ones and their entering into the church life.


Please pray for:

  1. the one week propagation in the city of Karachi, January 14-21;
  2. the serving one's training in the city of Islamabad, January 23-25;
  3. the search for a meeting hall in the city of Lahore;
  4. early completion of translation and proofreading of the Crystallization-study of Genesis


  1. Pray for the Bible-study groups and gospel preaching in the University of Zambia;
  2. Pray for the gaining of local families.


  1. Morning revival: week 2 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference).
  2. Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.

Prayer, Week of January 5, 2014

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A Practical Living in Oneness with the Lord

As a result of responding to the Lord's appearing, calling, and speaking, Abraham grew into a practical living in oneness with the Lord. In this living Abraham walked in the Lord’s presence and whatever he did was according to God’s will for the fulfilling of God’s purpose. Lord, grant us one day’s growth every day of this year, and draw us to be people living in Your presence.

Los Angeles, 2014

Beseech the Lord to bring us into a gospel atmosphere full of life, love, and fruit-bearing (John 15:17 & note) and to send us out to visit and nourish relatives, students, friends, neighborhoods, and work places and to recover dormant and backslidden saints so that His testimony here may increase significantly this year.

United States

"I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of our Savior God, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:1-4)

Lord, reign over the United States and its leaders so that many more people may be saved, many more may come to the full knowledge of the truth, and many more lampstands may be established.


In the first half of January a small team of FTTA trainees is visiting the devastated area of the Philippines to encourage the saints there and to coordinate with them in preaching the gospel. A second team will visit the same area in the first half of February.

FTTA Gospel Trips

International gospel trips (other than the trip to the Philippines) will begin next week and domestic trips will begin the week after that. Ask the Lord to supply wisdom to the travelers in their preparations and to richly grace them all so that they may overflow with Him wherever they go.


Last week was the national conference in Australia, on the mending ministry. Now James Lee and Craig Birchler are visiting the churches in Australia. Ask the Lord to use this time for more mending, tuning, equipping, and perfecting of all the saints.


  1. Morning revival: week 1 of The Mending Ministry of John (Thanksgiving conference).
  2. Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
  3. A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 19 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People's Conference and meetings for the children. Details are at
  4. The Young People's Blending Conference 2014 will be concurrently with the Spanish-speaking Conference. The conference will be Friday, January 17, 7:30 pm and Saturday, January 18, 4 and 7:30 pm (bring your own dinner for the break between the meetings). To register, go to and click on "Event Registration."

Prayer, Week of December 29, 2013

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The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and The God of Jacob

We need to know and experience the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob to become the transformed Israel of God to fulfill God's purpose. May we advance in the experiences of this wonderful Triune God by leaving everything behind and coming forward in spirit to the Holy of Holies. May 2014 be a year of more constituting with Christ, more growing up into Him in everything, and more advancing to maturity.


James Lee and Craig Birchler are in Australia. The national conference, on the Mending Ministry of Life, is the last few days of 2013. At the same time there is a summer school of truth for the young people. The attendance is 565 adults and young people. After the conference there is a fellowship for leading brothers from all of Australia. Afterwards James and Craig will visit various churches all over Australia.


In the first half of January a small team of FTTA trainees will visit the devastated area of the Philippines to encourage the saints there and to coordinate with them in preaching the gospel. A second team will visit the same area in the first half of February.

European Young People's Winter School of Truth

The school is December 26 to 31 in Netherlands and December 27 to January 1 in London. Ask the Lord to keep active in the young people what was imparted to them during the school and to fully gain the young people for His move in all of Europe.


Barcelona is Spain's second largest city. It is a leading tourist, financial, cultural, educational, and sports centers. The local language is Catalan, but Spanish is widely spoken. There is a small lampstand in Barcelona, but the saints there do not speak either language, making the propagation difficult.

The Lord is moving in a marvelous way in Girona, a city about 50 miles north of Barcelona. There is a small lampstand there, but for several years there was no increase because the saints are not locals. Through a Catalan brother who received Rhema books last year, the Lord raised up an entire Catalan family. The saints in Girona have been shepherding them faithfully, but they are very short-handed. The new ones are all enjoying the ministry, and several of them attended recent conferences.

A few months ago the Lord brought to Barcelona a couple from the U.S., who are very burdened for the situation there and are co-laboring with the brothers in Girona to take care of the whole of northeast of Spain. However, although the harvest is ripe, the laborers are few. How we need to pray that the Lord will thrust out workers into His harvest!


  1. Morning revival: winter training verses or week 6 of Prayer and the Lord's Move. Next week we will begin the Thanksgiving conference, The Mending Ministry of John.
  2. Gifts marked for Philippines relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
  3. A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 19 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People's Conference and meetings for the children. Details are at
  4. The Young People's Blending Conference 2014 will be concurrently with the Spanish-speaking Conference. The conference will be Friday, January 17, 7:30 pm and Saturday, January 18, 4 and 7:30 pm (bring your own dinner for the break between the meetings). The register, go to and click on "Event Registration."

Prayer, Weeks of December 15 and 22, 2013

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Winter Training

The training begins Monday, December 23. Video trainings in Los Angeles are various times from December 23 through early January. Please pray for the Lord's rich supply to the speaking brothers and a spirit of wisdom and revelation to all who attend in Anaheim or by video.

FTTA Graduation

Saturday, December 21, 46 will graduate from FTTA. Ask the Lord to draw each one to serve as He wills and to keep them living in His presence as they leave the training environment

Boston Training Center

Thank the Lord for answering the prayer regarding the Boston training center. The final walk through by the fire department was November 26. The only item that they required was adding one fire extinguisher. The occupancy and use permit was issued December 2. The training moved in immediately after, and was able to use the building for about 10 days before the semester ended. The church in Boston had its first Lord's table in the building on December 8. Praise the Lord for overcoming all the obstacles. He is truly the Alpha and the Omega.

Please pray that the Lord will continue to grant the training and the church favor with the city and its residents and will gain and perfect many young ones for His move in Europe and on the whole earth.


Please pray for the propagation of the ministry of WN and WL through the internet to contact and gain seeking people, to perfect the believers, to produce the one new man, and to prepare the bride of Christ.


December 4 to 7 a Bible distribution was carried out in Lisbon to support the conference that took place there December 6 to 8 and to cooperate with the Lord to raise up a lampstand in Lisbon. During the four days of distribution, 765 Bibles were given out. 415 recipients indicated they were open to be contacted; 32 were very open. In addition, 52 persons prayed to receive the Lord. Eight new ones attended the conference. The experience of the saints who carried out the distribution was overwhelmingly positive. Please pray:

  • For the shepherding of the Bible recipients who are open for further contact.
  • That a good number of these recipients will be gained for the church life in Lisbon and become building members of the Body of Christ.
  • That the word released in the conference will operate in all the saints for their building up.

Sweden and Norway

December 4-9 the New Testament Recovery Version (in English) and Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Volume 1 (in the local languages) were distributed in Sweden and Norway. This initial distribution resulted in more than 60 Bibles given out and a total of 19 who want further contact. Please pray:

  • For the follow-up of those who want further contact.
  • For a continuation of the distribution in both countries in the coming days and weeks.
  • For all the saints to be brought into a normal life of fruit-bearing as branches of Christ, the true vine.

Announcements for weeks of December 15 and 22

  1. Morning revival: December 16 to 22: week 4 of Prayer and the Lord's Move.
    December 23 to 29: winter training verses or week 5 of Prayer and the Lord's Move.
    The next prayer email will be Lord's Day, December 29.
  2. Gifts marked for Philippines Relief may be given to the church or to Lord's Move to Europe.
  3. A conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be January 17 to 19 in Anaheim. Messages will be given in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish and the meetings are open to all the saints. At the same time, we will have a Young People's Conference and meetings for the children. Details are at