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National College Training: Living Overcomers

The National College Training was the beginning of a new era in the Lord’s move on the campuses and we must strongly pray for its continuation. We believe that the time is near for the Lord’s coming and this generation will see His face! May they be a factor to usher in the final revival that will bring the Lord back! In particular, pray that the students (and all of us) would maintain daily habits of:

  • Loving the Lord and eating His word in the morning
  • Reading His word
  • Walking by the Spirit, shining in the midst of the darkness of this age
  • Participating in the prayer meetings of the church
  • Preaching the gospel
  • Praying with companions regularly
  • Freshly consecrating

All NCT messages are at http://www.ageturners.com/audio-for-2015-national-college-training-gods-ageturners/.

Summer School of Truth

Praise the Lord for His blessing in this year’s Summer School of Truth. There was a genuine atmosphere of seeking the Triune God among all the young people this past week. As we experienced His rich dispensing, the Triune God became real, not only as doctrine or knowledge, but as a Person who lives in us and is constantly caring for us every moment of every day.

There was a strong conclusion to SSoT, both in the final meeting Saturday night and in the various district meetings on Lord’s Day. Many shared on the workshops and messages that were given to introduce daily life practices to initiate contact with the Lord and to keep the dialogue open no matter the difficult circumstances.
Pray for a rich continuation of the good deposit in all the young people as they descend on their junior high and high school campuses this semester. Also pray for the Lord’s leading and direction in the serving ones for the continual care of the young people.


Matthew 7:7 says, “…seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.” Please ask the Lord to fulfill His word and bring many hungry seekers to find nourishment on internet sites which present the riches of the ministry. These include BfA, Rhema Books, LSM online publications, Witness Lee and Watchman Nee websites, Recovered to the Bible, and many web sites of churches, campus clubs, and individuals.

Please pray also for the saints who give time each week to “war the good warfare” (1 Tim. 1:18) for the Lord’s move on the internet.


On June 27-28 and July 11-12 the church in Anchorage distributed approximately 280 New Testament Recovery Versions and 380 ministry books at the Anchorage Market and Festival. A booth has been reserved for another weekend. Please pray that the Lord would operate in the hearts of those who have already received Bibles and books.

Additionally, the saints in Alaska recently sent an email to BfA recipients throughout the state to find out if any would like to participate in a local or online Bible study. Please pray that the Lord would motivate many to respond and that they would be connected in a solid way to a Bible study. Pray also for the Lord’s leading and the abundant supply of grace for the saints as they care for those who respond.

FTT Paraguay

This training, which began in 2000, receives Spanish-speaking trainees from South America and Central America. The fall term begins August 3. This term the training adds a Portuguese language section so that the Lord can gain more young adults from Brazil. (http://www.etc-c.org)

FTT Mexico

The fall term begins August 3. Please pray for the trainees and for the funds to be received before August 15 to complete the purchase of the new training center. Offerings may be given to the church, designated for the Mexico City training center. (http://www.etcmx.org)


  1. Morning revival: Week 5 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building.
  2. The Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will have another series of training meetings on the practice of God-ordained way. They will be in Anaheim Saturdays August 29, September 19, and November 21, plus a conference October 17. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.