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National College Training: Consecrated Age Turners

The National College Training concluded July 18, but the burden goes on. May we all become a corporate, praying “Hannah” to bring forth these young ones as today’s “Samuel,” a corporate Nazarite willing to cooperate with God to be His age-turners and end this age.

From http://beseeching.org: We consider that the National College Training was the beginning of a new era in the Lord’s move on the campuses and must strongly pray for its continuation. We believe that the time is near for the Lord’s coming and this generation will see His face! In particular, pray that the students would:

  • Establish a set time and place each day to romantically love the Lord and eat His word in the morning;
  • Immediately commit to daily read His word;
  • Walk by the Spirit in daily life, shining as an anti-testimony in the midst of the darkness of this present age;
  • Experience outpouring of the economical Spirit of power by participating in the prayer meetings of the church and by preaching the gospel with authority;
  • Pray with companions regularly, being built up with one another and loosing their friends and classmates to be saved;
  • Daily renew their consecration before the Lord for the rest of their lives to turn this age;
  • Bring the fire of the Lord’s recovery to all of His saints in His recovery and be a factor to usher in the final revival that will bring the Lord back!

All NCT messages are at http://www.ageturners.com/audio-for-2015-national-college-training-gods-ageturners/.

Summer School of Truth

The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth continues to August 1 with overflow Lord’s Day, August 2. Please pray for the young people to enter into a normal and genuine touch with the Lord day by day, so that the mysterious Triune God would no longer be a mystery to them. May the Lord cause all the young people to become loving-seekers and loving-experiencers of the processed and consummated Triune God.

European Young People’s Conference & Children and Parents’ Conference

The 2015 European Young People’s Conference (ages 13 to 19 plus serving saints) and the Children (ages 4 to 12) and Parents’ Conference is in Małe Ciche, Poland, Lord’s Day, July 26 through Saturday, August 1. Over 1100 young people, serving saints, parents, and children are registered.

It is our desire that the Lord would have a way to reach each young person attending this conference, that each young person’s love for the Lord would grow and that they would consecrate themselves in a deeper and more thorough way in this conference. We therefore ask all the churches to stand with us in prayer during the conference that the Word of the Lord would be prevailing.

Through this conference in past years, many U.S. young people have been brought into the Lord’s burden for Europe. Lord, do more this summer for Your move to and in Europe!

Chinese-Speaking Students’ Perfecting

The annual Chinese-speaking students’ perfecting training will be held in Franklin Park, NJ from July 27 to August 2. As in the past, there will be weekend extensions to the perfecting training in other areas in North America. The intent is to perfect these newly-saved students in truth, life, vision, and service.

Russian-Speaking Students Training

We thank God that every summer, in August, students from all over the Russian-speaking world have the opportunity to meet in Moscow to participate in student training. Many can attest that every time their participation in training is an excellent opportunity to devote their time on vacation to the Lord, to seek Christ with their peers, to get improvement in the truth and the life of the gospel, and to find a new beginning with the Lord before the new school year.

This training is in Moscow July 24 to August 29. http://studentslovingjesus.ru/traineeship-2015/


  1. Morning revival: Week 4 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building.