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God, Whom I Serve in My Spirit (Rom. 1:9a)

The subject of ITERO was Service for the Building Up of the Church. A brief overview:

  • our service originates with a heavenly vision (Acts 26:19), not tradition or knowledge
  • our service is by the divine supply of the processed Triune God
  • our service is in spirit, with no confidence in what we are by natural birth (Phil 3:3)

“We serve in newness of spirit” (Rom. 7:6)

  • our service is by the Lord’s resurrection life, not by our natural ability or learning
  • the unique source of all we do is God, not our enthusiasm or determination

“Out from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever.” (Rom. 11:36)

  • God’s operation in us brings forth our service (Phil. 2:13)
  • our service is by eating Christ to live a duplication of His God-man living
  • our service is energized by heavenly fire in us (2 Tim. 1:6-7), not by needs, zeal, or good motives

“Burning in spirit, serving the Lord” (Rom. 12:11)

  • our service for the building up is a life-experiencing and life-ministering service (1 John 5:16)

Lord, in the next ten years work out all these points in thousands of us to produce an overcoming ministry of life to build up Your Body and to bring You back.

Spring College Conference

The Spring College Conference will be in Anaheim April 15 to 17. The subject is The Divine Commission according to the Heavenly Vision.

High School Sisters’ Conference

The High School Sisters’ Conference is April 15-17 at Oak Glen. The conference will be on Men Who Turn the Age: Samuel. Please pray for the Lord to release His speaking and gain a group of young Nazarites to be age turners for His economy.

Bibles for America

BfA released a new gospel tract titled “No Longer Enemies.” Based on Romans 5:10, the tract shows that fallen sinners, though enemies of God, can be reconciled to God through the death of His Son.

Please pray that the Lord would speak faith into many people through this new tract and the other tracts and materials available through BfA. Please also pray that we all would enter into a normal and healthy gospel living.


The recent happenings in Germany and other countries have caused an awakening in the people of Europe. Things are not as they once were. It is an unsettling time in Europe. This has caused a new openness among the Europeans. May our prayers give the Lord His way in the midst of this.

London Bookshop Seminars

Starting this month, the Amana Trust Bookshop in central London will be open every Lord’s Day
afternoon from 2–5 pm for a Life-study of Revelation live broadcast at 3 pm followed by additional fellowship, including short presentations concerning the truths in the Life-study of the Bible and some refreshments. The burden is to provide a venue for Bible recipients and radio listeners to meet the saints for care and fellowship. May the Lord supply and energize the saints in London to cooperate with Him to meet the needs of His seeking ones.


The annual conference in Paris will be April 16 to 17. It will be followed by a day and a half of fellowship by saints serving in French translation for LSM.

Thessaloniki, Greece

Greetings from Thessaloniki! We are continuing to assist the teams that are arriving to participate in the mass distribution of the ministry materials to the refugees who are now encamped in Greece.

In addition, we have been enjoying what the Lord is doing among our contacts here. A sister with whom we’ve been having regular fellowship for years left her denomination and has been meeting with us regularly for several months. She is an avid enjoyer of the ministry and loves to speak to others. We believe that the Lord will use her to bring many of her fellow Greeks into His recovery.

Two native Greeks are now joining us regularly on the Lord’s Day. We enjoy singing, praying, and reading the ministry together. A recent Lord’s Day we were joined by another Greek brother who witnessed such a normal, enjoyable meeting for the first time. We pray that the Lord will add him, his wife, and many more native Greeks in the coming months.
We are very thankful for your remembering us in your prayers. We desperately need them. The Lord be with your spirit!


  1. Morning revival: Week 28 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
    Hold on to Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today. We will use it again later this year.
  2. Summer Training registration is open now; $155 for Anaheim, July 4-9; $80 for video in LA. To register with L.A., go to http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.
  3. The 6th Grade Conference will be at Oak Glen, May 6-8. Registration deadline is April 24.
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland; https://ypconference.eu.
  5. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update http://facebook.com/germanyupdate. Information about follow-up gospel trips is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.