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The Move of God in Man in the New Testament

“But You have hidden these things in Your heart; I know that this is with You.” (Job 10:13)

“And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things.” (Eph. 3:9)

The move of God in man is in the New Testament to meet man’s need before God. The move of God in man is from the first coming of Christ to the manifestation of the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth. This move is unprecedented in human history. (CS Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, msg. 7, II)

As believers in Christ, we need to grow in the divine life of Christ that we may be transformed into what Christ is through the life-dispensing Spirit, that we may be built up with the saints to be the Body of Christ, the organism of the Triune God in Christ, and to be the new man as God’s new creation to carry out God’s eternal economy in the consummation of the New Jerusalem as the mingling of the processed Triune God with the glorified tripartite man, to be the corporate God-man’s manifestation in eternity. (Life-study of Job, msg. 35)


“…O Jehovah, revive Your work in the midst of the years; in the midst of the years make it known…” (Hab. 3:2)

“Practice these things; be in them, that your progress may be manifest to all.” (1 Tim. 4:15)

Last weekend’s International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones was on “Vital Factors for the Recovery of the Church Life.” The speaking was timely, critical, and strategic for the progress of all the saints and churches in the Lord’s recovery, which is to build up Zion—the overcomers as the reality of the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem.

If we practice living the life of a God-man, which is the reality of the Body of Christ, spontaneously a corporate model will be built up, a model living in the economy of God. This model will be the greatest revival in the history of the church to bring the Lord back. (Msg. 1, III)

Pray for the digestion and application of these messages, that the Lord would gain our prayer, practice, and perseverance to cooperate with Him to bring in a new revival that will end this age.

Sixth Grade Students

We are looking to the Lord to save every sixth-grade student in the church in Los Angeles. In recent weeks we have been reading about the Lord’s suffering and crucifixion in accomplishing redemption in the Gospel of Mark. Each student has been touched with the Lord’s love toward them in addition to having been made aware of their own sins. In total there are 10 students: Jacob, Isaac, Karsten, Isaac, Tyler, David, Zoe, Allison, Felicity, and Betsabe. Please continue to pray:

  • that each student would regularly attend our Lord’s Day evening gatherings;

  • that the Lord would convict each one of their sins;

  • that they would confess their sins and touch the Lord with their spirit;

  • that the Lord would appear to each one in a personal and loving way;

  • that they would each experience a special and unforgettable salvation; and

  • that they would have a strong baptism and a good beginning to their Christian life.

Bibles for America

BfA is responding to the public’s growing demand for video content by continuing to produce videos, both to spread the good news of the gospel and to convey the truths in the Bible. Videos have proven to be a critical means of reaching people in an impactful way, especially since the start of the pandemic. BfA videos were viewed on YouTube 2.7 million times in 2020, up from 854,000 views in 2019. They are available to watch and share at http://www.youtube.com/biblesforamerica.

In order to continue to reach more people, BfA has begun to prepare a studio space in Irvine. Having our own studio would allow us to streamline our production process and explore more ways to create engaging, high-quality videos. Please pray for the completion of this studio space in a timely way. Pray also that existing videos would reach even more people searching for the meaning of their life.


Let us continue to intercede for the Lord’s move in this country. The burden to “gospelize, truthize, churchize” America has not diminished! For short videos and updates from the 2020 GTCA cities, including Orlando, Richmond, Pittsburgh, Lexington, and Minneapolis, visit http://gtca.us/updates.

Francophone Conference

A conference for French-speaking saints will be held this weekend, April 23 to 25. The online format is an excellent opportunity for churches to blend from many French-speaking countries, including France, Belgium, Switzerland, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, and Senegal. Other countries and territories will also participate, but not at the same time due to timezone challenges; these include some cities in Canada, plus Martinique and Guadeloupe in the Caribbean.

Please pray that all the French-speaking saints and churches would enter into the up-to-date ministry of the age and touch the up-to-date burden for the Lord’s advance. For more conference information, visit http://www.egliseaparis.fr.

Also pray for the ongoing literature distribution through Bibles for Europe. Although we are passing through another period of pandemic restrictions in Europe, the Lord is providing access to new contacts through a steady stream of online Bible orders and Bible study requests. May the Lord strengthen and supply the saints who have offered themselves to the Lord to contact and care for these new ones from all over French-speaking Europe!


  1. Morning Revival: Week 7 of Crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Vol. 2.

  2. 6th Grade Parents & Serving Ones: On May 1 from 10:00 to 11:30 am, there will be a time of fellowship for serving ones and parents of our 6th graders. Translation into Chinese, Korean and Spanish will be provided. Register by April 24 at http://scyp.com/6thgrade.

  3. West Coast Korean-speaking Blending Conference will take place on Lord’s Day, May 2 from 9:30 am to 12:20 pm on Zoom.

  4. Words of Fellowship to the Church in LA: A new video entitled Seasons of Refreshing is posted at http://youtube.com/churchinlosangeles; and in our church app, with translated versions in Chinese, Korean and Spanish. We hope the saints will be encouraged to contact the Lord for a new beginning.

  5. Ways to Give: Information on setting up online giving through Subsplash, as well as where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.