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Prayer at the Incense Altar

The incense altar in Exo. 30:1-10 signifies Christ as the Intercessor to maintain the relationship between God and His people. In Rev. 8:3-4, the incense altar is the executing center of God’s administration.

Do you know what is the “motor” in our being, the motor in our body, soul, and spirit? The motor is the prayer life. Christ is not only the bread, the light, and the Ark—He is also the incense altar. This means that He is the motivator and even the motor. Therefore, we need to enjoy Him as our prayer.

The proper prayer life is a life of praying for others, of interceding for them. We need to pray for the churches throughout the earth and for all the saints. We need to pray for the older ones, the younger ones, and the opposers. Day by day we need to pray not mainly for ourselves, but for others. We need such an interceding life. The intercession offered at the incense altar should be daily increasing. (HWMR Week 29, Days 1-2).

Southern California Blending Conference

A blending conference for the churches in Southern California will be held at the Ministry Conference Center (MCC) on April 30 and May 1. The schedule will be as follows:

Meeting 1: Saturday afternoon 4:00–5:45 pm
Break (bring your own dinner)
Meeting 2: Saturday evening 7:00–8:45 pm
Meeting 3: Lord’s Day morning 10:00 am–12:30 pm

Children’s service will be provided only for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade, and only for the meetings on Saturday. (Parents may supervise infants, toddlers and pre-K in an overflow room with a live audio/video conference feed. No children should be left unattended.)

All children need to be registered beforehand at http://tinyurl.com/2016ChildrenRegistration.
For translation, bring your own FM radios. More info at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.

Spanish-speaking Brothers’ Training

Saturday, April 23 there will be a training for Southern California Spanish-speaking responsible brothers. Lord, perfect these brothers for the work of Your ministry unto the building up of Your Body.

Summer Training Registration

Summer Training registration is still open; $155 for Anaheim, July 4-9; $80 for video. To register with L.A., go to http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla. Deadline is April 26. A paper registration form is available in some halls as an alternative.

Ask the Lord to increase our number participating in His speaking to the churches in this training.


Last Saturday, April 16, a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck off Ecuador’s central coast, destroying buildings and highways, killing a few hundred people, and injuring thousands more. The coastal province of Manabi was hardest hit, but damage was widespread throughout the country. We are waiting to receive any news concerning the saints who meet with the churches in the affected areas.

This earthquake follows two deadly quakes in Japan the previous week. Please pray for the protection and needs of the saints, as well as for the hearts of people to be open for the gospel.

Germany Gospel Trips

The fourth two-week gospel trip began Lord’s Day, April 17. Monday is orientation; Tuesday the four sub-teams split to labor in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Berlin, and Düsseldorf. Please pray for:

  • a rich supply to the local saints who are coordinating all the practical details of these trips;
  • much blending of the participants in this trip;
  • continuing care and growth in life for those contacted in previous trips;
  • more native Germans and more refugees to be saved into the church life.

A Brief Update Concerning Europe

The recent happenings in Germany and other countries have caused an awakening in the people of Europe. It is an unsettling time in Europe. This has caused a new openness among the Europeans.

There is the need for further capacity for blending and training for all Europeans. In anticipating this need, we have spent the past few years considering some appropriate facilities. In the London area, several projects have been proposed, including improvements to the facilities at Bower House, the acquisition and development of an adjacent property called Bower Farm, and the development of a 17- acre recreational site called Woodland Camp that was purchased in 2013.

If we are able to move forward with these plans, we can enlarge our capacity for the Full-time Training in London (FTTL) and simultaneously have capacity for other events such as one-week trainings, weekend events, and potentially even a middle-age training for Europe.

The full report concerning this and other burdens is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
For information regarding gifts toward the purchase of Bower Farm and the construction of new facilities in London, please visit: http://lordsmove.org/ukbuildingfund.

European Brothers’ Training

The Spring 2016 European Brothers’ Training will be April 22–24 in London. This primarily will be a re-speaking of the April ITERO in Anaheim.


  1. Morning revival: Week 29 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
  2. Summer Training registration is still open; $155 for Anaheim, July 4-9; $80 for video in LA. To register with L.A., go to http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla. Deadline is April 26.
  3. The 6th Grade Conference will be at Oak Glen, May 6-8. Registration deadline is April 24.
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland: http://ypconference.eu.
  5. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update http://facebook.com/germanyupdate. Information about follow-up gospel trips is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.