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Constituted to Be a Duplication of Christ’s God-Man Living

“Your words were found and I ate them, and Your word became to me the gladness and joy of my heart, for I am called by Your name, O Jehovah, God of hosts.” (Jer. 15:16)

“Receive…the sword of the Spirit, which Spirit is the word of God, by means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints.” (Eph. 6:17-18)

The meal offering typifies Christ in His God-man living and typifies our Christian life as a duplication of Christ’s God-man living. By exercising our spirit to touch the Spirit consolidated in the Word, we eat the human life and living of Jesus, we are constituted with Jesus, and the human living of Jesus becomes our human living. (Crystallization-Study of Leviticus, msg. 4, I., II., II.B)

Joint LA Meeting

The whole church in Los Angeles—all our halls, districts, and languages—will gather at LA Trade Tech College from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm on Lord’s Day, May 6, to blend together as the Lord’s one testimony in this city. There will also be a special fellowship with brother Minoru Chen. Please pray that the Lord would gather all of the saints from all parts of the city to praise Him, to become of one accord for His move, and to be the new man, where Christ is all and in all!

No lunch will be served at the college. We encourage everyone to plan toward lunch with others in homes or restaurants for personal blending. Pray for this.

Children’s Work Conference & 6th Grade Preparation Meeting

These times of fellowship are Saturday, April 28, in Diamond Bar. These meetings will focus on the burden and vision for the children along with some practices for the families in the homes and for the churches in raising up the next generation. Pray that all who registered will be able to attend and that all will receive the vision and burden.

Poland – Bible Distributions and Conference

For the past five years the saints in Poland have been laboring on the translation of the Recovery Version NT. It was completed in September 2017, and 30,000 copies for free distribution were printed in February of this year. Praise the Lord!

Upcoming distributions will take place on April 23 to 27 in Warsaw and Krakow and on May 2 to 3 in Warsaw. These distribution dates are before and after the International Blending Conference in Warsaw on April 28 through May 1. The conference subject is the same as the recent Taipei conference: “The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery—To Bring Forth the One New Man.”

The Church in Madrid and the Work in Iberia

The church in Madrid, Spain began in 2001 with 12 saints; today it has more than 100 with about 70 meeting regularly on Lord’s Days. The current rented hall is too small for the church, storage for Bibles for Europe and Rhema, and to be a base for 11 full timers who serve in all of Spain and Portugal.

After several years of prayer and searching, the church found a place suitable for all uses, in a safe neighborhood, with good transportation, and acceptable for use by a church. The initial payment of 30,000 euros ($37,000) was last week. Another 70,000 euros ($86,000) is due at the end of April, and the final amount of 600,000 euros ($740,000) at the end of July.

Pray for this transaction to be completed and for the timely financial supply for this purchase. You may donate to the church (any amount, small or large, as the Lord leads), designated for Madrid.


Please continue to pray for:

  • visits of trainees from FTT Taipei (April 3 to May 5) and FTTA-XB (May 3-21) to strengthen the Lord’s move among the churches and in all of Germany;

  • the continued sowing of the German NT Recovery Version and the reaping into the church life; of the 30,000+ recipients who were contacted in October 2017;

  • more young saints from outside Germany to gain admission to German universities; and

  • those emigrating to obtain visas, find jobs and housing, and learn the German language.


The annual spring conference in Paris will be April 27 to 29.


  1. Morning revival: Week 4 of Crystallization-Study of Leviticus, Vol. 1. Next week will be week 5. The week after the joint meeting of the whole church, we will REPEAT week 5.

  2. The Summer Training will be July 2 to 7 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. Live training registration including payment ($205) is due April 27. Registration for the webcast ($105) is due June 12. Late fees will be incurred after these deadlines. Saints from LA should register at http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla and give cash/check payment to their district’s registration coordinator.

  3. The 6th Grade Conference will be May 11 to 13 at Oak Glen. Registration is due April 29.

  4. The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 25 to 28 in Kansas City. Information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Saints from LA attending are requested to RSVP no later than April 29 at http://tinyurl.com/memdayla (adults) or http://tinyurl.com/memchildrenla (children).

  5. The Southern California Blending Conference will be June 9 to 10 in Anaheim.