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The international training for elders and responsible brothers will be April 8 to 10 in Anaheim. Lord, refresh the vision of every brother and blend all the churches more into the reality of the one Body.

CSUN Incoming Students

This Saturday all the incoming freshmen and transfer students are invited to visit CSUN. Our students will have a club table at this time. Please pray for our students, especially the newer ones among us: (1) to pickup the burden for this time to serve and contact the incoming students, (2) to be a shining testimony to draw the seekers to the table, and (3) to have a good way to follow up with the positive contacts.

Brooklyn, New York

Saints in New York City have begun a specific labor to reach people in Brooklyn with the gospel and the free offers from BfA. In February and March, the saints participated in two times of community outreach that included preaching the gospel and passing out free Bible offers, gospel tracts, and invitations to two BfA Bible seminars.

On April 16, the saints will hold a gospel meeting in Brooklyn, followed by another time of outreach and a Bible seminar toward the end of the month. They also plan to invite many of the people they meet in these times of sowing to a conference on the weekend of May 6–8.

Please pray that the Father would bless the saints’ labor and fill their hands with fruit from the borough of Brooklyn. May the Lord richly supply the workers for their continued labor in the gospel and in shepherding the new believers!


This is the second week of the third gospel trip. There is the realization that the saints’ homes are where the Lord will gain the remaining fruit. Please pray for

  • the strengthening of the local saints’ homes and the linking of the gospel contacts to the homes;
  • the acquiring of facilities, by renting or purchase, for coordination and gospel meetings; – all those who are migrating to Germany and that this flow will continue for the strengthening of the churches and for the bearing of remaining fruit among the local Germans and the refugees.

Budapest, Hungary

Lord’s Day, March 13, the universal Body brought forth a local expression in Budapest. It was glorious, with approximately 180 saints from 20 countries meeting as the one Body of Christ for the first bread breaking in Budapest. The saints were full of rejoicing, testifying that this lampstand was the result of much prayer for many years. A number of saints in attendance had labored in Hungary in past years. Their rejoicing brought back the Lord’s word in John 4:36-37: “…in order that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this the saying is true, One sows and another reaps.” There was a sense that the Lord was so happy, not only with the establishment of the table in Budapest but also with the blending together. This was confirmed by exhortations in the sharing that the crucial need in the Lord’s recovery is the blending among the saints and the churches. May the Lord fulfill His need in Europe.

Childcare at SoCal Blending Conference

Children’s service will be provided only for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade, and only for the meetings on Saturday, April 30. (Parents may supervise infants, toddlers and pre-K in an overflow room with a live audio/video conference feed. No children should be left unattended.)

All children need to be registered beforehand at http://tinyurl.com/2016ChildrenRegistration.
Please register all children no later than Lord’s Day, April 17.

Each hall in L.A. should discuss what to do with their children on Lord’s Day, May 1.


  1. Morning revival: Week 27 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
  2. High School Sisters Conference is April 15-17 at Oak Glen; registration deadline is April 3.
  3. The Spring College Conference will be in Anaheim April 15 to 17. http://www.college-conference.com/.
  4. Summer Training registration is open now; $155 for Anaheim, July 4-9; $80 for video in LA.
  5. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland; https://ypconference.eu.
  6. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update http://facebook.com/germanyupdate. Information about follow-up gospel trips is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.