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Becoming the Vision of the Glory of God

“And I looked, and there came a storm wind from the north, a great cloud and a fire flashing incessantly; and there was a brightness around it, and from the midst of it there was something like the sight of electrum, from the midst of the fire.” (Ezekiel 1:4)

We need to consider how precious and honorable is the Christ who is within us. As the electrum within us, He is the treasure of incomparable worth. This treasure is the issue of the wind, the cloud, and the fire. The more we pass through the wind, the cloud, and the fire, the more the electrum is constituted into our being, making us a people who are filled with the Triune God and who manifest His glory.

We all need to experience more of the spiritual wind, the overshadowing cloud, the burning fire, and the glowing electrum. By passing through this kind of experience, we become the vision of the glory of God. In our experience we have the wind, the cloud, the fire, and the electrum. Then whenever we meet together, we are the vision of the glory of the electrum, having a precious treasure that is shining and glowing. (Life-study of Ezekiel, pp. 35-36)

Junior High Conference

The Junior High Conference is April 14 to 16 at Oak Glen. Please pray that these young ones would see and appreciate who they are as children of God, lights in the world, the salt of the earth, and branches in the vine. Pray especially that they would have a personal touch with the Lord and would receive a personal appearing from the Lord in His sweetness.

Southern California College Conference

The college conference will take place this weekend, April 14 to 16, in Anaheim. The general subject is “God’s Goal—the Body of Christ.” In particular, please pray that:

  • The number of participating students would significantly increase compared to last year; also that many high school seniors would come.
  • The students’ eyes would be opened to see a vision of God’s need and God’s goal.
  • The Spirit would flow in a released way and all attendees would be carried away in spirit.
  • The Lord would blend His Body together, including through the hospitality in the homes.

Summer Training Registration

Registration for the 2017 Summer Training (July 3-8) is still open. The deadline for registration is next week, April 25. Ask the Lord to release more of us to participate in His speaking to the churches in this training on the book of Ezekiel. Register at: http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.

Bibles for America

On Wednesday, April 5, Bibles for America began offering a free two-book set. The Knowledge of Life by Witness Lee looks at the believer’s need to possess and experience God’s divine life in order to fulfill God’s purpose. The Gospel of Life contains the entire text of the Gospel of John and its embedded outline from the Recovery Version, followed by two articles from the writings of Brother Lee: “The First Step in Living a Christian Life” and “The Way to Experience God in the Gospel of John.” The books will be available to the public for ordering from a dedicated webpage, http://newbooks.bfa.org.

Please pray for the launch of this new set of books. Pray that many spiritually hungry people would discover this offer and that the Lord would nourish and shine on them through the words in these books.

European Brothers Training

This training, April 11–13 in London, includes videos from the recent ITERO in Anaheim plus group digestion times and fellowship about the Lord’s move in Europe.

We hope that through such perfecting times, the Lord will make us all able ministers of the New Testament, effective building material for the universal building up of the Body of Christ, and good stewards and serving ones in our respective local churches.

International Blending Conference

This conference, April 14–16 in London, is a time for the rich ministry of the Lord in His up-to-date speaking, and for the blending of saints and churches throughout Europe and around the earth. Please pray for this. Furthermore, the conference provides a wonderful opportunity to participate with others in service before, during, and after the conference, where there can be enjoyable blending together to bear the needed responsibilities.


Saints from eight countries gathered together in the International Blending Conference of Cambodia, and enjoyed the riches of Christ and were greatly encouraged. Also, Cambodian saints coordinated with trainees from Taiwan to propagate in two cities. Through the saints’ prayers and labor in one accord, sixty-seven got saved. Weekly gospel feasts on campus in Phnom Penh were set up and the golden lampstand in Sisophon will be established soon. More about these actions and a report from India are at
http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/E-2017-03.pdf (English)
http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Asia-2017-03.pdf (Chinese)


The latest news from India, at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/, includes reports about FTT New Delhi with 42 trainees, preparation for translation of the Recovery Version NT into Indian languages, and a three-day perfecting training for households attended by 90 families.


  1. Morning revival: Week 2 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (Winter Training).
  2. The 6th Grade Conference will be held May 5 to 7 at Oak Glen. Registration is due April 23.
  3. Summer Training registration is now open: $205 for Anaheim, July 3–8; $105 for webcast in L.A. Saints from L.A. may register at http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla. Deadline is April 25.
  4. Due to LA Trade Tech College’s new policy of not renting to outside organizations, we will not have a joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles this spring.
  5. Information about Germany and Europe:
  6. The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York. Information about the conference and hotels is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. Saints from L.A. who plan to attend are asked to RSVP before April 30 at http://www.tinyurl.com/memdayla (adults) and http://www.tinyurl.com/memchildrenla (children).
  7. There will be a conference in Atlanta May 5 to 7 on the gospel to all the nations. The burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent to be part of His expression in the Body. For more information, contact churchinatlanta@gmail.com.