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O Jehovah Our Lord, How Excellent is Your Name!

“O Jehovah our Lord, / How excellent is Your name / In all the earth, / You who have set Your glory over the heavens! Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings / You have established strength / Because of Your adversaries, / To stop the enemy and the avenger. (Psalm 8:1-2)

“Out of the mouth of infants and sucklings You have perfected praise” (Matt. 21:16)

Praise is the way to display Christ’s victory and overcome spiritual attacks. Prayer signifies spiritual warfare, but praise signifies spiritual victory; whenever we praise, Satan flees.

“Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah, O my soul! I will praise Jehovah while I live; I will sing psalms to my God while I yet have being.” (Psalm 146:1-2).

“Hallelujah! For it is good to sing psalms to our God; / For it is pleasant; praise is fitting.” (Psalm 147:1).

The nature of praise is an offering, a sacrifice; in other words, praise comes from pain, suffering, and loss; God desires His children to praise Him through everything and in every situation. (The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man, msg. 6 II.E, E.1, D.3)

All-LA College Student Internship

This week we will continue the internship. We will continue to contact freshmen at UCLA and CSUN and start contacting at USC.

The fourteen who went to Athens, Georgia last week had a wonderful time of blending and were definitely broadened in their view of the Body and how to reach people in the gospel.

Please continue to pray for the blending together of the labor at all the campuses in LA, as well as for the Lord to gain soft and open freshmen on all three campuses this week.


The fall term began this week. Lord, constitute Yourself into each trainee, in their classes and studying, in corporate living, in gospel teams, in service, and in blending with the churches!

The number of trainees has decreased. Ask the Lord to prepare many, both in their heart and their practical circumstances, to begin the training in February.

BfA in Anchorage, Alaska

Since June 9, Bibles for America volunteers have been distributing literature in downtown Anchorage at the Saturday Market & Festival, a popular destination among locals and tourists from around the world. On August 26, distribution will take place during the kick-off at the University of Alaska Anchorage, an event attended primarily by incoming freshmen.

Please pray for the volunteers as they labor throughout the summer. Pray that the Bibles and books would get into the hands of the hungry ones and for each recipient to be enlightened and nourished by the Word of God.

Vancouver, Canada

On May 7, 2015, Meeting Hall 1 of the church in Vancouver was burned down during a roof repair accident. Since then, the church has been taking action to build a new facility. On May 7, 2018 we finally received the Excavation Permit from the city and started excavation. On June 8, we received the Building Permit for full construction and started formwork for the underground parking. Since then everything on site has been progressing quite smoothly. The expected completion date is end of 2019.

We sincerely treasure and covet the prayers of the saints in the Body of the Christ. Please join us to pray for the smooth transition from one stage to the next throughout the construction period. A number of decisions still need to be made, such as selecting the appropriate contractor for each aspect of the project. Finally, through this entire process, pray for the Lord to build Himself more into our hearts for the building up of His Body.

Baltic Conference

The annual Baltic conference will take place in Riga, Latvia August 17 to 19.

Nordic Countries

Following the messages on the crucial points concerning the gospel of God in Romans at the recent Nordic Conference in Stockholm (July 20 to 23), please pray for the spread and increase of Christ in all the saints in the churches in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden), as well as the beginning of the translation of the ministry into Icelandic.


As of August 1 all the financial needs for the purchase and remodeling of the property have been met. The saints in Madrid are very thankful to all the saints and churches for their support and giving in love.

Also, they received notice that they are now in the government’s Registry of Religious Entities. This is a major milestone, and was quicker than expected. One further step is needed to benefit from all the provisions for evangelical churches. Please to pray for this step to be completed by the end of September.

United Arab Emirates and Nepal

The current Lord’s Move to Asia newsletter (2 pages) describes a conference and training in the United Arab Emirates and the raising up of a new church there. It also touches shepherding, perfecting, and Rhema literature distribution in Nepal.

http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/e-2018-07.pdf (English)
http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Asia-2018-07.pdf (Chinese)


Morning revival: week 6 of The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man (Memorial Day).
Our next morning revival will be The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery—To Bring Forth the One New Man (February’s International Chinese-speaking Conference).