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Coming to the Fountain of Living Waters

“In order that now to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenliness the multifarious wisdom of God might be made known through the church, according to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Eph. 3:10-11)

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.” (John 7:37)

The thought of the Triune God being life to the tripartite man runs through the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. God’s intention in creating man in His own image was that man would receive Him as life. God wants to be our life so that we may express Him; this was the desire of God’s heart. For the fulfillment of His purpose God wants to be the fountain, the source, of living waters to satisfy His chosen people for their enjoyment.

The goal of this enjoyment is to produce the church as God’s increase, God’s enlargement, to be God’s fullness for His expression. God is the fountain of living waters to His elect because He has a purpose—to produce a counterpart, a bride, for Himself. (Knowing Life and the Church, msg. 1, II.A–C.2)

LA YP Back-to-School Night

On August 19 we will have a special time with the church in L.A. young people as they head into the new school year. We hope this gathering will be an encouragement to all and believe that it has potential for setting the tone of the whole school year to live a life of “looking away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of their faith in order to run the Christian race in the realm of faith,” based on Hebrews 12:1-2. Please pray that:

  • all of our YP would be available to attend this special time;
  • they would be helped both practically with their studies and spiritually to live a normal Christian life;
  • they would have the realization that the whole church is standing with them.

CSUN Contacting Freshmen

Please continue to pray for our students as they contact the incoming freshmen this week, Tuesday through Friday. Lord, gain some remaining fruit this school year!

USC Welcome Week

This week at USC is welcome week, that is, the week before classes begin. Most new students will have moved into the dorms by Wednesday, August 16. There will also be a relatively large number of grad students (around 8) at USC’s Health Science Campus (HSC). A variety of programs take place on this campus, including Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, and the Medical School. We plan to establish a regular Bible study there for the first time in several years, and also to set up a table during the first few weeks to contact students from a variety of disciplines.

We desperately need your prayers for the following matters, that the Lord would:

  • blend all of the existing undergraduate students and serving saints into one accord and recalibrate us to the view of His purpose through our pre-semester retreat, August 17 to 19;
  • bless our gospel preaching and bring us to many new students with soft hearts toward the Lord;
  • establish immediate face-to-face contact with those we were in contact with last year;
  • coordinate and build together all the grad students, especially those at the HSC;
  • work out the practical details related to the tabling, meeting times and locations for Bible studies.

West Los Angeles College

A few brothers met with a WLA College administrator last week about setting up a table on campus this coming school year. The semester kick-off and orientation is Friday, August 18 from 9 am to 1 pm. The college has given us permission to set up a table in either of the two free-speech areas on campus. Please pray that the Lord would exercise His divine authority over this campus and that we would honor Him as the Head for the spreading of the gospel at WLA College.


Please pray for :

  • the emigration of burdened saints for 1) the practical strengthening and building up of – the local churches and 2) the labor on the college campuses;
  • a rich supply to the saints in Düsseldorf as they receive and care for all the migrating saints;
  • the Lord’s present speaking imparted to all the German-speaking churches as their video trainings continue the next three weekends.

Baltic Nations Conference

The churches in the Baltic nations will have a family conference August 18 to 20 in Latvia.

Continuing Burdens

Oak Glen: Lord, grace us (2 Cor. 8:1, 4, 6-7, 9) to give monthly for the payments on this property.
Kirchentag (Germany, May 24-28): contacting 4,795 NT recipients to bring at least 100 into church life.
Polish Recovery Version NT: proofreading begins August 14; publication early next year.


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 in Knowing Life and the Church (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. Information about Germany and Europe: (this list is included once a month)