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National College Training: Those Who Love His Appearing

Second Timothy 4:8 speaks of all those who love our Lord’s appearing. The prayers of thousands of saints allowed the Lord to take a big step at the training culminating with the students declaring, I will give myself to be an overcomer, To see a heav’nly vision, Keep my flaming spirit burning! I give myself to You, to turn this age.

Now we need the same intensity of prayer by all ages for continuing consecration, more seeing and burning, and increased announcing of the gospel until the Lord can come back.

A larger number of short video testimonies from many students are at http://www.ageturners.com/2015-nationalcollege-training-highlights-page/.

A video overview of the training is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?t=163&v=S8GunuiLZ8E.

FTTA and Boston Extension

FTTA began last week Monday. The Lord brought 155 first termers. The total number of trainees this term is 372. Both numbers are the most ever in FTTA and both are answers to prayer!

This week the first termers learn which team they are on and who is their gospel partner. Please pray for their opening to the Lord and willingness to be blended!

FTTA-xB, the third year training in Boston, also began Monday, August 10. There are 25 trainees, 20 entering and 5 returning. This number is lower than in the spring term; please pray for an increase in Boston. A one-page letter about the purpose and goals of FTTA Boston extension is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.

CSUN (Hall 2 English)

The students completed a two week internship where they enjoyed the Lord and prayed together, contacted freshmen at orientations, and prepared for the coming school year. They passed out thousands of tracts and got contact information for over 100, the most ever. Please pray for the follow up labor with all the positive contacts:

  • That they would respond to the invitation and personal contact and come to the welcome events on campus
    during the first week of school (August 24-28);
  • That they would come to the home meeting on Friday night, August 28;
  • That our students would be built together and in the homes more than ever to contain the fruit.

USC (Hall 4 English)

We have a pre-semester retreat this week with our core students. Please pray that we would:

  • Be blent together into one accord and continue to rise up to take the lead at USC,
  • Have much prayer for the gospel and the Lord’s move at USC,
  • Coordinate many practical details to prepare for the semester.

Also, the freshmen move into the dorms on Wednesday. Pray that we would be able to establish many warm and solid connections with them right away. Pray that the Lord would sweep in their hearts and prepare them, stirring up their seeking for the Lord. May our students be empowered with the economical Spirit to boldly spread the word during this critical week!

Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference and

All Southern California Young People Blending Meeting

There is a burden to change the atmosphere of our work with the young people from a defensive work of preservation to an offensive work of propagation, and to bring our second generation into a normal gospel preaching life. For this, it is with great joy that we announce another Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference, August 29, 9 am to 7 pm, and open for all going into grades seven and eight.

We also invite all the young people, grades 7-12 to join us for a corporate blending meeting 7 to 9 pm. Both the Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference and the all Southern California Young People Blending Meeting will be held in the church in Arcadia meeting hall on Saturday, August 29th.

Last year the Lord very much blessed this all Southern California Blending Meeting in a wonderful way. We look to the Lord again this year for another encouraging, enjoyable, and profitable time. We rejoice with you all that the Lord is doing a genuine work among the young people here in Southern California. We would ask that you stand with us in this burden and pray strongly for this time.

Bibles for America

On August 18 BfA staff members will begin a three-week distribution tour in the Midwest. They will visit cities in South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, giving away Bibles and books on college campuses and at local venues such as the Minnesota State Fair, a huge event that attracts nearly two million people. Please pray that the Lord would go before the brothers and sisters on this tour, preparing His hungry ones to meet the saints, receive the Word, and taste the riches of this wonderful ministry.

Czech Republic

Please pray for the continuation of the seminars in Prague in September and for the possibility of holding seminars in other cities in the Czech Republic. Pray also for the shepherding of the seeking ones in Prague and in other parts of the country.

Baltic Blending Conference

The Baltic nations’ blending conference will be August 21 to 23 in Latvia.


  1. Morning revival: Week 7 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building. After week 8, we will begin The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will have another series of training meetings on the practice of God-ordained way. They will be in Anaheim Saturdays August 29, September 19, and November 21, plus a conference October 17. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
  3. An illustrated report about mass distribution of ministry materials around the earth is at