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Our Urgent Need to See the Vision of the One New Man

“Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint.” (Prov. 29:18a)

Before the Lord is able to return, we must see the vision of the one Body and the one new man. In the Bible vision denotes an extraordinary scene; it refers to a special kind of seeing—a glorious, inward seeing. The heavenly vision governs us, restricts us, controls us, directs us, preserves us, revolutionizes us, keeps us in the genuine oneness, and gives us the boldness to go on. Under the heavenly vision we are directed toward God’s destination, and our life is controlled according to God’s economy.

“Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion [the all-inclusive Christ] of the saints in the light.” (Col. 1:12)

“To whom [His saints] God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Col. 1:27)

The one new man is Christ constituted into us. As we experience and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ, the Christ who indwells us, He is constituted into us, and we become the one new man.
(The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery—To Bring Forth the One New Man, msg. 1, I, I.A, I.A.1,2; IV, IV.A,B)

O Lord, How Excellent is Your Name In All the Earth

“O Jehovah our Lord, How excellent is Your name In all the earth.” (Psa. 8:1) Lord, intensify Your move in Southern California! Make Your testimony here excellent, full of strength and impact with a regular increase in every place. Lord, we ask You to do this to fulfill Your word in Psalm 8 about excellence.

Lord, strengthen our corporate prayer and praise to match You as the ascended One! And increase the number of saints attending and participating in the church prayer meetings in Southern California.

All-LA College Student Internship

We want to thank you so much for all of your prayers for the college students throughout LA. We had a wonderful wrap-up meeting last Saturday for the three week All-LA internship. No doubt the Lord blessed us beyond what we asked or thought. Our three goals of blending, perfecting, and fruit-bearing (our prayer three weeks ago) were the very highlights that our students testified of at the wrap-up. Please pray that we would remain in these three items for the rest of our lives!

In many cases these last three weeks together with USC, CSUN, and UCLA have been revolutionary for our students and serving ones. Please continue to pray for:

  1. The first week of class at USC this week—that the Lord would set many captives free on this campus through the gospel and tabling events!

  2. The follow up with the many names received at CSUN during these last 2 weeks, the six CSUN sisters joining FTTA for a few days this week, and the preparation for the start of classes August 27.

  3. The fresh supply to the UCLA saints who continue to meet new freshmen with more upcoming freshmen orientations, as well as the continued regular contact and fellowship with 20 newly-met UCLA students (mostly freshmen) who are taking classes this summer. Fall quarter classes begin September 27.

Hall 5 Weekend at Oak Glen

Saturday to Lord’s Day, August 25-26, the Hall 5 saints will have a weekend at Oak Glen for blending, mutual shepherding, and mutual praising. Please pray that this day and a half would:

  • enlighten all the saints regarding how their function is indispensable in the Body;

  • help the saints to see that in these last days, now is the time to fight the battle in the Body in order that all the saints would be protected from the wearing out tactics of the evil one; and

  • help the saints see that the best fighters are genuine lovers.

We fight for the Lord in the Body, because we love the Lord. We are his Bridal-Warrior. Although this time only involves the saints in Hall 5, the desire in our hearts is that the benefit and spiritual supply would reach saints in every part of LA and in the surrounding areas. We ask that all the saints in LA join us in praying that the Lord would encourage, supply, and renew the vision of every saint in all the halls in LA.

Bibles for America

We recently added three tools to our blog (http://blog.biblesforamerica.org) so readers can more easily explore all our content: a search field, a topics menu, and a list of related posts for each individual post.

Since we added these new features a few months ago, analytics we’ve gathered tell us the topics clicked on the most were Prayer, Reading the Bible, What God Wants, and Dealing with Sin. The words people searched for the most were “anxiety”, “blessed”, “God”, and “love.”

Please pray for people to find the BfA blog and spend time to read the many posts. Also pray readers would order a free New Testament Recovery Version and develop a taste for the ministry of the age.

St. Gallen, Switzerland

St. Gallen is the seventh-largest city in Switzerland and is located on the east side of the country. Currently, 13 saints with two children are meeting there. The saints in St. Gallen will begin to have the Lord’s table on August 26. Please pray for the Lord to gain a strong testimony in St. Gallen and for His further move in Switzerland.


  1. Morning revival: week 1 of The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery—To Bring Forth the One New Man.

  2. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Charlotte, North Carolina from November 22 to 25. Information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.

  3. Information on Germany and Europe, see the right side of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.