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Christ Grows and Believers are Added

“Holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, Christ, out from whom all the Body…causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love.” (Eph. 4:15-16)

“A considerable number was added to the Lord.” (Acts 11:24)

Although we completed the morning revival on the increase of Christ, we need to continue opening to the Lord for His increase in us and for more people around us to be saved and added to Him. May we follow the example of the church in Antioch where “the grace of God” was visible (11:23). This was “the Triune God received and enjoyed by the believers and expressed in their salvation” (11:23, part of note 1). By such receiving and enjoying the Lord will grow in us and new believers will be added to the Lord.

Southern California Young People Blending Meetings

There will be a blending meeting for all the young people in Southern California this Saturday, August 27 from 4 to 9 pm in Arcadia. Please pray that the young people would be free to come to this time with an open heart, sober mind, and strong spirit to receive the fresh speaking from the brothers. May the Lord build up our junior high and high school students in the Word and with their companions as they begin the new school year.

Spanish-Speaking Perfecting Training

Saturday will be the first of three days of this year’s training for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. These days focus on the practice of the God-ordained way by our cooperating with Him. For this we need to have the vision of the age, to arrive at the high peak of the divine revelation; we need the God-man living by being discipled to be overcomers living in the kingdom; and we need to be shepherds caring for and feeding the flock of God. Lord, train us to be the dispensational instruments You seek!

UK and Ireland Blending Conference

This annual conference will be August 27-28. We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints and churches attending.

UK Building Fund

Information about the new facilities at Bower House, Bower Farm, and Woodland Camp are at https://www.amanatrust.org.uk/uk-building-project. To give to the UK Building Fund for these projects, instructions are at the same web site or you may give to the church, designated for UK Building Fund.


  1. Morning revival: Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 7, week 37.
  2. This year’s Spanish-Speaking Perfecting Training in Southern California will be Saturdays August
    27, September 24, and November 19.
  3. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Information about serving in Germany this fall is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.