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Being Constituted with the Truth

“Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom and instruction and understanding.” (Prov. 23:23)

“Again therefore Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall by no means walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

For the consummation of the divine economy, we need to be constituted with the truth. To be constituted with the truth is to have the intrinsic element of the divine revelation wrought into us to become our constituent, our intrinsic being, our organic constitution.

We have to pay the price to learn the truths. We need to enter into the intrinsic significance of the Holy Scriptures to find out what the Lord says and what He wants. We have no right to invent anything; rather, we discover what is in the Bible. After we have learned the truth, we still have to experience Christ so that He may become our reality; in this way, when we speak to people, we will not give them knowledge or doctrine, but we will minister Christ to them.

We need to be delivered from skating on the surface of the divine truth and cooperate with the Lord by laboring together with Him to dive into the depths of the truth of His marvelous New Testament economy. Those who are constituted with the truth are a great blessing to the church. (Knowing the Truth, Being Absolute for the Truth, and Proclaiming the Truth in the Present Evil Age, msg. 3, II, A, G-I)

Southern California Special Training on the Eldership

A new term of the special training on the eldership for elders and responsible brothers in Southern California begins this Saturday, August 28 on Zoom. Through regular corporate gatherings, group times, and personal study, the burden is to strengthen the present eldership and responsible brothers in the churches, to perfect and raise up the next generation of leading brothers, and to gradually bring more younger brothers into a functioning role in an organic way. Please pray:

  1. For the Lord to abundantly grace and strengthen all the participants—both new and returning ones—and become their perseverance and faithfulness to present themselves absolutely to this training.
  2. That an unprecedented one accord among the churches in Southern California will be ushered in as all the brothers are attuned in the same mind and in the same opinion.
  3. That the Lord will bless this ongoing training so that all participants will be perfected further for the Lord’s testimony in Southern California and for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ.

University of Southern California

USC began in-person classes on Monday, August 23. Many students are back in LA for the first time in a while. Please pray that the Lord would:

  • Greatly supply and strengthen all the students in the church life as they begin this semester in-person.
  • Reach lost ones, new ones, and classmates at USC as the light of life.
  • Gain a testimony of oneness and the one new man on this campus.

Cal State Northridge

The Fall semester at CSUN starts on Monday, August 30 with in-person and online classes. A group of student brothers will take a trip together from August 26 to 28. Please pray that Lord would:

  • Cover the trip and companionize and build the brothers up together.
  • Release a core group of students at CSUN this semester to pray and co-labor with the community saints to spread the gospel.
  • Raise up the shepherds and the homes to care for the students.
  • Gain some new ones and remaining fruit through the club this year.

Bibles for America

BfA has released a new gospel tract called “How Can I Know God Exists?” This tract helps a person know God exists by pointing them to their human spirit. It has also been turned into a video titled “Does God Exist? How Can I Know?”

The digital version of the tract and the video are available at http://gospel.biblesforamerica.org and can be shared via text message, email, or social media. Physical copies of this tract, along with all our other tracts, can be purchased in packs of 100 on http://materials.bfa.org.

Please pray that these gospel materials would reach many more people, causing them to open their hearts and receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Pray that our Savior God’s desire would be fulfilled for all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth.


As a way to propagate the gospel in Kenya, the brothers registered a company called High Peak Truths Publishers Kenya to spearhead the work of receiving and distributing ministry materials. Realizing that we have a commission to reach sinners, we plan to distribute 3,000 gospel tracts per month. We have also begun to translate our hymns into Swahili. We have already translated 95 hymns, which are currently being edited. By the end of 2021, our target is to have 200 hymns translated. These hymns will be used in our meetings, especially in the countryside where the saints love to sing and fellowship in Swahili.

To read more about Kenya as well as the campus and literature work in Ethiopia, download the July 2021 newsletter of the Lord’s Move to Africa in English or Chinese at http://www.lmafrica.org.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 3 of Knowing the Truth, Being Absolute for the Truth, and Proclaiming the Truth in the Present Evil Age (Memorial Day Conference).

  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Live broadcast this Wednesday 7:30 pm in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese at http://lsm.org/live.

  3. Living Stream Ministry is offering a free e-booklet, Life’s Purpose—To Build the House of God. Formats include PDF, Kindle, Audiobook, and more! Visit http://www.lsm.org/lifes-purpose.

  4. Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.