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Watering and Spreading the National College Training Seed

The National College Training was not an isolated event but rather the beginning of a new move by the Lord. The seed has been planted and we need to water it by prayer. Pray that these aspects of vital living 1) continue in all who attended, 2) spread to other college students and young people, and 3) spread to all ages in the recovery:

  • Loving the Lord and being revived in the morning;
  • Reading His word and walking by the Spirit;
  • Participating in the prayer meetings of the church;
  • Praying with companions regularly and preaching the gospel;
  • Freshly consecrating.

USC, CSUN, Cal State Channel Island

We are very encouraged that the students are rising up to pray, to be burdened for the Lord’s move, and to contact people. We have had good times of blending and coordination with our students and many good times of contacting and conversing with incoming freshmen and preparing for the start of school. Thank you for your prayers for those times.

This week Monday classes began on these campuses. We have several welcome events this week and next, and we do need much prayer from the saints that:

  1. the students would remain supplied, maintaining a praying spirit throughout all of the busy activities;
  2. the Lord would maintain a strong one accord among the students;
  3. we would have warm and positive contact with many new students, especially freshmen, multiple times in these weeks;
  4. the students would be bold to speak the Lord to classmates and friends during these weeks;
  5. the Lord would strengthen the church life net (students, full-timers, and community saints) in vital groups to contain and keep the freshmen as remaining fruit.

SoCal Spanish-speaking Training

We are about to start a new series of trainings on the God-ordained way. To end this age, we have to enter into a new revival, one which has never been seen before on earth. For this revival we need to reach the high peak of divine revelation, to have the God-man living, and to shepherd the flock of God by imparting the life-giving Spirit. We live in a historic time; we are on the threshold of turning the age. We need to keep training ourselves to become the dispensational instruments that the Lord is looking for.

The August 29 training meeting will cover:

  • the steps regarding the practice of the God-ordained way, the importance of the home meetings and the need to visit people in their homes.
  • the preparation of the home meetings, the four elements of the home meetings and the way to carry out the home meetings.

SoCal High School Juniors and Seniors Fellowship

There will be a special overnight fellowship with all of our high school juniors and seniors throughout southern California September 12-13 from 9 AM on Saturday through Lord’s Day at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. Our burden is that these upperclassmen could be shepherded and blended with each other and with college students and serving ones while having some precious and practical fellowship about their going on in the Lord and in His house.

UK and Ireland Blending Conference

This annual conference is August 29 to 30 in Nottingham, England. We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints and churches attending.


Last week universities in the Netherlands began their introduction days (equivalent to freshmen orientation in the U.S.). On August 12 we went to Utrecht University to distribute Bibles (in English, with the Rhema set one book in Dutch). The Lord covered the weather and provided an excellent location for the table. We handed out 91 Bibles, 35 requested further contact, and at least three received the Lord. After the distribution on the campus we had a welcome dinner.

Please join us to pray:

  • For the follow-up with the 35 who attend Utrecht University, that they would remain open through the weeks between receiving the Bible and starting school on September 1. We are praying that there will be at least five remaining fruit from this group.
  • For the follow-up with seeking ones contacted at other universities last week, that the Lord gain them as remaining fruit, and bring them to our open homes to cherish and to nourish them.


Before a visit to Malta, there was a feeling in our locality that we should pray that the Lord would give us two contacts (key persons) as an open door to distribute free copies of the NT Recovery Version.

Through internet research, we received a feeling from the Lord to contact the leader of a specific Christian group. We visited two of their meetings and met two of the leading brothers. Both received a NT Recovery Version and were very thankful. With one of them we had a longer time of fellowship, and felt that the Lord was among us. We stayed in contact with this brother. He responded after a short time, thanking us for giving him the Bible and expressing his appreciation for the footnotes. Please pray that:

  • both brothers keep reading and enjoying the NT Recovery Version and that through the footnotes they will tap into the revelation of the truth, the spiritual light, and life supply in the Word of God;
  • they will express their appreciation to fellow believers and recommend the NT Recovery Version;
  • the Lord will reveal to them the church, the one universal fellowship of the Body of Christ, for the raising up of His testimony on the Maltese Islands;
  • they will remain open for further contact with saints in His recovery.


  1. Morning revival: Week 8 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building. Next week we will begin The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will have another series of training meetings on the practice of God-ordained way. They will be in Anaheim Saturdays August 29, September 19, and November 21, plus a conference October 17. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
  3. The Southern California High School Juniors and Seniors Fellowship will be September 12-13 at Oak Glen. Register as soon as possible but no later than Lord’s Day August 30. The cost will be $65.00 with all meals (except for Lord’s Day lunch) and lodging provided. We ask all the saints to please register through your serving ones as we do for other SCYP conferences.