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The Preparation of the Bride

“Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” (Rev. 19:7)

“And the grace of our Lord superabounded with faith and love in Christ Jesus.” (1 Tim. 1:14)

God’s economy in the New Testament is to obtain for Christ the bride, the church, through His judicial redemption and by His organic salvation in His divine life. The bride, however, cannot be prepared quickly; this preparation is a gradual work that takes place over a period of time.

The readiness of the corporate bride depends on the maturity in life of the overcomers. In order for the bride to mature, her faith and love need to be fully developed. In addition to being mature in life, the bride must be build up as a corporate person. (A Timely Word, msg. 6, III.C, IV)

Let us pray for our faith and love to be fully developed so that we may mature in life, and for all of us to be build together as the bride for Christ’s satisfaction!

Labor Day Weekend Blending Conference

From September 4 to 6, the churches in the entire state of California will blend together in an online conference. Such a conference of all the churches in California is unprecedented and should be a further advance in the blending of the entire Body for the Lord’s unique testimony.

The four meetings will be conducted online and will include both spoken messages and breakout sessions for mutual sharing and blending of all the saints. Translation of the messages and all special fellowship will be provided in Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish. Details regarding the meeting schedule and links to join the meetings for each language can be found at http://www.labordayconf.com. The outlines should be available for download by Tuesday, September 2, after the evening prayer meeting.

Let us sanctify the Labor Day weekend by setting aside our time and presenting our tripartite beings to hear what the Spirit would speak to the churches. May the Lord infuse us with His words and His burden for His present move and interests on the earth.

Our Young People – 2020 Fall Advance

The Southern California Young People (SCYP) Fall Advance began Saturday, August 22, and will conclude with three gospel meetings on Saturday, September 19. Short videos are released each week, and the young people and their parents are encouraged to watch these videos together. Please pray for our junior high and high school students as they begin the new school year.

For more information, visit http://www.scyp.com/falladvance.

South Africa

The new term of the Full-time Training in Pretoria began three weeks ago with 7 on-site trainees and 9 remote trainees (residing in their own countries). Both sets of trainees face practical challenges. For example, those in Pretoria must remain at the training center and may not yet visit saints’ homes or have in-person gospel appointments; these restrictions can easily lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Those participating from other countries may have challenges such as poor Internet connection or lack of other resources. Please pray for the trainees to not lose heart. Also pray for the FTTP serving ones to be one with the Lord in shepherding the trainees during these uncertain times.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 6 of A Timely Word Concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Recovery.
    UPDATE: Next week, beginning September 7, we will digest outlines from the Labor Day Conference; prophesying on September 13 may include conference overflow or Week 6. After that, on September 14, we begin Crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations.

  2. Ministry & Gospel: There will be no English-speaking Ministry & Gospel Meeting this Lord’s Day, September 6 due to the Labor Day Weekend Blending Conference. It will continue on September 13.

  3. Interim guidelines for in-person meetings are posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/covid19.