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Take Him, Possess Him, Experience Him, and Enjoy Him

“In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” “Christ is all and in all.” (Col. 2:9; 3:11)

“See, Jehovah your God has set the land before you; go up, possess it, as Jehovah the God of your fathers has spoken to you. Do not fear, neither be dismayed.” (Deut. 1:21)

The good land, the land of Canaan, is a type of the all-inclusive Christ, the Christ who is all and in all and who is everything to us. As the good land, Christ is ready to be taken and possessed by His believers; however, there is the need for those who are ready to take Him, possess Him, experience Him, and enjoy Him in His all-inclusiveness.

We all need to see that in the Lord’s recovery today we are on a battlefield. We should be today’s Joshua and Caleb, fighting against Satan’s aerial forces so that we can gain more of Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ, setting up and spreading the kingdom of God so that Christ can come back to inherit the earth. (The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man, msg. 5, I., IV.A, V.)

All-LA College Student Internship

Thank you so much for your prayers for our All-LA College Student Internship! About 30 students plus 13 full-timers and a four trainees are participating. We finished our first week, and it was truly blessed by the Lord! The students from the different campuses were exceedingly joyful to be blent together. Furthermore, the Lord gave us 76 contacts at the UCLA freshman orientation last week, whom we are following up with. Twelve of these came to a Bible study, and some made it to home meetings! The internship continues this week, so please pray for:

  • the 11 interns and four full-timers on the one week trip to Athens, Georgia to be blent with the saints there for a mutual benefit for the Body;

  • regular, face-to-face contact with many of these 76 new ones, most of whom are taking summer classes at UCLA for 6 weeks;

  • the Lord to bring us into contact with many seeking freshmen at CSUN as we contact them at their freshman orientations Tuesday to Friday of this week.

May the Lord pour out His Spirit of power upon all of us this week as we announce the news of good things to the students in Georgia, UCLA, and CSUN!

Summer School of Truth

The final count for our SSoT was 117 registered (69 YP, 9 college, 39 serving ones) — our highest number yet! We feel the Lord blessed this time and there was a sweetness and openness among the young people, and trust built up between the young people and serving ones. We can continue to pray for:

  • the word they heard to operate in them;

  • for each YP to have a companion this year;

  • for the parents to spend time with them and have a sanctified home environment;

  • for the serving ones to have a loving heart as they continue to shepherd them.

May the Lord continue to gain this next generation!

FTTA Middle-Age

The middle-age training is open to brothers and sisters in the church life with an elders’ recommendation. The nominal age limits are 35 to 65 years but older saints with sound physical and mental health may attend, as well as younger saints who do not qualify for FTTA.

The fall term begins September 3. Applications are due August 14, for the entire 15 week term or for one or more weeks of short-term attendance. Lord, bring many more midage and newly retired saints, including those from LA, to be trained for Your move on this earth!

BfA Distribution Center

During the busy summer months, fewer volunteers are available to help at the Bibles for America Distribution Center in Commerce, CA. Please pray that the saints serving at the distribution center would be strengthened and energized to fulfill all the Bible orders in a timely way.

Oak Glen and Engedi

We thank the Lord for answering the many prayers regarding the sale of Engedi. The sale was completed July 18th. Proceeds will be applied to the Oak Glen Seller Financed Note. After that, we project the remaining balance will be paid off by the end of 2018 based on the saints’ continued faithful giving, and that afterwards all contributions could be directed towards improvements to Oak Glen. We thank the Lord for the saints’ faithful and on-going participation in this matter.
(from the brothers overseeing Engedi and Oak Glen Conference Center)

European University Training

The training is August 12-17 at Bower House in London. It is for university students and secondary school students age 18 and above. https://unistudents.eu

The goal of the University Training is to perfect God-loving and Christ-pursuing students in the areas of biblical truth, experience of life, gospel preaching, and character development, all with a view to molding them into useful vessels in the Lord’s hands for the building up of His Body.


The co-workers in Germany encouraged the church in Berlin to make finding a new meeting hall a priority. Please pray for the following:

  • the saints in Berlin to pray in the oneness of the spirit with genuine one accord for this;

  • the meeting hall will be in the best location at an affordable price;

  • the hall will be readily accessible by public transportation;

  • the situation will allow rejoicing and praise in our meetings with no problem to neighbors.


As of July 23 the offerings received have fully met the need for the purchase of the property. The closing date is now set for September 30. All future offerings will be used toward renovations. The saints in Madrid and the work in the Iberian Peninsula thank the churches and the saints for their faithful and generous participation in this move of the Lord. May the Lord bless and continue to grace all the saints.


  1. Morning revival: week 5 of The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man (Memorial Day).
    Our next morning revival will be The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery—To Bring Forth the One New Man (February’s International Chinese-speaking Conference).