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National College Training: Jesus Lovers

The National College Training (NCT) was the beginning of a new era in the Lord’s move on the campuses and we must strongly pray for its continuation. Pray for

  • thousands to be captured by the Lord from the generation represented by the 1300 students at NCT
  • this generation to be much more consecrated and overcoming than past generations.

By prayer, may we all be a factor to usher in the final revival that will bring the Lord back!
All the NCT messages are at http://www.ageturners.com/audio-for-2015-national-college-training-gods-ageturners/. Short video testimonies from many students are at http://www.ageturners.com/2015-national-college-training-highlights-page/

USC (L.A. Hall 4)

This week we have some USC students participating in a substantial way in prayer, coordination, and planning for the upcoming school year. Please pray that the Lord would continue to operate in the students through much prayer in one accord. Also, pray that they would continue to rise up and bear the burden for their campus, following the Lord according to His fresh leading for how to go on this school year. Last, pray that both the spiritual and practical preparation for this semester could be carried out in a timely way so that the Lord can gain much remaining fruit!

FTT Anaheim and FTT London

The FTTA and FTTL fall terms begin this week. FTTA has the largest-ever incoming group of trainees and probably the largest total number of trainees (a few international trainees are waiting for visas). This increase is mainly trainees from the U.S., an answer to prayer. Please pray for:

  • a strong and exercised beginning of the training.
  • a renewed consecration from all the trainees (both incoming and returning) that the Lord would have His way to do whatever He needs to do to further His economy.

Oak Glen Christian Conference Center

The churches in Southern California are in escrow to buy Oak Glen, a conference center in Yucaipa where we have held young people’s conferences. Oak Glen is larger, much easier to drive to, and at a lower elevation than Engedi. A detailed review of Oak Glen has not found any major problems. The brothers overseeing this purchase are turning their attention to a master plan for refurbishment and enlargement. The intention is that Oak Glen will be a gathering place for all ages, for small groups, individual churches, and clusters of churches as well as for our young people and college students.

A meeting to present Oak Glen in a full way will be held at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim, Saturday, August 22, 7 to 9 pm. This meeting will have translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. There will be no childcare provided but a room in the same building will be available as an overflow room with live video and English audio for parents with young children.

A brief video about Oak Glen is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp4AgX7zhiY.

Bibles for America

The church in Billings, Montana in cooperation with Bibles for America will do a Bible distribution at the Crow Fair in Montana August 12th through 17th. This is the largest gathering of Native Americans in the world, with 45,000 people attending and 1500 teepees set up. The burden is to give away 1000 Bibles at this time. Past BfA distributions have found the Native American peoples in this area to be pleasantly receptive to the Recovery Version.

European Young People’s Conference and Children and Parents’ Conference

The 2015 European Young People’s Conference (ages 13 to 19 plus serving saints) and the Children (ages 4 to 12) and Parents’ Conference was in Poland July 26 through August 1. Approximately 1,130 young people, children, parents, and serving ones attended this conference. Please pray that:

  • the young people will receive the bountiful supply of the Spirit and the Lord’s abundant grace and mercy to be today’s Josephs, who live as sheaves of life and stars of light;
  • shepherds be raised up to care for the young people;
  • the Lord continue to supply the parents to be patterns to their children and to raise their children to be gospel seeds for God’s economy.

European University Training

The University Training is held each year in August for university students and those going into their final year of secondary school. This year the topic is The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building and the dates are August 10 to 16.


A strong typhoon struck Taiwan last Friday and Saturday. Let us pray for the Lord’s care to all His churches there and pray that this event would turn to salvation for many people.


  1. Morning revival: Week 6 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building. After week 8, we will begin The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will have another series of training meetings on the practice of God-ordained way. They will be in Anaheim Saturdays August 29, September 19, and November 21, plus a conference October 17. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
  3. A one-page letter about the purpose and goals of FTTA Boston extension is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
  4. An illustrated report about mass distribution of ministry materials around the earth is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
  5. The church in Houston is hosting a Labor Day weekend conference on the gospel to all the nations with emphasis on gaining African-American peoples for the Lord’s testimony. The conference will be Friday night, September 4 through Lord’s Day lunch, September 6. The church in L.A. has a letter about the conference or http://www.churchinhouston.org/contact/.