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A Sweet-Smelling Savor

Phil. 4:18, “…the things from you, a sweet-smelling savor, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.” First God wants us, then He wants what is ours. We ourselves have to come to Him first before we can bring what we have to Him (Week 3, Day 1). The sweet-smelling savor is first Christ Himself (Eph. 5:2), then Christ experienced by us (Rom. 12:1-2), then what we give as a result of experiencing Christ.

Winter Training

Ask the Lord to prepare the speaking brothers during their labor on the messages. Also ask the Lord to prepare all who have registered to attend and to be good listeners and absorbers of the word.

FTTA Graduation

The FTTA graduation is Saturday, December 19 at 9:30am. Ask the Lord to keep every graduate pursuing Him as they leave the training atmosphere, and to follow Him into a proper church life for their further serving and growth in life.

Europe and the Refugees

The refugee situation in Europe is a big door opened by the Lord. Only once a generation does the recovery see such a mass of hungry, seeking people. Please continue to pray for the:

  • response of all the saints to the fellowship released during the Thanksgiving conference.
  • Lord’s clear leading concerning the way to carry out the Lord’s present move in a coordinated way.
  • free mass distribution of literature and the response of the seeking ones.
  • participation of saints who are proficient in the Arabic and Farsi languages.
  • salvation and gaining of the Lord’s chosen and called ones, especially the useful and young ones.
  • Lord’s protection of His present move from the attack of the evil one, Satan.

An overview, titled Europe and the Refugees, is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. The streaming Arabic language internet broadcast, with reading of The Economy of God and hymns is at http://amanatrust.org.uk/radio/myfreedom/v2/.

Floods in Chennai, India

Earlier this month, the heaviest rainfalls in more than 100 years affected large parts of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, including Chennai, a city of 4.6 million. In most of places there is no power, 60 percent of mobile towers are not working. Some saints’ homes are flooded and they are staying with saints. Please pray for:

  • The saints in Chennai to be preserved from flood and sickness, for the sake of His testimony.
  • The practical church life need to be recovered.
  • The spreading of the gospel of the Kingdom among people of Chennai and Tamil Nadu
  • The Lord to head up the clean-up effort so that His interest will be accomplished.


  1. Morning revival: Week 3 of Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today. Then:
  • beginning Monday, December 21, Winter Training verses or repeat Week 3 of Material Offerings
  • beginning Monday, December 28, Week 19 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 4
    Keep the book Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today; we will use it more in 2016.