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Video Trainings

Please remember the video trainings that take place in many localities after last week’s live training and simulcasts. In Los Angeles, there are video trainings now at Hall 2 in English, Korean, and Spanish. Pray for the saints’ hearing, receiving, and absorbing of the Lord’s speaking.

Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference

The annual conference for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be held in Anaheim from Friday, January 15 to 17. At the same time, we will have a Young People’s Conference and meetings for the children. Details in English y español are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.


Approximately twenty saints will migrate to Germany before January 18, with about five each to Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart, each of which already has saints meeting. These teams of saints will become a base for contacting and shepherding the refugees and Bible recipients, and will receive the saints on the gospel trips after the FTTA trip.

Mass Migration out of the Middle East into Europe

Almost 200 trainees and serving ones will visit Europe for two weeks in late January and early February. It is anticipated that most will be sent to four key cities in Germany to contact the refugees from the Middle East who have been settled in and near those cities.

To prepare for this trip, FTTA is offering a three-week short course in Arabic and German. The course begins this Monday, December 28, and has 4 hours of instruction and practice per day for each language.

Concerning the free mass distribution at the Greece/Macedonia border, please pray:

  • for continued favor and good relations with the owners of the gas station near the border, that we could continue to distribute to the buses there; also with police and other authorities.
  • that the bus drivers would continue to be open to what we are doing—especially for J., a Russian- speaking driver seeking more contact, that he would be an inside information source regarding bus movements, etc.; also for a schedule that would maximize the probability of finding buses for distribution.
  • for the gospel contacts’ progress, and for many more in the future. May our Lord cover us from those that would hinder us from carrying out His work and hide us from the enemy.
  • that the mass distribution door will remain open.
  • for the 3rd distribution phase (Dec. 29 to Jan. 7); that the next team will enter into the labor that has gone before and that the Lord will cover and preserve each one who labors here on His behalf.

Iberian Conference Report

From December 4 to 6, 303 saints from 14 countries gathered in Madrid, Spain to enjoy the messages from the Thanksgiving Conference on “The Church as the Temple of God—The Goal of God’s Eternal Economy.” The atmosphere was filled with the exercise of the spirit and a yearning from within the saints to advance in the divine life and go on from the tabernacle church life to the temple church life. After the last message, the saints’ response was “for the Lord to give us a heart for this” and to be those who see the vision and live as divine and mystical persons in the divine and mystical realm.

Although not many refugees are going to Spain, the brothers encouraged all the saints to pray that many of these ones would be saved to become members of the Body of Christ. May the Lord gain our prayers for His advance and for His up-to-date move.
The full report is available at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.

Thessaloniki, Greece

While the saints in Thessaloniki have been heavily involved with the distribution of ministry materials to the refugees passing through Greece, they remain just as burdened for the establishing of a lampstand in their city. Their hope is that even as they labor for this current move, the Lord would simultaneously bless His move in Thessaloniki. They are also in the process of acquiring a meeting place that is 5 minutes’ walk from the university. If purchased, this venue would be immediately useful for the distribution teams. The saints treasure the prayers of the Body. Please pray for:

  • the Lord’s leading concerning this property, that all the doors that need to be opened would be opened.
  • all new and existing contacts, that they would be strengthened, encouraged, and even enlarged in their vision as they participate alongside the saints for the distribution.
  • the Lord’s move in Thessaloniki and the establishing of a lampstand there.
    The full report is available at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.


  1. Morning revival: Week 19 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 4
    Hold on to your copy of Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today. We will use it more in the coming months.
  2. Detailed information on how to give financially to support the gospel work in Europe can be downloaded from the LME website by browsing to http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html under the heading “Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe.” This handout will also be available at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/ under “Information”.