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The Body of Christ, the Top Revelation of the Bible

“I also…do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him.” (Eph. 1:15-17)

We must pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we may see the Body of Christ as the top revelation of the Bible. (Thanksgiving conference., message 2, I.)

Southern California Spanish-Speaking Blending

Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will have a blending time December 10 in clusters of churches in multiple places. We will be reviewing the four messages on “The Proper Way to Touch the Word of God”: 1. Read the Word, 2. Pray-read the Word, 3. Study the Word, 4. Speak the Word.

Pray that the Lord would keep the saints hungry to come to the word every day, not only to know and understand God’s desire, but to grow unto salvation, to pray-read the Word to be nourished by Him, to study the word and come to full knowledge of the truth, and to speak the word to impart Christ into sinners and fellow believers to build up the church as His Body.

Venice High School Bible Club

This year, there are six young people on the Venice High School campus who have begun reading the Bible together and meeting as a Bible club. Five of the students are sophomores and one is a freshman. Praise the Lord, through the young people, the Lord has attracted new ones who have been meeting regularly. Please pray:

  • That the Lord would continue to move on the Venice High School campus for His increase among and within many high school students;
  • That each meeting would minister life to all the students attending;
  • For the three new ones who have been attending regularly;
  • That the six young people involved in the Bible club to follow the Lord’s leading for the direction of the Bible club week after week. (Venice does not have a saint who is a teacher as their club sponsor.)

UCLA Winter Blending Trips

This weekend, many UCLA students and full-timers will embark on two separate blending trips. Twelve saints will travel to Europe for two weeks to meet with the saints in London, Cambridge, Dublin, Madrid and Paris; 34 saints will visit Bakersfield, Fresno and Yosemite National Park for 5 days. Since these trips are not only for sightseeing but also for the building of the Body, we need the prayers of the church. Please pray:

  • For the Lord to build us more together and to fill this trip with the rich enjoyment of Christ as we pursue the ministry together;
  • For our blending with the saints in these cities;
  • That this trip would broaden our view of the world situation, enlarge our vision of the Body of Christ, increase our appreciation and burden for the Lord’s present move in Europe, and further blend and build up the members of the Body.

Bibles for America in Alaska

Saints in Anchorage, Alaska had distributions this summer at the Anchorage Market & Festival and this fall at the University of Alaska Anchorage. They gave away 2,059 Recovery Version NTs, along with 1,334 copies of Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 1, and 822 copies of Spiritual Nourishment. Many any believers came and prayed with us and encouraged us during our distribution.

Praise the Lord for such a sowing! Please pray that the saints in Alaska would be richly supplied and that Bible and book recipients would be open for further shepherding. Please also pray that the Lord would stir in every person who received a Bible or book and draw them to seek after Him.

Spain and Portugal

The annual Iberian Peninsula Conference will be held in Madrid, Spain from December 9 to 11. Please pray for the attendance of the saints, the release of the Lord’s up-to-date speaking, and the blending of all the saints into the reality of the Body of Christ.


Please continue to ask the Lord for progress in Germany with the:

  • Supply of saints to labor in shepherding and perfecting of the refugee believers;
  • Raising up of some refugee as co-workers for the spread of this labor;
  • Gaining of native Germans from the labor on the college campuses;
  • Migration of experienced saints to strengthen the churches in Germany;
  • Preparations for Bible distributions next year around the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 Theses (the nominal beginning of the Reformation).

Lord’s Move to Asia

The 2016 LMA Conference was held in Malaysia, October 18 to 20, with the general subject being “The Increase of Christ.” Saints from 23 countries participated in such a glorious gathering and witnessed the advance of the Lord’s move. A report from this gathering is at:

http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/E-2016-11.pdf (English)
http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Asia-2016-11.pdf (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today, week 5.
    Keep your copy of Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today; we will use it again next year.
    Next week we will begin Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church (October 2016 ITERO).
  2. Winter Training: Due to the large number of registrants, there will be no open meetings during the 2016 Winter Training in Anaheim.
  3. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.
    Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/ukbuildingfund or you may give to the church in LA, designated for UK Building Fund.