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The Lord’s Move Today

There will be a Special Conference in Anaheim, Friday, February 17 through Lord’s Day, February 19. We encourage all the saints to participate. The particular burden of this international feast is the world situation and the Lord’s move today. Conference information is at http://www.specialconf2017.org.

“And as I watched the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon the earth beside the living creatures, for each of their four faces… And whenever the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and whenever the living creatures were lifted up above the earth, the wheels were lifted up also. Wherever the Spirit was to go, they went—wherever the Spirit was to go. And the wheels were lifted up alongside them, for the Spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.” (Ezekiel 1:15, 19-20)

In the book of Ezekiel, God’s economy and God’s move in His economy are signified by a wheel. The hub of this great wheel signifies Christ as the center of God’s economy, and the rim signifies Christ’s counterpart, the church. In order to participate in the Lord’s move, we must have a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with Him, and we can go in His going, give in His giving, and pray in His praying. (Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, msg 6, I.A, I.A.1, II.D.1-2)

Memorial Day Conference

The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York.
Information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. Saints from L.A. who plan to attend are requested to sign up at http://tinyurl.com/memdayla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/memchildrenla (children) by April 30. Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering. Please pray also that many be released and empowered to attend.


The spring term begins February 20. Lord, richly infuse Yourself into each trainee, in their classes and studying, in corporate living, in gospel teams, in service, and in blending with the churches.

FTTA Gospel Trips

Below are some highlights from the FTTA gospel trips, which have recently ended. Multiple reports, photos, and prayer burdens are posted at beseeching.org. Please petition the Lord to encourage and supply the local saints to pray and coordinate to shepherd the new ones in the follow-up labor after all these trips.

Krakow, Poland (26 teams in Europe; trips ended February 2)

We had the FTTA trainees here for a 10-day gospel trip. The Lord blessed us with many promising contacts to follow up with. We have some home meetings already. We need your prayers to strengthen us that the Lord would intensify His work in us and in those whom we contact for His testimony here. More about Krakow and Naples: http://www.lordsmove.org/pdfs/PrayerBurdens364.pdf.

Naples, Italy

There are 19 Italian saints in Naples coming the way of the Lord’s recovery after reading the Rhema books and being cast out of their denominations. Lord’s Day, January 29, three brothers took the visiting FTTA trainees to Naples for a time of blending and to introduce the saints in Naples to the life practice of pray-reading God’s word.

After a short introduction on eating the Word, the trainees gave a living demonstration of pray-reading Jeremiah 15:16. The Italian saints entered in, declaring short phrases in 2s and 3s. The sisters pray-read John 1:1, followed by the brothers pray-reading John 1:14. The enjoyment was very high, and everyone had the biggest smiles. Several saints shared that they had never enjoyed the Bible so much. The rich enjoyment continued after the meeting with spontaneous singing.


A six-minute video with singing, snow, homes, and a Lord’s table is at https://youtu.be/0zrlGUT1B1g.

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada (12 teams in North America; trips ended Feb. 13)

Local saints have been encouraged by visiting saints from nearby Calgary and other localities, feeling that we are one Body. Meetings at saints’ homes with new ones are almost daily and all have been living and enjoyable. Before the first Lord’s Table on February 5th, all saints (including FTTA team members) gathered for fellowship about the Lord’s Table meetings. Pray for the church here to continue steadfastly in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles in the breaking of the bread and the prayers (Acts 2:42). Pray for gaining 14 contacts from the distribution as remaining fruits for the testimony of Jesus in Lethbridge.

Valdosta, Georgia

Students are open to receive the Bible and Christian books. Our target number of Bibles to be distributed was 60; we gave out 120 Bibles today. The students are hungry for the truth! A few asked if we have a church in the area or a club on campus. As of now, there is no club established on campus nor is there a family with open home. This is our desperate need. Please pray that the Lord will raise up at least one family with a home in Valdosta where the hungry seekers of the truth can find their nest.

South Africa (1 team; trip ended February 6)

In our last weekend we visited four different Lord’s Table meetings. As we look back we have the thought that our roll calls, gospel preaching, Bible studies, appointments, babysitting, and FTTA vs. FTTP soccer match, all contributed to some eternal building. It is a testimony of a universal body when Americans can jump into a Bible study on an Afrikaans university and speak one speaking!

Highlights from North America (12 teams; trips end February 11, 12, 13)

  • We set up the Bibles for Canada table on campus and distributed 52 NTs and received information for 14 contacts. Local saints and college students participated; it was a great to have the spirit of the gospel.
  • Have you found your human spirit? It is connected to your mouth. Hallelujah, Oh Lord Jesus! That’s the way to let it out! Many contacts found their human spirit and received the living God into their spirit!
  • After dinner, we engaged in a variety of activities, including ice skating in front of the house.
  • One newly saved sister asked a question and each saint shared a portion. She appreciated being with us and next day invited the saints to her home. Afterwards, her whole family joined the overflow meeting.
  • Our natural strength has begun to run low, and today we acknowledged that we have no qualification to be here other than the Lord’s merit. Praise the Lord that we are His, and He is ours! (see Hymns, #206)
  • Because we are in French-speaking Canada and at metro stations instead of universities, distribution has been a little more difficult. We need prayers to remove the barriers between us and the people here.
  • We’ve had many changes in weather, but there are no changes in the direction of the Lord’s move today!

Highlights from South America (3 teams; last trip ended February 6)

  • On the last day trainees came together to cook an American brunch for the saints. Some gospel contacts came and one saint invited his neighbor.
  • It was so enjoyable to blend with the young people and enjoy the Lord by singing on the train. We passed out 37 tracts, and 2 people called on the name of the Lord on the train.
  • A man to whom we preached the gospel a prior day came to our meeting. In tears, he shared some of his testimony and explained that many Christians invited him to meetings, but he never felt compelled to go. Afterwards, he expressed interest in being baptized and he was transferred into Christ this afternoon!


  1. Morning revival: Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church, Week 9. Next week we will begin The
    Direction of the Lord’s Move Today
    (Thanksgiving Conference).
  2. The Special Conference is February 17 to 19, 2017 in Anaheim. All saints are strongly encouraged to
    attend this feast. Children’s service will be provided for grades K–6. Visit http://specialconf2017.org.
  3. There will be a conference on the gospel to all the nations in Atlanta May 5 to 7. The burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent to be part of His expression in the Body. For more information, contact churchinatlanta@gmail.com.
  4. The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York. Information about the conference and hotels is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.