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Having the New Man in a Practical Way

“And let the peace of Christ arbitrate in your hearts, to which also you were called in one Body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God.” (Col. 3:15-16)

In the new man there is room only for Christ; He is all the members of the new man and in all the members; He is everything in the new man. If we would live Christ as the constituent of the new man, we need to be ruled by the peace of Christ (vv. 12-15) and inhabited by the word of Christ (vv. 16-17). Through the arbitration of the peace of Christ, our problems are solved, and the friction between the saints disappears; then the church life is preserved in sweetness, and the new man is maintained in a practical way. By allowing the word of God to inhabit us, we can become a proper human being, a God-man filled with Christ as the reality of the attributes of God.

If we allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in us and if we are filled with the word of Christ, we shall have the new man in a practical way; all the saints in all the churches throughout the Lord’s recovery will be living Christ in the one new man. (Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ, msg. 6, II.A, C, 1.c.(1), 2.c, 3)

Memorial Day Conference

The 2020 International Memorial Day Conference will be May 22 to 25 in Atlanta, GA. Conference and hotel information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Saints are encouraged to make their hotel reservations as soon as possible if they do plan to attend, and to only reserve the number of rooms at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis that they intend to use, because cancelled rooms will no longer be available to others at the discounted group rate.

For saints from LA and Santa Clarita who plan to attend, please RSVP at http://tinyurl.com/memdayla by April 28. Children need to be registered in advance.

Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering. Also pray that many would be released and empowered to attend.


The FTTA spring term begins this week. Ask the Lord to richly supply each trainee and to speak specifically within each one for their growth into Him. From LA we have three new trainees.


As the sowing trips to the GTCA cities concluded last week, there is the need to persevere in prayer for the saints following up with all those contacted over the past few weeks. Pray that they would be bountifully supplied by the Spirit of Jesus Christ to carry out this long-term labor. Please also pray for at least 300 saints (including 30 full-timers) to migrate to the 10 target cities in the US.

In addition, last week the co-workers in North America coordinating for GTCA released a new letter calling on all the dear saints to rise up with a fresh burden to intercede in prayer for His move in this country. The co-workers outlined three directions of prayer that are much needed at this time: first, to persistently remind the Lord of His will as the watchmen in Isaiah 62:6-7; second, to intercede for the people and leaders in the United States; and third, to beseech the Lord to thrust out laborers into the ripened harvest of middle America.

In order to arrive at a strong testimony throughout this country, especially in the so-called “Bible Belt,” and for the needed migration to the strategic GTCA cities, we must first and foremost pray. As Watchman Nee said, “Why do we work so much, and pray so little, when we can accomplish much more by prayer than by our work?” The basis for the Lord to accomplish His present move is through the persevering prayers of the saints in one accord (Acts 1:14).

To read this letter and the latest reports from the sowing trips, please visit http://GTCA.us.

Hamburg, Germany

The first Lord’s table meeting in Hamburg will take place February 23. This will be the first table meeting in Hamburg since the ground was lost in the 1980s. The burden to recover the Lord’s table has been in the saints’ hearts for many years, and this past year, the Lord has moved quickly to strengthen the local testimony through the migrating saints and the recovery of local saints. This meeting and the subsequent lunch will be a time of rejoicing and blending of many saints in or near Germany. Thank the Lord for His spread in Germany!


Angola is a Portuguese-speaking country with over 25 million people located on the west coast of Southern Africa. At present, there are over 350 saints meeting on the ground of oneness in various localities, including Uige and the capital city, Luanda. In recent years, the saints in Angola have benefitted much from increased contact with the churches in South Africa and each year some saints attend the conferences for Southern Africa held in Pretoria.

Last month, there was a two-week perfecting training for Portuguese-speaking saints hosted by FTT Pretoria. It was another step for the Lord’s move in Angola: 17 saints from Angola attended, and the goal was to perfect them so that they could perfect others. Trainees came from Angola, Mozambique, São Tomé, and South Africa. It was a marvelous blending!

Please pray for the perfecting work started in that time to continue during the upcoming bi-annual blending conference in Angola from February 22 to 23. Pray for the safe travel of the saints and the Lord’s timely word to be released. Pray also for more up-to-date ministry materials to get into the saints’ hands, and for the Lord to send out visitation teams to more cities to preach the gospel of the kingdom.


Pray for the new term of FTT New Delhi, that the Lord will strengthen the 10 new trainees beginning first term. Pray also for all the continuing trainees to be perfected and to advance further in truth, life, service and character in order to be useful to the Master.

Prayer for the Current Situation

Please continue to be strong in spirit and take up the whole armor of God to pray for the current situation with regard to the coronavirus outbreak. We need to take up the corporate priesthood to stop the pestilence by prayer. At the same time, while the black horse of pestilence is running rampant, we need to pray to release the white horse to first conquer people’s hearts and bring them to salvation.

Pray for all the saints to be covered and those afflicted to be preserved. Pray particularly for the saints in China to seize this opportunity to preach the good news of the gospel to their friends and relatives. May the Lord gain the victory, His enemies be put to shame, the church be built up, and God be glorified!


  1. Morning Revival: Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ, week 6.

    Next week we will begin Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy.

  2. High School Conferences at Oak Glen: for sisters, March 13 to 15 (registration due March 1); for brothers, March 20 to 22 (registration due March 8).

  3. http://LSMchristianradio.com broadcasts hymns and messages of the ministry 24 hours each day.