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The Genuine Church Life

“I have come that they may have life and may have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b)

“The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit.” (1 Cor. 15:45b)

If we do not have Christ as life, we do not have the church life. The church life is simply Christ as life realized by us in a corporate way. (The Genuine Church Life, msg. 1, IV.B.)

In the real church life the service to the Lord is rendered, the testimony of the Lord is seen, and the love toward the Lord is poured out; this is the real expression of the Body of the Lord, which is a vessel to contain the Lord and to express Him. (The Genuine Church Life, Banner 1)

International Chinese-Speaking Conference

The general subject of this past weekend’s ICSC was “The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery—To Bring Forth the One New Man.” Over 30,000 saints from 62 countries attended this conference, including 25 from Los Angeles. Before the conference, 1700 international saints participated in blending trips among the churches in Taiwan. Another 3000 saints are on similar trips this week.

Please pray that:

  • The Lord would show us all this vision of the one new man and grant us a living that would carry out its practical existence to bring Him back.

  • These blending trips would issue in more seeing and experiencing of the reality of the one new man.

Memorial Day Conference

The 2018 International Memorial Day Conference will be May 25 to 28 in Kansas City, Missouri. Conference and hotel information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Saints from LA who plan to attend are requested to RSVP at http://tinyurl.com/memdayla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/memchildrenla (children) by April 29.

Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering. Also pray that many be released and empowered to attend.

Los Angeles Hall 2

This weekend, February 24 to 25, the saints meeting in Hall 2 of the church in Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley) will be going to Oak Glen for a family retreat. Almost 150 saints are expected to attend. The burden of the time is to blend the saints together and seek the Lord corporately for a new beginning to our church life this year. Please pray that all the saints would be encouraged and blended together, and that they would freshly consecrate themselves to the Lord and to more church life in 2018.


The spring term begins this week on February 19. Lord, richly infuse Yourself into each trainee, in their classes and studying, in corporate living, in gospel teams, in service, and in blending with the churches!


Please pray:

  • For the radio broadcasts in the UK and Spain and the continuing distribution of the New Testament Recovery Version and other free ministry publications in all the European languages.

  • For the shepherding of the seeking ones and their entering into the church life.


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 of The Genuine Church Life (Thanksgiving Conference).

  2. High School Conferences at Oak Glen: for sisters, March 9 to 11 (registration due February 25); for brothers, March 23 to 25 (registration due March 11).

  3. College Conference will be April 6 to 8 in Anaheim. Registration due March 25.

  4. Information about Germany and Europe: see the right side of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.