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Realizing and Loving Christ as the Reality of All Positive Things

“Let no one therefore judge you in eating and in drinking or in respect of a feast or of a new moon or of the Sabbath, which are a shadow of the things to come, but the body is of Christ.” (Col. 2:16-17)

The reality of all that we need is Christ. We need food, drink, and the feasts. A new moon indicates a new start, and the Sabbath is for rest. However, all these are simply a shadow; they are not the real things. Christ Himself is the reality of all these things.

[May we all] learn to realize Him and love Him. Simply love Him, and do not seek anything else. Everything else is merely a shadow. Of course, while we are still on this earth, we need many things. However, we must use these things in the way of realizing Christ as our reality. The only portion that God gives to us is this wonderful Christ. We must learn to know Him, to live Him, to take Him, to experience Him, and to realize Him. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 2, “A General Sketch of the New Testament in the Light of Christ and the Church, Part 2—Romans through Philemon,” pp. 331-333)

GTCA—Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America

GTCA activities involving FTTA gospel trips continue this week and conclude in the coming weekend in at least 21 North American cities and in Ethiopia. Reports with photos are at http://www.gtca.us. Please pray:

  • for those participating in this time of sowing, that they would be energized to spread God’s word in a coordinated and living way, and that they would be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength as they speak the gospel of the kingdom to the spiritually needy people they meet.

  • for the BfA packages that were distributed to be read by seeking ones with an open heart.

  • for continuing contact with people who received the Lord or a Bible or other literature.

  • for those invited to events this week to be released from everything to attend.

  • for the encouragement and continued participation of all the local saints in the gospel activities.

  • for many people in each city to be gradually brought into the church life.

International Chinese-speaking Conference CANCELED

After much and thorough fellowship among the co-workers, the decision has been made to cancel the International Chinese-speaking Conference this year. We realize that it is not a small thing to cancel one of the seven feasts and that many saints may have already purchased plane tickets to attend the conference. However, in light of the current outbreak of the coronavirus in China and its spread to other parts of the world, we feel it would be irresponsible on the part of the Living Stream Ministry to expose the saints to the risk of contracting this highly contagious and deadly virus. Please accept our apologies for any hardship this may cause you. (http://www.lsm.org)


Please pray for the saints to be covered and preserved from any sickness. At the same time, pray for the white horse to run. In this period of hardship and uncertainty, may the gospel of the kingdom be preached like never before!

United Kingdom

As of January 31, the UK has formally left the European Union. However, during a transition period due to last until December 31, the UK effectively will remain in the EU’s customs union and single market while negotiating a trade deal with the EU.

Please continue to pray that the Lord will arrange all things for His interests and for the advancement of His move and for a resolution that will not hinder blending among the churches, visitation by the co-workers, or participation in trainings and conferences in the UK and Europe.


  1. Morning Revival: Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ, week 4.

  2. http://LSMchristianradio.com broadcasts hymns and messages of the ministry 24 hours each day.