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The Bountiful Supply of the Spirit in the Body

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell in unity! It is like the fine oil upon the head that ran down upon the beard, upon Aaron’s beard, that ran down upon the hem of his garments.” (Psa. 133:1-2)

“For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.” (Phil. 1:19)

[In Philippians 1:19] the phrase your petition indicates the supply of the Body. Apparently Paul was in prison; actually he was in the Body. Imprisonment did not isolate him from the Body or cut him off from the supply of the Body. Paul had the clear sense within that he was in the Body and that the members of the Body were supplying him, supporting him, and standing with him.

In 1:19 Paul speaks first of the saints’ petition, then of the bountiful supply of the Spirit… The reason Paul speaks of the supply of the Body before the bountiful supply of the Spirit is that the Spirit is upon the Body. Psalm 133 illustrates this: the ointment poured upon Aaron’s head flowed down tot he body. This portrays the fact that the ointment, the bountiful supply of the compound Spirit, is upon the Body. Paul realized that he was not the whole Body but just a member of the Body. As a member, he needed the Body’s supply. If the Body would be exercised to supply him, the bountiful supply of the Spirit would come to him through the Body. (LS Philippians, msg. 33)

Los Angeles

Here in Los Angeles we have many halls, districts, ages, and languages, but we recognize that the Lord desires one lampstand as the testimony of Jesus in this city! As we look to the Lord for a new beginning in 2018, let us pray for more blending, resulting in the oneness that will command the Lord’s blessing (Psa. 133).

Let us also continue to pray for the Lord to increase in the church in Los Angeles for the sake of His testimony. In April 2016, we averaged a total of 542 saints in our Lord’s Day meetings and prayed that He would increase our numbers to more than 620. By April 2017, our average attendance climbed to 621, an increase of almost 15%. We then set another goal of reaching an average Lord’s Day attendance of 700 in the first half of 2018. Through a gospel living, one-on-one shepherding, prevailing prayers in twos and threes, and nourishing and perfecting in small groups, may the Lord add together, day by day, those who are being saved (Acts 2:47).

FTTA Gospel Trips

Most of the gospel trips in North American cities are continuing through this week. Please pray:

  • that the saints would continue to be strengthened, encouraged, and burdened to be involved in the gospel outreach;

  • for the blending and building up of the gospel team with the local saints;

  • for the new students contacted to attend the Bible studies, get connected with local saints, and become remaining fruit in the church life;

  • for the college seniors, that they would be led by the Lord in the next step after graduation, and would consecrate themselves afresh to the Lord;

  • that the Lord would guide the serving ones after the trainees leave so they can help the college students continue onto higher ground with the Lord.

FTT London

Twenty-nine trainees from 16 countries began the spring semester of FTTL on February 5. Please pray for the Lord’s constituting and perfecting work in each trainee so that all will be gained by the Lord to pursue Him, live Him, and serve Him in His move in Europe.

FTT Pretoria

The new term of the FTTP began on February 5 in Pretoria, South Africa with 11 trainees, two of whom are first-termers. One trainee is from Angola; the rest are local. Please pray:

  • for the Lord to release more young people to be trained.

  • that the Lord will continue to advance in the training and taking it higher.

  • that the trainees would be able to get onto the campus during gospel time to meet students and preach the gospel.

  • that the Lord would release the visas for trainees from other African countries to come to the training. It is very difficult to obtain visas.


  1. Morning revival: Weeks 6 AND 7 of The Recovery of the Church.
    After weeks 8 and 9 we will use The Genuine Church Life (Thanksgiving Conference).

  2. High School Sisters Conference will be March 9 to 11 at Oak Glen. Registration due February 25.

  3. Information about Germany and Europe: see the right side of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.