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Seeing God’s Eternal Purpose and Enlightening All

Grace is given “to announce to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel and to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things…according to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Eph. 3:8-11)

Paul preached not only the gospel of the unsearchable riches of Christ; he also preached the gospel concerning the economy of the mystery hidden in God. Today we must announce the gospel concerning the mystery hidden in God in order to enlighten all so that they may see what is the economy of the mystery hidden in God, who created all things for the fulfillment of His will, the desire of His heart, and His eternal purpose. (The Recovery of the Church, msg 1, II.H, II.H.2)

Lord, grace us to see Your eternal purpose, to lay hold of Your unsearchable riches, and to gospelize so that many more in Los Angeles may be enlightened to see God’s economy.

Venice High School

Friday, January 12, the Venice High School Bible Reading Club had a table at the school’s club fair. Many fliers were handed out, and 14 names with contact information were received at our table. Praise the Lord! Please pray for:

  • the Lord to strengthen and supply the young people to followup with each contact;

  • the contacts to be open to come to the Monday meetings, and for many to be remaining fruit;

  • the Lord to be the young people’s wisdom in deciding which material to read for this semester.

North America

Beginning late January, trainees from FTTA are joining local saints in 16 cities in the U.S. and 6 in Canada to preach the gospel and minister Christ to people for the Lord’s spread in North America. Please pray for the many preparations still to be made, including travel arrangements, coordination with local saints, the securing of venues for distributing free Bibles and books, and the preparing of many hearts to receive the gospel.

These are the target cities:

United States: Manassas, VA; Charleston, SC; Clemson, SC; Orlando, FL; Kalamazoo, MI; South Bend, IN; El Paso, TX; Laredo, TX; Lawrence, KS; Everett, WA; West Richland, WA; Chico, CA; Clovis, CA; Folsom, CA; Morgan Hill, CA; Reno, NV.

Canada: Hamilton, Ontario; Kitchener, Ontario; Lethbridge, Alberta; Ottawa, Ontario; St. Catharines, Ontario; Windsor, Ontario.

Northern California

In addition to the cities listed above, during the same period all the churches in Northern California will have gospel and literature distribution activities. Small teams of FTTA trainees will participate. Lord, bless every place with Your increase in life and numbers.

The Netherlands

Please pray for the advancement of the Lord’s move in the Netherlands. The saints there are burdened to raise up the Lord’s testimony in two major cities—Amsterdam and Rotterdam.


Please continue to pray:

  • That many seeking ones who received a free Bible will be shepherded into the church life;

  • For the raising up of lampstands in many cities that were visited in October and since then.


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 of The Recovery of the Church.
    Keep Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today for further use later in the year.

  2. Information about Germany and Europe: see https://churchinlosangeles.org/information-about-germany-and-europe/.