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Being Intensely Living and Walking in White Garments

According to Revelation 3:1, Christ is the One “who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars.” The seven Spirits of God enable the church to be intensely living, and the seven stars enable her to be intensely shining. We have to be living. When we sing, we should sing livingly. When we pray, we should pray livingly. When we preach the gospel, we should preach livingly. Everything we do in the church life should be living. (HWMR Orthodoxy, Week 6, Day 2)

Revelation 3:5 says, “He who overcomes will be clothed thus, in white garments…” White garments refers to livingness; to be living is to wear the white garments. If we are spiritually dead, we are dirty; such a dead person is the dirtiest one. Also, if we are dead, we are naked. We need the living garment to cover us; this living garment is Christ Himself wrought into us by the life-giving Spirit. The only way to have this garment is to turn to the spirit and live in the mingled spirit. (HWMR Orthodoxy, Week 6, Day 6)

Southern California High School Juniors and Seniors

Please pray for the special overnight fellowship for high school juniors and seniors from 9 am, Saturday, January 28 through lunch Lord’s Day, January 29 at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center.

Serving in Germany

The labor in Germany is proceeding in two directions this year. One is the beginning of aggressive gospel work on the university campuses, starting from Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart. For this, starting in February, at the end of the FTTA gospel trips, we desire that at any given time there would be five campus workers in each of the four cities who can remain a minimum of one month to help raise up a model of gaining remaining fruit from the campus.

The other direction is the urgent need to perfect saved refugees in the practice of the church life according to the God-ordained way. For this, we need trained and burdened saints to come for a very particular work, carried out not through big meetings but through personal, one-on-one perfecting contact. We propose that at any given time there would be ten participants in each of the four cities who can remain a minimum of one month to carry out this one-on-one perfecting.

Details about participating in these labors is at http://germany.lebensstrom.de. Lord, thrust out workers to meet this need, including some from Los Angeles, for this harvest.

FTTA Gospel Trips (340 Saints, 42 Teams, 21 Countries, 4 Continents)

Below are some selected reports from the gospel trips currently taking place around the world. During these trips, reports, photos, and prayer burdens will be posted at http://beseeching.org.


The Lord is moving in Argentina, and He is moving among the young people. These last three days we have been in the summer school of truth, and we can testify that veils are being removed, and the young people are seeing a little bit of the church. Today several young ones testified at the microphone with tears how much they enjoy being in the summer school of truth, and how much they appreciate the Lord giving Himself up for the church.

Please pray for the Lord to continue to shine and unveil the young people for the rest of this week.

South Africa

Each FTT Pretoria trainee was paired with an FTTA trainee to preach the gospel at the University of
Pretoria. This week is a crucial time in that only incoming freshman are on campus. This is a great opportunity for us to tell them the purpose of their human lives. Unfortunately, due to recent protests/riots, the university put up gates at every entrance with security guards, so we were unable to enter the main campus. We moved to the neighboring Sports Campus and were able to speak to many seeking students.

Ask the Lord to reopen its main campus entrances so we could enter and spend time with the students.


We arrived in Manchester last Saturday and met with the saints and recent contacts for dinner and
singing. Following a sweet Lord’s table, we had a leaflet distribution inviting people to a Bible study seminar on Lord’s Day, January 29th in Sheffield. The burden is to gain more local saints and to provide the people of Manchester with the opportunity to touch this ministry. We distributed 500 invitations.

Please pray for a positive response to the seminar invitation and for the continued labor to gain locals.


We attended the Lord’s table in Stuttgart followed by the baptism of two German sisters. Through
persistent prayer for over a year, one baptism was finally released. The other sister is very new. She was invited to the Lord’s table the previous week where she witnessed two Farsi-speaking refugees’ baptisms. She was so touched (to the point of tears) that she wanted to be baptized as well. Hallelujah! After the baptism was a love feast followed by a brief tour of Stuttgart.

Lord, firmly establish these two sisters and gain more young Germans this year!


We are in Mallorca for four days. It is an island with approximately 800,000 people. There is currently
no church here, but there are contacts from the radio program. Because the saints are scattered all across the island it is difficult to gather everyone together. Although still quite new, they are very fresh! Saints have been coming here periodically to shepherd them and to hold mini-conferences. We hope that in our time here we would be patterns to take the enjoyment of Christ as our center and give them a sweet taste of the wonderful church life.

Please labor with us in prayer (1 Thes. 5:25) to implant in the saints in Mallorca a strong desire to meet together regularly by our taking the enjoyment of Christ as our center.


  1. Morning revival: Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church, week 6.
  2. There will be a special fellowship for high school juniors and seniors from 9 am, Saturday, January 28 through lunch Lord’s Day, January 29, at Oak Glen. Registration through the serving ones in L.A. was required by January 15.
  3. A Special Conference will take place February 17–19, 2017 in Anaheim (instead of the annual International Chinese-Speaking Conference). All saints are strongly encouraged to attend this feast. Children’s service will be provided for grades K–6, but pre-registration is required by February 5. For more conference information and children’s registration, visit http://specialconf2017.org.